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9145652 No.9145652 [Reply] [Original]

How do you accept the fact that every member of your family is intellectually weak and scientifically illiterate?

I hate to go reddit tier but I'm visiting home for the weekend and my sister was talking about monkeys she saw at the zoo and mentioned how they like like old people, and I made an offhand comment about our evolutionary ancestry

My dad then laughed and said "primate theory is unsubstantiated". Later that night he made me and my brother watch some religious self help show he's been into lately and after it was done I then I tried to show him the classic Carl Sagan evolution video from Cosmos and he started laughing and asked me how old Carl Sagan was when he died and I said I didn't know, then he chuckled and said 47 confidently (he's wrong its actually 62). He then gave me some word salad about scientific evidence being invalid or something, I couldn't quite follow it, then he stopped watching

Do you just have to accept that some people will live in intellectual squalor forever even on basic high school biology topics? This is my dad, I want to help him but he seems impossible to talk to on any real topic.

>> No.9145658

My father has this weird super autistic skepticism about cosmology. Whenever I show him pictures about the galaxy and junk he says he doesn't believe any of it and says it's all bullshit. He's not the creationist type that casts doubt on evolution or even the big bang as a concept though, strangely enough.

I dunno I mostly just ignore it there is no point with older people who are set in their ways.

>> No.9145813
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>Do you just have to accept that some people will live in intellectual squalor forever even on basic high school biology topics? This is my dad, I want to help him but he seems impossible to talk to on any real topic.
Sometime, the best thing to do is to give up.

>> No.9145821

Some people are fine living ignorant. Don't try to talk sense into him, just let hik believe what he wants to believe and, if you're up to it, concede partly to his viewpoint. People like him, the majority of people, find great comfort in thr though that there's a reason for everything and there is a god and whatnot. It's not up to people like us to shake them of their beliefs, what good will that do? Let them be comforted, let them go to their graves content and even happy. The only thing you do by convincing them of shit like that is instilling uncertainty and existential dread in them.

>> No.9145844
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>No matter what, most of Humanity will prefer lies over truth.
Reality is truly painful.

>> No.9145882

By reminding myself that it doesn't fuckin matter

>> No.9146343

It does though, these people vote

>> No.9146397

Trump had a 157 IQ in college.

>> No.9146451

parent: IQ 75
mother: IQ 90
sister: IQ 100
me: IQ 140

>> No.9146627

A) No evidence of that
B) Even if it were true it wouldn't make him a good president or intelligent
C) Why are you talking about him in this thread?

>> No.9147158

Your dad sounds like a smug self-righteous cunt lol

>> No.9147202

Don't underestimate your family. Just because they don't use Residue theorem on the reg doesn't mean they haven't got some bright insights throughout their lives. My gf is a certified bimbo that doesn't even know where most countries lie on the map and she sometimes surpries me with the stuff she can come up with in everyday life.

>> No.9147207

lmao that sounds like the story about the meeting with the"Huh huh?" famous dude in the supermarket lol

>> No.9147215

You can be intelligent and malevolent/indifferent.

>> No.9147221

read: autistic

>> No.9147323

My mother has a phd and my father's an architect, so I don't have to.

>> No.9147329

That's an estimate predicated on shoddy (at best) reasoning

>> No.9147364

my mom has an ms in applied mathematics and mechanics and just watches big bang theory and tv all day

>> No.9147377

Tell me more about Our Glorious Leader.

>> No.9147411

My mother and sister are both literally starfish-tier IQ. My mom dropped out of school in 4th grade. My sister is a whore and dropped out of highschool (straight F's ever since elementary school, and also went to an "alternative" highschool for trashy thots)
My dad was an architect
So I assume I got my intelligence from him. Mom and sister are both blonde and dad and I have brown hair

>> No.9147419

Mum's a PhD and peepap's a professor with a Masters. I don't know this feel. I'm glad I was grown thusly so I could avoid growing into this ignorant, pretentious prick with an inferiority complex mojo that you lot grok so much.

>> No.9147425

So what happened between then and now?

>> No.9147435


Well he used to be a democrat, Alzheimer's slowly rotted his brain and as his IQ fell he became a republican

>> No.9147474

Ur a dick and you can't write a sentence worth a COK

>> No.9147485

Mother is an engineer, dad is a do-it-all tradesman (he's really smart, he just went for the no-worries easy money).

I have 5% Ashkenazi

>> No.9147496

>Democrat is synonym of intelligent
How did you manage to get your head inside your ass?

>> No.9147506

Neither parent went to college, sister might be a actual retard, and my iq is 140 if not higher. Then when my mom is drinking way too much and acting like a fucking ho and my sister is mumbling to songs I'm just like eh kill me and it's like they wanna just push everything on the idea that I'm like a NERD or something and if I weren't then I'd be like them but nahhhhhh dude like it's so messed up it's hard to articulate. Like yeah I'm smart and yeah I'm actually smart no my smarts do not end at book smarts quit trying to fucking pigeonhole my entire personality onto one thing and then tell me that thing didn't matter.

There's more to it than being smart and I'm not trying to be like the guys here who are like nah y'all are faggots but yeah it's a personality and maybe to some extent it's negative like maybe I am stuck up wah poop pants at least I'm not shoving my tit in my boyfriend's mouth who is closer to my daughter's age just to make her jealous because I'm just legit fucked in the head. You don't have to be a genius to hate American idol.

It's a good thing though that I am actually smart because if my trashy family were smarter than me oh boy idk what that would do to me lol

>> No.9147511

My parents are both RN's. They're smart in their own ways. A practical, in the moment smart.

>> No.9147521

>american republicans
>against funding scientific establishments
>against embryonic/fetal stem cell research
>antiscience in general, frequently holding ass backwards beliefs like global warming being a hoax, vaccines causing autism, evolution not being as solid as it actually is, the earth being 10000 or less years old
>traditionalists in general
>add a dash of conspiracy theories, except they actually take them seriously
>thinks scientists are communists

democrat may not mean intelligent but republican certainly means brain damaged

>> No.9147531

>Implying that Bible thumpers represent the beliefs of everyone who didn't want to vote for a corrupt snake

>> No.9147535

>voting for a corrupt snake instead of a corrupt snake
really outsmarted em there didn't you?

>> No.9147536

Indeed. There may be some really stupid democrats and some not entirely stupid republicans but holy fuck how in the world does anybody call themselves a Republican knowing the song from deliverance and NASCAR pop into people's heads when you say it?

>> No.9147577

>(he's really smart, he just went for the no-worries easy money)

>being smart
>devoting the entirety of your life to the pursuit of ((($$$)))
choose one and only one

>> No.9147679

your dad seems to be a based empiricist.

>> No.9147685

>accuses others of being pretentious
>uses the word thusly unironically

>> No.9147797

Just accept it. My mother said I was atheist cause I accept evolution as fact. She instantly tuned me out when I said evolution doesn't deny God. My dad still acts like I'm a dumbass for not being an expert in random trade skills, despite me not doing any of that for a living.

>Wanting to settle down, marry a nice woman, and raise a family all while working a simple, good paying job is a bad thing

Literal Pleb. My childhood friend never tried in school, went to learn a trade right out of HS and was clearing six figures by the age of 21. Compare that to years of schooling with no pay followed by a career of begging for funding. It was enough to make me consider who the dumbass was for a while

>> No.9147821

An off topic question just popped into my brain: how do we get "pictures of the galaxy"? Or are they just artist representations?