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9110876 No.9110876 [Reply] [Original]

Going from electrical engineering to civil engineering. What can I expect? And why is civil hated so much?

>> No.9110880

Brainlets who fail Physics switch to EE.
Brainlets who fail EE switch to MechE
Brainlets who fail MechE switch to CivilE.
Brainlets who fail CivilE switch to Computer Science.
Brainlets who fail Computer Science switch to Business.
Brainlets who fail Business switch to Humanities.

>> No.9110881

I didn't fail EE, I just didn't like it. It's very boring and repetitive.

>> No.9110895

Are you me?

>> No.9110906

Because its seen as too easy

>> No.9110915

Really? It's considered one of the most difficult studies at my uni. I also go to a renowned university; TU Delft

>> No.9111215

a friend of mine failed AC circuit analysis and switched to physics

>> No.9111221

t. BA in Physics

>> No.9111223

You are going to hate Civ E even more.

>> No.9111243

My dad is a civil engineer. In the course of my life I have seen him have a stroke, lose his business, lose his sanity, become an abusive person and then become a christian cultist (as in now he spends more time in the church than in the house or his job, I assume to cope).

One time we were talking and I told him that he is the reason I ended up in academia because after watching him the last thing I wanted to do was get a real job and go through the shit he did. If I wasn't "smart" then I would probably be a political activist, a communist terrorist or some other brand of "job" for people that do not want to actually work.

>> No.9111278

Mechanical Engineering is pretty cool. I like guns and cars so I guess I'm kinda biased.

>> No.9111331

EE and ME are significantly more difficult than physics

>> No.9111637

>fail AC circuit theory
>take electromagnetic theory


>> No.9111647
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(you)r friend will be crushed in Quantum Physics.
Really? Do (you) even lift Quantum Field Theory Bro?

>> No.9111977

Anything but theoretical mathematics, is plebeian.

>> No.9111982

CivEngis get steady work with governments. You can also repave parking lots to flood physics buildings at universities.

>> No.9112134
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put in some fucking effort man

>> No.9112238

i changed from MechE to EE cuz it was boring as fuck

so i guess you are right

>> No.9112247
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>tfw Chem E is never memed on

>> No.9112323
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>fail AC circuit theory
>take electromagnetic theory
Do EE not need to study electromagnetism?

>> No.9112362

I am currently in my 3rd year of EE and am taking my second course in EM atm. It really depends on which field of EE you want to go in

>> No.9112389

>brainlet who's only taken circuits classes

>> No.9112395

At my school, there's a required EMag course for EEs. And we're not even a hard engineering school. It's weird that you could get a degree without really knowing anything about EM waves likes that.

Also, get your weebshit avatarfagging out

>> No.9112407

>why is civil hated so much?
jealousy because they are employed, happy, and middle class.

>> No.9112471

yes you do rofl

>> No.9112485

>Civil E
>Middle Class
Lower Middle Class at best.
Unless you accept bribes from a corrupt politician.
Honest Civil E are poor fags. Corrupt Civil E are rich but risk to go into prison.

>> No.9112631

>Brainlets who fail Mathematics switch to Physics.

>> No.9112779
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>continental europe (outside swiss)

>> No.9112784

Credit load wise this is very true in the US. Concept wise physics beats the others out

>> No.9112789
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Be Edward Witten.
From BSc in History with Honors.
Princeton PhD in Theoretical Physics.
Fields Medal in Math.
Try to Beat this physicist Brain bull.

>> No.9112805

Engineer in general

>> No.9112808

I don't think you understand what lower middle class is. The starting salary for entry level CivEs is middle middle class

>> No.9112813

It's the 4th best uni for CE and EE

>> No.9112906

no dude, you dont understand that 6 courses per semester is the average for engineering programs

>> No.9113242

I can see them 4th best in Europe but not near 4th best in the world

>> No.9113376

I too enjoy being useless.

>> No.9113484

One time the civil guys started shit in the physics room so we got into a fight that escalated to using chain lightning and a blow torch

>> No.9114362

Civil isn't hated, it's just shitted on for being easier than the other real engineerings. Still it's a real engineering, and you can get good money with it.

>> No.9114381

Kids can't meme the adults.

>> No.9114467

Is this shopped or does his intellect bend spacetime?

>> No.9114487

This is true in general. Though if I'm being honest in terms of undergrad they're both probably comparable.

i.e. weak shit.

>> No.9114496


>> No.9114531

Its legit goy

>> No.9114590


>> No.9114747
File: 2.21 MB, 2880x3024, 1486646824021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit wait what

>> No.9114762

Muh Electrical Engineering is also pretty high on ranking.