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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 428x418, DAOTbnxVYAAftjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9122363 No.9122363 [Reply] [Original]

>Professor is late to class

>> No.9122368

>that one kid that shows up an hour early
Me because I have jack shit to do this morning.

>> No.9122379

>That one student who is always 5 minutes late because she has no damn drive to get out of bed.

>> No.9122398

>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday
>that guy that sits near the front that asks too many questions
>that guy with the thinkpad laptop

>> No.9122422

>when the grad student TA can more effectively teach the material than the prof.

>> No.9122430

>professor is wearing a du rag

>> No.9122433

>professor is too much of a narcissist to teach effectively

>> No.9122438

>>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday

Whats wrong with that? Most college students are poor

>> No.9122439


>when both the professors and TA can't teach for shit and you end up teaching yourself

>> No.9122441
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>professor flirts with female students

>> No.9122442

There is a story here.

>> No.9122447

>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday

I wear the same clothes for months

>> No.9122467

>that one sperge Lord whose autism is so strong he has no self awareness at all and whose self confidence is so through the roof the meek asian girls actually like and flirt with him just because hes a tall white guy even though his autism is off the charts

>> No.9122477

>his class has female students

>> No.9122488

The story is I'm bad at waking up because alarm clocks fail me.

>> No.9122525

>female on /sci/
o shit

>> No.9122532
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>Nearly all professors have the phenotype so they can't flirt with my prey

>> No.9122540
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>class is cancelled

>> No.9122544


>> No.9122549

>professor writes in hieroglyphs

>> No.9122565

Same man. Well, it's multiple articles of the same thing.

>> No.9122570


>> No.9122575

>female students
Are you even in a STEM major lad? By 2nd year all you should be seeing are changs, pajeets, jews, and autists.

>> No.9122576

That escalated quickly.

>> No.9122579

>if Professor doesn't show in 15 minutes by the school's rules class is canceled
>Professor shows up at the 14th minute

>> No.9122583

How the fuck is there a girl in /sci/? Hahahahahahahhaahhahahaahhaah

>> No.9122584

I bet you don't even shower in the morning. Just thinking of your sweaty roasty is making me fill with disgust.

>> No.9122587

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>> No.9122589

You're not wrong.

>> No.9122596

Could you describe, in detail, what your feet look like?

>> No.9122597

post feet

>> No.9122600
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>professor starts blabbering about his political views in the middle of the class

>> No.9122601

>he goes to classes

Look at this absolute brainlet. REAL /sci/entific-minded patricians learn shit themselves. From outdated books. At home. With no social contact.

R-Right g-gu-guys?

>> No.9122656
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>professor says the proof is trivial

>> No.9122670

>professor stops mid lecture and begins rambling and talking to himself
>walks towards the window twirling the maker while saying "no no that cant be right..."then laughs like a maniac and returns to the board

>> No.9122672

>professor has strong accent
there is/are NO (none) (zero) (0) reason(s) to live

>> No.9122673

>professor is actually insane
>he rambles to himself and occasionally talks in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions at times

>> No.9122679

Is my city

>> No.9122690


>> No.9122697

>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday
I've had people who wear different clother every day and still stink.

>> No.9122699

>most important part of lesson
>power drills start screaming from outside

>> No.9122700

Oh darn, I've been doing this all wrong then! Well, it's not like I have a choice. Professors skip lectures here...

>> No.9122705

Feminine penis?

>> No.9122708
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>Professor walks in obviously high/drunk

>> No.9122715

>professor stumbles in and tries to pass out some papers
>he falls over and asks some kid (gets the name wrong) to do it for him
>professor then just leaves
ah yes, this is what I payed for

>> No.9122727


>> No.9122730

>professor doesn't show up to class
I walked by when the period ended and I was going to my next class and he was just chilling in his office, like what the fuck

>> No.9122736
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>> No.9122741

sorry I meant päde

>> No.9122759
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>> No.9122782

>that guy with the thinkpad laptop using arch with an anime girl wallpaper
I thought it was just a meme.

>> No.9122783
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I was late to a class once were we needed to pair up so they paired me up with the one girl that was left alone.

Why wouldn't people in CompSci wanna pair up with a girl? Well to start off she was fat, and not just a little, she was actually round. The 3 holes from her sunken eyes and mouth made her look like a bolwing ball.
She was wearing cheap clothes with a fashion style that can only be descibed as "daddy's 12yo little princes". Unwashed for weeks of course, just like her greasy hair.

We had to do some math stuff in Mathematica and she already had her laptop out so I sat down next to her (keeping some distance) and asked her what we needed to do and how far she had gotten already.
She spoke barely audible and stuttering, not understanding what she just said I just read the excercises and what's on her screen but it didn't look like she knew what she was doing. So I tried to explain to her the excercise, she spoke and once again she couldn't utter a single coherent word. At this point I'm starting to think she might be legit autistic so I take her laptop and say "I'll do it".

Big mistake, her laptop is dirty and full of what I assume(/hope) to be coke stains and start working on the exercise. Then I see it, a fucking pubic hair stuck between the esc and f1 key. At that point it became too much for and I took out my own laptop.

Now I know how women feel when they're approached by some autist.

>> No.9122827

Every woman in STEM (besides biology) is ugly.

>> No.9122830

>>that guy that sits near the front that asks too many questions
Delete this!

>> No.9122839

t. Virgin post

>> No.9122852

>class is cancelled and no one need told you

>> No.9122853

>that guy with the thinkpad laptop
Literally me

>> No.9122857
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>professor starts telling a story about his life
>it takes 15 minutes

>> No.9122867

toptier waifus

>> No.9122868

>doubting a woman is on 4Chan
How does this make me a virgin you colossal nigger

>> No.9122871
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Community college:
>that person with terrible body odor who stinks up the whole room and causes you to think it might be you, or worse, other people might think its you since the smell is so bad and omnipresent
>that retarded kid who asks stupid questions all day and cuts the professor off when they try to answer and simply cannot communicate normally
>ADD Chinese kid sitting in the back with his giant gaming laptop doing fuck all
>People with kids/who talk about their kids
>military veterans who are dumb shits and get no respect from anyone
>guy who tries to hit on you
>guy/girl who is very knowledgeable but doesn't want to talk to you because he thinks you're hitting on him
>fat mouthbreathing idiot who just sits there
>people who think they are smart
>people who have trouble using computers to do basic shit in class

>> No.9122872
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>Be me
>Always be late
And I mean always, 5 times a week for 20 years straight

>> No.9122917


All the engineering girls at my school were fat farmgirls who spent their childhood helping daddy fix tractors

Chem and bio majors were all really cute, actually

>> No.9122926

So glad I'm not alone in this holy hell.


Holy fucking hell. That sucks ass.

>> No.9122951

all me

>> No.9122958

>guy who tries to hit on you.

Kek. I got one too

>> No.9122961

>cute girl sits next to you and starts talking to you
>never progresses any further than that

>> No.9122964

This. Ugh.

>women who talk to you but not because they want to fuck you.

Seriously, I wish it wasn't politically incorrect to just say "If your vagina is not available to me then don't talk to me."

>> No.9122965

I have 2 articles that i cycle each day. Shirts are white so they don't look like shit after 2 months of use and last whole year. All this just to buy new books because i'm an autist that can't read a used book, it disgusts me that someone else has touched the pages.

>> No.9122971

Man, I just want a friend.

>> No.9122984

Get a male friend man. Why would you want a female friend?

>> No.9122988

Only girls sit next to me for some reason
There's only one class where this isn't true.

>> No.9122996

They want you to perform a triple integral on the spheres hanging from their chest in the Cartesian coordinate system

>> No.9122999

Look. The problem with women is that they are really superficial. They can't distinguish friendly affection from sexual advances. This is where the phrase "Ugh, I have a boyfriend" comes from. That is why I say you should not even try to get female friends, they are all too far up their own ass.

And second, women are fucking needy. You make a connection with a woman and immediately she starts asking for something. In contrast, one day I offered one of my friends to give him my homework because he didn't do it and he said he doesn't like to copy. Now that's a good fucking person.

I think that women only see men as tools. That is why you should reciprocate and treat them like objects too. Fuck em.

>> No.9123004

can I at least use cylindrical coordinates?

>That is why you should reciprocate and treat them like objects too.
this sounds like this could only hurt my chances at having a friend

>> No.9123015

This is a very skewed perception of reality, man. There are bad women, I'll give you that, but you can usually root them out pretty quickly.

>> No.9123025

That anon never said women are bad. He said he thinks women are superficial, can't distinguish friendly affection from sexual advances and are needy.
I think he is mostly right, every single female i know including my girlfriend fits what he said.

>> No.9123037

You are not understanding. You will not be their friend, you will be their emotional tampon.

Instead focus on getting a sexual relationship and then with sex you soften her up and she becomes your friend. I consider my girlfriend to be my best friend, despite how many male friends I have and all I've said about women.

The thing is that women treat men who they fuck than men who they do not fuck. For example, some women let their boyfriends beat them up and they even forgive and excuse them. But if you as an outsider so much as slap her after she slapped you first then she is calling the police, the army and the CIA on you for sexism. That is why you need to soften women up with sex. Then they can be your friend.

>> No.9123042

>The thing is that women treat men who they fuck better than men who they do not fuck.

>> No.9123060
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>that one hot girl in engineering

>> No.9123062

They are called Pipe Engineers.

>> No.9123083

>that guy who wears a suit to the final exam

>> No.9123088

Buddy, this is nonsense. Just pure nonsense.

>> No.9123089

I go full on opposite with pajamas. Please tell me that actually happened and why?!

>> No.9123094

It makes total sense and that realization has been my greatest breakthrough outside of math.

When I was younger women would not even consider me and I noticed that this was because I did not show sexual behavior and therefore they did not even consider me a person. Then I became more sexual and it all changed.

But I am just a minor example so lets talk statistical trends. How do you explain women who let their boyfriends beat them up?

>> No.9123116

Maybe he has to make a final presentation same day for a business class?

>> No.9123130

As someone who studied chemistry, I am always surprised when people say that there are no girls in stem or they are all ugly, the girls I knew were a perfect average of looks.

>> No.9123132

it's parroted by CSmonkies and physics autists

>> No.9123134

No, you just have lower standards do please answer the following questions:

How many girlfriends have you had?
How many women have you fucked?
What is the max number of simultaneous girlfriends you've had?
Are you fat?
Are you autistic?
Do you have some form of deformity (being ugly counts)?

Please answer honestly.

>> No.9123136

Sounds a little too specific... It's gonna be okay bb

>> No.9123140

You know the deal, tits or GTFO

>> No.9123146

Mods, move this to >>>/r9k/ please.

>> No.9123148

Mods, please move this specific post to /thrash/ please

>> No.9123151

>>ADD Chinese kid sitting in the back with his giant gaming laptop doing fuck all
nigga I graduated top of my class and spent 90% of the class time shitposting on 4chan or doing projects for other classes. Not chinese but you got the ADD part

>> No.9123157
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>professor starts off his lecture notes with a poem

>> No.9123158

>prof: "And obviously, there are no even primes greater than 2"
>that one student: "...that we know of."

>> No.9123160
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>it takes 80% of a lecture
>every lecture

>> No.9123163

>Professor won't shut the fuck up about their politics beliefs and gets royally asshurt if anybody disagrees with them
It's just like /v/ (read: /pol/fugees)

>> No.9123165

Shit man assign me to teach number theory and my entire class will be poems.

There is no rhyme or reason
To dislike primes is treason.

>> No.9123166

what would possess someone to say that?

>> No.9123168

Maybe he heard "perfect" instead of prime.

>> No.9123174

>his professor doesn't explain Dirac distributions using interpretive dance

>> No.9123178

Except all known perfect numbers are even, so he'd be just as retarded in that case.

>> No.9123215
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>tfw downloading textbook PDF's for classes has become almost impossible

what the fuck do I do now? Yes I know that I'm a complete asshole who deserves bad things for being a scumbag. Are there any good torrent sites available? All textbooks I need for Grad School 'register' on Google searches, but they're behind sites that require registration for 'free trials' (i.e virus honeypots).

>> No.9123221


>> No.9123236
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>I paid $3 to pirate a book instead of asking classmates who already had it

>> No.9123245

Maybe he heard odd instead of even

>> No.9123246


>> No.9123264
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half the lecture almost every lecture, and the stories are always awesome

>> No.9123266

Australia, btw

>> No.9123277

use bins, but get behind a few proxies or the cyber cops will be on you

>> No.9123285
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>Professor is writing his own textbook and gives us his preliminary edition without end of chapter problems or citations as our textbook for the semester

This is actually pretty cool.

>> No.9123293

I am a complete moron, teach me your ways

>> No.9123295
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>professor lets class out 10-20 minutes early almost every class

>> No.9123299

>that guy with the Macbook Pro

>> No.9123301

>professor is so cool you don't mind you are wasting valuable time you would never get back
you are a cool guy, Nico

>> No.9123308
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>professor is there before any students
>he just sits there and starts class 30 minutes late
>ends 10 minutes early
>complains about not having any time and schedules more classes

>> No.9123335

Sounds awesome. Would record his drunk ass then blackmail him to pass me with an A.

>> No.9123342


>> No.9123358

>all those qts in math

>> No.9123362

Maximum autism

>> No.9123367

Not autism. I am sorry but I simply do not have time for all your shit. There are, unfortunately, too many women in math and when you are a retarded naive freshman who spent all his teens away from women and doesn't know their nature you give them your number and you make a cute chat group and then... shit start.

>Hey Uhmm what did you get in #4?
>Hey was there homework for today?
>Omg could you do this for me. Please. It won't take too long.

I particularly hate when they say "It won't take too long". If it won't take too long then do it your fucking self.

Initially, I gave in because as I said, I didn't know female nature that well and they were kinda hot so I wanted some of that pussy but eventually I found myself a girlfriend which means that I no longer need those retarded bitches.

Seriously, to the 3 women who browse this piece of shit board, stop using your tits to get men to do your homework. I thought feminism was about empowerment? Or did you get the right to higher education just so that you could flaunt your tits and get men to do the studying for you?

>> No.9123373

not him, but i agree with him. chem chicks can be fucking hot.
to answer your questions
>4 actual gfs
>1, not into polygamy/juggling
ill admit im 6'1 though, and apparently funny.

>> No.9123379

Not bad but unfortunately
>1, not into polygamy/juggling

You have tested positive cuck. I don't know at what stage your cuckoldry is but what is certain is that the fact that you have never had more than one girlfriend simultaneously shows that you have not experienced the state of mind that you get from having a so-called "bitch" and a so-called "side-bitch" which is known as the "alpha" state of mind. In other words, you are a beta. A cuck. Cucks naturally have bad taste in women. I can confirm that what you consider a 5-6 (average) I would consider a 2-3. In that spirit, please show me a picture of a girl you would consider a 6 so that we can compare scores.

>> No.9123387

Well that's just plain retarded

that too actually

>> No.9123388

Ask classmates.

>> No.9123391

>And obviously, there are no odd primes greater than 2
Then he's even more retarded.

>> No.9123393

not to be a dick anon, but you have no idea what you're talking about. Keep having that mentality, makes it easier to chad it up.

>> No.9123399
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>but you have no idea what you're talking about
Well, you've never had a side bitch so what the fuck would your beta faggot ass know. And I didn't want to get into that territory because height is a sensitive topic for the guys but you asked for it.

kek. Nice to meet you, Bilbo.

>> No.9123403

Nodnol? What does that naem?

>> No.9123407

depends more on your uni tbqh. if youre at a decent uni, most girls in undergrad stem courses will be 7/10+

>> No.9123458
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>mouthbreathing idiot who just sits there

>> No.9123465

>tfw a manlet is fucking your crush right now and you're at home
Can't even wank one off, too sad to get a boner.

>> No.9123471

>>tfw a manlet is fucking your crush right now and you're at home
I don't know that feel but
>Can't even wank one off, too sad to get a boner.
I do know this feel.

How does penis feel emotion, science?

>> No.9123473

come over to my place and i'll show you

>> No.9123475

What the fuck

>> No.9123485

>wank one off
This wasn't me, btw.

>> No.9123497

my linear algebra professor did this often

he traveled to and from conferences up and down the east coast on an almost daily basis

our lecture was at 5:30 tuesday and thursday

so he'd be on a flight from boston to philly (my uni) at 3pm slugging cocktails and come in and talk about fucking phd shit he did that had no bearing in our course whatsoever

best lectures i've ever experienced

>> No.9123520

>class autist gives his input on every subject in intro philosophy class
>start going over determinism
>raises his hand just to say "hmmmm"

>> No.9123550

Communications must be hard

>> No.9123606

>going to lectures

for why?

>> No.9123630

Managing to cope with your jealousy must be hard

>> No.9123673

>Professor has fun teaching because he genuinely likes the subject
>Half the class leaves because he's not reciting the textbook

>> No.9123874


If it's not on there, it's probably not on the internet.

>> No.9123883

>prof is late
>end up writing some equations on the board
>"who did this?"
>everyone points to me
>"im impressed. meet me at my office."
>he offers me an RA position


>> No.9123993

>that one literal autist that has to announce everything like "PROFESSOR I DROPPED MY PENCIL" so the lecture can stop and he can pick it up

This was 4th year uni.

>> No.9124019
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i am pretty addicted to opioids so im usually decently junkhammered when i lecture. it doesnt really super impair me but its there. also no one notices anything out of the norm since im almost always fucked up. i still do what i need to do and get everything taught. im bad enough id probably throw up along the day if i didnt take any. it also makes me a lot more bullshit tolerant so i dont go crazy over shit students say or do. the other day i was like questioning even being alive and thinking about suicide ideas and thinking about everything around me and how shit it is and that i didnt want to go see my gf, realised i didnt take any opiates, took some and then sat back smiling thinking life is great and everything is going to be ok and i had a good time with my gf.
i also customarily drink when i grade. not like sipping a beer, but glasses of whisky. grading is fucking terrible and i need something to make myself less irritated. i dont think i should be a teacher in general because im passionless for it and can be socially awkward and uncaring. doing it now anyways for the sweet assistantship money
i try not to do this but sometimes do because i dont remember what i wore
id feel like a scumbag. i always hold full length class.
i think my gf is my best friend too. definitely the most loyal.
guys ask for help too. i wonder if women do more though.
reminds me of these honors college discussion courses in undergrad, loads of superautists spamming their ideas on dumb shit
idk honestly i dont go usually unless its good. lots of my profs just do the book verbstim so i read at home instead.
happened to me, i got excited teaching something and showed a cool application and they are just like "is this on the test" and got annoyed and one girl left
lol its like thst totalitarian asking for permission for everything from primary education stuck to him

>> No.9124055
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>Classroom jester mocks my note-taking style

It works for me, you flamboyant cunt, get off my fucking case!

>> No.9124188

>Prof at my school wore the same green shirt all term
>His students get him an end-of-term gift
>It's a green shirt, with white lettering "THIS IS MY OTHER GREEN SHIRT"

>> No.9124202

>>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday
How dare people stay at their sexual partner place without having new clothes ready... Literally shaking right now.

>> No.9124209

>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday
>that guy with the thinkpad laptop

>> No.9124213

>tfw this is me

Not a good feel because all you stupid fucks constantly spam me and show up to my office without a meeting acting like this class is the most important thing in the universe.

>tfw Prof tricked me by lecturing poorly on purpose so I'd take the hit in research productivity

Rookie mistake.

Also why the fuck do you idiot undergrads think I'm going to answer your baby thermo questions 10 o'clock on a Saturday night? I'm busy fucking my gf or getting drunk somewhere like you should be doing.

>> No.9124225

This one ring a bell, delete this

>> No.9124230

If you reversed sexes in this post it would still be true.

>> No.9124231

>People come early to class.

>> No.9124236

Oh I agree with you here.

Get a sexual relationship first. Maybe even just regular casual sex. And brag about it. Then other females will understand that you aren't planning on using their pussy so they can't leverage you with it and you will get better treatment from them too.

I have lots of female friends who just crush on me even harder when they realize I'm not available to them and I'm fucking someone more attractive.

Don't absorb anyone's emotional shit unless they've been there for you too.

>> No.9124239

He had a job interview you moron.

>> No.9124244

Wow business majors have it bad then. I want a job where you can show up in dad-core attire.

>> No.9124248

Why are you not funded? Get a job, you are wasting your time and money by staying in a gradschool you don't belong.

>> No.9124250

I'd imagine he showed up to a class then started teaching the wrong material because he mixed it up with one of his other classes.

>> No.9124255

A side bitch is not a girlfriend.

>> No.9124298

I'm a Masters student. All GTA positions are given to PhD candidates, and I'm required to complete 30 non-research hours to get my M.S. I'm a Structural Engineering major which you really can't do anything with, with just a bachelor's degree.

Thank you so much anon, I found both books that I needed albeit one being one edition older than I've been recommended

>> No.9124315

What the fuck is this thinkpad meme

>> No.9124333

>when you pay thousands of dollars for an education but there's no instruction and it is all self-study
I mad

>> No.9124340

>idk honestly i dont go usually unless its good. lots of my profs just do the book verbstim so i read at home instead.
why even have a class then? Why not self-study and a single exam like those evil testing companies offer.

>> No.9124390

This so much

>> No.9124393

>Structural Engineering major which you really can't do anything with, with just a bachelor's degree

Yes, you can.

>> No.9124477

Not really. I attend a top 3 school for my major in the US, and even my advanced structural analysis classes have hardly touched anything more complex than simple torsional effects on at most one or two beams. I have never even come close to anything with arches, tensile cable systems, or anything more advanced than a simple 3D truss. Though this is my first semester in the Master's Program and I'm surely due for a rude awakening.

>> No.9124584


>> No.9124674

>>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday
poverty man, do you know it?

I felt like shit in uni... for being poor. you aren't making me feel better.

>> No.9124711

>that guy who you'd never seen in 3 years who turned up for the exam

>> No.9124898

>when education is free and from the beginning you could just feel how much better it was to have professors teaching you instead of just directing yourself.

>> No.9124954

not true, i know a hot geophysicist

>> No.9125162

Common core and poor trust make for some timid motherfuckers
At the worst you can't tell if they're thought process is some kind of autistic thinking, or just ccore conditioning

>> No.9125168

That guy is a friend of mine

>> No.9125171


>> No.9125182
File: 733 KB, 960x1440, IMG_0271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> eastern Euro professor starts talking about his recent trip to Ukraine, and shows us pictures

>> No.9125189

>In contrast, one day I offered one of my friends to give him my homework because he didn't do it and he said he doesn't like to copy. Now that's a good fucking person.
No, he just doesn't like to copy homework, that doesn't make him a good or bad person

>> No.9125195

>"...that we know of."
Maybe he just doesn't know many primes

>> No.9125200

>the professor mandates a text book he helped author.

This us why I pirate text books.

>> No.9125201

I'm not sure how he managed to get that far without having counted up to three yet, but I suppose that's just schools these days.

>> No.9125244

Can you count to 601? Yes
Did you know it was prime? Maybe, but not necessarily

>> No.9125251

>that fat sweaty guy who showed up way late and then has to comment on literally everything with his retarded opinion
>that assburgers kid with the lisp who has to comment on everything to try and look smart but he talks too fast to understand him

>> No.9125255


>> No.9125268

I was talking was about how it was unlikely that he misheard "there are no even primes greater than 2" as "there are no odd primes greater than 2" given that the number three exists.

>> No.9125273

And I was implying that knowing that 3 exists does not imply the knowledge that 3 is prime

>> No.9125289

>60+ y/o teacher would wear a spiderman t-shirt

>> No.9125301

>Professor solves a 12 step math problem, realizes it's fucked up but doesn't have enough time to redo.
"Well... You all get the idea right?"

>> No.9125332

>professor is going quickly through a long proof, realizes what he's writing is different than his notes, spends the rest of the class trying to figure out where he fucked up, sends an email about it later

>> No.9125376
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classy student enters class
>rainbow tail
>white socks
(real picture from yesterday in Java class)

>> No.9125396

I would say that someone who doesn't like to copy have better morals than the vast majority of people

>> No.9125403 [DELETED] 

or math jokes holy shit

>> No.9125421

>professor teaches the 3 Pv, Fc and Payoff annuity formulas, goes through 3 examples and only then when you go over hw with your tutor do you realize nobody caught the original formula notation was wrong

>> No.9125491
File: 333 KB, 512x812, 1471422402899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into calculus class in midwest community college
>teacher has british accent

>> No.9125501


>teacher admits if he gave a break in the middle of long class no one would come back
>so he just lets us out 15 minutes early every class

fucking based desu

>> No.9125505

>that girl who posts how much coffee she drinks to keep studying, EVERY FUCKING DAY

>> No.9125536

>that suit
>that hair
>that glasses
>that socks
>that tail

Cringed desu

>> No.9125559
File: 12 KB, 394x360, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first class of semester
>it's the earliest class of the day
>professor doesn't say he won't go to class
>wake up early and wait half an hour in the cold of the morning for nothing

>> No.9125739

Alarm clocks are degenerate.

>> No.9125741

If you know what a prime is, you would be able to figure out fairly quickly that 3 is a prime, there's only one number to test.

>> No.9125744

>professor subtly mentions that the textbook pdf is easily find-able online

>> No.9125747

>>white socks
What's wrong with that?

>> No.9125776


>> No.9125790

That's fucking me, I literally show up while the class before mine is still doing lecture. Bring a laptop and surf the web anon. Also you get dibs on whatever chair or desk you want.

>> No.9125794

>the women who talk about their kid/s

>> No.9125796
File: 141 KB, 720x397, 818a08affe6199d37b000102dc5cb930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when nobody shows up for class
>spend 15 minutes waiting
>pass familiar faces
>was at the wrong class room for the day
>"Did you look at the email or blackboard announcement, anon??"
fucking kek
I'm in love with a chem chick right now, absolute adorable redhead. She's got a bf but I give her subtle flirting on snapchat and I know her relationships never last long.

>> No.9125798
File: 3.01 MB, 4000x2457, 1501911851025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy spouting memes from 4chan while in class
>unironically says words like roastie, manlet, brainlet, pepe, cuck, KEK

>> No.9125799

You don't wear white socks with a suit.

>> No.9125800

>professor literally tells the whole class to get it off libgen and writes the address on the board

>> No.9125801

I've never seen this before. I get the occasional meme from fb from the dude next to me who's bored as fuck. But never a full autist showing his power level. How cringey is it?

>> No.9125802

I'm also this guy.

>that guy with the thinkpad laptop
And this guy sometimes. Although at the very least when I do bring my thinkpad its not covered in a collage of autism stickers. I mean there's two anime ones but at least I don't have 30 EFF and GNU+Linux ones covering everything.

>> No.9125803

It makes you embarrassed to be sharing the site with these mongoloids even though you browse different boards

>> No.9125809
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 1501937419044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy who brings a full course dinner to class

>> No.9125810

That pain that you know exactly what he's talking about but have to pretend you don't say the same shit sometimes.

>> No.9125812

>that guy that brings full motorcycle gear to class, but rides a 250cc half fallen apart ninja and lives half a mile from campus

>> No.9125815
File: 102 KB, 419x265, rw0908test_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that professor who wears these to lecture

>> No.9125889

those look comfy as fuck

>> No.9125911


I'm a Physics student. My class has a healthy amount of qts and literally no pajeets or jews. There's 2-3 autists though.
I'm in the glorious Aryan nation of Norway.

>> No.9125915


>tfw my professors write their own books and publish the PDF for free.

sure feels good not being a hamburger

>> No.9125929
File: 546 KB, 400x276, comfy snow pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor refers students to libgen

>> No.9125950

Oh my fucking god, I think I know that guy. University of Bremen?

>> No.9125954
File: 305 KB, 484x436, d24e534bb1afcabcd88fdaf754dbb452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sit there and read the book / do practice problems.

>> No.9125965

>professor emails torrent link and provides a list of torrent clients sorted by OS with pros and cons for each one summarised

>> No.9125971

>prof uploads a bunch of pirated book on e-class
american cucks btfo

>> No.9126038
File: 34 KB, 470x512, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor requires a book he himself wrote which is unavailable online for free

>> No.9126090

thats why the picture is upside down?

>> No.9126091

I wear the same change of clothes for a week.

>> No.9126180


nope, in the US

>> No.9126228

>that guy who browses /pol/ at uni
>has a MAGA sticker on his laptop
>saw him googling his reaction images to respond to a post because apparently text alone is not enough
Not in the US btw

>> No.9126262

>professor uses a presentation he got online made by an indian

>> No.9126264

That's fucking based

>> No.9126283

t. virgin

>> No.9126302

>That one student who constantly asks if the content of the course will be tested in the exam
These people act like learning something extra is sacrilege.

>> No.9126435


>> No.9126475

Fuck these people desu, I'm triggered

>> No.9126491

I can't stand them. And there's always at least one of them every class.

>> No.9126508

>Community College

What exactly were you expecting?

>> No.9126509


>> No.9126571

>that Indian kid that brags about his rich parents buying him an Audi if he can pass all of classes but stinks all the time because his aunt that lives in the US kicked him out for trying to feel up his cousin and he doesn't have any servants or female relatives to do his laundry for him.

>> No.9126607

That seems oddly specific

>> No.9126622

fuck u white devil

>> No.9126670

The virgin backpack opening:
-sits and leans over the desk as to not take up a lot of space
-black clothing for low visibility
-slow and careful handling of the zipper, making minimal noise
-only transports a single item between backpack and desk at a time
-has everything he needs on the desk 5 min before class starts

The chad textbook-carpet-bombing:
-arrives 10 min after the prof starts lecturing
-interrupts lecture to tell fellow students about how Stacy held him up
-dumps the contents of his backpack on the desk while standing
-signals surrounding betas to pick up stuff he dropped on the floor
-textbooks have a 'not for sale in U.S.'-sticker
-didn't bring a pen so he takes the one his neighbor was using

>> No.9126932

>>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday
>>that guy with the thinkpad laptop
w-what's wrong with this? I hope you're literally not talking about me.

>> No.9126936

what school do you go to faggot? you can just say the letter it starts with

>> No.9126948


>> No.9127006

>teacher likes me so he turns my 85% into an A

>> No.9127015

That reminds me of my math teacher. He openly told me about his divorce because he works so much and plays 80s cartoon theme songs on the school piano while helping students

>> No.9127065

Always 15 min early because I wake up at 5:30, when I should be walking up at around 5:45. I mean what sort of crazy person doesn't wake up at a half-hour increment?

>> No.9127077

This "meme" isn't funny because unlike high school, college is voluntary and people go to college because they actually want to be there.
So the whole showing up late and disrupting and being a class clown thing isn't looked at the same way as high school. In fact, those kinds of assholes are usually looked down on, the complete opposite of a chad.

Shit meme, wish faggots like you would stop forcing it so it can die already.

>> No.9127082
File: 8 KB, 599x605, ahaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late to class
>Professor is late to class

>> No.9127197


>> No.9127214

Oh, I love this because when I am late I get so scared about all the shit I am going to miss and then will have to simply copy out of someone else's textbook without directly getting the exposition of the trained professor.

>late to class
>The 10 minutes you were late the professor spent going over examples, which means nothing of value was lost

Feels good.

>> No.9127229

>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday
What's wrong with this? As long as your clothes are clean and you don't smell bad/smell nice, what's the problem?
Not everyone has to be as shallow and materialistic as you, you know.

>> No.9127244

How do you get to Grad school without knowing about libgen? I literally never bought a book after the first year of my undergrad degree.

>> No.9127251
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 1503579259133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time arrival at class precisely a minute before the prof so as to not look awkward not talking to anyone
>prof is late
>play with phone in attempt to appear as if engaged in something while cursing prof's lazy ass under breath

>> No.9127303

Just as bad as the faggots who don't shut up about how much they love food
>us food eaters huh

>> No.9127305


or janitors with the loudest fucking vacuum ever in hallway

>> No.9127310

It's the same pain as when someone acts as cringy as you used to act.

>> No.9128038

Haha relatable! I eat food too! Haha!

>> No.9128068

>that guy who comes in wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday

>> No.9128076

Social interactions are healthy anon

>> No.9128160
File: 10 KB, 230x219, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out

>> No.9128464
File: 35 KB, 500x541, 07167b2cd672a9200c6314f62afeade70f8b65463e4ad3806e12a9ac45f683a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor does not show up for the first class of the term
>Everyone misses the second class
>Professor gets pissed
>Professor tells me all my assignments are done and I don't need to come back
>Professor emails me asking where all my assignments that I've never seen in my life
>Tells me that I will never make it if I can't even hand things in on time

>> No.9128487
File: 75 KB, 207x187, fistofdeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undergrad students brofist themselves every half hour in the library

>> No.9128507
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1415, 1501112989702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wearing the same hood and sneakers since 2013.

>> No.9128558

In what kind of easy high school level shit is 85% not an A

>> No.9128559

If you wore a pair of red wings boots and an old leather jacket every single day you would actually look cool instead of an autist

>> No.9128708

Having the money to waste for tuition fees and wasting it is ultimate carefree chad

>> No.9128896

>that guy who still doesn't have friends to sit by in 3rd year
>the gay guy who keeps hitting on all the guys

>> No.9129092

>>that guy who still doesn't have friends to sit by in 3rd year

Fuck. I'm pretty sure i won't share any class with any friend next semester. Time to meet new ppl i guess

>> No.9129249

It's because the prof is much smarter than you. He can't imagine being so retarded that you can't comprehend his trivial courses.

>> No.9129345


>> No.9129428

> Those fucking nerds who banter and interject with the professor

just fuck off I'm trying to learn

>> No.9129432

>every professor who wrote the book we use in class

>> No.9129561
File: 94 KB, 602x709, 1477778307077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>community college professor who used to teach in middle school starts telling a heartfelt story about a chubby 5th grade girl who tried committing suicide on the first day

I know'll probably get memed on for community college but it was a fucking brutal story, the teacher legit had tears in his eyes.


>> No.9129592

I'm not one if those kids, but sometimes that brings up new information that you wouldn't have learned

>> No.9129689

It is really helpful to know the content of the exams though.

>> No.9129703

>working with other people is mandatory and contributes heavily towards your final grade
Why do they do this? Literally had to drop out of university because it was too much

>> No.9129707

they look like hands. man

>> No.9129710


>> No.9129745

got a b because
gj m8

>> No.9129866

>had to drop out of university because xenophobe
drop out of society now, faggot

>> No.9129924


>> No.9129936
File: 189 KB, 624x444, 1279800241866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lecture slides are mostly text
>the actual slides turn out to be screenshots of text, probably saved as .jpg
>slides for each lecture are 50-100MB

>> No.9130004


fuck you sexust

>> No.9130056
File: 92 KB, 1631x1571, 1449930600444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to class
>you're the only one there with the professor

This happened to me last semester. It was so awkward mang. But I think the professor gave me extra marks for my finals for never missing her class. So it was a okay.

>> No.9130067

Did she give you good boy cummies for being early?

>> No.9130107

what major did you have? If you are a beta virgin who is afraid of girls then you shouldn't really have a problem because STEM is mostly all guys. Why did you choose the lone roastie in class to partner with when you have a plethora of Changs, Pajeets , and Johns.

>> No.9130110

Never happened desu.

>> No.9130113

But has drive to go to bed with a random dude I bet.

>> No.9130120

Kek that's me.

>> No.9130122


>> No.9130123

So you are so autistic that you accidentally flirt to chicks without knowing it?

>> No.9130126

It makes me hard desu.

>> No.9130130

>calculus professor (no need to say female
Funny thing is we're not even Americans so she should just shut up and teach properly. What could I expect from a fedora tipper atheist.

>> No.9130140

How many girlfriends have you had?
>the curl of a conservative field.
How many women have you fucked?
>None because unless I'm married it's a sin.
What is the max number of simultaneous girlfriends you've had?
>0 as implied by the first answer
Are you fat?
Are you autistic?
>I guess not
Do you have some form of deformity (being ugly counts)?
Kek no. Im no failure with girls either. I just don't want any relationship with any of my uni because they're all degenerate whores.

>> No.9130143

Enjoy hell

>> No.9130152

Some times I even go full /pol/ just because I want them to leave.
Doesn't work.

>> No.9130166

libgen or b-ok

>> No.9130192
File: 32 KB, 261x214, 1502308158596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor's powerpoint has black calibri font on a white background
>Littered with stock photos with the watermark still visible

>> No.9130415
File: 149 KB, 700x670, aDoEwAN_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor made open sourced book, for the class thanks to eu/state funded grants
>mfw this is most of the professors
Feels good not beeing an americuck

>> No.9130531

>Class goblin stole my laptop again

>> No.9130692
File: 2 KB, 100x96, 1501453519347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My physics professor is an alcoholic who is convinced we're all doing drugs instead of homework.

>> No.9130724
File: 83 KB, 344x382, 1485332931265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130737
File: 39 KB, 480x360, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9131161

I liked to copy sometimes... :^(

>> No.9132086
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that professor who posts a libgen link to the required text on the school bookstore website
>that professor who gets confronted by African international students when he teaches difficult material or gives poor grades
>that professor who says there are only two genders
>that young Ph.D. that gets plastered with his students and subsequently destroyed by the department chair
>that TA that became an adjunct instructor, taught intro courses for four years, and screams oppression when the department hires a Ph.D. for an assistant professor position

Student edition:
>That GI Bill student that makes violent threats to other students during class
>That African student that walks up to the whiteboard while the instructor is talking to argue about a "mistake" in his work
>that forty-year-old nontraditional student that BTFOs everyone in the class while working 40+ hours a week

>> No.9132103


>> No.9132105


>> No.9132603
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, right in the feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof is late
>i replace him instead

being a genius means bearing more reponsblity, yare yare daze....

>> No.9132631

>that one student who avoids taking classes taught by professors with slavic, indian, chinese, or african last names

>> No.9132643

i would date Costanza

>> No.9132645

>that young Ph.D. that gets plastered with his students and subsequently destroyed by the department chair
i'm so scared of this becoming me, my department chair is terrifying

also i wish i was that professor

>> No.9132653

being an empiricist instead of an actual mathematician (read: analytical philosopher)

>> No.9132661

fucking this holy hell
i feel nostalgic now

>> No.9132666

go ask /g/

>> No.9132669
File: 275 KB, 1180x867, 1502329356354 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is me and my students won't leave me the fuck alone

>> No.9132673

>fucking my gf
i'm proud of you, anon

>> No.9132680

pls seek help, anon
we're worried about you

>> No.9132684
File: 46 KB, 174x238, moi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god why can't that be ME

>> No.9132688

>not taking the opportunity to learn a cool accent for having fun when you're drunk
i loved having Bulgarian profs

>> No.9132705


>> No.9132711

you need to go outside before you shoot up a school

>> No.9132714

i sleep easy at night knowing people like you will never find happiness or true fulfillment in life

>> No.9132757


>> No.9132855

No surprise. They know the material just as well as the professor and experience doesn't really change teaching style so you should expect this to happen half the time.