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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9114795 No.9114795 [Reply] [Original]

Does my cat think?

>> No.9114802
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Yes. But the Autistic Cats are Smarter.

>> No.9114807


>> No.9114808
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>> No.9114817

Any animal with a Brain Thinks. Because Thinking is a process that happens in All Animal Brains.
However the thoughts inside a Cat's Brain is much more primitive than the thoughts of a Human Brain.

>> No.9114820

What do you mean by "think"?
A lot of animals make decisions based on their past experience, learn from them and change their behaviors depending on them.
Some make decision that are illogical or "crazy" in that sense, because they usually go against the learned or imprinted logic of most animals, is that not an index of thought?

>> No.9114824

Is a cat conscious?

>> No.9114826

I think it's more of spectrum, partially I'd say. But then consciousness isn't a specific term, so you could say yes or no or partial.

>> No.9114837
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Follow up question.

Does my cat actually like/love me or is it only social/nice to me since he knows im his cookie/food source

>> No.9114839
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>>9114817 >>9114826 >>9114820 >>9114795
>It' a Spectrum
>Cat's Thoughts are more primitive than Human's Thoughts
For example Blacks vs Whites.
The thoughts inside a Black People Brain is much more primitive than the White Brain.
White> Black >Cat

>> No.9114847
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How would be the Intelligence of a Cat/Human Hybrid, a Cat-Girl?

>> No.9114848


>> No.9114856

What is the difference you're drawing between the two behaviors?
Yeah yeah I hate niggers too, but that's barely thought in itself, we're talking about felidae here, you want to talk about the difference between black and white thought and social expression, got make a new thread about it

>> No.9114858

Cats are psychopaths, they just want you to think they love you.

>> No.9114864

You guys will literally find ANY excuse to shoehorn race into this.
Is this a distant cry from your subconscious anon? Do you feel so inadequate with yourself as person ,you constantly have to tell yourself others are more primitive?

>> No.9114874

>>9114848 >>9114856 >>9114864
Race = Sub Species = Genetic Marker
Genetics is a Biology's research field.
Biology is a Natural Science.
Natural Science belongs to /sci/
So Race belongs to both /pol/ and /sci/

>> No.9114876
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>>9114839 >>9114874
back to >>>/pol/

>> No.9114881

mfw a thread about animal cognition became a thread about niggers...

>> No.9114889

By the way, define "a more primitive thought".

>> No.9114892

less advanced i.e. dumber

>> No.9114894

Reading this made me feel like I'm in Yahoo Answers for some reason

>> No.9114899

This is by far my least favorite thread I've had the displeasure to read today

>> No.9114900

It's not clear yet. Maybe a better term is "abstract thought".

>> No.9114906

Why is it so wrong to say "blacks on average have a lower IQ" im not saying all whites are superior to all black but the research shows that o average blacks do have a lower IQ

>> No.9114914

I agree with you. But what it has to do with the OP question?

>> No.9114924

>does black cat think
>does black think

>> No.9114925

Are black cats dumber than white cats?

>> No.9114938
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>> No.9114939
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not even that surprised at this point

depends on the cat's race

>> No.9114941

There's nothing wrong with saying it, it's just that its an idiotic statement.
When you say "comparing blacks and whites" what exactly do you mean?
Those two terms do not belong in the realm of genetics and would be better suited for the realm of pseudoscience and lay people.

Once you have cleared that shit show, you would have to find a test which factors into account cultural differences as a accurate measure of intelligence.

If you had asked "Why do African-Americans perform worse than Caucasian-Americans in ___ test on average?" that would have stimulated decent discussion on social science.

>> No.9114943

Doubt it, but we would need to experiment and calculate a confidence interval based on the statistical data

>> No.9114946

Why do blacks perform worse on math tests then whites when both black kids and white kids have the same curriculum and same teachers?

>> No.9114952
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>> No.9114958

By black, I think he or she means "sub saharan ethnic groups".

>> No.9114963
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Black and white cats are objectively the cleverest.

>> No.9114965

I'm going to assume you're referring to American. My main bet would be differences in socio-economic status in the USA.
>Family members who went into higher education vs family members who did not
>Tutoring vs lack of tutoring
>Differences in family dynamic

I could go on, if you're actually interested try looking it up in the Journal of Social Sciences, I'm sure someone should have looked into this.

>> No.9114968

>By black, I think he or she means "sub saharan ethnic groups".
aka niggers

>> No.9114992

Because before common core US math was racists.


>> No.9115027

Stop replying to pol bait jesus christ

>> No.9115028
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But in US blacks still fail in common core math.

>> No.9115089

Do you think either of the two understood why the one decided to hit?

>> No.9115110

Does my dog feel true emotion? Guilt, ambition, etc? Or does he act purely out of self interest?

>> No.9115130
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Dogs evolved with humans. If they feel guilt etc is controversial but I think they do. Our dog would behave oddly if he had done something wrong, even before we knew what had happened.

Dogs also dream.

>> No.9115131

A mix I would say.

>> No.9115141

>Race = Sub Species
Why is science education failing us so hard?

>> No.9115156

Nietzsche asked the same thing about humans. He wrote several books on the topic. He claimed that even people who donated to charity, went to church, and built homes in africa did so because it made them feel good and they wanted to ensure they got into heaven.

that aside, I would say all of the above are true. Ive seen my dog smile when I take her to a lake. She used to pull me around on my longboard when both her and I were younger (im 28 now) and I would guess she felt proud having a job only she could do, or something akin to it. she loved it and I dont think because it was in her own self interest to be in pain afterwards and suffer knee injuries as a result of it.

Ive also watched my dog hid her toys near a field and when I discovered it there were 5 different balls placed neatly in a line arranged by height and she was moving over the smallest one to make room for a new one.

>> No.9115163
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What is the difference?

>> No.9115167

are these things mutually exclusive? can one not fell emotion and act purely out of self interest?

in reality ambition is a form of self interest. Guilt is also self interest. Do people not commit crimes because they will feel guilty afterwards or because it is in their own self interest to avoid legal complications in life?

I dont torrent because I feel guilty about it, I dont torrent because it is in my best self interest not to deal with angry ISP letters

>> No.9115170

>everything is selfish and only positively interacts with you because of overlaps where they think they can tolerate you and still be happy

is this the final black pill

>> No.9115182

welcome to existentialism

>> No.9115196

My cat thinks that your cat does not think.

>> No.9115206

My cat only thinks about cats that do not think about themselves.

>> No.9115218

When i leave town for extended periods my dog stops eating for about a day and is very low energy. if it were a human i would call this sadness or depression, but since it is an animal it is only acting out of self interest and probably wants to just loose a few pounds

>> No.9115228

>it is only acting out of self interest and probably wants to just loose a few pounds

Are you mocking me or is that something that can really happen? I know dogs will eat until they're obese so it seems strange that some would know they're too fat and stop

>> No.9115252

My dog hasn't been the same since he started browsing /fit/

>> No.9115272

kek good one anon

>> No.9115278

Doing Divide and Conquer.
Smart cat.

>> No.9115808

the question is: is this nigga conscious? XD

>> No.9115826


>> No.9115831

No, OP.

Cats are by definition philosophical zombies, much like any other living non-human thing.

Genesis covered this.

>> No.9115854
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>> No.9115925
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Prove it faggot

>> No.9115929

what a meme answer

>> No.9115958

why do you type like a nigger who tries to appear Smart and Educated

>> No.9116019
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>why do you type like a nigger who tries to appear Smart and Educated
How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

>> No.9116034

Fuck you, /pol/. An interesting question meriting actual thought turned into swamp sludge. You're all worthless worms.

>> No.9116036
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Interestingly, pit bulls, the nigger dog, are the provenly most retarded of the species. Correlates, doesn't it? They and pit bulls should be euthanized for the good of the greater.

>> No.9116079

It's the random capitals and the overly simplistic language.

>> No.9116163

You're a food dispenser/scratching post. That's the most love a cat can give that isn't its babies

>> No.9116165

Sounds like your dog has autism

>> No.9116636
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>>9114795 >>9114963
Big cats think too

>> No.9116671

I would think your cat actually likes you, cats become friends with each other even though they don't give each other food, and even more importantly, some cats also seem to hate each other for no apparent reason other than social. But also what if love in the first place is made up to keep perpetuating your DNA, and cats are hard wired to love whoever gives them food. Guess there isn't much of a difference.

>> No.9116676

Since cats were never domesticated, they have no actual love for their owners, and merely use them for food and shelter.

Dogs always prefer their owners to strangers (provided they're not abusive); cats will walk out on you at the drop of a hat.

>> No.9116690
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>cats will walk out on you at the drop of a hat.
Ya maybe yours does.

>> No.9116693

Wow, what a bunch of fucking idiots.

All their species share a common enemy; but instead of forging weapons or organizing an army, they play fight in an exhibit.

Reminds me of this

>> No.9116762

The average negro just thinks of food or sex all day while the average white will have thoughts ranging from politics to how to diversify their portfolio and assets for retirement. The negro thinks verr short term while the white thinks about the future.

>> No.9116764

I'm pretty sure helping africans reproduce is a one way ticket to hell.

>> No.9116797

>sit around
>get free food
>friendly humans love and take care of you
Why fight back

>> No.9117419

>Does my cat think?
Yeah, it thinks you're gay

>> No.9117447

I'd love a big cat as a pet but I'm not being the one footing the bill for their food

>> No.9117449

Observationalism is key to understanding the intelligence of the animals around us.

They are not as primitive like people suggest.

>> No.9117466

Test it by stopping feeding the cat.

>> No.9117484

so you've observed your cat is only social when it wants to be fed?

this is what most cats are like

>> No.9117507

fuck you, pay me

>> No.9117554
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The more important question is would catboys be intellectually superior to catgirls?

>> No.9117559
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>Dogs also dream

>> No.9117567
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>FACTHS R BIGGOTED!!!! MUH SOTHIAL JUTHTITHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9117585
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>using "bigots" unironically
Why is /pol/ so abhorrently bad at false-flagging?

>> No.9117768

It's penis envy.

>> No.9117826
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Male Cats think about Pussies

>> No.9118096

What the heck is going on here.

>> No.9118101

fantastic meme, wew

>> No.9118173

dogs are retards

>> No.9118396

What you're saying is that niggers have higher temporal discounting rates. Do you have any reference?

>> No.9118600
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Nigs think in short term (lazy in evergreen jungle).
Not in Long term (stock food to prepare for the long winter)
Winter is coming.

>> No.9118877
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>friendly humans love and take care of you

>> No.9119081

>posts a picture of someone shooting an animal
Sure proved me wrong. And I was referring to animals in zoos, if it wasn't obvious.

>> No.9119130

>Since cats were never domesticated
uh what
Cats were first domesticated thousands of years ago in Egypt

>> No.9119620
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>> No.9119930

Yes, OP. Your cat thinks you're a faggot.

>> No.9120049

The only thing obvious here is your thick autism

>> No.9122032
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I just wanted to talk and post pics about cats.

>> No.9122188

>falling for the bait
cuckchan really is retarded

>> No.9122530

I worked in a the health department of a county government office with lots of conference calls with the state health department. I shit you not - these people no joke, no fucking joke, think being born black is a disability. As if you were to go down to the baby room of a hospital, see all the newborns, and if there is a black male and a white male BABY next to each other - same household income, same neighborhood, same educational opportunities, all else being the same other than skin color - the black baby is literally born disabled. Shit you not - I had conversations with these people and they would say every damn time, well yeah that black baby is handicapped because he's... black... nothing else different than the white baby.

Absolutely can't believe it. They have to have a mental disorder. Just THAT IDEA is so fucking racist and they can't even fathom it.

>> No.9122640

>think being born black is a disability
Well... it is. Lower IQ etc.

>> No.9122659

cogito ergo sum is just as true for any animal as it is for you.

>> No.9122667


>> No.9122696

only about cat things, not people stuff

>> No.9123190

Again, you really got me dude.

>> No.9124156

White > cat > black

>> No.9124289

It is quite normal that dogs twitch, move and make strange sounds when they dream. That gif was the most extreme thing I have seen and might for all I known have been manipulated.