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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.45 MB, 1024x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9121243 No.9121243 [Reply] [Original]


Ok, so you looked at the fucking sun. If you seared your eyes, you wont know for 12 hours, but they're will be some initial symptoms. Maybe your eyes hurt a little. Maybe you have a headache.Its proably over, but at least you can research before the darkness surrounds you.



Level 0: No symptoms. You used proper shielding or stayed inside like a good NEET. Good Job!
Long term effects: None.
Level 1: Eye sunburn. You have a sunburn inbside your eyes. Your eye will hurt for a while.. Your vision might be temporarily blurry. It will subside.
Lorm term effects: Freckels on the inside of the eye. Increased chance of eye cancer.
Level 2: Small damage. Everything above, in addition, you will have significant trouble seeing, especially near the center of your vision. Will take longer to subside.
Long term effects: Everything above, but also small vision acuiy will be lost.
Level 3: Permanent damage. When you wake up tommorow, you will have a scrambeled part of your vision that will be completely blurry.
Long term effects: Everything above, but in addition, you will be legally blind and will have your drivers license revoked.
Level 4: RIP
Long term effects: Complete blindness.

>> No.9121247


>Go to the doctor
Seemingly a good option, but the lines will be cloged with other retard with you. Further, there is nothing the doctors can do. You will be told to "wait and see," come back in a few days to get a checkout. This wont help, but it may help you feel better.
Outlook: bleak

>Stare into the Sun
Fuck it. Its over, so you may as well look at something beautiful with the last of your vision. You stare longingly at the sun. Alternatively, stare angrily. It wont help, but it will feel good.
Outlook: You blind nigga.

>Wait it out
Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones. Who knows? Sit inside, close all of the blinds and make your room as dark a possible. Cover any affected eyes(s) with an eyepatch or similar. Wait it out.
Outlook: good.

>> No.9121248

Currently using windows narrator to type this.

>> No.9121251
File: 3.09 MB, 4608x2592, IMG_20170821_113705839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't I listen lads. I only looked for half a moment and 6 hours later, my eyes still hurt. I even made one of those stupid cereal box viewers but I wanted to see how much of the eclipse was actually visible

>> No.9121254

I put my cell phone in selfie mode and looked at it that way

>> No.9121255

shit i was at a public event for eclipse viewing and looked into a lot of people's telescopes, i hope nobody put their shit incorrectly. I heard that damaged eyes start to show after one day

>> No.9121257


>> No.9121259

who /level1/ here

>> No.9121260

I think I looked at it for a second or two, but it was cloudy and barely saw anything. But I've had what feels like a sinus headache behind my left eye ever since. Can't tell if about to be blind or just allergies acting up.

>> No.9121261

Who /2-3 second peek/
i'm so fucked

>> No.9121266

I thought it was okay to look at it at the peak if you were in the path of totality. I didn't do it but I saw people on tv doing it.

What gives?

>> No.9121268

You can there, but not anywhere else where the sun isn't fully covered.

>> No.9121269

I obsessive compulsive literally stared at the sun through my telescope until I smelled burnt hair. There is a hole through my skull and out the back of my head. I can not see out of that eye or hear out of my ear on the same side. The opposite side of my body is functionally retarded and can no longer do math not even basic math.

I have no insurance and I am still bleeding.

Will this get better on its own? I know I am fucked but does bone grow back?

>> No.9121271

/here/, currently wearing improvised eyepatch. 7 hours since exposure, estimated time until blindness: 5 hours

>> No.9121275

I hope none of you gullible retards bought the meme goggles.

>> No.9121276

> I heard that damaged eyes start to show after one day
Yes, it takes ~12 hours for the real damage to set in.

>> No.9121277

I almost did this, but then the sun reflected on the white part above the screen, and even that was really bright, so I decided not to

>> No.9121283

>you will be told to "wait and see"
how ironic

>> No.9121285

I stared at the sun through high powered binoculars until my eyeballs boiled.

How long until I can see again?

>> No.9121287

Never ever.

>> No.9121291

5-10 years

>> No.9121298

w-what meme goggles?

>> No.9121299

fuck I thought I could avoid it by looking at it through a mirror and im experiencing /level 3/

>> No.9121301

I don't regret sleeping though it now there is no way i would have resisted not staring directly at it

>> No.9121311

You wont know if you're level 3 until tomorrow morning. It takes 12 hours to reach level 3.

>> No.9121315
File: 43 KB, 357x390, 1433380111228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i saw so many people using the smoked glass method (which doesn't actually protect your eyes)

>> No.9121318

Threads like these make me terrified because of all the occasional half second glances I took at the sun even when I had the reflective glasses. Just imagining spending your last night with sight and waking up in the morning in darkness.

>> No.9121319

can someone explain why it takes 12 hrs to experience the damage?

>> No.9121321

I looked for 1 second at most. I couldn't even tell it was an eclipse because it was so bright that I turned away very quickly. The after-image only lasted a few seconds. I've had worse from looking at a flashlight. Now my eyes are dry and hurt a little. I'm a hypochrondiac so it is probably all in my head. I hope.

>> No.9121327

Nigga you blind

>> No.9121331


I don't want to wake up blind, so I'm just going to stay awake all night and see what happens.

>> No.9121334

It takes 12 hours for the cells to die from the UV radiation. Their genetic material gets damaged from the sun, and once they realize, they kill themselves. Takes times.

>> No.9121343
File: 240 KB, 960x720, 1494306870285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked at the eclipse in quick 1 second glances with just sunglasses on
>TFW I can still see

This whole blinding yourself looking at the eclipse thing is a meme right? All you have to do is not stare at the sun.

>> No.9121351

i think i coined blindboys

>> No.9121353

When I was a little kid, my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once, when I was six, I did. The doctors didn't know if my eyes would ever heal.I was terrified, alone in that darkness. Slowly, daylight crept in through the bandages and I could see. But something else had changed inside me.

>> No.9121356
File: 35 KB, 535x577, 1414534147370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked at it for 2 seconds
fuck me


>> No.9121358

w-what changed?

>> No.9121370

my contacts have uv protection so fuck you u piece of miserable shit

>> No.9121373

>he thinks UV rads is what he should be scared of

You poor fucking fool

>> No.9121381

8 hours in
my eye hurts considerably less. I'm also less blurry. 4 hours of expected vision left before my retina cells die off

>> No.9121385
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Level 5: Clarity
You heeded the brave souls telling you to soak up the eclipse's mystical rays. You are blind to visual light, but can easily see our reptilian overlords as they conduct their nefarious manipulations.

We'll be in touch.

>> No.9121387

So, what should my final fap be to before the dark overtakes me? And what do blind people fap to?

>> No.9121392
File: 261 KB, 1280x960, IMG_8397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked at this with my own eyes for about 1 picosecond today at 1:30 pm Central time. How fucked am I?

>> No.9121397

Anon became a tranny

>> No.9121400


Hahaha enjoy eternal darkness you dope! While you're fumbling around, blind, trying to live a pitiful """life""" as a cripple, think of me, looking the FUCK out of everything around me.


>> No.9121401

Dead by dawn.

>> No.9121403

Solid reference.

>> No.9121405


He became homosexual. That's the side effect of looking at the sun, even if you don't go blind.

>> No.9121414

>live in an area with heavy fog
>it was overcast
>nobody saw the eclipse, nobody got eye damage

>> No.9121421

The first 5 seconds of looking at the eclipse are the most damaging.

If you looked at it for 1-2 seconds, you might have damage. If you looked at it for 3 seconds, you DEFINITELY will have some sight loss in a few days.

>> No.9121426

This is bullshit. Anything over 10-15 seconds consecutively is when the real damage happens.

>> No.9121432
File: 478 KB, 2048x2048, 1503363799358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you literally stared at it for a minute straight you should be fine.
If you're seeing spots just rest your eyes in total darkness for few hours for the next few days.

>> No.9121437

I wonder if entire villages or countries went blind in the past. If there was a total eclipse thousands of years ago, you know everybody would be staring at it for long periods of time.

>> No.9121438
File: 126 KB, 650x430, Pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do blind people fap to

Being able to see again, lol

>> No.9121444

The president watched it directly, why couldn't we?

>> No.9121445

Probably not. Just the dumb ones, as always. I mean fuck, we have a built in defense mechanism that makes us sneeze if we do look at it.

>> No.9121449


I'm inclined to agree with you, but source?

>> No.9121460


He doesn't have one because its bullshit. The time you can "safely" look at the sun varies hugely depending not only on the weather but also on your latitude and the time of year.

>> No.9121461


The president is a billionaire who can afford the very best medical treatment.

>> No.9121462

the President has the secret service protecting him

>> No.9121467


It's possible, but with little to no cloud cover a 99% eclipse is still painful to look at.

I was in the band today, and the instant that secondary diamond ring always
appeared I had to look away.

With moderate cloud cover it's possible to look directly at the eclipse without any pain for extended periods of time (though still a bad idea), but that's possible with a full sun too (again, speaking from experience)

>> No.9121468
File: 22 KB, 628x476, oedipus blinds self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful of that hubris anon

>> No.9121469

it's a lie
anything over a second is dangerous, and if you've been looking at it for over 3, you're certainly fucked.

>> No.9121470


I'm not afraid to say I'm better than any god. I, at least, exist. Checkmate, gods!

>> No.9121471


> Implying that the best medical treatment today can save you from your retina committing Sudoku

> Implying Trump was actually looking directly at the sun in that picture

>> No.9121472
File: 35 KB, 750x500, IMG_3902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I stared at it a few times for a few seconds without glasses
I'm fucked

>> No.9121473


I'm not implying it, I'm stating it outright. If you have the money, you can cure the kind of blindness caused by staring at the sun with a retinal transplant.

>> No.9121474

are you a fedora with arms

>> No.9121475


No, I'm a Christian. I just don't think """god""" exists.

>> No.9121476

I (foolishly) looked at the sun for about 15-20 seconds total today without eyepro while during a broken sky, the sun peeked through a small break in the clouds. It wasn't bad to look at (from a brightness standpoint at least) but next time I'll definitely wear some eye protection, but i do think clouds definitely help.

>> No.9121477

Oh and do I at least get to become Daredevil?

>> No.9121478
File: 57 KB, 353x526, paethon crashes the sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy

>> No.9121479
File: 38 KB, 600x631, bf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121356

>> No.9121480

>he thinks Helios exists!

Top cuck, what a dope!

>> No.9121483


If by that you mean "do I get to be a pathetic blind cripple, unable even to shitpost on 4chin?" then yes. Yes you do.

>> No.9121485
File: 56 KB, 541x380, O1hBWL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121356.

>> No.9121486
File: 42 KB, 600x400, itstoolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121356 ,

>> No.9121487
File: 45 KB, 676x380, angelpaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121356 ;

>> No.9121489
File: 185 KB, 428x500, drumpf ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this LARPing
Sungazing is painless, and staring for one second won't make you go blind you retards. Also, the eclipse doesn't make it anymore dangerous than sungazing the rest of the year (apart from the visible light making it painful).

>> No.9121490

who are you

>> No.9121491
File: 11 KB, 268x188, Capaneus languishes in Hell after blaspheming Jove. Why would God even punish someone for blaspheming a god other than him anyway by William Blake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just deeper and deeper anon

>> No.9121492

why do you keep replying to my posts

i appreciate the (You)s but it's freaking me out

>> No.9121493
File: 128 KB, 717x473, 49d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121356 ..

>> No.9121494

Two seconds of googling

>> No.9121495

During the eclipse, your pupils don't dilate as much, so you take in more light. Also, the visible light is less bright, so you're not prompted to squint and/or look away.

>> No.9121497

Might be unrelated but the bone part, above the left eye but below the eyebrow, feels sore. Other than that I feel fine.
how fucked am i?

>> No.9121500

>he believes in Hell!

hahaha, please, go on, tell us more about your congenital retardation.

>> No.9121501


That sounds like an occipital migraine. Probably unrelated to your impending blindness, but maybe not. Most likely, you just have a brain tumor.

>> No.9121504
File: 292 KB, 610x407, ron paul could have saved you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you keep replying to my posts
>i appreciate the (You)s but it's freaking me out
Don't be afraid. Lol. It's just a /pol/ meme.
A meme called "Doom Paul / It's Happening"

>> No.9121506

Is this whole thread /sci/ shitposting?

>> No.9121511
File: 39 KB, 387x454, anon remains a virgin forever by disbelieving the word of God or possibly gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late to change your destiny

>> No.9121512
File: 907 KB, 720x720, doom_paul_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121492 >>9121504
This meme is very famous on /pol/.

>> No.9121513

>Some fog
>Looked through friends welding helmet (borrowed some proper glasses later)
>More fog rolled in and looked at it for about a second
that's like level 1 right?

>> No.9121514

>he believes in destiny

HAHAHAHA this is gold! Please, continue!

>> No.9121515

The last seconds evoked a primal fear in me. It was a little hazy in Missouri and you could sort of see the umbra approaching in the distance and as the shadow enveloped me I felt a sense of immediate doom.

>> No.9121516

Most people do not have photic sneeze reflex.

>> No.9121519
File: 31 KB, 600x406, 205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121492 >>9121504 >>9121512
I'll just post a dozen pics in my personal collection.

>> No.9121521

Oh. Well. I pity all you poor bastards then, it's super helpful when you feel the need to sneeze.

>> No.9121522

am i awful for thinking getting a brain tumor is a much better outcome than being blind by the eclipse?

>> No.9121523

>not staring into the eyes of our god and being blinded by the glory

>> No.9121524
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>> No.9121525
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>>9121243 >>9121356 >>9121519

>> No.9121527

By 1 AM I'll know for certain if I'm suddenly blind. Until then, I will remain vigilant.

>> No.9121528


No. Tumors can often be treated or even cured entirely, blindness is a horror beyond imagining for most people.

>> No.9121529
File: 66 KB, 666x666, What+dream+you+re+already+awake+_8253e4d3a80d124c18def17301965308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121356 >>9121519 .

>> No.9121530


What part of "I'm a Christian" don't you understand, retard?

>> No.9121531
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>> No.9121533
File: 119 KB, 326x284, b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9121243 >>9121356 >>9121519 !

>> No.9121534

how does it feel being level 2 or above, you'll never be able to do math again on paper :(

>> No.9121535

Who level 4 here? Do you think I could hire a maid or someone to read shitposts to me

>> No.9121539
File: 60 KB, 266x479, gee anon even I'm starting to think you're a lost cause, and I stole pears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God loves those who fall hardest, but repent, even more than those who have never strayed

...gee anon, I bet God will really like you

>> No.9121544


>> No.9121545

craigslist misc romance section is your friend, have your mom hire someone.

You may occasionally have to use someone's penis as a toothbrush.

>> No.9121546


God is dead you dope, haven't you read your bible? He died for our sins, remember?

>> No.9121549


>> No.9121552

Just print out a thread in braille retard

>> No.9121553
File: 122 KB, 680x670, 4564307+_1f92cf29f4b7825dcc9432762ed9510d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. This is the Mine Last one (today) until the next Happening.
Those who don't understand this /pol/ meme go to:

>> No.9121554
File: 61 KB, 518x650, c'mon anon, Easter happens every year, you couldn't really just think it was about eggs could you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. Mel Gibson's movie isn't the Bible. there's a part that happens after that

>> No.9121556
File: 156 KB, 260x187, 1409010092206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed the eclipse
>start reading this thread
>eyes start to hurt

>> No.9121559

Level 0: here, used sunglasses, only glanced at it quickly to see where it was at.

Why the fuck would you think that?!

>> No.9121560


What, that ridiculous fanfic about him "coming back to life"? Hahaha, you're really a dope if you believe that. What, is God some kind of "magic man" who can recover from DEATH? Hahaha, what next? Can he shoot lasers out of his eyes? Can he bench press an elephant? Hahaha Anon really, time to grow up and stop believing in superheroes! What even would be the point of him dying for our sins, if he just came back to life again? Does that mean our sins just come right back, too? Hahaha!

>> No.9121561


>2 seconds

You aren't even level 1

Step it up.

>> No.9121563


You probably can, even the best mirrors only reflect ~50% of the light that hits them.

>> No.9121566

What level will people be with "fake" solar glasses?
or some shit like staying in their car and looking through 100 pair of sunglasses?

>> No.9121568
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1500648664804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9121570


Yep. You need about 1 minute before permanent retina damage.

>> No.9121571

>Level 0: here, used sunglasses, only glanced at it quickly

You poor fool.

>> No.9121573


>> No.9121575
File: 2.79 MB, 1067x1873, Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I think I'm running out of steam, but thanks for the laughs anon. U a'right

>> No.9121576

If the president jumped off a bridge would you do it too?

>> No.9121578

>he believes in Arthur!

Hahaha, you'll be telling me the English aren't native to Britain next! What a dope!

>> No.9121579


Yes. yes I would.

>> No.9121582

If the president fucked your wife, would you do it too?

>> No.9121585
File: 11 KB, 157x179, i am special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just did an amsler test, and the lines dont change or bend, or distort. But i noticed that there is a SMALL great dot, 1 in my left eye and two in my right eye when i focus on a white sheet of paper.; I looked a few times, while the sun was behind the clouds for a few seconds at a time. There were a lot of clouds so i thought it was fine. I was using a proper solar viewer, but this isnt the typical "floaters" in my eyes. Its a very distinct grey dot in the center of my field of vision that stays in my sight where my eye is focused.

I think im going to keep my eyes shut for a day and hope it goes away. I cant notice it unless im staring at a white sheet of paper of a blank white screen on my computer.

ill keep updated.

>> No.9121586


Yes, I would also fuck the President.

>> No.9121587
File: 64 KB, 480x357, anon aka gogmagog on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, they're descended from Trojans. ever read a book?

>> No.9121589


When you're blind, think of this: HAHAHA enjoy blindness, dope!

>> No.9121593


Only the Trinovantes are descended from Trojans, Anon.

>> No.9121594
File: 27 KB, 500x561, xmas spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because I'm poor doesn't mean you gotta call me names, anon!

>> No.9121595

>He'd copulate with his own wife

What a disgusting fucking degenerate piece of subhuman trash you are.

>> No.9121597


Hey, I said only if the President does, I'm not some kind of pervert you know!

>> No.9121600
File: 27 KB, 545x396, muh donald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the president did it, i dont see the problem. maybe in three years he'll go blind and be the true antichrist people are calling him.


>> No.9121603


Even if he goes blind, he'll still be POTUS and a billionaire. What will YOU be, without your ability to use the internet?

>> No.9121605
File: 361 KB, 1484x990, anon's house after I visit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like Trannyvantes

>> No.9121608

It's a strange thought that blindness would actually increase my productivity by a significant margin.

>> No.9121610


No argument here, I wish nothing but death and ruination upon all Southern pansies.
>t. northernfag

>> No.9121616


It's funny because it's true.

>> No.9121617

Probably a day or two.

>> No.9121618
File: 284 KB, 1425x916, the cunning man who traveled far and wide after he had sacked the famed city of Memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and so they parted friends

>> No.9121620

damn sun lol you make joke.
...my eyes actually do feel a little blurry. Im gonna be so mad when i wake up and cant see. BUT im pretty sure ill be fine. I have a friend whos mom looked at the eclipse when she was younger and shes able to see just fine.

>> No.9121621

I think I'm in love

>> No.9121625
File: 198 KB, 800x1000, pepe magic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go with God (protip: he isn't real).

>> No.9121629


Yeah, joke's on you, that friend of your mom's is actually blind, she just pretends to be able to see.

>> No.9121635

no shes actually able to see or else she wouldnt be able to do her job. I think things are fine for the folks that looked a few times.

>> No.9121640


She's just really good at pretending, It's like a priest, only with being able to see instead of god.

>> No.9121643

lol what a shitty box. you made your pinhole too big

>> No.9121645

update: 10 hours after exposure. one eye hurts more than the other. I am carefully closing it and have taped a card to it. hopefully. the other eye I am using to type this post, possibly my last
god save me

>> No.9121646

I saw some dude passing around a welder's glass. he passed it to me, i saw that it was labelled as 10H. Looked up, you need 14H for eclipse viewing. Ton of soon-to-be blind fuckers near me.

>> No.9121648


So, you stared at the sun for about a minute?

>> No.9121650
File: 20 KB, 337x372, 1500695239250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9121651

no, 5 seconds

>> No.9121652


Then you've got nothing to worry about.

You aren't even level 1.

>> No.9121654

>Always wanted to be a blind retard.
>Skipped class for the eclipse.
>Sky is overcast.
>Can't even get a good view in california.

>> No.9121655

Which glasses are the meme ones again? Every time I blink I see a white dot in the middle of my eye and now I'm paranoid. Earlier today my eyes ached after the eclipse ended, but I took a nap and they feel fine now.

>> No.9121657

>Jacob Chung, Chief of Opthalmology at Englewood Hospital says:
>If you look at it for a second or two, nothing will happen. Five seconds, is probably too long, but 10 seconds is definitely too long

>> No.9121660

Went outside. Looked at sun at the peak time (looked like a diamond sorta?) because I wanted to hurt self enough to get disability.

Stared at it until it hurt a bit.

After I rubbed my eyes for a bit and drank some water, I felt fine. No issues to report.

Is there any way to fake having fucked my vision up so I can collect neetbux?

>> No.9121661

sorry anon

>> No.9121663


Level 1 is your sunburn, which is the 10 seconds mark and higher.

Depending on the conditions (smog, clouds and time), it can 20 seconds.

>> No.9121672

Made it in the back of a car after having to run to Walmart for all this shit an hour before the total eclipse. I slept through my alarm.

>> No.9121680

I didn't even see the eclipse today but a couple years ago I think in 2014 I used sunglasses to see it a couple times and I didn't get fucked. Though my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be

>> No.9121687
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>the chad Helios veneration

>> No.9121690

fuck. I glanced at it for like half a second earlier and then looked away. then I glanced at it a second time for like half a second again then gave up looking at it because it didn't really look like shit but the sun on any other day. I had a black spot in my eye (like you get after viewing a bright light) for like 10 or 20 seconds then it went away. I thought I was all good.

I got home after a long day at work and then passed the fuck out for a nap and just woke up. The center of my vision is blurry. Not super, super blurry, but I have to focus and strain a bit to read like 12pt font. I'm looking at the back of a vitamin bottle that had small text that I could read before but now I can't no matter how hard I try.

I think I'm going to make an appointment with the dr. tomorrow. wish me luck, anons

>> No.9121696

2012 actually

>> No.9121702

How long so you have to look at the sun to get the symptoms. I'm at the 10 hour mark and haven't gotten any yet

>> No.9121703


You haven't done shit to your eyes, anon.

The first level of pain is actual burning pain, like sunburn. Just on your eyes (so, worst). The blurriness is the least of the problems. You need to stare at about 10 seconds before you get this bad (closer to 20, as they're usually overly cautious and base it on the most sensitive).

>> No.9121706


10-20 seconds for level 1.

Over 20 but under 100 for level 2.

100 and over for 3.

>> No.9121712

What kind of retard looks at the sun for 10 seconds straight though without proper protection though. How is this an actual problem for you people

>> No.9121726



Though, when the sun is about 80 percent covered from an eclipse, it can be misleading, as it doesn't hurt your eyes as much physically (so you don't look away), but it's damaging your eyes all the same, but not as bad.

So, if you're staring at a partial sun for a minute, you're going to have sore eyes afterwards.

But yeah, you can barely stare at the sun for 20 seconds without forcing yourself.

>> No.9121733

I was in an area with 85% eclipse and the sun looked no different unless I used a welding mask to actually look at it

>> No.9121745

What I'm wondering is that, they plastered news and information that "looking at the eclipse will blind you", but that's about as informative as "going near fire will burn you"

Is there any objective information about what length of eye contact with the eclipse will cause what amount of eye damage?

>> No.9121753
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will he go blind?

>> No.9121758

The presidency is a path to abilities some consider ... unnatural.

>> No.9121768
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I stared at the sun for like 10 seconds before and I'm good. When I was little I also tripped and scraped my eye with a pocket knife. Still don't even need glasses or anything. Yeah I'm basically a super hero.
Also pic related is how I viewed the eclipse.

>> No.9121776


Did he stare at it for over 100 seconds?

You can stare at it for under 10 seconds without temporary damage.

>> No.9121788
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>> No.9121796

>So how long can you look before getting hurt? Not long, says Jacob Chung, Chief of Opthalmology at New Jersey's Englewood Hospital.
>"If you look at it for a second or two, nothing will happen," he said. "Five seconds, I'm not sure, but 10 seconds is probably too long, and 20 seconds is definitely too long."
>You won't feel any pain if your eyes suffer damage, Chung said, because our retinas lack pain fibers. Retinas can't heal themselves, either, he said, making permanent damage a possibility.
> Any blurry vision won't kick in for a day or two, after the affected area swells "like an egg yolk" Schecter said. It can take months, even a year, for eyes to return to normal, he said — if it they do at all.
>One way to test at home whether you've damaged your eyes is to print off an Amsler Grid, a tool used to detect vision problems. Closing each eye separately, focus on the center dot and see whether the surrounding grid appears wavy, splotchy or distorted

>> No.9121798
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>> No.9121803

My university passed out a bunch of ISO certified eclipse glasses. I literally started at the sun for over a minute and have zero issues :')

>> No.9121806

A huge amount of those paper glasses are chinese knockoffs and not actually certified in any way.

>> No.9121807

t. engineer

>> No.9121818

I used an x-ray paper folded over to look lads, but my eyes only started to hurt after I got paranoid. Am I ducked?

>> No.9121819


He's protected by meme magic.

>> No.9121831
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Postan my eclipse pics.
I think my phone got a virus from looking at the sun.

>> No.9121834

>was in the path of totality and didn't view the eclipse with his naked eye
You fucked up so hard anon. It was one of the most glorious things I've seen in my entire life.

>> No.9121835

update: 12 hours in and ... my eyesight is fine! its a miracle!

>> No.9121849

>be me
>be child
>be bored as fuck on road trips
>decide to see how long I can stare into the sun without blinking
>do so for a minute plus sometimes until my eyes are straight watering
>do this regularly throughout my childhood
>realize it's painful and fucking stupid so I stop
>have better than 20/20 vision my entire life
>randomly when I'm 20 develop difficulty reading and focusing on anything
>find out I now have astigmatic and am near sighted
>tfw I deserve it
No idea if it's related or not or if I'll just develop eye cancer at some point.

>> No.9121865

>Peeked at the sun for 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 yochtoseconds through 1 googlex layers of silver coated sunglasses

How fucked am i? Didn't know sunglasses dont work.

>> No.9121887

you are kill

>> No.9121905

Does animal stare at the sun?

>> No.9121911
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Yeah, same here. Pic related was what it looked like at 85%. The only way you could look long enough to get damage in this zone would be if you were a retard who stacked sunglasses and really tried to look at it for a long time.

>> No.9121912


No, because it burns and hurts them too, so they look away.

>> No.9121915

Fuck, even when it's at 95% and just a tiny sliver it still hurts to look at. Anybody who fried their eyes is a complete retard or did it on purpose.

>> No.9121916

>1pm, sky breddy dark and cloudy
>see eclipse through clouds so its pretty dim but can see some of it
>only did quick glances, looked away once clouds moved away because i'm not that much of a mong
>20 secs total of looking even with looking away
>don't see any spots, one eye kinda red and feels a bit sore on the side on one side I think because I was fucking sleep deprived and I had to leave for work in a bit
i-im fine guys r-right?

>> No.9121918

Well that was over 12 hours ago. It was pretty cool how the sky was pretty dark, the areas I was in was cloudy but there was an open sky away form the sun and the sky looked like a blue/gray.

>> No.9121920


At most, you might have minor sunburn, which is temporary, just like on your skin.

>> No.9121924

Thanks man, I was so frantic all day because I had 4.5 hours of sleep and I didnt eat anything all day so iw as kind of a mess for a bit and looking at the eclipse, well what i only saw just freaked me out. I just looked at the amster grid and all lines and dots are in order so thats a reflief. How was the eclipse in your area?

>> No.9121928

i lov u sci

level 6 here :(

>> No.9121939

Someone explain this to me. I have looked directly at the sun when its not an eclipse, and haven't been blinded, but for some reason people are being blinded by looking at a partially obscured sun.
How does this work?

>> No.9121942

well done anon

>> No.9121954

When I was like 8 years old I looked at the sun through 3 pairs of sunglasses through the car window. I'm nearsighted but I don't remember if I was nearsighted before this.

>> No.9121989

Illinois here. The retards in Carbondale got cucked by clouds. Meanwhile here I am sitting in a park in the forest, with clear skies for the entire eclipse.

>> No.9121995

More visible light is blocked during the eclipse so pupils do not shrink as much. However, there is nearly the same amount of harmful ultraviolet light. Also Also, the visible light is less bright, so you're not prompted to squint and/or look away.

>> No.9121997

That's also not the right way to make a pinhole projector.

>> No.9121998


Nothing here. Moon and sun don't cross paths from my angle.

Sun has been nice and red/pink in the mornings, but that's normal.

>> No.9122017

I observed eclipse in 2015 in Moscow without any protection. Is it over for me and my eyes?

>> No.9122170

>sunburn inside your eyes
fucking gnarly bro. that's feral as

>> No.9122187

What are they gonna do, shoot the sun?

>> No.9122191

i don't get why people obsess over this i can normally stare at the sun without any problem and still got 10/10 sight, also i have pitch black eyes

>> No.9122200

Xray film is not dark enough.

>> No.9122241

You lot are fucking weaklings. I can stare at the noneclipsed sun for 10 seconds straight and my vision is fine. I don't set out to do it, though.

>> No.9122259


I don't really believe that. The sun, the normal sun, is blinding and damaging as fuck to your eyes.

>> No.9122271

no fucking way this is real. if it is, you're permafucked mate, you may even die from the brain swelling.

>> No.9122299
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>mfw I woke up this morning and have no vision loss

I promise I'll never look at the eclipse again, that was the scariest 12 hours of my life

>> No.9122311

>walk outside today
>accidentally glance at the sun
A-am I gonna be all right?

>> No.9122314

just use text-to-speech

deg deg

>> No.9122320

You wont be able to see it ever again anyway, the us navy is decomissioning the moon.

>> No.9122339

>Used to frequently stare at the sun when I was a kid
>have perfect 50/50 vision now

>> No.9122345

>I only looked for half a moment

No you didn't. I can go outside RIGHT NOW and look at the august sun at full blast for "half a moment" and absolutely nothing will happen to me.
If half a moment of accidental exposure was enough to blind you everyone living southern europe would be blind.
You looked at it for a lot longer than that and we both know it.

>> No.9122350
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But anon, it's dark outside

>> No.9122355

I looked for split second yesterday everything is foggy especially in the left eye. What can I do? Is it even legal to put something so bright that can easily damage people's eyes in the sky like this?

>> No.9122365

You are fucked. Literally nothing you can do, you're vision might come back, it might not

>> No.9122366


>what are timezones

Here in Europe (CEST) it's 2:30 PM lel.

>> No.9122367

The energy from our star made your vision stronger.

>> No.9122369
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my goodness

>> No.9122370
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Is looking at the eclipse more damaging to the eyes than looking at the sun under normal circumstances?

>> No.9122374

It's not damaging at all, if you look at it while it's fully hidden.
The difference is that nobody forces himself to stare at the sun continuously for a whole minute under normal circumstances.

>> No.9122377
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Please tell me it's in thousands kek

>> No.9122391

Haha yeah, it was a joke. Pic was supposed to represent the person saying that.

>> No.9122397

Could you repeat that in sign language? I can't see shit right now

>> No.9122406
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The power of sun gazing granted you super vision.

>> No.9122459

its over 12 hours and I can still see. phew

>> No.9122469

Good, Donald. Now please back at repealing obamacare.

>> No.9122471

I looked at the sun for the entire maximum and nothing happened. It hurt until I got that purple spot from looking at bright lights and then it didn't hurt anymore. Could see the actual eclipse once that happened, too, rather than just yellow sun. Spot went away after a few minutes.

>> No.9122489
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UV is a nonionizing radiation that causes genetic mutations. It forms pyrimidine dimers (your DNA double bonds to itself) and the cell containing it must either repair itself (like skin sunburns, sometimes they can heal and won't peel) or it has to kill itself because it stops functioning properly.

>> No.9122905

Caught a glimpse of it from a reflection in a puddle and my eyes evaporated right out of my skull. Eyes grow back right?

>> No.9122957

The sun got BLACKED. Is this a sign that the age of white bois is coming to an end?

>> No.9122963

>be smart look only with one eye for a second
>everything's blurry with both today

>> No.9122974

Had some burning and swollen feeling yesterday but woke up today back to normal.

>> No.9122981

I had gone completely blind yesterday, but everything seems fine today.

>> No.9122986

level .2?
Looked at the sun a few times momentarily

>> No.9123019

>looking at the sun

Darwin awards are being great this year

>> No.9123030
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Pepe and Wojak have an interesting relationship.

>> No.9123035

>Literally hundreds of articles talking about how if you look directly at the eclipse, you'll fuck your eyes up
>People do it anyway


>> No.9123038

I suppose they couldn't be assed to make it into a headline that was spammed all over twitter?

>> No.9123082


Yes but on stalks like mr crabs

>> No.9123091

Someone read too much of Homer

>> No.9123113

Ancients believed that sun and stars are nothing but holes inside giant dark sphere through which we can peek into hell. They were right. Final level here. I lost my sight along with my soul. I've gained the eternal eclipse

>> No.9123126
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>I've gained the eternal eclipse
You have seen the great gaping black hole of bottomless pit.

>> No.9123311

The glasses that sorta look like the old version of 3D glasses. Several of them were shown to be fake. At least thousands of people will have permanent eye damage because of people looking to make a quick buck.

>> No.9123317

if only

>> No.9123490


>don't forget to buy these (((approved))) eclipse glasses

>> No.9123512

I look at the sun all the time how come it only hurts your eyes during an eclipse?

>> No.9123535

about tree fiddy

>> No.9123658

day 2
i don't know how much longer my eyes will last. mild aching, slight blurriness, both the telltale signs of permanent blindness

>> No.9123665


Could driving without sunglasses cause significant eye damage, if the sun is strong enough?

I feel weird when wearing sunglasses, I sometimes feel a burning sensation as if it's making it WORSE than wearing nothing at all.

>> No.9123733

Giant City?
I went there from Cape Girardeau with some friends and it was fun.

>> No.9123736


Yeah, by the end of the diamond ring it was already getting painful to keep looking, and that's like 98 or 99 percent covered.

>> No.9123973
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He's protected by meme magic

>> No.9123977

Same. Feels good, man

>> No.9123978

Wrong side.
I was in Dixon Springs. Great place with some actual cliffs. Met some cool people too.

>> No.9123997
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>> No.9123998
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oh well

>> No.9124001
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>> No.9124004
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"How many eclipses did you get under Obama? He was a total failure on eclipses"

>> No.9124074

>The sun got BLACKED

>> No.9124144


ok i dont think i blinded by looking at the sun. but i think i acidentally scratched my eye with the glasses. for the past 12 hours or so i've been feeling this weird feeling in my eye. It's
an ever so slight pain, like the skin around it is creased or something. i can't stop thinking about it.

>> No.9124152

I stared at the Sun for 2 and a half minutes on Monday and my eyesight is fine. I am fucking superhuman.

>> No.9124294

>Ameritards getting excited over sun

>> No.9124302

Well, its all in your head either way.

>> No.9124337
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>the world repopulation program

>> No.9124360

My left eye has felt a little strange since the eclipse, but I think there's a good chance it's actually got nothing to do with it. I was really tired and a bit worried at the time; I kept blinking and looking around to make sure I didn't hurt myself, so there was definitely a little eye strain. I'm pretty sure my left eye has actually been like this for a while and I just never noticed it until now (my eyes get worse every year or so anyway).

I never felt any pain except for immediately after looking at the eclipse like a retard.

>there is nothing the doctors can do
I realized this before the eclipse even started, so it was really weird getting online after it was over and seeing dozens of articles saying to go to a doctor. What the fuck are they gonna do, prescribe magic eye pills? Massage your retinae back into shape?


>> No.9124466

I don't get why everyone says to do selfie mode; just use the other camera. There's less glare and it's easier to aim

>> No.9124471
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it is time.

>> No.9124484
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Anyone who looked at the sun is an idot, sorry but it's true

>> No.9124496

I was just south of Carbondale and the cloud cleared just before totality. Lucky as fuck I got to drink it in. There were some very thin and wispy clouds still moving in front, but nothing to really obscure it. 10/10 experience. Thinking of going to Argentina in 2020

>> No.9124533

if you're going to risk fucking up a camera, it might as well be the shittier one

>> No.9124538
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>> No.9124598

I mean, I know it's to be expected, but this is still kinda sad.

>> No.9124640

who /blind/ here
gotta collect my disability bucks now wooo

>> No.9124691

I stare at the sun all the time and I'm not blind yet, you guys are pussies.

>> No.9124708

its really not if they have access to the internet. Type in solar eclipse 2017 and pretty sure the first page is NASA that explains in detail Dos and Donts. No sympathy

>> No.9124742

god i hope so
fuck the sun, why is it so bright

>> No.9124753

thanks for posting that i'm blind now

>> No.9124874
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>> No.9124881

how can people post on 4chan if they're blind

>> No.9124951


>> No.9124955

I don't know if you're joking, but at the moment there is no cure or treatment for damage caused by staring into the sun. I don't know why news outlets were perpetuating that eye doctor meme. The damage is done; they can't save you.

>> No.9125126

I was going to take a solar selfie, but I remembered I'm not a nigger

>> No.9125210

25% partial eclipse, saw 2 seconds club here.

Guess I'm in the eye cancer club now

>> No.9125830

He's God Emporer, who are you?

>> No.9125846

He watched it with his blind eye. Anti Christ exposed