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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9132595 No.9132595 [Reply] [Original]

Post questions that aren't important enough to start a seperate thread.
Questions pertaining to the physical and nonphysical sciences as well as mathematics.

>> No.9132600
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Is there a connection between intelligence / I.Q and race?

What about crime? (statistics show that crime is higher on blacks than on whites for example)

>> No.9132601

What is the purpose of reality?

>> No.9132620

The purpose of reality is to be real, as real as real can be.

>> No.9132650
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Why are these types of questions ignored by the """""scientists"""""" of this board?

Is it because it makes them uncomfortable?

>> No.9132663

As far as I know, it's a completely social issue.
Genetics and intelligence aren't directly related unless something in your genes gives you better memory or what not. Also, this isn't really a scientific or math question. Playing it off as "psychology" also isn't acceptable.

The purpose (from a scientific standpoint) of reality is to continuously improve and develop into a better life-form. If you're going to ask a question that complex, at least word it better and don't make it sound like a rewording of "what is the meaning of life?".

>> No.9132670
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I had some impure KOH that I though
recrystallization would purify. Attempting that, the KOH did crystalize but there were other small brown crystals as well. I made the KOH from banana ash via K2CO3 + Ca(OH)2. I checked google about the crystals but nothing.
Anyone know what they could be?

>> No.9132672


>As far as I know, it's a completely social issue

But statistics also show that blacks who are well off and live comfortable well adjusted lives still commit more crimes (and have lower IQ) than whites who are in the same situation.

Its not a crime to ponder into this crucial finding, is it?

>> No.9132681

It's ignored because it's not only a shitpost, but an old and repetetive one. If you want the answer, do the research yourself. That's pretty much a golden rule; do some searching and if you can't find anything THEN you ask.

>> No.9132690


>I don't want certain things to be discussed on my safe space

Tell us how you really feel, anon

>> No.9132691

What statistics? From where? Is the website you reap your statistics realiable and not shrouded in bigotry and opinion?
Also, IQ is subjective. IQ is your total amount of knowledge BASED on a national test.

>> No.9132695

I'm not saying I don't want to discuss such an issue. But I'm sure if you check the archives you'll find plenty of threads with the same exact subject with about 2 to 3 replies. Also, this kind of topic is questionable. If you have questions about race issues, go to >>>/pol/.

>> No.9132704


>I'm not saying I don't want to discuss such an issue but I said that I don't want the issue to be discussed

We've gone full circle, buddy.

So how about you tell us how you really feel now?

>> No.9132719
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You're missing the point by asking for its purpose, Anon. It existed long before we were around to pass human judgements on it, and will exist all the same after we're gone.

Reality just "is."

>> No.9132723

You seem to be purposely ignoring everything I say apart from that which can, if butchered, self condradicts me.
Obvious troll is obvious. I get it.
But I want to have a real discussion. This is what this board is about after all. You want to troll? Go to >>>/b/.
Want to start a racial discussion? >>>/pol/.
If you really want to know if IQ is subjective to genes (which you don't, but bear with me) then do the research yourself. The world is your oyster anon, all you have to do is harvest it. But no. Instead you shitpost on a board for SCIENCE and MATH. You don't even try. I'm giving you a chance anon, please don't betray it.

>> No.9133067

Is it okay to ask for help on a math question ITT if it's not homework?
My professor doesn't give homework and I'm trying to work through the textbook myself.

>> No.9133089

Statistician here requesting citation.

I'm sick and tired of both sides of the political spectrum invoking "statistics show" and then producing some garbled, frequentist p-hacked nonsense.

>> No.9133102
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So I'm a recent CS graduate and I am thinking of going for my master's in math. I took Algebra, Pre-Cal, Cal I and II, Differential Equations, Probability & Stats and Math For CE (subbed of discrete). Got an A or B in all the math except Cal I. Yes, inb4 faggot whatever. Anyway, I'm applying for the next semester so I wanted to see what are the most important things to study in the meantime. I'm planning on doing the Statistics Concentration.

>> No.9133122

What type of math do you want to do? Study the pre-requisites for the type of math you want to learn, duh

>> No.9133128


>> No.9133137
File: 3 KB, 273x66, Gibbs Problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to work through a proof and i`m stuck on the first step... it seems that basic arithmetic has escaped me.

Can anyone explain to me why this is true?

>> No.9133707


if [math] A = \frac{ep\cos(x)}{1+e\cos(x)} [/math]

then [math] ep\cos(x) = A + Ae\cos(x)[/math]

[math] A = e\cos(x)(p-A) [/math]

[math] \frac{A}{p-A} = e\cos(x) [/math]

[math] \frac{A}{p-A} + \frac{p-A}{p-A} = \frac{p}{p-A} = 1+e\cos(x)[/math]

[math] frac{p-A}{p} = \frac{1}{1+e\cos(x)} [/math]

[math] 1 - \frac{A}{p} = \frac{1}{1+e\cos(x)}

[math] \frac{A}{p} = 1 - \frac{1}{1+e\cos(x)} [/math]

[math] A = p - \frac{p}{1+e\cos(x)} [/math]

Which of Gibbs' problems is this a part of?

>> No.9133710


6th line is

[math] \frac{p-A}{p}= \frac{1}{1+e\cos(x)}[/math]

>> No.9133758

What would be a simple experiment that one could do with few resources that would prove gravity exists and that objects don't fall or rise based solely on their densities (buoyancy)?

>> No.9134122

perfect, thank you.
Its the same Gibbs but not thermodynamics, its part of his method to determine a satellites orbit given three nonzero position vectors.

fact, he was the first American to contribute significantly to Celestial Mechanics

>> No.9134572
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What would happen if some of these where dropped from orbit into a gas giant?

>> No.9134583

f anyone here did Computer Science what percentage of people usually drop out of CS during the first week?

>> No.9134594

The classic number is 50% in the first year. How it is distributed over the year depends greatly on the structure of the curriculum, I imagine; but something like 25% in the first month or so would not be unusual.

>> No.9134600
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>What would be a simple experiment that one could do with few resources that would prove gravity exists and that objects don't fall or rise based solely on their densities (buoyancy)?

Simple, but not inexpensive.

Measure very exactly the weight of an object at sea level near the equator. Take said object up near one of the poles and weight it again, also very accurately.

The weight will be different, in conformity with predictions in theories of gravity, but this result is inconsistent with the theory that items rise or fall only in accordance to their mass -- since your object does not gain mass just by carrying it with you someplace else.

You could do something similar measuring the weight of an object at sea level, or on top af a large mountain. Your major expense there would eb some really sensitive scales.

>> No.9134755
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Uh.... what is it? Looks like red hot steel or a hello dessert.

>> No.9134777


>> No.9134783
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Explosive Space Modulator???