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9126277 No.9126277 [Reply] [Original]

With pressure dropping like a rock, will the absolute madman be a major hurricane by tomorrow?

>> No.9126347
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even if it doesn't, louisiana and the texas coast are FUCKED

>> No.9126365

pressure already down to 981 mb

>> No.9126371
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GG i live in corpus christi. I love you /sci/boys

>> No.9126373

you're gonna die man

>> No.9126375

>Texas A&M issues mandatory evacuation for Corpus Christi campus
get out with the smart people while you can

>> No.9126376

I'm in corpus too. Not looking forward to the power outages :(

>> No.9126379

y'all might want to leave

>> No.9126384

power might be the least of your worries

>> No.9126390
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Why hasn't texas had a major hurricane in years?

Do they fear the water warrior?

>> No.9126396

with 15 inches of rain you could probably drown just opening your mouth

>> No.9126401

Glad I just moved from Conroe, TX to Golden, CO literally not even a full week ago

>> No.9126404

now forcasted to be a major hurricane by landfall

>> No.9126654

full hurricane now

>> No.9126669

>just moved from Conroe, TX to Golden, CO
gtfo ass-hat we are full and you're making the housing market shit. Go back to your shit-town.

>> No.9126677

news has been saying it will be a category 3 or even higher

i live in corpus too. they've already ordered evacuation of a few areas (robstown and port aransas), and suggest that people evacuate the rest of padre and mustang islands as well as flour bluff. the base is also getting closed down afaik.

i don't plan on leaving but if you want to leave, i recommend heading out towards laredo or at least alice. the valley isn't that great of an option, and san antonio/austin are going to get hammered. victoria and houston are kind of risky since they'll take the northern side of the storm.

>> No.9126681

same, from houston to NY. feel bad for my folks but they are used to it, feels weird to have a hurricane in the gulf and it being a non-issue for me

>> No.9126717

The so-called 'Texas death ridge' was an area of high pressure that served to either deflect tropical storms, or deprived them of the moisture needed to grow and sustain them meaning they fizzled by landfall.

>> No.9126830


It looks

like a giant


Good Luck, TX
good thing I got to see N'awlins when it was above water

>> No.9127050

small mind.

>> No.9127181
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updated. god is pissed.

>> No.9127231

Cat 3 is nothing to fuck around with, but it is a LONG way from the sort of fucking over a ig storm can give you.

This one is going to cause as much damage from rain as anything else.

If you are in that area, though, gtfo. Got stuck in SC in the Hugo aftermath, not having power for three weeks in the south in the summer is not worth it, even if you are not worried about dying horribly.

>> No.9127256

I'm in spring Texas. How badly is it going to hit here?

>> No.9127271



>> No.9127296

Ayyy im in Huntsville, AL, glad to see we'll get some rain from this

>> No.9127337

San Antonio reporting in. All 4chan bullshit aside, get the fuck out of Corpus. We're far enough inland to survive and you can still find hotel rooms.

I-37 is gonna be a bitch, tho.

>> No.9127398

I live in Houston, idk if I have to go to work this weekend. Luckily I work the morning shift tomorrow bc I need the money.

>> No.9127403
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>tfw you live in Arizona and you know this Hurricane is going to bring dank weather to alleviate the Heat wave

>> No.9127653

Fuck that nigger

You have quite a storm on hand, that's a serious matter

>> No.9127655

Is it monsoon season yet?

>> No.9128388
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>> No.9128391
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>> No.9128401

Sure is, buckaroo.

>> No.9128767

>people living in the typical path of hurricanes in areas barley above sea level

what exactly did these people expect was going to happen?

>> No.9128808
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>tfw climate changer deniers get weathered to death

my sides

>> No.9129045

We don't have to worry about a tornado fucking our house though.

>> No.9129054

Almost anywhere you could live is susceptible to one disaster or another. What do you think will happen?

>> No.9129097

Praying for my nigga jim it's looking rough in corpus christi

>> No.9129124

>american wooden houses

>> No.9129163


> tfw the unexpectedly low frequency of major storms still invalidates every "we're going to get drowned by hurricanes every year" handflapping panicmongering prediction for the last decade

>> No.9129178

Why do Americans build wooden homes along the coast?

>> No.9129224

>Why do Americans build wooden homes along the coast?

It's cost effective for housing developers.

>> No.9129226

Because the severity of these hurricanes would rip apart a brick building with just as much ease, and that creates a tremendous amount of collateral damage and is more expensive to repair.

>> No.9129233

Structures could be built out of concrete instead but that would be very, very expensive.

>> No.9129244

no it wouldn't
throwing up shacks made out of wood is not at all the cheap way to do things

>> No.9129253

>throwing up shacks made out of wood is not at all the cheap way to do things

You'd be surprised, especially once you start factoring in the cost of the foundation needed to support the structure.

Concrete clocks in at $98 per cubic yard.

>> No.9129261

>tfw long-term threats aren't comprehensible to mindlets

>> No.9129306

Texas is so fucked. Combine wind speeds of Charley coupled with the torrential rain of Tropical Storm Allison.

>> No.9129343


>> No.9129346
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Well damn.

>> No.9129351

the homes themselves can actually be built to withstand hurricanes pretty well. there's standard building practices for it these days. the biggest problems are the windows and any flood damage, and any type of home would be prone to those.

>> No.9129353

>write social security number on arm
this seems fishy

>> No.9129406

at least it will be spread out over 72+ hours. still shitty since a lot of the soil around houston is clay and doesn't drain very well

>> No.9129411

>missed new orleans
dang i was hoping we'd finally be rid of that city

>> No.9129417

New Orleans forced a lot of their ghetto black ppl to move to Houston after Katrina.... so there's still a silver lining.

>> No.9129424

Went to AIT in AZ, monsoon season got spooky as fuck. I didn't know literal rivers could form so quick

>> No.9129430

NOAA reports Harvey has just made official landfall as a category 4 storm. Katrina was category 3 at landfall.

>> No.9129431

Yea i saw on periscope the eye just hit land. So many destroyed houses already

>> No.9129444

Not too many storms of this strength in the US in recent years. Charley, Andrew, Hugo are the only comparable ones that come to mind.

>> No.9129456

rita was pretty bad too

>> No.9129460


As far as I know none of them have ever just... stalled over one spot like Harvey is forecast to do.

>> No.9129466

No, this will result in catastrophic damage that we haven't seen in our lifetimes. Worst of the century so far.

>> No.9129473

Apparently a high school in Rockport, TX collapsed and injured a lot of folks

>> No.9129497

Places that have collapsed so far:
Home for the Elderly
Police Station
High School in Rockport

>> No.9129508


>> No.9129517

It's not just going to stall, it's projected to go offshore for a short vacation and then come back for more

>> No.9129523

Maybe it'll go to new orleans next and we can be rid of Houston and new orleans in one glorious sweep

>> No.9129581

High school was only damaged did not collapse

>> No.9129629

>Harvey has been downgraded from category 4 to category 3
>3 hours after landfall

>> No.9129652
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The rain bands are lasting longer but at least it's not raining sideways.


>> No.9129657

Why do Europeans pay €1,000,000 for a stone flat the size of a closet?

>> No.9129658



Its a Cat 4 Hurricane anon. Write your ssn on your torso along with your name with a sharpie.

>wind just changed direction
>storm surge is coming


>> No.9129664

Jeff just confirmed that the air is saturated with the smell of natural gas and propane. The refineries are most likely hit and there's a fuckton of damage across multitude of tanks.

Expect gas prices across the country and to increase significantly. The intense rain and gale force wins is probably all that's preventing the refineries from erupting in flames.

>> No.9129672
File: 281 KB, 2048x1363, harvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Courtesy of the ISS & NASA

>> No.9129683

Harvey is far more dangerous than Katrina for several reasons:

1. Its a Category 4, and a category 4 to make landfall. Which brings with it 120-140mph winds + 60-70" of rain

2. The eye of this storm is tiny as all hell, compared to Katrina when it made landfall. Smaller the eye, the deadlier the storm and stronger its wind speeds as well as density of the eye wall (strongest part of the hurricane) as well as its cohesion.

3. Its one of the slowest moving storms ever recorded to make landfall. To make matters worse, its just spinning on axis and barely moving up. As a result, it continues to feed from the warm waters of the ocean as well as the warm waters of the bay where it made landfall. Unlike other hurricanes which move inland, usually quickly, which results in a loss of strength eventually dropping down in categories until they turn into tropical storms, then depressions, then standard thunderstorms/isolated and finally dissipating--this one is just SITTING there.

If you guys lose power, where ever you are within the scope of this storm DO NOT expect to have it back for weeks, if not months. The infrastructure in place that moves power all over; is pretty much fucked. Expect water treatment facilities to be affected, expect major arteries to be to be flooded/trashed/covered in debris from trees, establishments, businesses, etc. Which is going to hamper relief efforts.

And finally, as mentioned earlier, BECAUSE the air is saturated with the smell of propane and natural gas, its going to make a lot of people sick, nauseous, even light headed and potentially get them killed from the fumes--once the hurricane moves away.

From Jeff's stream, it was absolutely clear that the strongest part of the storm, the northern eye wall roared right over the area which contains majority of the refineries and storage tanks of vast amounts of the petroleum within southern Texas.

This one's for the history books.

>> No.9129691
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>> No.9129694


Also once you get a few miles inland (think Houston) the soil is no longer sandy (like most areas that get hit my hurricanes) and is mostly clay. Clay is really slow to drain. This will make the flooding significantly worse.

Texas is the only state to have its own power grid, so that could work in favor of getting power repairs done sooner... or not.

>> No.9129700

thats a very nice storm viewing porch you have. underground power lines too?

>> No.9129712

No, the power will probably go out eventually I'm just in southwest Houston where for now it's just rain and not much wind. Even so, I just got done tying down the neighbor's trampoline which blew over the fence into my yard because they're lazy niggers and didn't secure it.

>> No.9129720


Thanks to the Coriolis effect and the fact that the northern eye wall is swinging around, that storm is going to swing upwards towards Houston.

Just because you don't have much wind doesn't mean its not coming for you.

>> No.9129729
File: 683 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170826-023248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this guy signing in again. Power has been out for 13 hours. A few trees down on my street but so far no major damage visible to neighbor's houses. A bedroom, the bathroom, kitchen, and part of the hall are now steadily leaking. There has been constant wind and rain for hours. The storm surge didn't make it to my street 14 feet above sea level, so no flooding, just leaking.

Here is the latest radar pic I could grab. I am in corpus so the eye is well north of me.

Hope my Texas Coast bros are doing OK, and here is to however many days without power!

Ty for your thoughts

>> No.9129737
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>> No.9129760

water damage sucks. are your cars ok?

>> No.9129763

Now I wanna hear a parody cover of sweet caroline with those lyrics

>> No.9129767

Its so they can ID your corpse.

>> No.9129770

>hyping up Hurricanes
One Katrina happens and you're declaring every fucking storm the end of the world. It'll disperse as soon as it reaches anything of value.

>> No.9129861

The cars look fine for now. There hasn't been too much large debris flying around and the storm surge didn't make it to my street. But apparently we aren't in the clear yet. Still sustained winds near 40mph and Harvey just won't gtfo.

>> No.9130265

are you still alive

>> No.9130305

enjoy drowning in ash when Yellowstone decides to happen

>> No.9130529


It was hyped up for a different reason nig. The Cat 4 that made landfall, made landfall, where around 5-7% of the total US Petroleum production and store is located. If the refineries get significantly damaged and the tanks holding all that unrefined crude and refined natural gas are damaged to the extent that hundreds of thousands of gallons are leaking out; by the time that's found and addressed, you'd have a natural disaster worst than Deep Water Horizon on hand.

To make matters worse, this affects the ability for the US to move fuel around the country, as well as export it out of country for trade. Which in turn affects long-term gas prices within the country and around the world. In turn having major economic ramifications, and strengthening and weakening other global players--some of them we don't want to gain strength and others we don't want affected/weakened.

Harvey would indirectly lead to rising tensions across the planet, because it majorly damaged oil production/refinement, and import/export factors.

Do you even into Risk anon?

>> No.9130536

Still alive. Still without power but the wind is gone and the rain is light. Lowes opened up so we are going to see if we can get something to quick patch the roof. A restaurant downtown is also handing out free ice, but everything else seems to still be closed.

>> No.9130544

How does your cellphone still have power

>> No.9130558


What are multiple charge packs for 500, Alex?

>> No.9131129

Have a 20000 mAh battery pack. It has been feeding 5 smart phones. After it goes we are moving on to using the laptops to charge phones and the cars after that if need be.

Luckily for us current estimate for power back is tomorrow afternoon.

>> No.9131137
File: 19 KB, 600x465, rmot2_hg (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>67+ tornado warnings around Houston today
>Brazos flooding forecast keeps getting revised upwards and is already projected to beat last year's record
>Evacuation order for river flooding covers houses pretty close to me
>The rain is starting again

>> No.9131152
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>tfw fools literally built their homes upon the sand

Imagine being the literal post-ironic result of a biblical parable.

>> No.9131175

sand drains much better than clay

>> No.9131178

hopefully enough to soak up all those black tears

>> No.9131288

We dont have natural disasters in Michigan; blizzards are natural and happen every year (they also dont destroy your home), tornados are extremely rare, especially in the north.

>> No.9131299

Perhaps nature took pity on Michigan due having to be the state to house Detroit.

>> No.9131305

Are you equating Detroit to a natural disaster?

>> No.9131338

no, detroit is much worse

>> No.9131373

natural disasters can be repaired, this slow burning demographic apocalypse of american cities cannot be reversed.

getting hit by a nuclear bomb is easier to fix than detroit.

>> No.9131541

Damn. How is the flooding there? Still have power? Bag up electronics and shit and get them off the floor. Consider temporarily relocating to higher ground. Maybe a local shelter

>> No.9132057
File: 19 KB, 600x465, rmot2_hg (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek there is no high ground in Houston. Flash flooding hasn't been too bad on my street so far. I'm not sure what level of river flooding would put the river in my house, I guess as long as it stays below last year's record I'll be ok this year too.

>> No.9132140
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>> No.9132144

Hope you luck out, anon. Having a river in your house would suck

>> No.9132173
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>i'm dying
>save my dog