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9123300 No.9123300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYrOTf4lzjI

A transgender gene has been found. Do you know what this means? There means that there is a gene, a fucking group of nucleotides, that contains the instructions to go to the nearest doctor, ask to get your cock chopped off, sign the consent papers and then let the doctor chop your dick off.

Isn't it amazing that a simple gene can program such specific behavior? Until now we thought that genes were simple, they could determine our eye color, and a group of genes could determine the shape of our face. But it has been found that a simple gene can make you go to the doctor to ask to get your dick chopped off.

Imagine that. Now that science has found this there are practically no limits on what kind of information we can encode in genes. We could make a gene that forces you to study pure mathematics 10 hours a day every day and with this, we could genetically engineer the greatest mathematician of all time.

What other applications do you think this has?

*This is not a political thread. I do not care about politics, I am a humble mathematician. I care about applications of this to science and mathematics. If we can create specific-purpose genes then we can exploit that to mathematically enhance human beings. Please take any and all political discussions about this to /pol/ where they belong

>> No.9123326
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>source is a youtube video

>> No.9123328

Well, they are trusted reporters. Anyway, they have sources in the description.


>> No.9123333

I think 10 hours a day everyday would get you an average math grad student.

>> No.9123334

>Until now we thought that genes were simple

Lol fuck no

>> No.9123338

Well simply edit the gene to make it 14 hours a day.

Maybe you are misunderstading me. I meant that single genes were thought to only be in charge of simple characteristics. And that groups of genes were necessary for complex behavior. But the transgender gene is basically a single gene that carries really complex and specific information, contrary to our belief.

>> No.9123339

>Researchers have extracted DNA from the blood samples of 10,000 people, 3,000 of them transgender and the rest non-transgender, or cisgender. The project is awaiting grant funding to begin the next phase: testing about 3 million markers, or variations, across the genome for all of the samples.

They haven't even tested the samples yet you idiot.

>> No.9123344

Then why would TYT mention that they are finding a new transgender gene?

Please get the fuck back to /pol/. This is a scientific discussion.

>> No.9123350
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>Now that science has found this


Do you read the link you provided me ?

By the way, you have a very romantic (simplistic) vision of what biology and genes are. In reality, biology is very very very very complex.

>> No.9123352

They SUSPECT a biological origin, they have not found one yet which is why they need to test the blood samples to see if there are unique markers among the transgender group.

Go back to grade school to learn to read.

>> No.9123354

Yeah yeah, sure /pol/. Whatever. MAGA! TRUMP! THE JEWS DID THIS. etc. etc.

>> No.9123356

Unsubtle falseflagging, I like it. Is this what we call irony?

>> No.9123378

>Lose an argument because you're factually wrong
>Call someone a /pol/tard when they never espoused any /pol/ related beliefs

Now that's shitposting.

>> No.9123381
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Chemicals put in the water are causing genetic mutations & Hormonal imbalance which are turning the 4 Chan Pepe Frogs GAY !!!
Source: Alex Jones.

>> No.9123389

Fuck this horrific post modern hell scape we live in. Basically genetic determinism is real, but only for things that are being agitated for by the Democrats.

>> No.9123500

>genes "associated" with intelligence discovered
>/pol/tards flood the thread with sudden love for science and start discussing the ramifications
>genes "associated" with transgenderism discovered
>/pol/tards flood in to say it's pseudoscience and clearly no such thing exists
would you faggots please make up your mind or fuck off?

>> No.9123514
File: 310 KB, 1080x1080, 1503171354869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know that this information is contained within that bunch of nucleotides that we call a gene and are not a result of that gene's interaction with the rest of the ecosystem of genes in the DNA chain forming a system of feedback loops? It's not like it was engineered by a human and each part has to have a specific discrete function, but was made by natural selection. Therefore if each part performs complex interactions with other simple parts, you can't simply call that discrete behavior, being contained in that particular piece of code..

>> No.9123530

I bet my right hand you're that same retard who thinks [math]\mathbf 1_{\mathbf R^*}[/math] is continuous and derailed a math thread to show how inferior you are.

>> No.9123532

>source are youtube "trusted reporters"
>image is literally a black boy holding the hand of a white girl

>> No.9123537

Genes associated with intelligence have been found.
Genes associated with transgenderism haven't been discovered and it's just some random youtube clickbait with no sources.
You are so fucking brainwashed

>> No.9123544

>Researchers have extracted DNA from the blood samples of 10,000 people, 3,000 of them transgender and the rest non-transgender, or cisgender. The project is awaiting grant funding to begin the next phase: testing about 3 million markers, or variations, across the genome for all of the samples.
It's literally a retarded The Young Turks video, the study which "found" the transgender gene haven't even happened.
Do not reply to this thread.

>> No.9123559

My hypothesis is that it has more to do with womb chemistry and mother's health than genetics. It's the result of fucked up hormones in the womb that cause the boy/girl to develop abnormally. Don't think it's genetic and any genetic cause they will find is linked to the genetics of the mother's womb and not the baby.