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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9102347 No.9102347 [Reply] [Original]

>if a helicopter stales at a fixed point in space for a whole day the rotation of earth won't move it
WTF is the flat earth theory real, /sci/?

>> No.9102352

Frame of reference, now go back to your special child boards.

>> No.9102355
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>if a helicopter stales at a fixed point

>> No.9102379 [DELETED] 

FoR doesn't take spacial rotation in consideration, dumbposter

>> No.9102392

Obvious troll, but if there is an inkling of a thought that there is any truth to your statement you should fucking kill yourself.

>> No.9102477
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>> No.9102695

What do you mean by "fixed point in space"? Does that mean airspeed is zero? Does that mean groundspeed is zero? If airspeed is zero, you move with winds. If the groundspeed is zero, you won't go around Earth, obviously. I can't think of any other definition that a respectable pilot would call "fixed point in space"

>> No.9104004

Its honesly a great question. If i bumble bee is on a spinning basketball then hovers still above it, the basketball will revolve under it........

>> No.9104056

in the example, the bumblebee that is to-scale with the basketball as the earth is to an helicopter, would move with the basketball due to the air currents that perturb the basketball's surface, which the now the spec-of-dust bumblebee that is hovering microns above the basketball would be subject to would move it around with the ball, unless it hoovered far enough from the currents

On top of that, if he bumblebee started hoovering after being on the surface of the spinning basketball, it'd conserve the momentum that the basketball transferred to it, so it 'd be hovering around the ball at more or less the same speed that the outermost part of the ball is rotating at, from the frame of reference of the ball, the bumblebee is hoovering in place.

>> No.9104063

Gravity force is conserved you dumb brainlets.

>> No.9104065

I know this is a troll, so I'll sage, but I'm also gonna take a crack at simply explaining and putting into Layman's terms what so many autists in this thread are trying to explain.

If air speed is zero, ground speed is zero, because air speed influences ground speed. There's a more proper term for it, but this is basically an affect of inertia. As the Earth is moving, technically so is the helicopter even if in comparison to it's environment it's staying completely still.

>> No.9104077

You are assuming that wind is primarily created from the Earth's rotation, when when local air pressures are a much greater contributing factor, and can cause the wind to blow in the same direction as the Earth's rotation.

>> No.9104139

A helicopter won't *stall* at a fix point, brainlet. It has inertia and momentum, and therefore moves with the earth even after escaping the friction of the ground. Do you fly off the earth when you jump? Hell, at the speed the earth rotates, friction wouldn't be enough to hold you onto it's surface if you didn't already share it's velocity.

>> No.9105397
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>OP here
>you guys suck, I'm out of here

>> No.9105504

Today I was on a train, taking a piss. The speed of the train was about 140km/h. When I was finished I wanted to test it, so spilled my last drops. They went straight down. It seemed. Like we were not moving at all.

>> No.9105512

brainlet here
what happens if you start pissing in the opposite direction to which the train is going?

>> No.9106379

>It has inertia and momentum, and therefore moves with the earth
this would only keep it in the same position until it used all its momentum, so you are talking nonsense. i think the reality is the earths atmostphere moves at the same speed as the earth, and any objects floating in the atmosphere move along with it.