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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 816x612, shroom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9105590 No.9105590 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, mycologists. Identify this mushroom for me.

They're growing all over my lawn and I've tried to identify them through internet references, but it's not helping.

So far I think I've narrowed it down to two... One is delicious and has recipes I can try. The other is deadly poisonous.
If it's edible I'm gonna eat it.
Don't lead me astray, /sci/.

>> No.9105595
File: 114 KB, 816x612, shroom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further information: The biggest one is friggin' huge. It's wider across than my hand. I tried to shake some of the spores onto some paper to identify the color and I THINK it's brown, but it could very well be dark green.

>> No.9105596

Do it fagget

>> No.9105601
File: 89 KB, 816x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the underside.

>> No.9105602

If you wan't to get high pinch one kinda hard and see if the area you pinched turns bluish, if not, don't bother.

>> No.9105603

You think I won't.

I'm gonna stir-fry these fuckers so hard.

They're not psylos, they're way too big.

>> No.9105613

Ask /an/ instead. They probably have a better idea of what it might be.

>> No.9105616


People who consume fungi for reasons other than tryptamine ingestion sicken me.

>> No.9105619

do you sell drugs out of your house or just do them there?
actually /out/ has a mycology guy who posts there often i think that would be the best bet

>> No.9105621

Thanks. I'll try them too. I've also asked /ck/

My fiance smokes weed for PTSD but that's about it. I'm just a crazy guy.

>> No.9105622
File: 19 KB, 570x173, science and math myc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9105745
File: 103 KB, 816x612, destroyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/ck/ and /out/ were no help.

I decided to go the scientific route.

Poke it with a plastic spoon until it does something suspicious.

It's a green-spored parasol. Not deadly, but not safe to eat.

I then supported my hypothesis by playing golf with a swingblade. While I theorized that the largest mushroom would have the most spores, I discovered the undersides of the smaller ones were a violent dark green. I probably should have checked those first.

And that's the scientific method.

>> No.9105858

Macrolepiota of some sort, in my country some people collect those and consume, dont know about this harvest of yours tho, good luck and dont get poisoned

>> No.9105971

Parasol mushroom

>> No.9105983

its not a green spored parasol.
those have a flat cap.
the caps of your mushrooms are umbonate.

you just ruined your dinner

>> No.9106417

yeah bc you are an autismo who cant appreciate anything outside of stem

have you never watched a horror movie ever

>> No.9106418

dont eat it

>> No.9106755

You can eat anything in small enough doses. To test toxicity, take a pinch and rub into your inner forearm skin real good, wait and see if you have a reaction. If pass, take a pinch a lightly chew and spit, wait. If pass take a pinch chew and hold in lip like chew tobacco for 5 min, wait for reaction. If pass eat a small bite and wait a haf day for any vomit/diarrhoeal response, then try larger amount. Then it might be safe. Even hemlock wouldnt kill you as you incrementally test, at some point your body will communicate to you "oh hell nah" or "yum".

>> No.9106776

Psilocybe Cubensis.

>> No.9106779

Buy a hamster or a chicken and feed it to it. If it dies, it's poisonous.

>> No.9106807

Chlorophyllum molybdites, don't eat it

>> No.9107432

but those have a flat cap and the one in ops pic clearly doesnt.