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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9112330 No.9112330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's gonna happen to science when everyone is mixed race?

Do you think pol is right and the world will descend into mediocre shit?

>> No.9112337

>when everyone is mixed race
Never going to happen
>is the world going to descend to shit
Yes, because of the ecological repercussions of biodiversity loss, and shifting baselines.
It's already happening on a large scale, /ppl/ would know this if they went outside it read the scientific literature.

>> No.9112340


Flynn effect has already stopped and there are signs that began to reverse over the past few decades

stupid people have more children on average than intelligent people

better living conditions, better education have so far helped to mask this downward trend but that is not a long term solution

>> No.9112376

>implying race mixing is destroying cultures
It's not tho, it enriches cultures.
The problem is capitalism replacing traditional cultures with a disgusting, homogeneous class of global worker-consumers

>> No.9112394

Hopefully transhumanism begins before the black dna lowers everyone's iq to the point we can no longer progress with out evolution

>> No.9112444
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>What's gonna happen to science when everyone is mixed race?

Define "mixed race" technically more than 95% of the human population has some variance of non-first generation, non-local population dna in themselves. This is why science places population genomes into haplogroups and then measures them by distance (what percentage of identified genes are similar to others).

Also even if the population of mixed race (traditionally viewed as first-generation) increases, due to key bottlenecks such as economic mobility and language barriers you will never reach 100% or 90% for that matter. Even in places like Brazil economic mobility can stratify certain populations to be more homogeneous than the national average.

>Do you think pol is right and the world will descend into mediocre shit?

Nope, because again it has technically already happened for thousands of years. Also while science is big the total proportion of people it employed with respect to the overall population is minuscule.

I believe in the U.S. alone Congressional research stated that in 2012 there were around 6 million scientist and engineers accounting for a little under 5% of the registered U.S. population. For context the bureau of labor statistics in 2012 stated the unemployment rate to be around 7.8% or roughly 12 million unemployed.

So you don't actually need a significantly large population to progress science, even if the IQ average dropped due to a large increase in mixing, a 5% average of the total population (may vary depending on the population size in question) is enough. Obviously more people help but it's no where near the doomsday scenario /pol/ makes it out to be for the science community.

>> No.9112600

It's our only hope. Nigger genes will be the greatest threat to Science in this century.

>> No.9112604

>Do you think pol is right

>> No.9112697

In this case, it is. Unfortunately.

>> No.9112705

You mean whites right?

No one outside of the the altruistic nutjob lands will be racemixed into oblivion.

>> No.9112792

There are too many people, there are enough high iq elites around and the world is firmly in their hands, the true redpill is that thanks to the upcoming automation revolution doesn't matter, they don't even matter enough to be a real threat to the system, the average iq could drop to 60 tomorrow and the elite would not even feel it.

>> No.9112795

the true redpill is that thanks to the upcoming automation revolution the average person simply doesn't matter*

>> No.9112800
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my prediction: assortative mating and social stratification mean that races are going to form and separate even as races as we currently think of them "mix"

>> No.9112803
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We /sci/entists will become a distinct race with Big Brain PHENOTYPE will enslave the Normies.
Accept that Math people are superior.

>> No.9112810
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>>9112803 >>9112330
Hurry to get your own superior genius waifu to get PHENOTYPE offspring.

>> No.9112815

high iq jewish aspie husband/domineering azn wife seems more and more common among jewish academics these days

>> No.9112819

>Flynn effect has already stopped
Is this confirmed in a separate peer reviewed article?

>> No.9112827

Flynn effect also don't replicate.
Both studies confirming or denying it don't replicate.

>> No.9112833
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>>9112803 >>9112815 >>9112819

Brainlets can raise IQ of offspring with CRISPR.
But since Normies don't value intelligence so much they will simply just increase dick size instead of Brain Size.

>> No.9112842

Maybe we can raise the average IQ of blacks to average human levels with help CRISPR in the future.

>> No.9112867

That's not how population genetics works

>> No.9112879

>thinking iq matters
>thinking there is 1 gene that dictates iq
>thinking mixed race is somehow bad
>thinking genetic makeup of parents matters more than environmental factors

>> No.9112892

>thinking there is 1 gene that dictates iq

Nobody said that. This is a strawman libtard.

>> No.9112911


It depends if there are goals to be reached.

Humans will always rise to the occasion if they are motivated properly.

>> No.9113535

>Nope, because again it has technically already happened for thousands of years.
Yes, because people were able to move to travel continent to continent within a day for thousands of years.

>> No.9113540

it will be a de facto caste system and the cognitive elite will remain and still be the palest peoples.

>> No.9113625

the world is already mediocre shit

>> No.9113635

So.... India and the Arab world

>> No.9113688

Yeah but if there's less pale people overall the law of averages means they'll be less of the pale outliers who shaped our world in the past thus in turn destroying human progression

The only way humans can alleviate this is through either eugenics programs to pick and isolate the best DNA or through trans humanism and the merging of human mind and computer

>> No.9113695

>rebuts me by calling out a "strawman" fallacy
>immediately resorts to ad hominen

nice """""argument""""" you got there

>> No.9113726

Ad hominen is not an argument and therefore not a fallacy. A strawman is an informal fallacy.

>> No.9113730

Of course pol isn't right
Nothing's going quite so dramatic is going to happen niggers

>> No.9114018


>> No.9114020


Anglicans are smarter

>> No.9114037

>Not distinguishing between Jews as a race and Jews as a religious group.

>> No.9114057

Do Giant Isopods like doritos?

>> No.9114070

An ad hominem is still considered an incorrect method of arguing, you insufferable protozoan. It is also an informal fallacy.

>> No.9114085

Well, lets have a look at Brazil shall we?

Because that country represents the eventual destiny of North America and Europe. At the very least something very similar to what will happen anyway.

Right, so lets consider the scientific output and the amount of cutting edge research which has been carried out by Brazil.

>insert "Ohhh sheeeeit" meme here<

>> No.9114120


You say this sarcastically but this was actually doable (not within a day of course) within a person's life time multiple times in a number of coastal cities that bordered southern Europe, northern/eastern Africa and Central/southern Asia.

You can't downplay established history there's way too much documentation to prove its true.

>> No.9114319
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fuck this thread can die in a fire, racial mixing has been happening for the entirety of human history

>> No.9114401

>the world
no, just the us and europe. in a few decades most scientific advancements will probably stem from east asia and a few private enclaves in the us, public research as conducted in europe will be a thing of the past because the need for social spending will skyrocket.

i wouldn't worry about science, but the average white person will probably be set back in terms of money, power, freedom and safety in the future.

>> No.9114779

Como brasileiro, tenho que admitir que você está certo.

>> No.9114781
File: 73 KB, 800x545, East-Asian-admixture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9114779 >>9114085
But Russians and Finns are 20% Mongol (East Asian) and 80% White.
Soviet Union/Russia was/is a Superpower in Military/Aerospace Technology.

>> No.9114782

It's not. There are no premisses, inference rules, conclusion etc.

>> No.9114785
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>the world will descend into mediocre shit?
>implying it hasn't

>> No.9114786
File: 91 KB, 800x581, Haplogroup-N.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9114781 >>9114779 >>9114085
Finns & Russians have East Asian Admixture
>N1c represents the western extent of haplogroup N, which is found all over the Far East (China, Korea, Japan), Mongolia and Siberia
>Haplogroup N1c is found chiefly in north-eastern Europe, particularly in Finland (61%), Lapland (53%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%) and northern Russia (30%), and to a lower extent also in central Russia (15%), Belarus (10%), eastern Ukraine (9%), Sweden (7%), Poland (4%) and Turkey (4%). N1c is also prominent among the Uralic speaking ethnicities of the Volga-Ural region, including the Udmurts (67%), Komi (51%), Mari (50%) and Mordvins (20%), but also among their Turkic neighbours like the Chuvashs (28%), Volga Tatars (21%) and Bashkirs (17%), as well as the Nogais (9%) of southern Russia.

>> No.9114790

Brazil is inferior because it's a mix of Injuns, Niggers & Moor.
A mix with Jews, Whites & East Asians is superior.

>> No.9114793
File: 137 KB, 798x1200, Signals Superior Phenotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9114085 >>9114779
Brazilians don't have this Phenotype

>> No.9114794

>>Haplogroup N1c is found chiefly in north-eastern Europe, particularly in Finland (61%), Lapland (53%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%) and northern Russia (30%), and to a lower extent also in central Russia (15%), Belarus (10%), eastern Ukraine (9%), Sweden (7%), Poland (4%) and Turkey (4%). N1c is also prominent among the Uralic speaking ethnicities of the Volga-Ural region, including the Udmurts (67%), Komi (51%), Mari (50%) and Mordvins (20%), but also among their Turkic neighbours like the Chuvashs (28%), Volga Tatars (21%) and Bashkirs (17%), as well as the Nogais (9%) of southern Russia.

It's OK. No Sub-Saharan ethnic groups.

>> No.9114796

Infelizmente não. We are mostly low IQ shitskin mongrels.

>> No.9114800
File: 44 KB, 255x255, Grigori_Perelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9114794 >>9114786 >>9114781 >>9114793
Russians also have a mix with the Superior Ashkenazi Jews DNA Phenotype.
t. Grigori Perelman
>In August 2006, Perelman was offered the Fields Medal[1] for "his contributions to geometry and his revolutionary insights into the analytical and geometric structure of the Ricci flow", but he declined the award, stating: "I'm not interested in money or fame; I don't want to be on display like an animal in a zoo."[2] On 22 December 2006, the scientific journal Science recognized Perelman's proof of the Poincaré conjecture as the scientific "Breakthrough of the Year", the first such recognition in the area of mathematics.[3]

>> No.9114810

If you care about your children IQ, never racemix with niggers.

>> No.9114816


Shhhhh don't disturb them, race mixing boogie man is whats going to end the world.

>/pol/lets actually believe this

>> No.9114849

Gonna need sauce pls

>> No.9114853

I disagree with /pol/ on this. There is no problem racemixing with Asians and Indians, for example.

>> No.9114855

Haplogroups do not speak to genetic diversity or relatedness of populations.

>> No.9114865

>DNA do not speak to genetic diversity or relatedness of populations.
pseudoscience bullshit comment detected.
So Do You think that's a DNA genetic marker of a Ethnic Group isn't related with Genetics?

>> No.9114869

Haplogroups are based on single SNPs. They are not a measure of genetic diversity and do not reveal any information about population genetics.

>> No.9114883 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 346x400, Finns have the purest White Genes in Europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9114786 >>9114781
Finland have the purest White Genes in Europe

>> No.9114885

>White Genes in Europe
Please name these genes.

>> No.9114887
File: 167 KB, 346x400, Finns have the purest White Genes in Europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9114786 >>9114781
Finland has the "purest" "White" Genes in Europe

>> No.9114896

I also have a doubt. Is "White" the same as Indo-European?

>> No.9114898

Either way less than 1% of alleles are restricted to any one continent.

>> No.9114901
File: 84 KB, 800x546, Haplogroup-R1b-S21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Genes in Europe
These Genes

>> No.9114902

This is what I mean:

>> No.9114903

Haplogroups are not genes.

>> No.9114911

(__) << Kill all whites button
You know you want to hit it

>> No.9114923

There are people of all races who are good at science. Just because Ashkenazi are good at it more often doesn't mean blending of races will harm science. Eugenics + blacks can create a race just as intelligent as whites given a long enough time.

>> No.9114932

Sure, but racists would never agree to eugenics based on IQ because they're a bunch of idiots and all they have to be proud of is their skin color.

>> No.9114937

I don't know. Maybe you are overestimating the power of eugenics if you think it can create smart blacks.

>> No.9114942

There already are smart blacks, and I'd rather have them then dumb violent whites like /pol/

>> No.9114945

I agree. IQ is relevant. Skin color is not.

>> No.9114949

Blacks are more prone to violence though.

>> No.9114953

I'm 80% white, 5% ashkenazi

>> No.9114954

Go back to your board that worships terrorists like breivik. I don't care about "prone to" I care about judging individuals by their actions. Just because there are violent blacks doesn't mean we should accept violent whites. Violence is bad period.

>> No.9114966

You seem to have missed a few words, /pol/. He said he prefers the few non-violent intelligent blacks that exist to idiotic violent whites like /pol/.

IQ is relevant, but only for large groups. On a case-by-case basis, it's pretty useless.

>> No.9114973

Nice 911_911 get. Don't be edgy on /sci/ though.

>> No.9114977

I admit my mistake. Thanks anon.

>> No.9114999

you're dumb as fuck, it's literally a fallacy

>> No.9115058

Only if the ad hominem is used as an argument. Otherwise it's not.

Read this: http://www.fallacyfiles.org/adhomine.html

"It is a frequently misidentified fallacy, for many people seem to think that any personal criticism, attack, or insult counts as an ad hominem fallacy."

>> No.9115061

Sauce on big booty op

>> No.9115117

You mean destroy. Look at Germany, Sweden, France, etc.

>> No.9115123


you decide if you like it or not

>> No.9115165
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>> No.9115444

>What's gonna happen to science when everyone is mixed race?
That's not what's going to happen. Not everybody will be mixed race. Only whites will die out and their homelands will be filled with people of mixed race. Israel, the Arab world, Asian countries, Africa, all the billions of people will remain true to their kin. So yeah, only whites will vanish.

Science will still continue, the Indians and Persians really do have some genuine intelligence to carry on the torch. Humanity will mostly be reduced to living from paycheck to paycheck and from sexbot induced climax to GMO bred robot grown lunch.

>> No.9115457

>implying GMOs are bad

>> No.9115552

I don't think they're bad. I don't think there's anything wrong with a micro or macronutrient if it has the same molecular structure. I also never said killing white people is bad. I just said it's what will probably happen.

In fact, those vociferous about it can be separated into two groups, the rightwings, who chant "multiculturalism is about killing white people" and the leftwings who chant "multiculturalism is about killing white people and that's a good thing".

>> No.9115654

Agreed, the WW1 and WW2 in Europe were just blacks killing themselves as well as the Napoleonic wars, and many other thousands of wars in the history of Europe. In fact, blacks are more prone to violence.

>> No.9115729

haha good one :^)

>> No.9115732

top nations and economies in europe?

>> No.9116212

>he confuses economy with culture
What a disgusting capitalist pig you are

>> No.9116216

> I also never said killing white people is bad.

Geez, seems like someone deserves a bullet to his spine

>> No.9116218

Blacks have been trying to kill each other all the time, and as soon as whitey upgraded their weapon systems from sticks to rifles that's exactly what they did. Countless genocides in africa, while in Europe there were supposedly only a hand full.

>> No.9116239

Why don't you enrich Africa?

>> No.9116241

good old pol logic

let's put some perspective into race mixing

IF europeans are truly the superior race would it be because they mixed with neanderthals way back when? Do asians have the highest iq average because of their mixing with denisovans? the only place that didn't mix with something else was africa

following that pattern how would mixing humans be bad if europe and asia are arguably both advanced places

>> No.9116331

>if mixing gin with tonic is good, then why would mixing gintonic with jaegermeister be bad?

Absolutely retarded

>> No.9116394

There was only one genocide in Africa carried out by blacks, and it was nothing in comparison with previous genocides carried out in Africa by whites

>> No.9116403

What's the difference between a Jewish husband and a Jewish wife? A Jewish wife has balls.

>> No.9116424

Absolutely nothing. The only people worried about race-mixing are the sort of people who eugenics would never have allowed to be born.

>> No.9116433


>> No.9116444


>There is no problem racemixing with Asians and Indians, for example.

No problem with east Asians, but your average indian is a gypsy tier retard. You only see the very cream of the crop in the US, the highest caste.

>> No.9116452

Black dna is the greatest threat to human kind

>> No.9116456

The only people who are stupider than Indians are blacks. Arabs are Einsteins in comparison to Hindus.

>> No.9116505

I came so hard to this scene

>> No.9116507

nicole aniston blacked

>> No.9116527

mixed race? lol. As long as there is the book of ignorace - Quoran mainly and bible, world will end soon no matter what.

>> No.9116535

Most of Human DNA is African in origin.

I guess its right to say that human DNA is the greatest threat to humankind; humankind is self-defeating and petty.

>> No.9116594

thats precisely why its a threat. archaic dna that only survived due to abstract thought that allowed man to feel compassion. any other lower species would have genocided a comparable species had it ever come in contact with it. thats how evolution works, we evolved past that and it just might be our downfall in the end

>> No.9116599
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>> No.9116613

>le Belgian Congo meme.

>> No.9116631


>any other lower species would have genocided a comparable species had it ever come in contact with it.
>thats how evolution works,

No it doesn't, can you at least try to learn the basics of biology and evolution.

Why are you making up shit, if you hate blacks, fine. But stop twisting the concept of evolution to justify your petty emotions you brainlet.

>> No.9116679

on a generational level that is precisely how evolution works. the least proficient are out smarted by the environment or in this case a slightly more advanced version of the same species evolutionary path. leaving only the smartest version of the species to breed and this culmination affect over the span of millions of years is evolution

life is competitive. had whites caught black people at a lower portion of the evolutionary tree it would have been game over. we overcame nature, no other species would live side by side with a less proficient competing entity. it just wouldn't happen

>> No.9116685

Follow up: will the recessive races go extinct, now that blacks have free access to all corners/women of the earth?

Can a dominant population fuck a recessive one out of existence, or will black people need to exterminate whites to prevent their great-grandchildren suffering the return of the blue-eyed gene?

Serious question.

>> No.9116686

>cultures with a disgusting, homogeneous class of global worker-consumers
That's what I said. It's very easy to intellectually scapegoat systemic problems as some reactionary nonsense about race than to actually understand the powers that be

>> No.9116687


>> No.9116694

I do.
Free Africa, free life! from the subjugation of global command economies.

Yankee and Gook go home

>> No.9116695

Following the usual cuck fantasies where blacks outbreed whites and so on, wouldn't this mean that the 'black genes' are superior since they survived in their environment?

>> No.9116721

i guess you could propose that black people utilized white peoples learned altruistic nature, thus in turn out smarting them but if we look at nature thats a very unconventional way of ensuring the survival of a species. thats also kind of my point and the point of the thread. that human beings have reached a point of such abstract thought that weve actually managed to overcome a part of nature. we would rather let a species that is lower on the evolutionary tree than us overcome us and subsequently take us back in time then to have to deal with the emotional trauma of actually wiping them out in the same way every other species on earth would by their very nature under the same conditions

>> No.9116747

This is why east asians will win. They see the horrors whites put themselves into with their altruism and white hero complex.

>> No.9116752

>Never going to happen
Literally already did

>> No.9116756

Latin America proved it's a failure too.

>> No.9116763 [DELETED] 

>on a generational level that is precisely how evolution works. the least proficient are out smarted by the environment or in this case a slightly more advanced version of the same species evolutionary path.

The problem with this statement is that it completely side steps the issue of how diseases and genetic traits like eyesight deficiency that have been proven to exist for thousands of years continues within a species. The idea of the least proficient being outcompeted falls apart from this alone.

>Leaving only the smartest version of the species to breed and this culmination affect over the span of millions of years is evolution

Sadly this is wrong, thousands of species have lived and died by effectively dumb luck not because they were "smart" and "fit". In that span of millions of years natural disasters have cause extinction of multiple species because no level of intelligence or fitness can survive it. The only reason we as humans have survived comes from our ridiculously wide dispersal around the planet.

>Life is competitive.

Wrong, life is not only competitive but also cooperative. The statement you just produced alone shows you have no clue about evolution or biology and try to effectively pass yourself off as an expert or"learned" person in the subject when you're just a brainlet pretending. Do you even know what symbiosis means and implicates?

I'm not even going to bother with the rest. All I asked is that you go back and study evolution and biology more instead being fed regurgitated crap.

>> No.9116767


>on a generational level that is precisely how evolution works. the least proficient are out smarted by the environment or in this case a slightly more advanced version of the same species evolutionary path.

The problem with this statement is that it completely side steps the issue of how diseases and genetic traits like eyesight deficiency that have been proven to exist for thousands of years continues within a species. The idea of the least proficient being outcompeted falls apart from this alone.

>Leaving only the smartest version of the species to breed and this culmination affect over the span of millions of years is evolution

Sadly this is wrong, thousands of species have lived and died by effectively dumb luck not because they were "smart" and "fit". In that span of millions of years natural disasters have cause extinction of multiple species because no level of intelligence or fitness can survive it. The only reason we as humans have survived comes from our ridiculously wide dispersal around the planet.

>Life is competitive.

Wrong, life is not only competitive but also cooperative. The statement you just produced alone shows you have no clue about evolution or biology and try to effectively pass yourself off as an expert or"learned" person in the subject when you're just a brainlet pretending. Do you even know what symbiosis means and implicates?

I'm not even going to bother with the rest. All I asked is that you go back and study evolution and biology more instead being fed regurgitated crap.

>> No.9116780

Its not a failure though. Africa is a failure.

>> No.9116785

Racemixing with blacks (alot of latin nations have mulattos) sets you up for failure. The mestizo nations (no black) like Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay are the only good nations in South America. Brazil is a collasal failure and only survives because of the southern part is white/mestizo that pays for the gibs up north. Race mxing is ok as long as negro blood is not involved.

>> No.9116805

Every point you just made is either nonsensical, blatantly incorrect or based entirely off your own subjective and bias heavy opinion. Life is cooperative? Lol...
Species surviving millions of years of trials and tribulations through dumb luck?..... kid

Your knowledge is limited on this subject

>> No.9116835



Except it's not and if you actually had proper understanding of the subjects at hand you would be able to appropriately debate me as such.

Regardless of if you're posting from ignorance or trolling I'll state it again study evolution and biology more.

Your linear view/ lack of understanding on these subjects is inefficient in a proper debate with me. Whether or not you decide to learn more about this is up to you but I will not run circles for you nor will I spoon feed you.

>> No.9116848

CRISPR will make racism obsolete.

>> No.9116861

>hurr durr sieze the means
this is why everyone thinks socialists are retards

>> No.9116867

>The problem with this statement is that it completely side steps the issue of how diseases and genetic traits like eyesight deficiency that have been proven to exist for thousands of years continues within a species. The idea of the least proficient being outcompeted falls apart from this alone.

Infers that evolution is concluded, ignores the continuality of evolution,

>Sadly this is wrong, thousands of species have lived and died by effectively dumb luck not because they were "smart" and "fit".


> In that span of millions of years natural disasters have cause extinction of multiple species because no level of intelligence or fitness can survive it

Irrelevant to the topic of evolution

>The only reason we as humans have survived comes from our ridiculously wide dispersal around the planet.

Blatantly wrong, Infers that humanoids spread is not a recent phenomena, shows lack of understanding on the subject

>Wrong, life is not only competitive but also cooperative
>life is cooperative

One of the most insanely stupid statements I've ever read on the internet

>the rest

Ad hominem

>> No.9116873

>Wrong, life is not only competitive but also cooperative.
LMAO Communists actually believe this

>> No.9116874


Life has been competitive since the first single celled organism stole the second's girl

it is the only way to improve

>> No.9116880

Humanity has, historically, always segregated itself into tribes.

These tribes develop to suit their surroundings and the food they eat.

Hence black skinny people where its hot, white tall people where there's a lot of meat and cold weather.

>> No.9116899

What's wrong with killing white people?

>> No.9116958

Wew lad! you sure spared no exspense on this one.