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9136870 No.9136870 [Reply] [Original]

>go into interview at large pharmaceutical testing company
>interviewing for one of the 30 available histology/immunology positions
>start interview
>neat I know my interviewers from career fairs, spoke with them extensively
>"Anon, why do you want this job."
>"Anon what are your strengths?"
>"Anon what is your favorite Disney movie and why?"
>"Anon what is your favorite 90s song and why?"
>"What are your weaknesses?"
>interview ends
>"well contact you in a month"
>2 months later and 3 emails not responded to later
>"We're sorry to inform you..."

How the fuck do large companies get away with this lack of professionalism. Da fuck happened with that interview?

>> No.9136877

Did you answer Frozen and/or Moana? If you didn't, you clearly hate women.

>> No.9136878

No but I said a backstreet boys song to express my fenumininity, godamn cunts couldn't handle it.

>> No.9136891

Those sound like questions you would ask somebody on a blind date.

I wonder how solid the questions behind the selection process that chooses the person to interview people is.

A bird shit on me while I was sitting outside the other day. I washed it off then got an umbrella and continued sitting outside.

>> No.9136896

They chose me based off of my resume, my interactions with them, and a preliminary phone interview that was on my knowledge. It was all enough to get me through the door but it sounded like my taste in Disney and 90s music was so offensive they couldn't reply to me until 2 months later.

>> No.9136904

They don't care. They have scores of applicants like you. Professionalism is for clients or partners.

>> No.9136905

Part of the long wait time is due to waiting until everyone they have considered is "evaluated".

Why hire people immediately when you can wait to see if better candidates might come along?

>> No.9136928

That's better than mine, I waited 3 months to get a response saying after reevaluating the position HR has determined it is no longer needed and a new position in the lab has been created you can apply to. The assholes wasted my time with an all day interview but at least I got them to waste over a grand flying me out and getting me a hotel room and rental car for the interview

>> No.9136931

because many of the people interviewed can accept a job somewhere else

>> No.9136932

Sounds like they already had someone picked out for that position but they had to interview someone to make it look fair / legal.

>> No.9136938
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>being humiliated like that
>going to humilating "interviews"

>> No.9136942

I don't even watch Disney movies, why would you ask that to a male applicant? Favorite 90s band? I was a kid back then, I don't remember half the songs' names or who the hell sung them. I hate HR, they don't know shit about any of the positions or who would be a good fit. I'm emailing some guy at HR at a place I did an unpaid internship. We were talking about two full time positions and then he shoots me an email about an internship opportunity in the financial/HR department. I told him if that's all he can offer me than I'll do it evenings part-time, I didn't tell him I'll just accept a position full time somewhere else and have no intention staying with the company if they offer me full-time after

>> No.9136965

Every single graduate job interview is a test of nothing but normieness, including extroversion. Every single one. Engineering is zero exception. There are a load of young people on 4chan who think employers give a single fuck about skills past a low cut off point. They don't.

>> No.9137042

Well that's profoundly depressing.

>> No.9137059

Can employers even assess skills past a low cut-off point?

It seems like the employers let the schools do the assessing then trust that top marks in those assessments reflect what they are looking for.

>> No.9138202

webdev freelancer checking in
worked with my current client for uh, 2.5 years? now
haven't seen them once, we're literally in different countries, not even sharing a border

sync every few days (1-2 times a week) in text chat, or call in Skype for more in-depth discussion as needed

$30/hr, only because I'm also dealing with a shitload of other problems and can't commit enough energy to freelance/developing skills
else it would've been higher ($50 is doable relatively easily, heard of guys doing $100-200/hr for in-demand niche skills)

there DO exist areas where no one cares about your introversion (eg, leaving my flat about 1-2 times a week to get groceries; living alone), and where skills matter

academy has long been a shitty place to work
grow a pair, pick up a programming tutorial and face the world

(PS and no working schedule whatsoever
sometimes work at 2 am, go to bed at like 6 am, get up whenever)

>> No.9138204

That is bs tho. First round interviews sure but there is always a technical interview that follows.

>> No.9138226

Must be a shitty company. Applied for a position with a math background and the whole interview was straight on point with no bullshit.

>> No.9138359

This is just patently false and the person typing this has literally not interviewed for a technical job or hasn't even been in one.

I'm a Robotics engineer specializing in controls and the first interview was mostly peaches and cream, but the second interview was the technical one. I was there for two hours, where I had to model differential equations, infer the transfer functions from Bode/Nyquist plots, find equilibrium points and design a controller for some problems. They helped me a bit along the way, but wanted to see what I could do. I also had to design a controller in Simulink and answer a few questions on C++ (we use cross platform stuff).

The amount of shit I see on this website is astonishing. Some if it is so patently false that it leaves my mouth agape, really.

Protip: How the fuck do you think they're able to find and fund $100k+/yr positions? Asking people about Disney? The higher you go, the more technical and in depth the interview.

>> No.9138367
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>>"Anon what is your favorite Disney movie and why?"

Stop interview there... bear stare the interviewer and ask them WHY?

Be an Alpha not a Beta

P.S. no way in hell they will waste losing a good candidate over a few stupid HR questions

>> No.9138369

>I'm a Robotics engineer specializing in controls and the first interview was mostly peaches and cream, but the second interview was the technical one.
you realize the first interview was the one he was talking about right? you wouldnt have got to the second interview if you were a huge sperg. once confirmed you were not a sperg, they wanted to make sure you could also back up the technical shit

>> No.9138396

Interview questions like the strengths/weaknesses question are so god damn lazy.

>> No.9138489

>no way in hell they will waste losing a good candidate over a few stupid HR questions

My sweet summer child.

A good company wouldn't, but emphatically NOT every company is good. What's more, the good/bad separation is not always obvious. Google is right out (and was for quite some time, though it became painfully clear again recently); seems that other giants are shit, too (Apple/Facebook/... etc, M$? Don't know actually).
Hot-shot startups (Github etc)? Into the trash it goes.

So, you can't rely on size, you can't rely on hype/up-and-comingness... what's left is personal references, and these aren't that easy to get for quite a few people.

In my experience, good companies are usually small-to-medium, most often somewhat under the radar. This combination is still not a guarantee, of course.

>> No.9138494
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>if you were a huge sperg

>on fourchin
>surprised that not being a sperg is an insurmountable challenge for much of the audience

>щитo пoдeлaть дecy

>> No.9138504
File: 180 KB, 565x600, Big_Sister_Is_Watching_You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the big software companies bastions of progressive leftists?
They dominate in the company culture once it becomes large. WHY?

>> No.9138545

I think it has less to do with "software", and more with "big company". Political bullshit seems to develop inevitably once the company (or any group of people, really) hits certain size. I mean, it IS possible to start shit in a company of 10 people - BUT you can still avoid it. Once you have, say, 10000 people, it becomes a given.
Also, size means resources and power, and (surprise! surprise!) politically-minded cunts who don't care about getting things done are attracted to power like flies to shit.

Hence >>9138489
>In my experience, good companies are usually small-to-medium

Also, check out Paul Graham's essays [1], especially the earlier ones, he wrote about these processes in some detail. Can't give specific examples unfortunately... Maaaybe "Beating the averages", but I might be wrong. In any case, it's great reading. He has a very clear vision and spoke about it until he was mobbed by SJWs (he was one of the first ones actually, early 2014 IIRC). He still pipes up on Twitter sometimes, but not to that extent.

As to the flavour of politics (left/right) - well, Chads don't really flock to programming, do they? Programmers are either apolitical, or left-leaning to a varying degree. Yeah, you might get an occasional Yarvin sometimes, but it's mostly lefties.
(What I'm saying is, political bullshit is NOT limited to lefties. The amount of this shit happening in, say, small towns... whoo boy. And then it's either apolitical or right-wing/Christian.)

[1] http://paulgraham.com/articles.html

>> No.9138549

>So, you can't rely on size, you can't rely on hype/up-and-comingness...

PS Although if anyone has advice on separating wheat from chaff, I'd be very grateful to hear it.

>> No.9138703
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>PS Although if anyone has advice on separating wheat from chaff,

If they start the interview by asking what pronoun you prefer being addressed by... LEAVE
If the interviewer has hair dyed a non-natural color... LEAVE
If you honestly cannot tell what the sex is of the person interviewing you is AND they tell you address them with a pronoun of XE... LEAVE

>> No.9138720

only if you're good student, which I'm not

>> No.9138731

A good portion of programmers are pretty libertarian, and there's that Moldbug fellow. Plus, now that programming has been proven to be a profession that you can earn good bucks in and nerd culture has been destigmatized there are some "brogrammers" popping up here and there.

>> No.9138736
File: 47 KB, 400x300, leninfist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a Soviet Materialist, abandon the chains of corporate capitalism on science.

>> No.9138751


how did scientists do under the USSR ? Did they have to wait hours on bread lines or were they animals who are more equal than others?

>> No.9138775

im on 4chan and im not a sperg at all. Im very social adept and was voted best TA for the class i taught last year. I even got invited to undergrad rager parties, with chicks begging me to go, but that would have potentially opened up a huge can of a worms as i tend to stop giving a fuck about rules when drinking.

>> No.9138786


>this entire post
>" im not a sperg at all"


>> No.9138808

Maths and Physics were encouraged actually.

>> No.9138812

>he didn't answer with a blink 182 song
it's like you don't want a job

>> No.9138816


I was referring more to their lifestyle

>> No.9138829

USSR wasn't as rich and developed compared to its counterpart.

>> No.9138865

Also true. Plenty of programming in finances, with right-wingers aplenty - but they (seem to be?) less interested in explicitly pursuing politics, and more in partying/getting laid/grabbing cash hand over fist.

Fucking Chads.


So-so. There was a period of state-driven admiration in late 50s-early 60s; but before that - a lot of Soviet research (incl. important parts of space and nuclear programs) was done in prison institutes ("sharashka", read up sometime) - eg the father of Soviet space program, Sergey Korolev, couldn't eat properly until the end of his life, because his jaw was broken during interrogations in NKVD [1].

And by late 70s-80s overall decay and cynicism set in, engineers and scientists were becoming the laughing stock - the head of a grocery store, furniture shop or (~farmer's) market were a much more important persons, since they had access to material goods (and distribution systems were becoming unbelievably inefficient, almost on par with current Venezuela, down to toilet paper shortages).

Then there's rather widespread anti-intellectualism of Russians, which was closely intertwined with antisemitism.
So all in all - the scientists were about the same as everyone. People who worked directly on defense programs _could_ have some extras, but not much - like I said, the director of a furniture shop was a much more enviable position.


[1] NKVD were the predecessors of KGB, only worse.
KGB are kinda CIA-tier - a lot of dirty fingers in shady pies, but overall mostly human. Mostly. Except for occasional MKULTRA.

Now NKVD guys were pretty much SS-tier. Some of them were fed to the machine they were a part of, in subsequent purges, but many ended their life in fame and comfort. And that's disgusting.

>> No.9138870
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>does not understand the meaning of "much of"
I have no doubt you're liked by chads and stacies.

>щитo пoдeлaть дecy

>> No.9138871
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ITT: ugly people trying to get jobs without an "in"

>> No.9138883

that sounds horrible desu

>> No.9138928

To each his own.
Love the flexibility, love breaking even at 6 working hours per week (_week_, not day), love the independence, love relative isolation, love, to the point of orgasmic screaming, the lack of schedule. Having to get to school/Uni/work by 8/9 am for more than two decades was quite a torture for me.

But, I can see that this life is not for everyone. What do you not like?

>> No.9138930


you have to answer Lion King or pinocchio. there are hour long analysis on these movies on youtube. its actually a great interviewer question.

>> No.9138932
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You have the wrong skin color.

>> No.9138935

Fantasia is the patrician choice.

>> No.9138970
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>"Anon what is your favorite Disney movie and why?"
picrelated is why Disney

>> No.9138984
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Animated kids' movies about non-white people exist? This is LITERALLY WHITE GENOCIDE

>> No.9138994

strictly zero movies about non-mixed couples
your goalpost moving won't fly here, commie

>> No.9139007

What's wrong with Meg?

>> No.9139009

The only movie I'm aware of with a mixed race couple there is Pocahontas.

>> No.9139011

Dude, I was a TA/lecturer for years.. I dated and did not give a fuck if I was their TA/lecturer that semester or if I had taught them in the past... I graded by student number so never associated names with numbers, so no favoritism. Had some of the best sexual experiences in my life in my office, I was once late to administer a final exam because my GF at the time insisted on giving me a HJ right before I left the office.

>> No.9139013

>companies are actually seriously taking Disney films as way to asses potential employees

>> No.9139019

Always say your favorite is "Song of the South".
Your interviewer will NOT have seen it. Tell them it was the movie with the song "Zippy Do Da". The ride Slash Mountain is based on the movie.

>> No.9139031

aight, mixed or non-white

>> No.9139033
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>strictly zero movies about non-mixed couples
>implying Beauty and the Beast had a mixed
>implying Tarzan had a mixed couple
>implying Hercules had a mixed couple (unless Greeks aren't white)
>implying Aladin had a mixed couple
>implying Mulan had a mixed couple
>implying the Emperor's new groove had a mixed couple

Literally the only movie on the chart with a mixed couple is Pocahontas, and arguably the Hunchback if gypsies don't count as European.
I assumed you were retarded but I didn't think it was this bad.

>> No.9139035

Employers do, unles you're competing with 50 other people who are just as qualified as you. The problem are the useless HR cunts in between who have to justify their salary.

>> No.9139076

shill harder

>implying Beauty and the Beast had a mixed
>implying Tarzan had a mixed couple
>implying Hercules had a mixed couple (unless Greeks aren't white)
Greeks? white?
>implying Aladin had a mixed couple
>implying Mulan had a mixed couple
>implying the Emperor's new groove had a mixed couple

thanks for proving my point.

>> No.9139078


>I assumed you were retarded but I didn't think it was this bad.

>> No.9139093

"Why are you asking me about my favorite movie/band. Does this have anything to do with my merit?"

Even if you feel like it might hurt your chances, I would recommend answering this way. I would rather call out such obvious unprofessionalism than work at such an unprofessional institution that bases its hiring methods on your favorite shit piece of disney entertainment.

>> No.9139117

believe what you want, but some chads do browse here, although i dont consider myself one.
oh yea i somewhat misinterpreted your post
im just terrified of any sort of bullshit situation coming up, he said she said, ect ect. The good thing is anyone not in my group of ~30 students is fair game. If i get caught up in any sort of sexual misconduct, even an accusation, and i lose my assistanceship. I generally just stick to grad students from other programs, it's worked well so far

>> No.9139246

He was a human that was turned into a beast and then turned back at the end of the movie. By that standard The Little Mermaid is also le racemixing propaganda.

see >>9138984

>> No.9139366


My interviews were like 5 hours of coming up with algorithms to solve problems, and then implementing them. There was no small-talk at all.

>> No.9139389
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They probably don't actually care about your answer. They just want to see you engage in conversation like a normal person and not be an autist.

Why be such a square? Why so hostile and defensive?

Congrats, you outed yourself.

>> No.9139415

exactly this. if you try and call out the professionalism of a fucking company which is obviously making money and succeeding, they will just pass you over as being a fucking sperg because they have assloads of candidates that arnt you

>> No.9139927

They could be using it to break the ice a bit. A lot of times people lock up if you start throwing the hard shit at then right away

>> No.9139951

>so what made you wanna work here?
>b-b-banach space

>> No.9140462

Here's the comical false advice. Whenever asked a question you think is insulting, ask "Is this a trick question?".

But, think, what if these questions or the entire process is an actual trick? Maybe the appropriate response is to write a letter to the CEO and ask for an explanation? It's worth a try, just to rule out the possibility that you would then be invited to a genuine interview.

>> No.9140468
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This is me at interviews

>> No.9140561

Because at that point I'd want to work for another company, rather than one who chooses employees over menial shit. But of course this is in a theoretical world where I think I can easily get another job after this interview. Also, it doesn't have to communicate as hostile as long as you speak sincerely (and not autisticly)

>> No.9141589

Lol expect for professionals