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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, chemical engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9146729 No.9146729 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you studied mechanical engineering and you'll never get an amazing job at google or facebook because you are not a computer scientist

>> No.9146738

You can get jobs at Boeing, Lockheed, and the like though. You did pick mech E because you liked it right?

>> No.9146750

I'm in aero engineering undergrad. I'd like to work and live in alaska or some other rural place. is this possible?

>> No.9146760

I did but I doubt working there is as fun as at Google and Facebook. Plus I doubt they pay their employees as much.

>> No.9146769

You can work anywhere you want. Whether it'll be aerospace is a different question.

>> No.9146772

Yeah I meant as something more than a waffle house busboy.

>> No.9146777

my friend got offered a job for google when he was 17; he had just started uni, decided to apply for internship and they offered a job instead. he had no degree, still hasnt got it yet but was just very good at programming and won alot of awards and prizes in programming and math. So you can get it without a CS degree.

>> No.9146785


For right-thinking people, there is absolutely nothing desirable or "sexy" about working for either of those companies.

>> No.9146805

>electrical engineer with power systems focus
>stuck working with utilities my whole life
Could be worse

>> No.9146852

Boeing offers pension still

>> No.9147003

and why would you EVER want to work for those garbage companies...?

>> No.9147033

>TFW premed and med student
>tfw gf studied comp sci and is making 250k right out of college doing algo trading
>tfw spending more than double the amount she spent on education
>tfw won't be making as much as she is unless i specialize
>tfw will be in school for another 4+ yrs.

>> No.9147108

Looks like you better start finding a new girlfriend before she cheats on you with chad. you're looking more and more unworthy to her.

>> No.9147148

i broke up with her in January. i should've mentioned that.

she paid for everything that was really nice tho

>> No.9147155

>wanting to work at google
>wanting to be one of the last cogs in the machine that will enslave humanity and finally perpetually keep an uncaring upper class in power.

Why would you do this? You think that if you work for them they will spare you when they enslave humanity? Kek. We already saw how much they care about their employees.

And there are at most 20 more years of humanity before the upper class enslaves us all through Google's AI so the best you can do is live those 20 years decently, instead of being another soulless zombie working for the enemy.

>> No.9147159

why'd you break up with her? was she suckling chad bones like a filthy calf on a surrogate teet?

>> No.9147165

i was in three relationships back to back since 2014. i needed to be single and focus on school.

we would have so many fights which would fuck me up emotionally and it would affect my school work.

i admittedly was very jealous of her income and i didn't treat her nicely. i was pretty abusive - and i was this way in these three relationships.

if i had continued to date her i have no doubt in my mind that i'd be behind bars by now.

doing a lot better now though.

>> No.9147190

Lmao. I've been with my gf throughout my whole physics journey in uni and you want to be a MD? Why the fuck would you ever choose a career like that if you can't even have a stable relationship and have to abuse your girlfriends?

>> No.9147209

because medicine is my passion and i'm good with patients and talking to people.

regarding stable relationships, yeah, i was an asshole. i learned a lot though and won't bring it into new relationships.

>> No.9147214

>i was an asshole. i learned a lot though and won't bring it into new relationships.

No, dude. Just no. You don't learn about yourself, there's a deep problem within your behaviour that you need to analyze and heavily focus on preventing to never cause this again. It won't just passively go away. Nobody should have to deal with pointless relationship drama like this.

If you're half smart then you would realize that a relationship is something that needs to bring harmony in both of your lives and you as a person must do everything to nurture it and benefit from that. This should have come naturally to you in the first place and going as deep as to abuse your other half is pretty nasty.

>> No.9147242
File: 51 KB, 333x333, Pajeet Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9146729 >>9146805
I'm studying Electrical Engineering with a Computer Hardware focus.
Technically my degree is qualified.
But I'm neither an American nor a cheaper Pajeet.
I think that's it's harder for Europeans to get a job at USA.
But ironically Google CEO (Sundar Pichai) is a cheap Pajeet.
The competitions is probably huge for Europeans get into. For cheap Pajeets not so much.
>>9147155 >>9147003
But I probably would hate to work in companies filled with annoying SJW.

>> No.9147246

I thought places like Google actually like engineering students who also understand a good bit about pragmatic programming or whatever, because the curriculum is much tougher and math rigorous. I'm sure you could pivot by learning a good bit of a language like C++ and actively committing to an open-sourced project, and get a job at Google pretty easily. Maybe I'm wrong though.

It sounds like a job like hers will be automated in ten years or so. I wouldn't worry about it much, unless you're going into medicine just for the money and not because you want to become a doctor.

>> No.9147256

Nobody cares about muh tough curriculum if you can't code for shit.

>> No.9147290

Unless you enjoy being constantly browbeaten by militant feminists you're going to hate working for Google and Facebook. There are plenty of programming jobs out there but you should avoid any place withing a 100 mile radius of Silicon Valley like the plague. Just avoid the entire state of California while you're at it.

>> No.9147295
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 1ebsjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think that's it's harder for Europeans to get a job at USA.

>> No.9147314
File: 6 KB, 257x159, haroldshipman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related literally you in 40 years. kek. you should work on your wife beating.

>> No.9147318

I can confirm that they stopped doing this about ten years ago. They're slashing their engineering workforce now. Boeing is kill

>> No.9147334
File: 66 KB, 500x527, 1504155887882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want this web bubble to pop already.

The look on faces of these Mackelmore-haircutted software """"""engineers"""""" will priceless.

>> No.9147347

Bad day?

>> No.9147355

i agree with you. i didn't say i was taking a passive approach.

>> No.9147468

if you had the chance to switch fields would you? And if so to what?

>> No.9147518

>be mechE
>take course in deep "meme" learning
>everyone else in there wants to id cats or make game playing agents
>apply it for design and topology optimization

>> No.9147530

the TV bubble needs to pop first, and the older generation needs to die out for that to happen

you'll be long dead before the web bubble is gone

>> No.9147657

I thought comp sci was too theoretical and mostly useless when It comes to jobs. That's why I dropped out of it...

>> No.9147741

>avoid the richest state in the union with best job prospects and highest quality of life
>all because you let people's political opinions cloud your business choices
wew lad

>> No.9147743

nope. despite people's opinions on /sci/, the more theoretical and difficult a subject, the less likely automation is and the better your starting salary is.

>> No.9147802

You didn't fall for the 300k starting meme perchance, did you?

>> No.9147822

this pretty much, chances are you were never going to be good enough to actually work in your field to begin with. This is just a hard reality of academic inflation.

>> No.9147968

>comp sci is too theoretical for industry employment
what led you to that conclusion? probably like 90% of people going into cs just intend on getting a development job out of undergrad

>> No.9148142

I went to the classes and it seemed like most of what we were learning was for people interested in research. My cs class wouldn't be able to fit in the work environment where you have to show your designs every step of the way.
Isn't software engineering a lot better for industry jobs? it's a more professional degree? I wouldn't hire anyone from my cs class.

>> No.9148161

not a lot of schools put software engineering as a separate program from compsci, at least in the states, so the two kind of just end up being the same thing for many. if they're separate at your uni, then i guess my point is invalid, but i don't know of any schools that actually make the distinction.

>> No.9148176

>unironically wanting to work for jewgle or the Zucc

>> No.9149966


Not America, but in Canada pretty much every school has SE separate from CS. Mind you, SE is a legally an engineering degree, so they take the usual engineering courses that ME, EE, etc take too.