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9098232 No.9098232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Used to depression
>Watching some youtube videos
>Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in the top of my head
>For a couple seconds I feel like nothing is real
>Things go back to normal
>The night progresses and I begin to feel pretty good
>Music starts to sound awesome
>I begin to remember things that I thought were completely forgotten
>My whole body feels kinda nice, warm and fuzzy
>Go to sleep

>Wake up the next day feeling super rested
>I am now wondering what the fuck is going on
>Go throughout the day feeling great
>It's like emotions are back in my life

>Next day, same thing
>I feel so good
>No social anxiety
>Ideas rushing in my mind
>I can visualize things like never before
>Feels good just existing

>Next day, same thing
>I now begin to worry
>I am so not used to feeling good
>I begin to feel trapped, forced to be happy
>It feels like when you are slightly tipsy
>time goes by so fast
Can someone explain what is going on with me? It's like I have been blessed by a divine force.

>> No.9098236




>> No.9098239

anon lied

people died

i cry

>> No.9098243
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W-wut? I feel so dreamy, it's like I could wake up at any moment.

>> No.9098252

sometimes i hear voices telling me to wake up

sometimes i dont, thats how i know everything is real

>> No.9098260
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I wonder if this is all just a slight case of mania that'll go away. I have felt like I was on the verge on something snapping to be honest. Luckily, no voices for now.

>> No.9098268

Definitely sounds like mania to me, be sure to get enough sleep even though you might feel you don't need it.

>> No.9098272
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What you felt was the Phenotype entering.
You would be wise to welcome it.

>> No.9098278

Itt: op gets an ischemic attack in his frontal cortex

>> No.9098279


I'll try to Anon, thanks.

It's interesting that now that I am in this state, I remember things from my past when I have felt similarly. Definitely not the first time that happens, but I almost never think about it and it has taken me feeling the same again to remember.

Last time it was 5 years ago though, I remember walking in a park alone at midnight, completely lost in thought imagining bizarre adventures in my mind. I have no idea what the trigger is.

>> No.9098280

probably not mania

i know too. i've read the wiki page TWICE as many times as >>9098268

probably a stray high energy gamma ray hit a overactive part of your depression cortex

>> No.9098289
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Thats your jewish genes kicking in, congrats OP you're finally a man.

>> No.9098292


Not gonna lie, I feel like I am balancing myself in the verge of insanity. I feel great, yet it also feels like at any moment, I am going to snap and have a bizarre psychotic breakdown.

It's like I am trapped

>> No.9098299


Armstrong..? Have you blessed me with nanomachines?

>> No.9098303

Dont worry about it, just let what happens happen. Life's easier that way.

>> No.9098314
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I don't think I am Jewish, Anon. I've always thought of myself as some sort of half breed mutt. I look like some sort of Muslim-lite, no?

>> No.9098317

You're just so retarded and depressed and a hypochondriac that a stupid little headache triggered your stupidity and got you to question your current mental state. I know because the same thing happened to me a couple days ago

There is no way out of depression. It's there for a reason. Somewhere along the line you lost touch with those around you. Or there are just no people in your life that you actually really value

>> No.9098318

Trust me, thats Jew genes you got. I remeber feeling mine a week after my barmitsfa. Felt like constant lsd.

>> No.9098323

brain tumor

enjoy it while you can

>> No.9098329
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*Need to destroy the white race intensifies*

>> No.9098334


I've had many headaches while depressed and they never made me think anything of the sort. I find it hard to believe it is all placebo

>> No.9098336

Eh it varies alot, mine just gave me an overwhelming desire to drive a cheap car and start a carpet sales business.

>> No.9098346

Might be a dietary change. Make sure you hit the right macros and get all the micros and this could continue forever.

>> No.9098352


The only change I have made to my diet, is to consume almost a kilo of chickpeas a day. They cost like 1€ a kilo and they are delicious with black pepper, garlic and paprika!

>> No.9098355


That's interesting, I've been obsessed with aesthetics ever since this happened. Today I went out for a walk, bought myself an energetic drink and sat near the sea looking at the waves, the towns people, the cars go by and a beautiful electric storm in the distance. It was strange being out yet being so relaxed and calmed.

Usually when I go out, I cannot wait to go back home, this time I didn't want to leave.

>> No.9098357


>> No.9098358

Oh, you might be one of those movie Jews. The rest of us worker Jews dont like your kind.

>> No.9098362
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Hey, I run a cleaning business! I am actually saving to give becoming a vendor on ebay a try. Still thinking about what products the market needs.

>> No.9098364

Woolen sweater vest? Oh, what about loafers?

>> No.9098365

results came in.. looks like you are not just autistic, as we all expected, you are delusional as well

>> No.9098370


Those are great ideas, I can't wait to save up a bit and give it a try! I was considering buying some really cool flashlights from China that are submersible and have ''zoom'' light feature.

>> No.9098377

>Selling low quality items
What kind of jew are you? If you want to sell flashlights become a led lenser and surelight vender.

>> No.9098380


Huh, looks like I've got a lot to learn about the Kosher way. This is really exciting.

>> No.9098387

Its just common sense, odds are whatever youre selling there's a million asians selling the exact same item for cheaper then what you paid in the first place. If you want sales, sell quality (quality doesnt mean expensive, do your research about products) shit at as low a price as you can manage. Many venders of high dollar items tend to have a high markup because they can get away with it, your job is to undercut them.

>> No.9098391

Nigga I'm diagnosed bipolar 1, I wish I could've kept it at just reading the wiki page but nah.

>> No.9098395

You're not jewish, just italian.

>> No.9098396


I can see wisdom in your words, Anon. Thank you. Where can I learn to be a better Jew so I might improve myself and help fellow Jews in the future?

>> No.9098404

Well most Jews learn from their parents, so I'll guess you'll have to find a surrogate father. I'd suggest befriending an older Rabbi

>> No.9098425

this meme always make me laugh

>> No.9098431

This is great and all, but you should really talk to your doctor about this and make sure it's not a warning sign for something sinister. Take your health seriously.

>> No.9098442


That could explain the fixation with aestheticism. But I don't know of anyone in my family that is Italian. I've been told I look Persian/German/Serbian/Italian/Spanish and now, Jewish.


I've seen the light now Anon. What a great night to learn about the Jewish ways. Thank you, once again.

>> No.9098447

why did this turn into a rp thread?

>> No.9098449


I will, but knowing him he'll probably make fun of me and tell me to enjoy it while I can. If one thing is for certain, is that I am buying a lot of chickpeas.

>> No.9098461

is this you op?

would you be willing to work for an adult film company?

>> No.9098479

Welcome to the club soon. Soon, you will stop coming too much to 4chan

>> No.9098484


Yes, that is me.

>would you be willing to work for an adult film company?

Are you asking me if I would be willing to take it in the ass for money?

>> No.9098511
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For once in my life, I can honestly say I am excited about the future. God bless the phenotype, that dark passenger.

>> No.9098538

not necessarily, but if you're open to the idea, then yes, that would be a possibility

>> No.9098562


No, Anon. I am not interested, but thank you for the offer. It's very flattering.

>> No.9098751
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I am OP and I can guarantee I was not roleplaying. I am still trying to figure out if someone legit offered me a job in the porn industry.
Any how, I've been listening to music this whole time and these feelings do not seem to be going away anytime. We'll see about it tomorrow. I think I'll take some Huperzine A tonight for some awesome wild lucid dreams.

>> No.9098759
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I'll do it.

>> No.9098763

ur welcome
t. jesus

>> No.9098777
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Thank you, your highness.

>> No.9098791

Ok,OP, if this seriously happened to you I want to honestly discuss it with you, since similar things have happened to me and I seriously want to research this phenomena as I believe that this may be something truly significant and worthy of research.

That you specifically mention

>Music starts to sound awesome
>Wake up the next day feeling super rested
>time goes by so fast

suggests that you may have experienced something that I have experienced myself. The feelings of super restfulness don't last for more than several days, but I definitely feel a stronger ability to control myself and continually pour energy into menial tasks that would have otherwise depressed me which has actually lasted.

I need to ask what particular music you are listening to now that gives you so much pleasure, since the specifics do matter and are important to understanding what exactly it is that has happened to your mind.

>> No.9098795

based god

>> No.9098798


>> No.9098801

ouch :^(

>> No.9098834


I am absolutely not roleplaying, and everything in this thread has been honest. This is not the first time this happens to me, but it's been so long since the last time I was honestly never expecting it to happen again. (I feel truly blessed to be able to experience this once again, as it brings back so many memories).

>I need to ask what particular music you are listening to now that gives you so much pleasure, since the specifics do matter and are important to understanding what exactly it is that has happened to your mind.

My preferred music genres are those which by the texture and rhythm of the songs, I am able to easily imagine moving forms in my mind that dance and align themselves to the rhythm of the music, creating a well detailed and correct on the tempo visualization of this parts, is a big part of what causes this genre to be so pleasurable. Imagine it as some sort of self-imposed synaesthesia that rewards me with pleasure for correctly aligning imaginary shapes into the beat of the music, as if it were a game.

On the other side, listening to old music I used to listen back when I was also in this state (5 years back) makes me feel as if I am more me, as if I have traveled back in time to become who I was. It's beautiful beyond what I can describe in words, after 5 long years of depression and feeling so detached from myself.

This includes mostly electronic genres and some epic genre/orchestra, I will share a few examples.

I hope not to have bothered you with the long text. Please let me know if you need clarification or have any further questions. I have happy to help.

>> No.9098840


>> No.9098845


Also, perhaps useful to you I have found that drugs that increase dopamine in the D2 receptor increase my willingness to explore aesthetics and imaging visuals while listening to music, on the top of increasing the pleasure I get from music itself.

Both green tea and Dexamphetamine have worked for me in this regard, obviously those only last a couple hours, unlike this strange divine state I currently find myself in.

>> No.9098853


This also happens if I meditate for one hour (as far as I know, meditation also increases dopamine in the D2 receptor).

I am currently listening to this, and honestly wondering if music can get any more beautiful.


>> No.9098863


Thank you Anon, this actually helped a couple hours ago when I was becoming a bit paranoid. I just forgot to reply.

>> No.9098906

This is definitely mania, I've run 7km today and drank a Monster energy (which after 3 hours usually leaves me feeling really tired), yet it's almost 5 a.m here and I feel better than ever (just cleaned and organized my room).

I think it would be wise to take some melatonin and attempt to sleep, as soon Anon recommended me earlier. Good night, Anons. I will comeback tomorrow to let you know if this divine state has subsided.

>> No.9098909

Fucking kek.

>> No.9098935

I also have somewhat larger eye bags. What can we do to make them smaller?

>> No.9098945
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You have my pity.

>> No.9098947
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This is a sign for you alone from Yahweh. You alone, Jason, will need to interpret scripture and reclaim the law that modern Christianity has claimed is "done away with." Know that the Catholic church has changed the day of worship from the intended seventh day of the week, or the sabbath, into Sunday as predicted by the prophet Daniel. Seek Yah and you will find eternal life, thus sayeth the Lord.