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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9134206 No.9134206 [Reply] [Original]

Pack up nerds.

>> No.9134210

The fuck is "Evolutionary Psychology"?

>> No.9134215

anyone even tangentially related to science already knew evolutionary psychology was trash

>> No.9134216

Hello fellow Slate subscribers!

>> No.9134219

We shit on psychology here all the time. A field that is 100% statistical analysis can be used to prove literally anything. So the author is right, and you must go back to /pol/.

Anyways, if someone wants a summary: The author complains about science. She says she wanted to study physics because she thought physics would better human lives but then she saw that science advances too slowly so if you want to have an impact against inequality just going into science won't do much.

This part is obvious, and this is her criticism of the strong sciences like math, physics and chemistry. They help, but they do not get rid of racisn.

Then she gives another criticism for the soft sciences: biology and psychology. This criticism is completely separate from the one before. She says:

Biology and psychology have been used to establish the superiority of males over females, whites over blacks, etc. So soft sciences are actually a tool of the opressor.

That is her message. You can debate yourself about how right she is. I think she is completely right about the first point, if you want to be an activist then you can't just do science and expect outside problems to magically solve themselves.

>> No.9134224
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>> No.9134228

How come the only time biology is brought up on /sci/ it's brought up by people who don't understand the most basic parts of it?

>> No.9134245
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Uhh, no sweetie.

>> No.9134248

How come you have to rely on false observations?

>> No.9134270

Science is truth. Pop Science, Bad Science, and Bro Science aren't. Don't confuse bad science with science.

>> No.9134275

Can't believe no one has pointed it out but

>> No.9134292

Behavior analysis avoids all of the problems of other paradigms of psychology.

>> No.9134305
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>judging an article by its title

>> No.9134320
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>judging anons by their posts

>> No.9134324

Am I the only one who wants to see her getting blacked by him?

>> No.9134327
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>> No.9134329

Mhm, so very academically rigorous.
Also, it's very amusing that she only disregards science that challenges her world view.
Hypocrisy and denialism?
I think so.

>> No.9134330

If I could be arsed, I'd remake this with a great dane and a chihuahua

>> No.9134333
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>> No.9134336

>feels > reals
This is what the Slate article was talking about. People like you using pseudo-science to justify your worldview.

>> No.9134339


>> No.9134341

A bigger problem is that as you get further from hard science, you lose fundamental laws and principals that help you judge the validity of your experiments.

If a physicist does an experiment that appears to create energy, he can check his results with a fundamental law that tells him that shouldn't be happening, and he should scrutinize his experimental design for flaws.

If a psychologist does an experiment, there's no such way of validating the results. They just say "my stats look good" and publish. Add into this the fact that academic publishing strongly incentivizes publishing publishing conclusions that are novel, or have that "woah" factor, and you get a deluge of publications about crazy psychological phenomenons and human behavior that make great popsci articles, but usually can't be reproduced.

There's a massive crisis of reproducibility in the social sciences, and a big part of it is the only tools they have for evaluating their experiments are statistics.

Also add into this the problem of scientism, people who treat the concept of "science" as a religion above criticism and you get a pretty big cultural problem. I can't be assed to read this slate article, but the notion that we should not treat the concept of science, or things produced "scientifically" as inherently true is valid.

>> No.9134343

Even though she's using the antithesis to justify her world view of supposed "equality"; when that verifiably isn't the case, men for instance (on average) are stronger than women.
That is a form of superiority, superiority in physical prowess.
Either extreme, blindly accepting science and blindly denying certain fields of science are not satisfactory a centrist view point with heathy cynicism of both is far more fitting.

>> No.9134345

>She says she wanted to study physics because she thought physics would better human lives but then she saw that science advances too slowly so if you want to have an impact against inequality just going into science won't do much.

But writing shitty click bait articles on Slate are REALLY helping out the world

>> No.9134350

|Fighting the good fight am I right anon

>> No.9134354

There was a thread with this picture as the starter like a week ago, where OP got BTFO. There's a lot of shilling going on.

Also, OP's picture is right in its headline- any scientist would agree that science is a tool meant to find the most likely explanations to phenomena via rigorous testing of internal consistency and explanatory power. It's incredibly dangerous for people to think science = truth, because you get two phenomena that hinder scientific work;

1) People will believe that just because a theory doesn't pan out, all of science must be wrong
2) Pseuds can commandeer science, using the legitimacy of """"research"""" to peddle products to the masses under the guise of "scientifically proven" health benefits.

We had a thread just yesterday where it was demonstrated multiple times by anons that the research indicates there's more genetic variation within a population of humans than between populations- there's no scientific way to determine race. In most cases, the birds on the left would be sampled based on population, and then some clearly defined algorithm would set the boundary for 'subspiecies' based on the total number of ways their genome differs. It just so happens there can be few total # of genetic differences but a high observable change, that we as humans are biased towards considering greater. You can tweak only a few nucleotides and get a completely different-looking species, however it would be so genetically similar it's classified as the same species.

>> No.9134356


>> No.9134357

The fuck is she on about?

>Racial taxonomies conveniently confirmed that enslaving African people was a perfectly reasonable behavior since, as Thomas Jefferson put it, black people were “inferior to the whites in the endowments of body and mind.” Of course, this apparent inferiority never stopped Jefferson from repeatedly raping his wife’s half-sister, Sally Hemings, herself a product of rape. Jefferson is remembered as a great thinker, but when one reads his writing about race, it becomes immediately evident that rather than being much of a scientist, he was a biased white supremacist who hid behind science as a shield.

>> No.9134358

Are you saying the black boy is a woman?

>> No.9134361

She's conflating humanities with the scientific method, of course the result seems illogical.

>> No.9134362

You go comrade. We are all equal and born as blank slates. Science can never determines race from genetics let alone skeletal remains.

>> No.9134363

Is it not? It looks like one.

>> No.9134366

> but then she saw that science advances too slowly so if you want to have an impact against inequality just going into science won't do much.
> I think she is completely right about the first point
I think this is bait, but I'll bite. Scientific advancement is what brought humanity from the miserable state of tribalism and feudalism to today's meritocracy and socialism. Hard science boosted output of agriculture, tools and everything else to the level, when there is almost enough for everyone and the opportunities are ample. You don't have to be born in some special family to become rich. You can become reach by luck and hard work, and if you are rich you can loose your money quite easily.

Does the science develop society slow? Yes, but this is it's nature. Developing, optimizing and putting things into industrial production takes a lot of time, especially if no one has ever done this before.

So, hard science does help us to progress forward towards the future where there is enough resources for everyone. What DOESNT help though is people not going to hard sciences for some bullshit ideological reasons and people shitting on science for those reasons. So, if she wants to return to times where women belong in the garden or the kitchen and men make all decisions, she continue do what she is doing. By thwarting science she will either succeed and initiate a period of stagnation and decline OR cause a reactionary backlash which will lead to the same thing.

>> No.9134370

Get this through your head, he is a rapist. He is biased due to his rapes and his sciences is rapey. STFU

>> No.9134373

Correct, race is not a scientific concept, and can't be scientifically classified, so it can never be determined by science.

>> No.9134381

I suppose I made a mistake. I thought it looked like a young (~16yo) boy. Could be a woman too.

>> No.9134384

Exactly comrade, animals aren't related in a population group. Lysenko was right all along. Fight comrade, we are going to bring in a new era of correct science.

>> No.9134390

It's not like a forensic pathologist can tell gender and race simply from skeletal remains... oh wait... they can!

>> No.9134391


>> No.9134398

That confused me a bit, my man. Animals are related in a population group- nobody would argue that because there's some genetic variation within a population that they aren't the same fundamental classification (unless it's beyond a certain degree phenotypically or genotypically, at which point it's a 'mutant').

It's just that BECAUSE that small variation is even greater than the variation between populations (like between Europeans and Africans) that any argument that race is a quantifiable scientific denomination falls apart.

That's true, actually. You can tell gender through typical traits of females, but they can tell race only phenotypically- if it's morphologically dissimilar to humans of today, then it's classified separately, so there are a whole load of problems with the field of archaic biology.

The classic example used for that kind of biology is to look at two breeds of dog, like a chihuahua and a husky- looking at the skeletal remains you would have no idea they were similar enough to breed with each other, but genetically they are incredibly similar.

>> No.9134403

That doesn't disprove biological race.

>> No.9134410

That doesn't, but the data sets used in these show fairly clearly that there's no way to biologically determine race among current human populations.






>> No.9134413

Let us give these heathen half scientist evolutionary psychologists their due room and leave them be to fulfill their social potato function. That is, being the PR firm. But we shall hear of them no more unless they do our bidding. Unless they have something serious to say that isn't motivated by the weaving knitting instinct of slowly accumulating low quality writing.

>> No.9134414

well shit. I dont usually do this, but you're actually right about this one

>> No.9134420

Listen to what you just said. It makes no fucking sense, but your head is so far up into your ideological rectum that you can't see it. Going by your irrationality, I should be genetically closer to a chimp than to an african.

>> No.9134423

Ancestry and genetic makeup are part of the traits that make up a race. In sociology you define a race as a polythetic function of one's ancestry, culture and socio-linguistic evolution. In modern times race has become a plain function and doesn't really resemble the concept of ancestry as it is supposed to do. Genetic make up of populations such as Whites, Blacks and Asians (Caucasiods, Negroids and Mongoloids) have greater variance among their population than in between (Witherspoon et al 2007, 2009). Their ancestry and genetic make up can help us map out where they are from,and a baseline of functionalities that predict life outcomes such as IQ, cognitive abilities, social aptitude, physical fitness etc, but that is more of a cultural epiphenomenon than a purely genetic one. (Turkheimer et al 2001 "Three laws of Behavioural genetics")

So it isn't as simple as a brainlet like yourself would like it to be. So keep calm and read up on your anthropology and keep off of pol. They have decent resources on anthropology but very poor nuance when it comes to observations and starying from conclusions given in an academic paper.

Also thanks for the much needed sources anon

>> No.9134426

>Varation extraneous from phenotype disproves biological race.

>> No.9134427

>Going by your irrationality, I should be genetically closer to a chimp than to an african.

>> No.9134437

>Make good argument, one that I agree with.
>Then strawman me.
What is your problem?
I agree with your statement, but that still means race is genetic, not that it overly matters.
I think you're the one lacking nuance, nuance in read comprehension you pretentious prick.

>> No.9134438

If I have more similarities with someone that has more distant common ancestrals, than I have with someone that has closer, you can just open the scope to a interracial analysis, and have this absurd conclusion.
If I build a laser to measure the distance of the moon and conclude it is only 3km away from the ground, that does not prove anything, but that my equipment is flawed.

>> No.9134445

That's not the argument.

>> No.9134449

His argument relies solely on the conclusion being incorrect, but it doesn't prove that assumption.
Made me giggle, blud.

>> No.9134459

>the difference between humans of the same group is bigger than the difference between groups

That's what you're saying. But you can't realize that the difference between a pole and a Indian is much bigger than the difference between two poles. Eat a bowl of shit.
You are quantifying the gene differences without establishing weights for each one of them. That's where you fuck up.

>> No.9134476

And your evidence is what? Anecdotal evidence of people possessing phenotypic traits you cherry picked as relevant? Scientists have done actual genetic studies on the matter and concluded there's no scientific backing to race.

>> No.9134483

This fucking retarded shit starts with the strawman that the Google memo said that women are inferior to men, when what is actually said was that women are just as competent as men, they just don't like tech fields. She then argues that since bullshit science was used in the past to prove things like "black people are inferior", any and all science today that shows differences between the two genders must also be bullshit, because gender equality is an unquestionable, self-evident truth. She also drops gems like
>And far too many universally call technology progress while failing to acknowledge that it has left us in a dangerously warmed climate.
I liked leftists more back when they were cancerous pseudo-intellectual I fucking love science redditor atheists, and not literal fucking luddites.

>> No.9134486

>that's where you fuck up

So your entire argument rests on it being a fuckup to choose the only objective, non-arbitrary quantifying value- total genetic differentiation, and base my analytic comparison on it?

That instead, we should arbitrarily weight nucleotide differences based on phenotypic differences where we argue in some counsel over what constitutes a heavier difference than another?

Dude I thought you were trolling but you might just be retarded, holy hell

>> No.9134492

Yeah sure, getting a thousand people of multiracial background makes a really conclusive study, I mean, fuck cladistics, amirite? Who needs logic in the current year. Maybe you Mr. Pigeon, can proclaim in a future thread of how you demonstrated that the earth was flat too.

>> No.9134495


My problem is that you're subhuman tier meme that has no idea what he's talking about.

Here. Read.











>> No.9134503

Sure, the few genes that made the omnivore panda become a vegetarian blob is just as important as the one that the ones that make its tail small.

>> No.9134513
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Kek, Nicely done

>> No.9134522

For the purpose of any scientific analysis of this type, that's correct. If there were two populations of pandas, one with and without the trait that were otherwise identical genetically, they would be classified as the same species, with a different mutation distinct between populations.

You are literally using baby tier logic. Just because it looks different doesn't mean it's fundamentally very different. I understand it takes a higher degree of intelligence to grasp concepts like genetics and mechanistic biology, but I ask you think a little harder on this one.

Race isn't an issue of science, but rather evolution of behaviorism, ideas, and culture. It's not an issue that can be incorporated by the rigours of science that seek to remove arbitration in lieu of reaching as objective an approach as possible, while what you suggest is the opposite.

You're looking for validation where you can't receive. Go ask a sociologist or a cultural anthropologist and get the fuck outta here bruv

>> No.9134544
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Agreed on the part that its more of a social construct than biological.

And that genetic differentiation in populations has gone crazy but not enough to cause a split in our definition of species (See Ernst Mayr's definition. And even that has its own issues.)

A good approach would be pic related.

>> No.9134549

>If a psychologist does an experiment, there's no such way of validating the results.
That isn't entirely true. Depending on the paradigm of psychology, a psychologist can record the rate of behavior of an organism before the treatment and then compare it to how that rate changes after the treatment is implemented. To test whether or not the treatment actually caused the change, the psychologist can simply remove the treatment and later re-implement it to see if the behavior goes back to baseline levels and then back to post-treatment levels respectively.

Of course, this doesn't apply to any paradigm of psychology that relies on inferential statistics (which a lot do).

>> No.9134551

You the guy in that other thread who made that? Top shit man.

T.biofag from that thread

>> No.9134564

>Scientific advancement is what brought humanity from the miserable state of tribalism and feudalism to today's meritocracy and socialism
You just don't understand, she wants it NOW!

>> No.9134570

>guys they're two different species because the one on the left shaved her head and is wearing a headband
>these are biological differences!!!!11111one

>> No.9134584

What... so you're saying your own argument is bullshit, if I apparently don't know what I'm going on about.
Well done, dickhead.

>> No.9134588

Find it absolutely hilarious how evolution denial has gone from being a right wing position to a left wing position in the span of less than 10 years

>> No.9134590

>social construct than biological.
Social constructs are biological.

>> No.9134596

Forget about race, being Human is a social construct. Hard niggers from South Africa fail this.

>> No.9134601

Soviets jailed their geneticists, in the gulag, because they believed in science.
>Joseph Stalin supported the campaign. More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were sent to prison, fired,[3] and numerous scientists were executed as part of a campaign instigated by Lysenko to suppress his scientific opponents.[4][5][6][7] The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, was sent to prison and died there, while scientific research in the field of genetics was effectively destroyed until the death of Stalin in 1953.[2] Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines was also negatively affected or banned.

>> No.9134603

She don't care about "helping" the world; she just want to feel like she matter.

>> No.9134613

is she cute at all, tho?

>> No.9134617
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>The fuck is "Evolutionary Psychology"?
Studies how Evolution, History & Genes shape our minds, intelligence & identity.
Similar to the book "Guns, Germs & Steel"
Hated by Leftists because it shows how the minds of different races & the (only) 2 Genders are shaped by genes, evolution & history.

>> No.9134620

>Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov
>Stalin scientific don't need teach you how grow food
> famine
> communist begins retarder again

>> No.9134623

Each time some lefty speak about Evolutionary Psychology, complains comes from don't believe evolution inside question if begin valid relation psychology and evolution,irony.

>> No.9134628

IQ Psychometrics & Evolutionary Psychology replicate.
While all other areas of Psychology don't replicate.

>> No.9134630

>kill farmers
>kill geneticists
>millions dead

>kill birds
>pests everywhere
>millions dead

Leftists don't want to employ science; they got it all figured out already.

>> No.9134632

>IQ Psychometrics & Evolutionary Psychology replicate.
>While all other areas of Psychology don't replicate.
Ironically Leftists think the opposite.

>> No.9134639

>science is a leftist conspiracy
Just say it's the Jews already.

>> No.9134645
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Decolonize Science!

>> No.9134648
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Judge by yourself.

>> No.9134652

I think the implication of those posts is that it's leftists who think biology is a right wing conspiracy

>> No.9134656

But biology proved racialism to be wrong.

>> No.9134657

If her nose was 3 times smaller she would have been cute

>> No.9134658


>> No.9134662



>> No.9134675

do these leftist propaganda outlets even have any self-awareness

they're all written in this (english is my second language i'm not sure what to call it) faggy/bitchy tone lmao

you can't make this stuff up

>> No.9134678

self-righteous? smug?

>> No.9134689

I don't think she knows what science is.

>> No.9134691

No it didn't.

>> No.9134772
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>> No.9134781
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The Jew fears the science.

>> No.9134790

This is too woke!

>> No.9134793

moar: http://www.haaretz.com/only-40-of-ultra-orthodox-high-schools-in-israel-teach-english-and-math-1.401471

>> No.9134795

Empire of Dust. It's kino newfriend.

>> No.9134800

I've heard of it before, never watched it.
Seems like I should.
Thank you for the motivation.

>> No.9134802

Science is a red pill, that's why it's racist and antisemitic.

>> No.9134807

Evolutionary Psychology is mostly speculation that is hard to falsify, it deserves much of the criticism it gets

>> No.9134809

this would be really good satire

>> No.9134811

In your second sentence you use the word prove, anyone who actually studies science would never use that word in any of their conclusions, proof is only used in math. Statistical analysis and science doesn't prove anything, it supports conclusions that may or may not have strong methodology

>> No.9134817

She sounds ignorant as to what science actually does, how is studying physics or chemistry going to help fight inequality? Why is she upset with Biology which refutes the concept of race?

>> No.9134821
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>white lesbian rap music.

>> No.9134835
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>you lose fundamental laws
How do you know those laws are fundamental. Can't there be more fundamental laws under them?

>> No.9134842

Psychology is a relatively new field, it is still growing. They won't have fundamental laws but they will still fix many of the issues they have today. The fundamental laws and principals of physics took a long time to established, they didn't have them when first starting out.

>> No.9134866

It's a meme war. Do you know how it works?

>> No.9134877

I wonder why all media is anti science now. Do the rulers want humanity to spiral into extinction?

>> No.9134883


Evolutionary psychology

Wait, isn't regarded by everyone like a scam?

>> No.9134885

It is strange, isn't it.
A decade ago, or so, the right-wing was seen as scientifically illiterate and Luddite, now the opposite is true much of the time.

>> No.9134887

>There's a massive crisis of reproducibility in the social sciences
Propose a fix? Oy vey, that's not scientific.

>> No.9134889

It's both. Liberals and conservatives ignore science when they can get a short term gain out of it.

>> No.9134892

I wouldn't call modern liberals liberals, it is an insult to classical liberal, which is related to libertarianism.

>> No.9134900

Agree. International socialist is a much more fitting name.

>> No.9134919

Evopsych is indeed a meme and a subject of ridicule. I suppose most evopsychfags are interested in evolution but too dumb for evolutionary biology (being a virgin is a prerequisite too).

>> No.9134953

Psychology is not even a real science.

>> No.9134955

Communists destroyed Congo, not negroes.

>> No.9134957

That's reductionist but not completely off the mark, pop science has led to a lot of really retarded ideas floating around and this zealous defense of anything that comes out in a paper, even in a pay-to-publish journal of being "unquestionably true"

>> No.9135066

yeah, that chink has no clue how destructive communism can be

>> No.9135077

Could have guessed that after all the "PHENOTYPE" memery, /sci/ suddenly thinks phenotype => genetic makeup.

>> No.9135081

Why do I actually have to WORK to achieve ANYTHING? IT SHOULD JUST HAPPEN. Science is so problematic because it is achievementalist ugh.

>> No.9135086
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>tfw first Google result.

>> No.9135089

>our physical traits evolved to ensure survival and reproduction of the organism
>our metabolism evolved to ensure survival and reproduction of the organism
>our immune system evolved to ensure survival and reproduction of the organism
>our social structures evolved to ensure survival and reproduction of the organism

>our pshycology evolved to ensure survival and reproduction of the organism


>> No.9135106

that's stupid
cauliflower, broccoli, kale and like 6 other vegetables are all the same species
science isn't that superficial there are reasons for things

>> No.9135107

I am just going to assume you were trying to prove my point, since your result clearly mentions the importance of environmental interaction. Also changes in phenotype perceived as very prominent by us often result from very small changes in genotype. This might have an evolutionary origin because perceiving these small changes is beneficial for differentiating between humans.

>> No.9135109

>Putting animals and plants together.
Are you really this stupid?

I knew you were going to go full retard.
So, I'll make it simple:
A black person living a European country, even for generatons without admixture, or little admixture, will not have European skin, because they lack the genes for that, despite being in the same climate.
Race is real, but it doesn't matter.

>> No.9135112

i think you're overestimating how big differences in environment nowadays really are.

>> No.9135113

ok fine
shih tzus, great danes, poodles and like 100s of other dogs are all the same species

>> No.9135116

I'm saying races are different species, or subspecies you retard.
But there are different races.

>> No.9135118

Also, you do know what is funny this this example?
Based upon breed, there are differences in intellect, strength, speed and so on.
Very funny. :'D

>> No.9135124

>*I'm not saying = I'm not saying

>> No.9135126

>*what is funny this this example? = what is funny with this example?

>> No.9135130

still the same species, that's my point
but dogs were bred for those traits, humans were not bred specifically
we just has different selective pressures and cultural pressures
artificial selection has dramatic results in short amounts of time and we've been breeding dogs for a pretty long time

>> No.9135135


>> No.9135146

>still the same species, that's my point
How is this pertinent?
I wasn't and haven't been claiming that the different races of man are different species or subspecies.
>but dogs were bred for those traits, humans were not bred specifically
If whole structures like the eye have developed out of chance, it isn't much of a surprise that different races have different minor attributes.
Also, that specificity of skill could've been provided by the differing enviroment, such as skin colour and vitamin D synthesis.
>we just has different selective pressures and cultural pressures
Which gives rise to different breeds (race).
>artificial selection has dramatic results in short amounts of time and we've been breeding dogs for a pretty long time
And humans have been evolving for a very long time, even racially, about 2 million years.

>> No.9135154

>humans were not bred specifically
what about slaves?

>> No.9135159

>humans were not bred specifically
What about warrior castes?
What about priest castes?
What about noble/royal castes?
What about scholar castes?

>> No.9135163

>A black person living a European country, even for generatons without admixture, or little admixture, will not have European skin, because they lack the genes for that, despite being in the same climate.
I do not see how this connects to my point. Of course a member of a population which developed different phenotypical characteristics during their evolution while mostly separated from another population will not simply change its phenotype when changing location. However if you allow for a large enough group to move and for long enough time to introduce new phenotypes to surface within this group due to mutation, and allowing for selection to pick out the phenotypes more suited to the present environment, then yes it would most likely happen. But the question you seem to be asking is if the genetic distance between certain populations in the world is large enough to justify a subdivision into (biological) races, which, according to current biological consensus is not justified.

>> No.9135167

I was specifically referring to humans in the last sentence, sorry for ambiguity.

>> No.9135214

>How is this pertinent?
I was originally responding to this >>9134224 image.
>If whole structures like the eye have developed out of chance,
everything developed out of chance but it took chance 540 million years to develop the eye
modern humans have only been around for tens of thousands of years
so any trait that doesn't have like serious selective pressure for isn't likely to be noticeably different between humans

just look at leopard frogs, some are green, some are brown, some are both
the green ones aren't smarter or anything it's just a thing

>> No.9135217


>> No.9135224


>> No.9135290

Evolutionary Psychology just became a meme in academia so that liberal arts professors could publish scientific sounding research.

>> No.9135293

There are musculoskeletal structural differences between the races:

>> No.9135298

Those phenotypical characteristics are race.

>> No.9135302

>It must be concluded that the race differences in average brain size are securely established. As such, brain size-related variables provide the most likely biological mediators of the race differences in intelligence.

>> No.9135314
File: 1013 KB, 815x1079, tcoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some evolutionary psychology, (((OP))).

>> No.9135318

I only looked at this one so far.

My question is about the old nature vs. nurture argument. Maybe African American females have more low-metabolic-rate skeletal muscle because they exercise less or something. These differences could be along ethnocultural lines rather than hard biological lines. Right?

>> No.9135319

I suppose.
It just seems unlikely that this apply to all candidates.

>> No.9135321

So, it's basically humanities?

>> No.9135382

they are right lol

>> No.9135385

Oh boy, this thread again. I'm sure it will yield just as much high quality discussion as last time.

>> No.9135421

The 'Evolutionary Psychology' she's referencing isn't an exapmle of science's flaws because in this very specific case, like this one >>9134224 as evolutionary psychology is described it is pseudoscience not science. And such a brand of pseudoscience isn't in the memo so she's getting assblasted over nothing.
>We shit on psychology here all the time.
Whoever shits on psychology here is retarded, it's a science.

>> No.9135424

That still doesn't disprove biological race.

>> No.9135443

Go back to /pol/. The people here have a higher IQ than you, they have a higher education to you, they have a more enriched life than you, Nothing you can type or link is going to sway people to your line of thinking, so go back to /pol/ and have your circle jerk there

>> No.9135453

This speaks volumes about how ignorant and
obstinate you are.
Even if I link scientific proof, from the same sources you do, it is somehow invalid because it challenges your world view?
That's hypocritic, if anything you'd do fine in /pol/, the home of ignorant pretentious cunt on 4chan.
I am not, nor have said anything in relation to race and superiority or inferiority (and if you infer that, you're the racist here), only biological differences (which are obvious, even to the naked eye).
>The people here have a higher IQ than you
I highly doubt you're among them.
>they have a higher education to you
You certainly don't.
>they have a more enriched life than you
I have children and enjoy my life, I doubt you have either of those.
So how about YOU go back to /pol/ and circle jerk in your ignorance, you effete dilettante.

>> No.9135461

you just gotta have faith!

>> No.9135466

>if your beliefs don't fit in with the narrative....

>> No.9135469

Classic liberalism isn't your neo-liberalism, friend.
You're more akin to social fascism.

>> No.9135477
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>Muh feels

The standard model doesn't give a shit about identity politics and this infuriates her. I thought these people wanted to dispel stereotypes about why women don't go into STEM fields but instead she confirms them.

>> No.9135481

Listen, it has been posted in numerous threads the problems with all the links you keep posting. It is a waste of energy to constantly refute your posts when you just ignore them. You can believe what you want about race and my "Ignorance", it is a waste of energy arguing with posters like you, I will no longer try to change your opinions and hope you will stop trying to argue your point because you will not change the views of anyone on this board.

>> No.9135484

>Posts sources.
>Gets strawmanned.
>My world view makes me a better person.
Choke on my dick you effete dilettante.
Don't give up your say job, because genetics and anthropology certainly ARE NOT the fields for you.

>> No.9135491

Race isn't an accepted concept in genetics, if you ever took an introductory genetics course you would of learned this

>> No.9135496

i took intro genetics
no ever even mentioned race, so i actually have no idea

>> No.9135498

Explain haplogroups then you fucking retard?
And their use for tracing racial groups?
Literally gobble on my nob, you fucking spastic.

>> No.9135505

No one mentioned race because it's too difficult to classify so many diverse populations into such a narrow classification as "race"

>> No.9135508

haplogorups =/= race, please share with us your biological definition of race and how many races are there?

>> No.9135510

even if it's not biologically definable as of today that doesn't mean that race isn't a thing

>> No.9135512

Not a fucking argument.
I asked these VERY SPECIFIC questions:
>Explain haplogroups then you fucking retard?
>And their use for tracing racial groups?
Can't answer them, baby boy?
What's the matter?
I thought you were "more educated" than me?
Fucking poser.
Also, dickhead, this just crossed over into SEMANTICS, obviously.
As I used race as a term for shared genetic heritage, giving rise to the concept of 'race'.
As ethnicity is used for social groups.
So no, sonny, your semantic argument is worthless, just like your life.
How does it feel having my schlong ramming into your trachea, lil' man?

>> No.9135513

Then what is your non-biological definition of race?

>> No.9135523

A haplogroup are a group of SNPs that are usually inherited together which originate from a common ancestor. In case you don't know what a SNP is, it's a single nucleotide polymorphic, which is just a mutation in a single codon. There is no way to classify an entire race based on SNPs as they vary between populations even between population that are geographically close. Now, please provide me a definition of race and name me these races

>> No.9135529

Yeah, just as I thought, this is semantic.
If you need the definition see >>9135512.

>> No.9135531

It's not semantic, let me dumb down my question for you. What makes an Asian person Asian. A person from Laos has different haplogroups than a Chinese person. Are they both the same race? Is a German person and a British person the same race? Please, enlighten me

>> No.9135534

Holy fuck, this is semantic, you dickhead.
We're using the term race differently, which means... guess what?

>> No.9135538

You have yet to define what Race is. The closest you came to defining it was by haplogroup, if that is the case there are thousands of races.

>> No.9135539

I'd say there is more a spectrum of race.
By distance of relation between haplogroups.

>> No.9135544

If you equate science to truth and if you dismiss science out of nothing or out of false bias/concepts. Then you are obviously retarded and you either have a conflicting dogma or use science as your dogma, in which case you are subhuman and wasting your possible ability as the most intelligent creature to have ever existed (as far as we know), simply to sit in a comfortable, static ideology.

>> No.9135550

that chink was likely born into maoist china you autistic cunts, i think he knows

he's just pointing out the mentality and culture doesn't foster taking care of the infrastructure and prosperity that other nations left them. because it obviously doesn't, as evidenced by all african nations.

>> No.9135557

I would keep her in my house and feed her food and dick until she became my thicc jewess

>> No.9135566

Long story short: fuck science because it does not match with my ideology and beliefs

>> No.9135586
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Oh, it's you again. Everyone can tell that it's the the sane guy desperately trying to change the prevailing opinion on /sci/ about race and genetics.

Please fuck off back to (((correct the record))).

>> No.9135615

So then, why are humans the only animal where evolutionary principles are not applied? Would we have evolved from to adapt to new conditions in our environment to survive?

Just sugarcoating how every race of human is the same just is disingenuous to the fact that we aren't all the same. Not that we should be treated differently based on that, but that we are a closely knit species with variations on traits depending on where one has come from.

>> No.9135625

Race exists, but it shouldn't matter if humans are really intelligent and as adaptable as we give ourselves credit for.

>> No.9135629
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>there's no scientific way to determine race

>> No.9135630

niggers aren't white

>> No.9135634

Oh look, a racial spectrum, just like I said:
Are you going to choke on my dick yet?

>> No.9135650

so we can just say races exist within "spheres". certain "spheres" get along with other "spheres" of similar size and location on this graph. i hope that what i'm saying makes sense.

>> No.9135657

There is no scientific consensus, this is just some graph made by a /pol/tard who is not a scientist, like you're not a scientist or educated in any scientific discipline

>> No.9135672

Funny, all our mitochondria DNA can be traced back to Africa using haplogroups, according to your definition are part of the African race, keep going Dr. /pol/

>> No.9135677

Samefagging this hard.
I said a SPECTRUM, not hard catagories.
Just like the graph depicts above.
Also, nice strawman, that IS science, just because you say it isn't doesn't disprove it.
Not to mention, the graph has a source listed below it.
So really, just choke on my dick already.
You can keep being in denial, but you've already been beaten to the punch line and proven WRONG.

>> No.9135679

>we wuz kangz and shit
and now we're different. or are you some kind of creationist?

>> No.9135680

>muh racism

>> No.9135703

It's a source that doesn't mention "race", it states "human relationships" once again there is no scientific consensus on race, no one in the science community uses spectrums for race, it's not even a good model if you actually studied population genetics. Let me spell it out for you, in Biology race is not recognized as a concept, there is no consensus and is generally not even acknowledged. Just because you recognize it and other non-scientist doesn't mean there is a scientific basis for race. There are no genetic papers classify anything by race , genetics deals with populations. I know you think it's just semantics, but it isn't. There are many nuances in genetics you don't understand, hence why they try and classify populations into race. You use data that makes no mention of race to support your notions of race.

>> No.9135710

Oh look, we're back to semantics.
Sorry, if you can't understand concepts without them being translated into your special language, that's your problem.

>> No.9135717
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Once again people complain about psychology using hoop jumps in logic and appeal to emotion arguments when the explanation for why psychology is shit and be indiscriminately questioned is so much simpler than that.

Psychology has low reproducibility and moderately high amounts of confounding that reduces the reported effects of the research when corrected. These alone cripple it to it's very foundation.

Scientists have been sounding the alarm about this shit for a years now but chuckle fucks keep ignoring it. There is no need to make an elaborate platform for arguing about this anymore.

>> No.9135723

It's not semantics, if you had real scientific knowledge you would understand details matter. Everything you post is semantics spam or some shitty figure that lumps up diverse populations into 8 categories. Instead of talking to me why don't you talk to someone with a Ph D. and see what they tell you, but you won't dare risk someone destroying your ignorant schemas

>> No.9135734

A vast genetic difference between populations is a difference in RACE whether they mention it explicitly or not, you denialist sophist, clawing at straws and I mow your bullshit down.
Also, stop using appeals to authority, that is a symptom of a weak argument.

>> No.9135755

Henry Edward Garrett was born on January 27, 1894 in Clover, Virginia.[1] He was educated in public schools in Richmond, Virginia.[1] He graduated from the University of Richmond in 1915, and received a master's degree and a PhD from Columbia University.[1]

In 1959 Garrett helped to found the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, an organisation promoting segregation. In 1961 he blamed the shift away from hereditarianism, which he described as the "scientific hoax of the century", on the school of thought—the "Boas cult"— promoted by his former colleagues at Columbia, notably Franz Boas and Otto Klineberg, and more generally "Jewish organizations", most of whom "belligerently support the equalitarian dogma which they accept as having been 'scientifically' proved." He also pointed to Marxist origins in this shift, writing in a pamphlet, Desegregation; fact and hokum, that "It is certain that the Communists have aided in the acceptance and spread of equalitarianism although the extent and method of their help is difficult to assess. Equalitarianism is good Marxist doctrine, not likely to change with gyrations in the Kremlin line." In 1951 Garrett had even gone as far as reporting Klineberg to the FBI for advocating "many Communistic theories", including the idea that "there are no differences in the races of mankind."[45][46][47][48][49][50]

>> No.9135757


Not him but the level of genetic "vastness" measured between populations is squarely dictated by how much you divide the total number by.

The question then becomes why are we only stopping at an arbitrary single digits number and not infinitely? The reason is because if you did the debate about "race" would dissolve because on a individualistic level everyone is genetic dissimilar in some fashion.

This is where the medical field wants to get to and understand the logic above.

You on the other hand is stuck at the single digit level and refuse to move beyond it because you're too obsessed with tribalism.

>> No.9135760

There are more than 8 populations in the world, seriously go to your local university or email the professor and talk to them about race, don't waste your time arguing with me they know more about it than the both of us

>> No.9135769

In 1989 J. Philippe Rushton was placed under police investigation by the Attorney General of Ontario, after complaints that he had promoted racism in one of his publications on race differences. In the same year, Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware had an extended battle with her university over the legitimacy of grants from the Pioneer Fund, eventually settled in her favour.[42][111]

Both later responded with an updated version of Henry E. Garrett's "equalitarian dogma", labelling the claim that all races were equal in cognitive ability as an "egalitarian fiction" and a "scientific hoax". Gottfredson (1994) spoke of a "great fraud", a "collective falsehood" and a "scientific lie", citing the findings of Snyderman and Rothman as justification. Rushton (1996) wrote that there was a "taboo on race" in scientific research that had "no parallel... not the Inquisition, not Stalin, not Hitler."[112] In his 1998 book "The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability", Jensen reiterated his earlier claims of Neo-Lysenkoism, writing that "The concept of human races [as] a fiction" has various "different sources, none of them scientific," one of them being "Neo-Marxist philosophy," which "excludes consideration of genetic or biological factors ... from any part in explaining behavioral differences amongst humans." In the same year the evolutionary psychologist Kevin B. MacDonald went much further, reviving Garrett's claim of the "Boas cult" as a Jewish conspiracy, after which "research on racial differences ceased, and the profession completely excluded eugenicists like Madison Grant and Charles Davenport."[113]

>> No.9135782

Stop nitpicking stuff about a few outliers, the consensus is not with them

>> No.9135785


>> No.9135787


>> No.9135819

Just a gentle reminder that scientific truth is not and has never been dictated by consensus.

>> No.9135825

There is no such thing as scientific truth, there is only supporting evidence and the majority of the current evidence doesn't support race

>> No.9135828

Because evidence is being actively suppressed.

>> No.9135830

That's just a straight lie.

>> No.9135834

that's right, there are no blacks.

>> No.9135835

Where's the evidence that scientific evidence is being suppressed? Is it conveniently being suppressed too?

>> No.9135840

Yep, there are blacks from Africa, India, South America, and Australia

>> No.9135847
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>> No.9135848

no, there are none. there are no races, race has no basis, forensics determining race is a pseudoscience etc. magic protects the human genome from diversification in any direction leftists would not be happy with.

iow please be fucking consistent if you got married to mindless dogma.

>> No.9135849

Well you can believe the testimonies of scientists who have actually tried to publish studies on genetic differences in intelligence, or you can stick your fingers in your ears and pretend you live in some egalitarian fantasy land.

>> No.9135850

race is colloquial
So it's real but it's informal and not well defined. Not really a scientific thing and more of an identity thing I guess.

>> No.9135856

the PhD student finds some facts, the PI doesn't like them for whatever reason, the PI decides not to publish them, the PhD student complains, the PI has the higher ground, the PhD gets into trouble, the PI controls scientific output, wa la
happens everyday
if you want the truth, you have to fight for it

>> No.9135857

There are indigenous populations with black skin in those areas, isn't that what you mean when you say black people?

>> No.9135866

no. black is not a race. bantu tribes form a race, capoids another. mongoloids another, astraloids yet another. then there are smaller ones, like semites etc. anything you recognize as a group of people with common recent homeland and who, AMONG OTHER TRAITS, also look somewhat alike.

drop the slogan that there is no race.

>> No.9135868

No-one says "yeah, I'm totally a mongoloid" lol.
They say "I'm black" or whatever race that's supposed to be. Right?

>> No.9135871

What are these testimonies?
Or maybe the PhD student didn't get their paper published because it didn't live up to scientific standards. Where's the evidence of foul play?

>> No.9135872

So if two races co-habitate a new area and breed together will they eventually form a new race, or will they just be a mixture of two races

>> No.9135879

There have literally already been multiple posted in this thread. Take your anti-science ignorance elsewhere.

>> No.9135884

they'll form a new race, of course. or more, if they split and get isolated from each other.

>> No.9135885

And what criteria is used to determine what is a new race or not?

>> No.9135886

>No-one says "yeah, I'm totally a mongoloid" lol.
if you don't know about the research where people identify their race 99.x percent according to what other people would class them into, what the fuck are you doing here.
oh, right, you try to introduce the red herring of mongoloid having used to mean 'downie', aren't you? kill yourself asap.
>They say "I'm black" or whatever race that's supposed to be. Right?
in the USA black means all the dark-skinned mongrels of mostly bantu origin, mixed with scottish slaveholders' blood. other than that it is not really meaningful. the only really black people live in southern India and in Australia. africans are various shades of brown.

>> No.9135893

>And what criteria is used to determine what is a new race or not?
people's consensus.

>> No.9135900

And everyone is going to agree with the classifications?

>> No.9135901

>Take your anti-science ignorance elsewhere
I'm not the one posting something that looks suspiciously close to being anti-intellectual rhetoric. Forgive me for being a little skeptical of anyone making a dubious claim and telling others not to trust the learned men calling it dubious.

>> No.9135920

the vast majority of people agree with the classifications, see e.g. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196372/ but there are others which show that not only self-identification but identification of the race of others is just as reliable. I know it's a leftist myth that they don't, but they do. the argument that some intuitive categorization does not exist because of less than one percent of outliers may fly in physics where we have higher standards but nothing in social sciences or biology has standing to take exception at such high levels of concordance.

>> No.9135945

the PhD student got his paper accepted, you fool, but only after he broke with the PI.

>> No.9135955

>the vast majority of people agree with the classifications
The respondents of the study you linked were given four races to choose from. They didn't make their own categories.

>> No.9135958

So the PI was a hard ass but academia as a whole did its job. What's your point?

>> No.9135960

This is obvious but that doesn't make East Asian a race or even African American. That's just knowing (very approximately) where your ancestors came from.

I'm talking about your link.

>> No.9135969

the PI can easily oppress data

>> No.9135975

How did academia enable the PI if it counteracted the PI's alleged attempts to block the research?

>> No.9135986

no, because East Asian would only be made a race by leftists acknowledging that it is one, which is not going to happen.

>> No.9135988

the guy inveigled his way into the position of a PI

>> No.9135989

>They didn't make their own categories.
you guys are making up strawmen stuffed with red herrings like there was no tomorrow. since when is 'making up your own racial category' a thing?

>> No.9135991

How does your link prove the vast majority of people agree with the classification?

>> No.9135998

look, this is getting absurd. link says less than one tenth of a percent of the people involved disagreed with the classification. you ask me to show you how does that prove that the vast majority of people agreed with it? you aren't really trying, are you?

>> No.9136002

also, what's up with the apparent condition that one must make up his own racial category? racial categories are a matter of consensus. moreover, races form a multi-level tree if not a DAG, and so people from different places will consider nodes at different levels to be a race. I can distinguish between eastern and northern europeans but I could not probably tell an ibo from a malinke (but I can tell an ibo from a xhosa, for example). that only means our ability to distinguish between subraces of races geographically distant from our own is limited, not that the tree does not exist.

>> No.9136005

>link says less than one tenth of a percent of the people involved disagreed with the classification

>> No.9136009

in the summary of the linked document.
"Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity."
now get lost. you aren't interested in discussion, you are just trying to be difficult for no good reason.

>> No.9136020

Knowing what the questionnaire asks isn't the same as agreeing with its answer choices and agreement of specific racial categories isn't the article's object.

>> No.9136033

The point isn't that there are differences between populations- there are. Adaptations selected for given separate environments.

The only argument made by people being rational in the thread, is that in the field of science you can't define it as race, due to the fact that there is no way to neatly draw lines in the sand to separate "races" genetically.

For example, the anon earlier talking about greater genetic variation within a population than without (see: >>9134410) is only just saying that in order to even classify, you have to cherrypick genes, assign a specific weight to each one in terms of which are more important for species classification, and then have a counsel argue over it.

The current model for deciding speciation and classification of species has to do with the total # of genes that differ between populations, or rather the ratio of genetic variation within the population to between. In humans, it's so small that the ratio can flip-flop given individuals tested- it fits the null hypothesis incredibly well.

/pol/ will continue to back up the argument a la >>9134544 this image, and make fools of themselves as usual.

God, I'm so glad summer's almost over.

>> No.9136068

>The point isn't that there are differences between populations- there are. Adaptations selected for given separate environments.
I wish scientists would speak out against people misconstruing 'one race - the human race' as meaning that there are absolutely no differences.

>> No.9136072

TIL /sci/ =/= google


>> No.9136075

Wolves and dogs can make babies, too. They're different species, but still genetically similar enough to breed with one another. Same thing with Homo neanderthalensi and Homo sapiens.

Dog breeds differ based on a number of genetic qualities, same with people. And you can't tell me there aren't easily discernable different breeds of dogs. Just accept that we're different. There're such things as breeds and race, but that doesn't mean that that should contribute to the devolution of compassion. Love for all

>> No.9136076 [DELETED] 
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>Scientists have done actual genetic studies on the matter and concluded there's no scientific backing to race.
(((Unbiased))) scientists.
Oy Vey!
All Research made by Nazi Germany Scientists Bad Goyim is False.
Only Studies made funded by (((our research foundations))) can be trusted.
Only (((Chosen People))) & Good Goyim Researchers can be trusted.
All Race Research made during Nazi Germany is wrong.
Le Chaim, Mazel Tov for the /sci/ (((Chosen Brethren)))

>> No.9136099

I'm not 100% happy with that description.

>> No.9136137
File: 52 KB, 387x302, what the fuck am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientists have done actual genetic studies on the matter and concluded there's no scientific backing to race.
just because you wish it doesn't make it true

>> No.9136176

The title is kind of true; we're not sure at 100% that science is right, it just seem to be the most closer to it.

The rest of the article is bullshit tho.

>> No.9136180


>> No.9136192

>stop equating science with truth
>but when it's (((climate science))) it's totally the truth

>> No.9136201

>All Race Research made during Nazi Germany is wrong.
I think people tried to make this knowledge usable, but most of the experiments done under the Nazi regime with respect to human race were subject to a large observer bias and the experiments were not very well controlled. It is really not feasible to try and salvage research which was badly done from ground up.

>> No.9136262


>> No.9136323

Pure H2O2 is too extremely volatile to rest in that beaker.

>> No.9136328

If the camera was 3 times further away it wouldn't be right in her face.

>> No.9136342

are you retarded lmao, read a fucking book the genetic differences between a caucasian and a nigger may be less than two caucasians

>> No.9136367
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>> No.9136368
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Nope, she really have the (((nose))).

>> No.9136374



>> No.9136405
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>> No.9136408

Easy Asian isn't a race, Indians look different to the Japanese.

>> No.9136430
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>> No.9136463

Can you stop slandering the correct sentiment of absolute truth with this bullshit about race?

I'm tired of people ruining relativism with their liberal shmear

>> No.9136468

Indians aren't east asian...

>> No.9136469

Make a chemical that kills only weeds

>> No.9136483

Soft science? What the fuck

>> No.9136503

weeds are a social contruct

>> No.9136518

Yeah I seem stupid now but I knew that. I just thought the study grouped Indians with other asians (lol they don't).

>> No.9136534

>Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe
>Scientific Method: a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses

Only /pol/tards and SJW use phrases like absolute truth, there is no way to find absolute truth

>> No.9136882

You're completely twisting the argument here. There is no value judgment at all in the argument, which you're appealing to. The whole argument is that even when it comes to classifications like breeds or subspecies, there isn't enough genetic differentiation to draw any lines, as there's no higher degree of genetic difference between two human populations vs. within.

>> No.9136893
File: 907 KB, 2598x1228, oh shit western academics what are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what is worse. The article or that the points made in the article would be agreed to by the vast majority of arts and humanities majors/departments. Actually when I type it out, the latter is clearly much worse.

>> No.9136898

this must be shopped, there's no way this is real

>> No.9136900
File: 33 KB, 321x326, reminder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9136912

Creationist detected.

>> No.9136915

Lewontin's Fallacy

>> No.9137054

Yes it is indeed a woman.

More power to the point; you can't even determine the gender of niggers without genitals.

>> No.9137203

can humans of different races mate with each other?

yes, therefore they are the same species

it is literally that simple

>> No.9137213

1. Different substances is an absurdly exaggerated parody of different species.
2. Nobody claims orange juice and blood orange juice are the same beverage.

>> No.9137350

But they aren't false. Every biology thread is
>How come humans didn't evolve to fly
>Race is a social construct

>> No.9137356
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>They look different so they aren't apart of the same species
That isn't how biology works at all. You also forget that humans were biologically designed to see differences in humans more distinctly than non human animals so those birds probably look/sound completely different to each other.

>> No.9137362

That is literally the opposite of what it says. Have you read it?

>> No.9137983

Just make sure when you publish, it's only the "good" kind like what they want to hear.

>> No.9138005

There's actually a nice ecology thread about a fish crisis in the PNW right now, that hasn't devolved to shitposting. But it's slow as hell, so I can see why higher quality threads don't survive.

>> No.9138094
File: 705 KB, 975x1961, Impurity in the Pursuit of Salvation Is No Vice - The New York Times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietsche was right about Libe... I mean, Progressives. No matter how secular, they're all trying to build Jerusalem. They don't even realise it. This goy is at least self aware. Most are not,


>> No.9138103

There's a legitimate paper from one of my polisci classes about this very problem among Africans. They're resisting cultural change necessary to succeed. It's written by a Black African too, not some creepy mulatto nazi-larper, either.

>> No.9138112
File: 99 KB, 760x456, Eounga-1-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh, here it is. Complete with citation.


Daniel Entouga-Manguelle, “Does Africa need a cultural adjustment program?” in Laurence Harrison and Samuel Huntington, eds, Culture Matters (New York: Basic Books, 2000)

But he's been colonized by Western sociology, the way we were never colonized by Muslim mathematics.

>> No.9138118

So why don't the mods delete stuff like the linked image? Or, at least have a debunk pic hot-keyed? I know they're mostly full of shit, but biology still moves fast and the most I can usually guarantee is "insufficient sample size" or "poorly controlled experiment."

But the Slate article is right, science is not absolute truth, at least not yet. But that won't stop them using it to push their own ideology, even if the science on it is every bit as piss-poor. Transgenderism comes to mind. Still no explanation for homosexuality in human females, either.

>> No.9138127

because the majority of people on this board only have a high school level of science

>> No.9138128

Found the troll..

Nobody can be this stupid on purpose

>> No.9138139

It comes with the race

>> No.9138151

You're the one ignoring facts because you don't like them.

>> No.9138187

1) nobody at slate is a scientist, nothing pertaining to slate is remotely scientific
2) psychology is complete bunk
3) therefore evolutionary psychology is at least half bullshit

>> No.9138251

Shit! Has GOOLAG turned this place into /pol/?

>> No.9138323

t. butthurt biology brainlet

>> No.9138338


No /pol/ shills just keep coming here because they don't have a real job.

>> No.9138357
File: 46 KB, 842x460, YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will have a better more just society if we build it on truth rather than ignorance.

>> No.9138500

>academia as a whole did its job
can't you imagine the immense burden to the involved PhD student? Abandoning the fraudulent PI, facing massive headwind, including short term workplace sanctions, endangering the own career, and publishing at one's own cost? I'd say "academia works out" is hardly the right term in such a case, more like "academia's ass got saved in the last minute".

>> No.9138511
File: 35 KB, 401x584, heqet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ Psychometrics
You mean that circular reasoning meme test that has been proven to not actually measure intelligence.

>Evolutionary Psychology

>> No.9138515

When was this?

>> No.9138519

>Japan sees trend of certain western style cultural benefits
>Basically Colonizes itself
>most successful Asian state within a lifetime

>> No.9138528


>Colonized itself
>Completely ignore american occupation of Japan after WW2

>> No.9138620

Japan was a dominant regional player for decades before WW2. Its industrialization remains one of the biggest societal achievements in world history. Japan did see what had to be done thanks to Perry, though.

>> No.9138657

But the author is right, science is not equivalent to truth. A lot of views that used to be considered true by virtually all scientists in the past have been proven false, which means that not everything science says is necessarily true since the current views of the scientific community can be proven false in the future with the emergence of new data and theoretical concepts.

>> No.9138662

The Belgians destroyed Congo

>> No.9138722


Just read the excerpts from the .PDF, my main problem with the arguments presented is that it ignores outside development on a parallel time frame.

Yes, Africa has a lot mysticism in it's society and politics. But so did Europe and Asia. The difference comes not from the dissolving of mysticism but incorporating methodology into real world products that was then build upon by analytical and philosophical meaning. This was then valued by the social powers which were often religious in nature.

In China and the Middle East architecture was built with explicit philosophical connotations and modified repeatedly by constant analytical observations. Both cultures still maintained a high level of mysticism into their buildings. Chinese construction sought spiritual balance utilizing magic squares methodology to perfect a layout structure similar to modern floor planning to appease both nature and preserve good standing with the gods. Meanwhile Middle East construction sought spiritual uniformity by expelling all iconography of deities thus depended upon grand abstract fractal/ tesselation patterns to interpret and maintain the atmosphere of god.

Also he keeps referencing Africa as if it's a country in the same vain as the U.S. and China when it's not. He recognizes the multitude of societies and cultures but does not recognize that continental development will always be asymmetrical.

This is the reason why Ancient Egypt was the premiere central hub of development/ economic power in the past while Nigeria holds the title in the present. Same thing happened in Europe throughout the millennia. Only recently has Europe achieve some level of developmental ubiquity which produces the illusion of continental development.

Yes, Africans need to reflect over their cultures but it should be about refinement and indiscriminate adoption of tools enabling proper global cooperation. Not a proverbial witch hunt of their own cultures in the pursuit of emulation.

>> No.9138725

It's not.

>> No.9138867
File: 18 KB, 248x189, uhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims science has nothing to do with truth and can't be trusted as a source and method for finding the truth
>uses a social science to prove this

>> No.9138874

They civilized Congo.

>> No.9138981

wtf you talking about?

>> No.9139004


>there's more genetic variation within a population of humans than between populations

>oh no, the distributions overlap, I guess it means they dont really exist..

brainlet detected

>> No.9139018

he means right wing = denial of evolution = denial of biology = gender studies = left wing

>> No.9139399

>Not a proverbial witch hunt of their own cultures in the pursuit of emulation.
The sad truth is that such witch hunts, sometimes literal, are an all too frequent occurrence in the history of many developed and developing nations. Look at how even in the US we're blaming an entire generation of people for the decline of a country still at the top by many measures.

>> No.9139833

he means that left denies that whites are more evolved than blacks, & blacks are the missing link between whites & chimpanzees

>> No.9140387

fucking lol