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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9105869 No.9105869 [Reply] [Original]

What should all undergraduates have to learn? I think statistics is pretty obvious. Retarded studies are used too often not to know it.

Also, any other WPI fags here?

>> No.9105886


In the United States: the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. These should be covered to some extent in high school already but an undergraduate should have a highly conversant literary, historical and legal understanding of both documents upon completion of tertiary education.

Statistics is a fair suggestion.

Elementary calculus. I was about to qualify this (and possibly jettison the requirement) by observing that there are different educational tracks, including non-STEM fields, but I've decided against. You want a college degree, you have to test out of some dumb-simple elementary babby calc where you're not doing much more than symbol pushing. Euros get that done before college so we have no excuse. This would also have a happy effect on restricting college degrees back to smarter people, contracting the cohort.

>> No.9105888


Obviously elementary calculus is a matter of course for anyone in STEM (and so hardly needs to be identified as "special" in our case); my thinking here was to demand same basic performance from everyone, per the OP's prompt.

>> No.9105899


> wasting time on shit that isn't science

Lol @ this nanobrain

>> No.9105973

>This would also have a happy effect on restricting college degrees back to smarter people, contracting the cohort.

Kek. Not really. Learn2 Flynn Effect.

For the first few years, it'd be tough. Then, in the next 10, it'll become easier. Then in 20, it'll become the norm. In other words, those people you call now? Their kids will be able to calculate the derivative of sin(x^2) and they'll still be the ones making YouTube videos of themselves hanging off of buildings with no harness.

>> No.9105977


You are the reason why a little bit of philosophy must be forced upon you while you and those like you are still young, halfway-impressionable, and given a bit of free time by the state.

>> No.9105987


-t. cletus burger

>> No.9106012

Having more knowledgeable people in general wouldn't be a bad thing.

>> No.9106183


I am still right, and you are still wrong. You erred by stopping at the second-highest tier, name-calling, when you could have passed simply to the highest one: smug anime girls. I win. (You don't get a do-over).

>> No.9106189
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>> No.9106202


Now you're getting it. Your style of argumentation (funny image posting) still fails on its own merits however, especially since you didn't get dubs. This isn't necessarily to say that even in the event that you do get dubs, that would be validated though.

>> No.9106205
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>> No.9107395

Hi, I stepped on the seal.

>> No.9107399

Doesn't that give you autism or something?

>> No.9107461

the guy you're replying to is clearly retarded and not worth arguing with

>> No.9107985

Almost decided on going (nice campus, only downside is how much of a sausage fest it is) but the cost is autistic

>> No.9108086

Where did you go?

>> No.9108253

I went to wpi in 1997

>> No.9108807

It 'means' you don't graduate on time.

>> No.9109825

Why are all northeastern tech schools (RPI, WPI, RIT, etc) such sperg magnets? None of them have over 30% women, and i hear everyone owns a gameboy and gets around on a scooter\

and none of them are good!

>> No.9109997
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If STEM doesn't attract many women, why would you expect women to be at schools focused on STEM?

>> No.9110005

Bayesian Probability

>> No.9110011

agelet here, wpi makes my mouth water, muh gpa makes my eyes water.

>> No.9110019

Would you want your daughter to go to a school with rape rates as high as WPI (or as I call it Wistah Rapist Institute)?

>> No.9110031

Probability in general. A lot of people can't grasp it.

What about the other schools?

>> No.9110035

I'm sure the others are just as bad, WPI is closest to me so it's the one I pay attention to (seriously man, just search "WPI rape")

>> No.9110040

It's only a "rape school" now because that cunt president is trying to make it progressive. The only actual rape from my time there was a woo rat raping a student

>> No.9110042

Oh and there was the one in puerto rico too which was also non-student on student

>> No.9110048

That is literally every tech school has a shitty gender ratio regardless of location, and RPI is actually good.

>> No.9110053

But its spring...

>> No.9110069

what's good about RPI?

>> No.9110115


Just graduated RPI. Place has gone down the toilets everywhere but academically.

President has no idea what she's doing yada yada, Summer Arch is a huge problem. RPI is the most difficult out of all the Northeastern Tech schools I've been too or had friends from. Huge dropout rate, one of the highest grade defaltion rates in the country, but the people there know their goddamn shit. WPI and RIT I know go much easier in entry level courses to ease Freshman in but we would fuck'em until Mr. Perfect-A's_all_My_Life would finish his first year with a 2.5.

>> No.9110131

ah i only ask because im starting a grad program there

>> No.9110140

Ah, Godspeed. Grad school there is pure hell, the professors hate your guts.

As far as fun goes there are some pretty good bars for being in such a shitty area:
Bar Troy
The Ruck
Footsy MaGoo's

>> No.9110142

For what program?

>> No.9110154

thanks for the tips.
>Grad school there is pure hell, the professors hate your guts.
can you expand on that? Was i completely fooled during the admit meet?

>> No.9110165

Unfortunately I have no experience in looking at that field, never knew someone in it.

As to expand on the professor thing you will find that almost all the professors there have tenure and at the same time are research professors. They don't care about you, they care about their research. Thus they have no sympathy for assignments and workload because they don't want to deal with it.

Bascially much of the learning you're going to do relies on being with the professor not during lecture but during office hours. You need to have a very active role in your learning and devote yourself to engaging with the professor to get the most out of class. If you become interested in their specific research it goes a long way. With your major I'm assuming you'll be in Cogswell 24/7 until you graduate.

So basically try to be on the professors good side and always try to understand why/how they want you to learn. Understand their rendition of the material and you'll have the key to victory straight from their mouths.

>> No.9110166

thanks for the information, i really appreciate it!

>> No.9110172

Np man, frat life is huuuugggggeee there too so make some friends who you can mooch off of.

Enjoy the hockey!

>> No.9110675

My uncle is a professor at RPI, and he says the administration is pure shit there.

>> No.9110683


>> No.9110701

>The former student was sexually assaulted by a security guard while studying abroad in San Juan through WPI. While she originally did not include the university as a defendant, one of her suit’s targets – the owner of the condominium where the rape occurred – brought WPI into the case through a third-party complaint.
So basically since WPI didn't provide her a 24/7 armed security detail to protect her while she stumbled around drunk in Puerto Rico, they're a rape school?

>> No.9110966

Why? Who would ever need background in that?

She should of carried a gun.

>> No.9110989
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Math & Physics

>> No.9110991
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>> No.9111002

This thread is a testament to how many fucking high schoolers are on /sci/. Everyone wanking themselves off over what school they just got into. Half of you faggots will switch to business after getting D's in your intro courses, come back when you've at LEAST finished undergrad

>> No.9111342

Way more people get raped there than just that, sorry pajeet

>> No.9111818

I googled but I could only find 2 and one of them occurred in Puerto Rico, so...

>> No.9112610

>Georgia Tech

>> No.9112850
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>why ecology
It's the ethical imperative.
People need understand their place in the world. With the advent of global consumer culture people have been completely alienated from the world they live in and the causal repercussions of their actions. The result of which puts civilization in existential danger with the living world it exists in.
All life is constantly involved in ecological interaction, we have synthesized an ecology that treats the living world we depend on for life as an externality, this is not okay. People have forgotten most of what they used to know and they don't know that they do not know. Ecological illiteracy now threatens our survival. Biodiversity loss (this isn't just species diversity, it's the loss of life in many constants at many scales structural complexity, abundance, functional diversity, spatial connectivity) and shifting baselines are causing the synergistically enslaved entropy in the living world to break down. Order follows from the parameters constraining it.
Not to mention ecology is the bests way to introduce systems thinking, dynamical systems, complexity and emergence, networks, and it is by its very nature applicable to the understanding of every aspect of living.
Knowing your place in the world you should be the most basic knowledge, this knowledge has been largely lost to global society.