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9096627 No.9096627 [Reply] [Original]

When will we ever reach type 1 and how?

>> No.9096628

by harnessing all resources on Earth

>> No.9096637

how about the future anything at all?

>> No.9096641

year 2298-ish. industrialization, war, genocide, destruction, rebuilding, unification

>> No.9096649
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we'll be K1 in 20-30 years
We're a 0.7 right now, and we're presently constructing space mining and industrial infrastructure
this will allow us to make fuckhuge solar arrays to get us all the energy we'll need

>> No.9096650
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Not gonna happen, we are going to get futa VR sims long before that and all human innovation will stop while our AI super computers put our brains into jars and store us on a shelf.

But on the brightside our AI robots might reach type 1

>> No.9096653

You wanna bet? I'll bet you $600 and a blowjob that you're wrong.

>> No.9096655

this model is vastly underestimating the scales of the universe

>> No.9096659


>> No.9096661
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I'll take that bet
get that jaw loosened

>> No.9096669
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Alright faggit, Outside Colbham bridge, Wanganui, New Zealand. 25 years time (on December 1st), I'll be waiting for my blowjob and american currency

>> No.9096678

Just to reiterate.
>1st of December 2042
>Colbham Bridge, Wanganui, New Zealand
>I'll be wearing a green flannel shirt

>> No.9096684
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This one, theres a walkway underneath the bridge on the Taupo Quay end.

>> No.9096764

>K type 1 when?
Probably within 100 years. Maybe 50 if we put petty shut aside. In order to become self sufficient on planet earth, we really just have to master energy production. That looks like the only obstacle.

>> No.9096767

Does being K1 really mean using all energy on earth, or is it just energy available
if it's the latter, spamming solar panels in space would get us to that level real quick, and we don't really need to work together to achieve that, we just need moon/asteroid mining for the metals and we're golden

>> No.9096789

>A Type I designation is a given to species who have been able to harness all the energy that is available from a neighboring star, gathering and storing it to meet the energy demands of a growing population. This means that we would need to boost our current energy production over 100,000 times to reach this status. However, being able to harness all Earth’s energy would also mean that we could have control over all natural forces. Human beings could control volcanoes, the weather, and even earthquakes! (At least, that is the idea.) These kinds of feats are hard to believe, but compared to the advances that may still be to come, these are just basic and primitive levels of control (it’s absolutely nothing compared to the capabilities of societies with higher rankings).

>Technological level of a civilization that can harness all the energy that falls on a planet from its parent star (for Earth-Sun system, this value is close to 7x1017 watts), which is more than five orders of magnitude higher than the amount presently attained on earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts).[1] The astronomer Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as a level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts

>> No.9096792
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All coming to plan. I guess the secret asteroid mines actually came first. Hmm scary fusion hulks.

>> No.9096799
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to be k1 is to have 10^16 watts of power, not purely to harness all the energy on earth
massive amounts of solar arrays in space would be able to get us to that level, and does not take any new science, just obscene amounts of manufacturing

loots daunting, but there are many ways to solve this problem

>> No.9097172

I think there's also kind of the assumption that we'd be making use of that energy and not just harvesting it to qualify as K1 while letting most of it go to waste.

>> No.9097201

Does anyone think it's even possible for us shitty fucking apes to make it to k3

>> No.9097251

No. Our AI descendants or a no-longer-human biomechanical version of ourselves, maybe.

But homo sapiens will never be K3 because we'll either go extinct or change into something else.

>> No.9097258

It's fucking too hard to make it to K3 playing Spore with cheats on, no way in fuck can an actual real living thing do it.

>> No.9097265

I'm still hoping we can skip straight over from VR to AR

>> No.9097269

>humans might reacht type 3 in a few hundred thousand or million years
>despite that being only enough time to move through the galaxy a few times

>> No.9097273

Right or not, K scale timelines typically rely on a fantastical technological development. I guarantee the estimate given assumes that we accomplish FTL travel while a K2.

>> No.9097283

Is there anything beyond a type 3 civilization or is the expanse between galaxies so large that no such thing could ever exist within the lifetime of the universe?

>> No.9097290

I already reached type III
ask your questions, humans

>> No.9097291

Kardashev didn't consider speculation past type 3 to be practical so he didn't bother expand upon it. Others have. a K4 civilization would be possible within the lifetime of the universe, though it's typically in extended K scales considered to be a civilization that spends its time either dabbling with pocket dimensions, reversing entropy on galactic scales, or otherwise cheating the universe's death.

You got any spare immortality serum?

>> No.9097296

We don't. We'll run out of oil long before we even get close to achieving that sort of technology. We decided to run our entire civilization on a finite resource, and that resource is running out. The EROEI of oil at the beginning of the 20th century was over 1000:1, now it's 5:1 and no new major oil fields have been discovered.

Billions will be dead from climate change before the middle of the century is over, mostly in 3rd world countries. Developed countries will stagger along until they too succumb to blisteringly hot temperatures, droughts and famines. Humanity has destroyed the planet in less than 300 years of industrialization, we're not as smart as we think we are.

Have a nice day, everyone.

>> No.9097319

>Humanity only uses oil and isn't currently seeking to move away from oil even now

>> No.9097697
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>Humans might reach type II in a few thousand years.

>> No.9097801
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k2 status is a dyson swarm
you do such a thing by building fucktons of individual habitats and solar arrays
we can do that now, it's not a complex thing to make multiple of a thing
and we'd have thousands of years to do it, thousands of years of time to ramp up the space mining and manufacturing infrastructure we're building right now

here's a game, whenever you see something, instead of shouting NEVER EVER, try and think about a way you could make the thing possible

>> No.9097865

The kardeshev scal is fucking retarded. We would learn to harvest vacuum energy long before we ever needed to build and entire fucking galaxy sized energy harvester.

>> No.9097891

The Kardeshev scale is fucking retarded. We have better things to do than deluding ourselves into thinking we will ever make popsci memes come true.

>> No.9097898
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>> No.9098266
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AD 2101

>> No.9098273

Most of all I just don't understand why an advanced civilization would need that much energy, unless they had a fuckhuge population or something.

>> No.9098274
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>harvest vacuum energy

>> No.9098305
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Was Kardashev a Russian high school student?

This scale sounds clever, in a clever teenager kind of way, but is presumptuous as fuck about what energy requirements a civilization would need to progress and what that progression means...what if a civilization opts for "quickly" colonizing space with Von Neumann probes? They might have thousands of colonies developing simultaneously, but still not be using the equivalent of an entire world's resources, to say nothing of an entire star's...

>> No.9098786

the scale has absolutely nothing to do with progression or technology
it is purely a measure of energy at their disposal

actually read the thing before shitposting furiously

>> No.9098999

No, we will never reach Type 1

Most likely we evolved to fill a local maximum. Our planet is extremely hospitable and a perfect place to support life such as ours. Alas, this was both a blessing and a curse.

Life began easily and evolved exponentially early on. Once a life form develops written language, they are forever capped off. They are forever stunted and limited in their physical evolution of beneficial traits because their primary mode of change moves towards social evolution and passing on knowledge. But the body stays the same, the biological habits stay the same.

We will never be able to work together and create some sort of utopic vision of efficiency and ethics. We will destroy ourselves first because we have a propensity towards putting mentally erratic people in power, because they seem abnormal and dimwitted people believe them to be superior. We will be destroyed by our narcissistic politicians because the majority are stupid

If we had evolved on a more inhospitable planet it would have taken longer before we got to this point and we'd have invested more time into our biological abilities, which are now stunted. Too many people are born mentally ill

We're fucked

>> No.9099009

We won't ever, because our shit politics and greed get in the way. That's why there's been no alien contact. We can't even work together and get shit straight on one planet, they know we'll just fuck up the galaxy.

>> No.9099020

Actually noo it democratic system worked just fine in the US when it was landowning white males and our democracy only collapsed once that was changed

>> No.9099024

You're an idiot. It only worked for those landowning white males, not anyone else. It's slowly moving towards working for everyone when liberals are in power, despite conservatives trying to undo it all and only make it work for landowning white males again.

>> No.9099049

Detroit has been liberal run for 60 years now; I don't trust you to run a bath nonetheless a country.

>> No.9099051

we have no chance to survive make our time


>> No.9099060

We will be '1' when everybody realizes religion is a scam and they work with banks to scheme people

'2' when large hadron collider is the size of milky way

>> No.9099065

>religion is a scam and they work with banks

What? Two of the largest religions on the planet forbid usury (i.e the main thing banks make money on.)

>> No.9099151

what the fuck, this is a shit scale. Type III is unfeasible and fucking useless, galaxies are huge. Type II is retarded because it's really hard to absolutely harness all radiation of a star (likely our sun), it would be inefficient as fuck and near-impossible. You'd have an empty surrounding area, no planetary bodies, with just a lot of electricity or whatever else you derive from it, sitting there being fucking useless. Type I is stupid too, "0.7" is obviously false and laughable, you would destroy the planet and again, you would over-do it to inefficiency. Instead of damaging and wasting time/resources by tearing up the planet, it would be easier to use other planetary bodies in unison.

Also, why does the scale function as a broken and horrible indicator of resource acquisition/usage as opposed to actual useful markers of advancement and propagation?

>> No.9099289

Carl Sagan, my ass. We are at best an 0.2.
We've only mastered fossil fuels and dabbled a bit with nuclear. We are children.

>> No.9099340

luckily genetic engineering is rapidly becoming a thing
so those mentally ill and genetically stunted people can and will simply be cured

the great empires of humanity have risen and fallen many times before from degeneracy, yet humans have always bounced back
if the west crumbles, the east will become the major players of the world, and humanity will continue on with little issue

>> No.9099342

democracy =/= democrats

>> No.9099348

you seem to be mixing thing up
Jews are the only ones religiously permitted to commit usury, the other religions consider it punishable by death

>> No.9099382

>I'll be waiting for my blowjob

But anon, we're both boys...

>> No.9099417

it seems much more likely to me that we'll annihilate ourselves before anything like type 1 happens