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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 224 KB, 1500x1125, meat thermometre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9131443 No.9131443 [Reply] [Original]

How is it that our bodies are at 98 degrees without us cooking from the inside out? I mean you can slowly slowly cook some meat or an egg at that temperature?

Why are we not all walking talking human filet mignon?

>> No.9131444

>I mean you can slowly slowly cook some meat or an egg at that temperature?
no you can't

>> No.9131446

>you can slowly slowly cook some meat or an egg at that temperature?
what meat do you eat at 98 degrees?

>> No.9131460

>can slowly slowly cook
[citation needed]

>> No.9131463


>> No.9131467

When it is 98 degrees outside you can slowly cook an egg on a sidewalk. It has to be in the upper 90's and low hundreds for it to cook.

>> No.9131476

98 degrees air temp =|= 98 degrees surface temp of sidewalk

>> No.9131495
File: 17 KB, 268x284, 1468618615178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131514

OP confusing celius and farenheid isn't he? Meat does not cook at 37c it spoils

>> No.9131568

I don't do celius, food can cook at 98 degrees.

>> No.9131577

nigga the material heats up as it's out in the sun, its much hotter than whatever 98 degrees Fahrenheit actually means (use Celsius on /sci/, most the world doesn't know what you mean)

>> No.9131585


>> No.9131586
File: 66 KB, 600x413, 98 degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US uses Fahrenheit, this board is primarily made up of people from American and England, this board was founded in America. America is the strongest and most powerful nation, thus people learn English, thus you should learn Fahrenheit, I don't do metric, and I'm not going to bother with it, it's stupid.

That being saidyou walk out in the sun and sun bathe at time or chill in the sun right and your insides are 98 degrees, so why aren't you slowly frying? Vast majority of people, even college educated don't know metric, they don't teach it, it's kind of a learn it if you really want to type thing.

>> No.9131588
File: 95 KB, 648x1000, 451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celius means absolutely nothing to me.

Also the classic book Fahrenheit 451 is called Fahrenheit 451 not Celsius 451.

>> No.9131592

>America is the strongest and most powerful nation, thus people learn English
>I don't do metric, and I'm not going to bother with it, it's stupid.
>your insides are 98 degrees, so why aren't you slowly frying?
>even college educated don't know metric

Some god-tier bait right there

>> No.9131609

>not using kelvin in everyday life

fucking amateurs

>> No.9131611

something pet owners should be painfully aware of btw


>> No.9131616

>Fahrenheit 451
a story of a society that made shit choices
>doesn't see the irony

>> No.9131659
File: 6 KB, 197x256, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be terrible to be such a brainlet that you don't have a rough idea of what temperatures are in both Celsius and Fahrenheit, can't quickly do a mental conversion, and don't even know what body temperature is.

>> No.9131663

Top lel

>> No.9131676

Why would I. The only ones who use it are Americans and I will never interact with an American outside of imageboards, most are not retarded and use an adequate measure system too.

>> No.9131691
File: 70 KB, 645x729, nigger wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being such a brainlet as to be incapable of dealing with unit conversions

>> No.9131704

>Not knowing how many fathoms are in a light-year off the top of your head
Kelly, brainlet

>> No.9131710

Because the meat you cook is dead hence it can't renew his water supply by drinking water. Eventually it runs out of it and heat begin to cook the tissue.
On the other hand, living organisms are constantly maintining almost the same water level and temperature in their whole body through sweat and hydratation, thus the heat released by cellular combustion is regulated and won't cook the tissue.

>> No.9131717

>1 light-year ~ 365*300,000,000 m = 365*3 * 10^8 m
>1 fathom ~ 1.8 m
>365*3/1.8 ~ 360*3/1.8 = 600
>1 light-year ~ 6 * 10^10 fathoms
You must be a real subhuman if you can't do these calculations in your head.

>> No.9131720
File: 10 KB, 285x287, 1501703665439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit here we go goys 200+ replies here we go ! dumbo murican thinks hes the gods chosen ha sike youre not! the jews are and even they are only satans chosen. Geeet fukked dumbo caveman with ur primitive systems your agencies that matter all use the metric the one the only. Show me ur tits fucccc boiii youll never adabt the metric system cause your leaders have all given up on you, they see you as gullible idiots dumbo titarooo man.

>> No.9131723

I do it in my foot, a 'murican imperial unit

>> No.9131726

No, convert that

>> No.9131729

should be 365*24*60*60, subhuman

>> No.9131760
File: 127 KB, 257x250, 1492456157237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me you nigger god

>> No.9131762

let's put you on a giant frying pan under the scorching sun and we'll see who doesn't cook

>> No.9131783

Your mum's piss flaps.

>> No.9131804

>you can slowly slowly cook some meat or an egg at that temperature
Is this bait? Is the use of retarded units bait or do some people seriously consider a scale from "very cold"=0 to "a little more than the inside of my asshole"=100 superior?

>> No.9131875

98 degrees...

>> No.9131891

Well the metal and the air around me will rise at temperatures above 37°C so yes, I'll definitely be cooked.

But if for some miracle the heat is stable, say the temperature around me is exaclty 37°C I still wouldn't be able to regulate my body temperature since i can't transfert my excess heat to the surrounding medium.
So yes i'll be burning from inside and i'll rapidly sweat way too much water out of my body. And given the fact that my skin is entirely protected from sun rays (so you don't add sunburn in the party), i guess I'll die from dehydratation. That's basically why you die faster in a desert than in a mild weather zone (say a garden at 15°C).

>> No.9131953

Who the fuck uses Kelvin, most people use eiother Fahrenheit or Celsius.

>> No.9131962

College I went to professor always taught Fahrenheit, prof always said Fahrenheit was a more reliable and more logical system of measurement.

>> No.9131988

98 degrees =/= 100 degrees

I'm not sure about the boiling point of muscle mass, but 100 should at least have some nasty effect on your body water content.

>> No.9132011

>using commie sjw units of measurement
>Note that the new metric system did not come into effect in France until after the French Revolution, when the new revolutionary government captured the idea of the metric system. The decision of the Republican government to name this new unit the "kilogramme" had been mainly politically motivated, because the name "grave" was at that time considered politically incorrect as it resembled the aristocratic German title of the Graf, an alternative name for the title of Count that, like other nobility titles, was inconsistent with the new French Republic notion of equality

>> No.9132017

Still better than using units divided into 3/6/12/3212587 subunits. We'll switch to Planck units someday anyway.

>> No.9132026

What about people who have a 100 deghree fever for a week from a flu bug or something?

>> No.9132030

Can you put that in Fahrenheit for those of us who don't speak dutch?

>> No.9132037

Our cells combust? Are you talking like Spontaneous human combustion on a smaller level? And is Spontaneous human combustion a real thing? How can it be explained?

If our cells are constantly combusting why then aren't we in constant excruciating pain, and like smoking form the combustion?

>> No.9132043

smart people

>> No.9132045

Nobody Knows.
I Think You Should Not Delve Deeper.

>> No.9132047

98,6°F or wathever standard temperature you use to describe the inner body temperature...

...it litteraly took me 1s to google the conversion btw.

>> No.9132060

I meant by combust that they combust glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxid, water, heat and usable energy (such as mechanical if this is a muscle cell per exemple). That's basically how our cells works, didn't you learn that in high school ?

Regarding spontaneous combustion of the human body I'm not expert but if i recall correctly what i've read it's not likely to happen if you aren't dead and full of putrefaction gas in a very hot and dry room.

>> No.9132070

Doesn't having an internal body temperature of 98 degrees help to further cook the food you eat so it is safe to digest and also to break it down further, like our stomachs are little ovens or something?

>> No.9132083

>or something

>> No.9132652

Food can cook at very low temperatures if you use something other than heat to cook it. Google "ceviche."

But you can't cook anything by applying body temperature to it, whether C or F.

To demonstrate this, place your favorite raw food in you armpits or between your butt cheeks for a few hours, see if it cooks at all.

>> No.9132671

I find it most convenient to use a personal temperature scale of my own devising, rather than blindly accepting some scale dictated by the Patriarchy.

>> No.9132979

98 degrees is only bit more than right angle, you can't cook on that. If you bend over, though, that can be dangerous.

>> No.9133033
File: 36 KB, 300x300, watermelons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know someone who used to work in ER. one lady came in for lower abdominal pain. turns out she left a hot dog in her vagina and forgot about it. it was a pretty effective slow cooker because the hot dog was totally transformed.

>> No.9133271

the vagina is acidic, her body heat did not cook the hotdog.

>> No.9133398

Don't forget humidity. Your sweat will still cool you off above 37°C if the relative humidity is below 100%.

>> No.9133433

Now THAT'S a super-power!

>> No.9133553

it's the ideal temperature for enzymes

>> No.9133556

It can be 98 degrees outside but if the sun is blasting a sidewalk or piece of metal that metal is going to be like 150 degrees.

Matter absorbs heat anon

>> No.9133802

You can cook food at 98 degrees... celsius.

However, body temperature is far below that. I don't know at what fahrenheit temperature water boils, but that's 100 celsius.

>> No.9134511

>science board
>doesn't use celcius
That sums up /sci/ pretty well

>> No.9135123
File: 131 KB, 959x599, 1500891943057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is fucking next level lmao how brainlet do you need to be to ask what is essentially
>how come we dun get cooked liek stakes wen we go outsiude?

>> No.9135149

You bumped it

>> No.9135150

How do you know dog owners don't want to breed hot pavement resistant dogs?

>> No.9135287
File: 18 KB, 297x259, truegod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise the lord

>> No.9135326


Most of the world hasn't been to the moon.

>> No.9135437

The part that makes up the moon has been though.

>> No.9135754

all real science and linear algebra is done in degrees F also known as degrees of Freedom

>> No.9135956



>> No.9135961

What's the internal temperature of cooked meat?

>> No.9135974

How does your car run without the engine overheating and seizing up?

>> No.9135978

>English, thus you should learn Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit was a Polish-born German who lived in Holland,
thus English has nothing to do with it, you retard.

>> No.9136001

at 100% RH, 35°C is lethal


>> No.9136010

>being such a brainlet that you miss his point
It's not about whether you're able to convert or not, you're on a science board, use the units used in science.

>> No.9136017

You can always spot the american posters