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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9116302 No.9116302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/ take on Jordon Peterson?

>> No.9116320

I don't know much about him but I've seen him associated with Jungianism, which is pseud-tier.

>> No.9116338

I've enjoyed some of his lectures and he is a pretty good speaker.

>> No.9116392

Looks like a meth addict.

>> No.9116511
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>What is /sci/ take on Jordon Peterson?
Not good.

>> No.9116516

I don't agree with everything he says but he's still better than the majority of humanities departments currently.

>> No.9116519

Nice meme

>> No.9116522

Pretty good speaker, but significantly overrates his knowledge of philosophy and validity of his interpretations.

>> No.9116523
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lolberg hack

>> No.9116525

The biggest fault with JBP is he presents a good deal of his arguments as "This is the case because I can't think of anything else it could possibly be". This is probably intended to invite criticism but I haven't seen anyone criticizing his arguments (or lack thereof) ever, only his character. It seems that everyone against JBP who isn't a leftist is a contrarian fedora who thinks everyone who isn't a materialist is some sort of backwards caveman.

>> No.9116530

>who thinks everyone who isn't a materialist is some sort of backwards caveman.
>implying they aren't

>> No.9116548

>implying arbitrary speculation needs to be met with an argument rather than ridicule

>> No.9116552

>arbitrary speculation
He's not a theoretical physicist, m9.

>> No.9116557
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Good starting point I guess. Otherwise a hack that's too far up his academic ass.

>> No.9116568
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self-help author tier

>> No.9116572

Archetypes, not even once

>> No.9116577
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The vast majority of the population does need it though.

>> No.9116585

the things he is right about are obvious if you are out of high school

he goes overboard with the SJW meme, they are just extremists paranoid about racism

>> No.9116714

Also he's a hack and riding le conservatives are cool meme
His fans are annoying and have cult-ish behaviour when someone criticises him

>> No.9116717

Great, a thread about him.

What should I read or learn before reading Maps of Meaning?

>> No.9116771

>On the Jews and their lies.

>> No.9116786

He's got some good things to say.

The things he has to say are useful for the modern man.

>> No.9116909

Pinocchio and Gepetto at Tanagra.
Chaka, when the morals fell!
Pinocchio and Gepetto on the ocean.

>> No.9116923

Watch his lectures, he talks about it there. I would start with 'personality and its transformations' and the go to the biblical ones. I think that the lectures on maps of meanings are boring and so is the book. Watch the videos to see if you like it and then try the book. I don't its a good idea to read Jung before reading him if you don't have much knowledge about psychology (i did it and wasted my time), Jordan will only confuse what you think you know about Jung. Read Jung later and compare it with what you learned from Peterson. His lectures are very entry level.

>> No.9116948

>fans are annoying

>> No.9117160
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Pseudo intellectual Jungian who doesn't really understand the majority of stuff he spends his time commenting on. Only famous because he "le p0wned those feminazis!!!" and because he gives self help level advice to sad /r9k/ types. Like every right wing e-celeb will eventually be forgotten like Milo Yiannopoulos in a few years and he knows it so in the mean time he's doing everything he can to make money off all his sad white guy fans by farming them for those sweet sweet Patreon shekels.

>> No.9117292

my mom today came to my room and saw me watching his video and asked me what drug addict am I looking at

>> No.9117364

Zesty meme

>> No.9117503
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What would he think about Stirner?

>> No.9117517

>everyone that doesn't think calling yourself a woman makes it so is right wing.

The fact that simply saying you shouldn't go to jail for not using someone's "preferred pronouns" apparently makes you "right wing" nowadays is more indicative of how insane and off the rails the modern Left is than anything else. From the (relatively few) videos of his and interviews with him I've seen I have a very distinct feeling that's he's at least slightly Left of center, but since he isn't racing to be farther left than Mao that gets him lumped in with conservatives for some retarded reason.

>> No.9117780

He's a 21st century Shaman. A spiritual leader. An intellectual who studies the academic to generate a personal philosophy for the lost modern man. He does a good job. The western world honestly needs more people like him. He's not a scientist.

>> No.9117975


>> No.9117979

That stirner is dangerous and bad

>> No.9117995

[math]\mathbb{B} \mathbb{A} \mathbb{S} \mathbb{E} \mathbb{D}[/math]

>> No.9118018

At first I didn't get the big deal about him. If you are /lit/ or even just watch Philosophy lectures on youtube it's pretty much the same thing. I recently changed my opinion of him because I realized every /pol/ minded low iq moron is into him. I'm having discussions with these people that never would have happened before. He's doing gods work by getting LE JOE ROGAN tier faggots into reading or at least some elementary logic. I've seen the effects of this on 3-4 people I know IRL and it's actually amazing.

>> No.9118082

Noam Chomsky would shit on him

>> No.9118104

Holy shit I cannot stop laughing at that pic

I like JP a lot and have listened to lots of his stuff, but sometimes I get the distinct impression that if people didn't realize he's an intellectual academic, they would think he's just some crackpot homeless dude. Like in some of his lectures he hunches over and is like "I'm not quite sure yet, I'm trying to figure it out" with this really confused look on his face

>> No.9118167

It's mainly just the right wing that spergs out about Gender pronouns. Admit it

>> No.9121091

"Sperging out" is the correct response to idiots that want to destroy freedom of speech just so they can be called women despite their Y chromosomes and dicks.

That fact that it's mainly right of center people arguing against this insane bullshit still doesn't mean everyone that disagrees with it is right wing.

>> No.9121145

Nice meme

>> No.9122104

based redpilled centipede /ourguy/
prove me wrong protip you cant

>> No.9122307

Like any person, sometimes he says great things, sometimes he says retarded things. /pol/ has latched onto him though, which is a bad sign.

>> No.9122364

If you possess spirituality of any kind in the current year, you are unironically a meme-tier human

>> No.9122678
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>> No.9123269

>clean your room
>sort yourself out

>> No.9123327

/sci/ isn't one person fucking retard, go back to >>>/reddit/ with your sheepthink, i bet you also ask (((/sci/))) what math you should like
fucking kanker

>> No.9123419
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He is a good fellow.

Watching his lectures and videos really helped me out. I've had a neglected and abuse-laden first quarter of my life and was going less than nowhere in a nasty gravity well of depression. Wasn't a nihilistic anti-Being but I was unconscious as fuck and didn't understand why things were exactly happening or how to get out. His maps of memeing lecture helped me figure out that I have a life, and that it can be lived, and that there are ways to set it back on track with a tinge of bootstrapping. Am I suddenly a double doctorate student at Yale? Fuck no, but I am not drowning in a sea of unknowns like I was years ago.

Also helped reinvigorate my interest in literature psychology and philosophy. I tried to read Jung's stuff once when I was younger and couldn't wrap my head around the most basic of tenets, but now I can digest it and somewhat understand the concepts. I hit my local library for the first time in ten years and have been reading from Jung, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Kant, Dostoevsky, and the Greekbois with earnest. Plus the stuff I loved as a kid and almost forgot -- Orwell, Huxley, Gibson, PKD.

I don't worship him as a saint nor do I accept everything he says as Absolute Truth And Fact™. That would make me another dumb ideologue who does nothing but call everything I don't like "POSTMODERNISM" full of rote platitudes but no understanding of the arguments.. Yeah, he spits fire at the identity politic crowd and the academia. He sticks out in his career and education choices -- an older male conservative Jungian psychologist in a domain that is primarily younger progressivist females and neo-Marxists. Yeah, he makes a good amount of dosh from his Patreon and his youtube pages and his Self-Authoring suite that he plugs a lot. Is it so wrong to make your self-determined goal to help others help themselves out of the pit they and society have placed themselves in, and then make some scratch on the side? I don't think so.

>> No.9123479


>> No.9123480

Last I saw I think he was trying to do an online university course on literature that shaped western civilisation, and he seems to be helping out a lot of confused weak guys out there with no senseof identity. I feel like he's doing a lot of good for a lot people out there, so hopefully he'll improve the declining state of western civilisation

>> No.9124002
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*enters your thread*

>> No.9124022

Well spoken Dutch boy

>> No.9124515

Peterson, Jordan. Dislike him immensely. Slapdash comedian of corncobby biblical referencing. The best the humanities has to offer but by no means an asset. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.

>> No.9124522

>This is probably intended to invite criticism but I haven't seen anyone criticizing his arguments (or lack thereof) ever, only his character.
This right here is the biggest issue with JBP. Among his followers, nobody is willing to criticise or challenge him on anything. It's either take everything he says with cult-like reverence or shit on him with equal fervour. Kind of tragic seen as he has a keen interest in fostering discourse, but all he has found is a fanbase who see him as a surrogate father figure.

>> No.9124613

>Thus faith in God is a prerequisite for all proof.

>> No.9124630


Surely that's an issue with his fans and not him?

>> No.9124651


If any of Peterson's patreon donators is reading this, please ask him about Stirner in his Patreon Q&A videos. I want to see his reaction since he already has read a lot of Nietzsche.

>> No.9124664

I think you should clean your room.

>> No.9124811

He is right about most everything. Its just disgusting seeing him use every and any platform to spread his clout. He cant resist the money that comes with a ever increasing fanbase.

>> No.9124861

Thanks, my man.

>> No.9125103

There is actually quite a lot of people in the centre arguing against it.
Then again, in these times being right of extreme left makes you right wing.

>> No.9125106

Holy shit, the projection. I like him and I'm not even white. Am I an aberration of reality now? Is it distorted somehow?

And that's your argument to say that he's right wing. Fucking ""guilt"" by association.

The far left is just insane.

>> No.9125114

I don't see any problem with him raking in the cash. I, for one, didn't give a single cent to him (yet), yet I get to see his lectures and read his book.
Honestly I don't really understand why people are so "disgusted" with the finacial success of certain individuals.

>> No.9125119

>Honestly I don't really understand why people are so "disgusted" with the finacial success of certain individuals.
If said success is achieved rightfully, that is, just to clarify.

>> No.9125124

You're basically me, except I've still got a long way to go.

I just started Dostoevsky.

>> No.9125163

>make some scratch on the side
i wouldn't be against it even if he was making millions

>> No.9125298

>Like every right wing e-celeb

Please attempt to back up this claim, I could use a good laugh

>> No.9125841

Peterson works like a mad cunt all day. He has massive ambitions and his recent success is not going to be ignored. Especially when you consider that his ambitions are not just desire for fame or money but genuine moral ambitions. He wants to "rehabilitate the humanities and provide high quality affordable higher education" and is completely sincere in the aim as far as I can tell. People who dismiss him for capitalizing on his popularity do not seem to understand his character. The guy has a mission and a lot of ideas and will do whatever he thinks he should to realize it.

>> No.9125878

>everyone who isn't a materialist is some sort of backwards caveman.

There's literally nothing wrong with this statement

>> No.9125904

Every country has one, a pseudo intellectual christian - with a good memory that spent his life reading a lot of stuff but sadly he could not tell that overwhelming majority of it was pseudoscience so his ideas are skewed up.

Oh pair that with genuinely good charisma and you got something lots of people spend more than than they should listening to.

>> No.9125981

>the only axiom you can use is the one I use

>> No.9125997

Actually he's right, but not through just Godel. You need faith for things to exist, look up absurdism.

>> No.9126053

Even if it's based in psychological health knowledge built over 40 years of practice? It's still an ad-hominem argument either way and not a refutation of his points.

He tends to keep the spiritual aspect within the scope of human behaviors and their consequences, so it's not exactly pulled out of his ass.

>> No.9126084

There's a difference between sperging out at them doing it among themselves and criticizing a potential LAW that states he must use them or face hate crime charges. The made-up words are so nebulous that you can press charges just because you're having a bad day and want to accuse someone of the tiniest shit.

Getting someone in trouble because "zi called me xir instead of wim" is alright if you're playing that game with each other, but you don't write that shit into your law code just because it isn't catching on. It'd be neat if English had a gender-neutral pronoun, but forcing it would just default people to the one that did catch on already: they/them.

>> No.9126088

>strong factions which are already basically mainstream threaten the left to turn into a mockery oft itself
>I blame everyone else for highlighting these flaws instead of ignoring them in secret shame until they go away. These people are memers.

Clean your room. Literally, in the sense of figuratively, but while being very serious about it.

>> No.9126113

This is true.

>> No.9126119


>> No.9126195

Shouldn't you be cleaning your rooms?

>> No.9126200

>Jungian Solzhenitsyn and Ayn Rand fanboy
>Not Right Wing

>> No.9126452


he's using 'god' as a metaphor for erm, I'd describe it as a general framework of shared values and beliefs in a society plus implications. He describes it in his lecture on 'the lion king' I think.
Anyway, he is at least right in that sense, because without criteria to judge something by any assignment of categories such as true or false is impossible.

On a more general notices, he does make up a lot on the spot which often leads me to believe he's in love with feeling smart when talking.

>> No.9126468
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>right of communist means right-wing