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9092369 No.9092369 [Reply] [Original]

>Start injecting testosterone
>No more anxiety in my gut
>Stopped being scared of being a wage-cuck and started working
>No more anxiety in my gut
>Became driven
>Super easy to be social
>Easy to talk to women
>No longer a doormat
>Started taking more risks, feels addicting
>Almost became a bit of a cocky asshole in some ways
>Got tired of working and made my own business
>Build muscle without training
>Went from liberal to conservative
>Went from literally a neet commie sperg to your average conservative basic brodude
All in one year. hard to believe

>> No.9092386

A thread died so you could fish for validation.
Enjoy taking a supplement for the rest of your life just to be on the same playing field as me. Because every problem you listed that was fixed by testosterone was not caused by a lack of testosterone. It was caused by a lack of self esteem.

>> No.9092389

actually i take it back, the muscle building was definitely helped with testosterone, everything else was just you being a bitch and testosterone being your placebo pill

>> No.9092390


I disagree

>> No.9092392

Not op, how to self esteem?

>> No.9092402

One year, lol. Life is going to kick your complacent ass real soon.

Also, hope you are prepared for when your body adjusts and the rebound effect causes your ever present beta mind to resurface, stronger than ever.

>> No.9092404

set small goals for yourself, accomplish these goals, no matter how small. move onto bigger and bigger goals. Eventually you will realize you are actually capable of doing things, you are not a complete waste of life, and that you should never feel bad about yourself without warrant. I dunno, i was raised with it, i really wish i could help you but i had excellent parenting so that provided it for myself. Everyone here on /sci/ who isnt a larper should feel good about themselves though, we are no doubt smarter than most people on the planet, that alone is good enough for me to feel good about myself.

but yea, accomplishments, small victories. do not let ANYONE else determine how you feel about yourself.

>> No.9092416
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The only real reason in my opinion to take testosterone (outside of clinically low T levels) is to alter your body composition. I'm pretty happy with my life otherwise but my genetics limit how I can appear at a certain body weight. I can be ripped at 165 but that's my genetic max and 165 is wayyyy too light for someone my height (5'8") so I'm hoping some roids will help me move that genetic threshold up to a lean 180

>> No.9092619

You are a true piece of trash that understands nothing about brain chemistry and hormonal imbalances if you think that those problems were created only because "muhhh self esteeeem", go fuck yourself worthless shithead, having low testosterone is a physical issue not a mental one that can be improved by trying to " think positively "

>> No.9092632

sure buddy, caused by the jews right? to get rid of your race?
tell me, what are your testosterone levels? How many times did you get them tested?

>> No.9093188

>start mtf hrt
>become an emotional mess
>want to be choked and sexually abused by high test men
>less focus on physics
>all i wanna do is choke on my bf's 9.5 inches and abuse sc filters
>uni starting soon

idk what to think

>> No.9093196


No thim, OP here. I got them tested 3 tmes. My test levels pre test injecting were 329ng/dl and 400ng/dL. Post test injection 1124ng/dL.
I feel like a completely different person, it also removed my depression, improved my beard, gave me stronger erections, and complete made my feelings of denationalization begone.

>> No.9093199

it was a placebo, you are just naturally a sissyboi and you only just gave in

>> No.9093200



>> No.9093202


>sure buddy, caused by the jews right? to get rid of your race?

What does this bullcrap have to do with anything? Are you implying testosterone has no effect on behavior, mood and secondary sexual characteristics?

>> No.9093204


Rebound effect, after one year? Sounds silly

>> No.9093206


>Hormones are placebo

You seriously need to stop


Estrogen causes that, I am sure you are well aware of the symptoms.

>> No.9093208

i mean im not saying those feelings were nonexistent before hrt but after hrt they're definitely 1000x stronger


ree im a girl

lol that sounds like having estrogen in your body is a bad thing

ill be okay tho i just have to have some self-control and study and stuff so yeah

>> No.9093209



>> No.9093219
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>lol that sounds like having estrogen in your body is a bad thing

Well, yeah. It's making you emotionally unstable, it's bloating you, it's making you weaker, it's destroying your erections and less able to perform your role as a man and reproduce.

>> No.9093226

i dont want erections in fact i want it to be as non-existent as possible down there before i get srs

and idk what u mean bloating sure my tits are exploding but hey women have tits so thats just how it is

also reproduction in the 1st world is a meme that needs to die

>> No.9093229


>also reproduction in the 1st world is a meme that needs to die

No, it's a basic biological function that you are going to regret not having once you grow up enough to see life is not about larping as a female to get it easier in life. Even for females, reproduction is a big thing in their lives and a key tenant for develop into a better person, which their gender dictates.

>> No.9093233

Don't you realize that the only reason you feel the need to keep your testosterone up is a societal obsession with masculinity? Like who cares

>> No.9093234

lol women haveit really shit besides the idea of fathering a child disgusts me

dude im not transitioning because itd be more "fun" to be a fetish sex object to the majority of the world its cuz id kms otherwise

>> No.9093237


No, wrong. I want to keep my testosterone up because it makes me a productive and happy individual way better at dealing with stressful situations. Life is just better with higher test.

If society is obsessed with masculinity, is because of how beneficial it is for a society, for their men to be high test. Societal rules don't appear out of the nether, but from basic, biological needs that ensure our survival as a species.

>> No.9093240


>I am going to kill myself if I cannot be a woman, thus I will completely delude myself and others into thinking such a biologically impossible change, it is very possible and I am achieving it by making out outward appearance more female, and injecting female hormones which will only change about half my secondary sexual characteristics.

How is that reasonable? You clearly must have some sort of psychological trauma about being a man and what it means to be a man. You'll never fully heal and become a functional individual until you solve these issues.
Please, do not chop your dick off. That's when shit is too late.

>> No.9093242

Yeah we are going extinct over here...

It's especially when sad when you allow your hormone-fueled emotions influence your political decisions (like OP mentioned turning conservative all of a sudden). Isn't it kind of hypocritical? It's under false pretenses. Or do you think we should all be steroid-pumped ubermensch a la Nazi Germany?

>> No.9093243

meh theres no arguing with you

ill just live a comfy life as a girl and you cant rly do anything about it

oh no ill probably never be biologically female oh no lmao idc as long as what i see in the mirror matches with my feelings and people see me the way i see myself im happy

>> No.9093246

How much does it cost?
What are the side effects?

>> No.9093247


>Yeah we are going extinct over here...

Whether or not we are going extinct is irrelevant to how reproduction affects the development and happiness of a human being. The function continues to be the same.

Have you ever met a happy 40 year old man with no family? I sure haven't, and I've met lots.

>It's especially when sad when you allow your hormone-fueled emotions influence your political decisions

That's just humanity for you, no one votes without biological bias. There no such thing as being only your thought, you are a sum of everything in you. Like at the voting preferences of women, are we to blame women and estrogen for voting liberal more often than not?

Then why be an hypocrite and blame men for voting conservative?

>> No.9093248


I wish you the best in your life, good luck.

>> No.9093249

I'm no hypocrite. I think people should be able to find more acceptance for their natural bodily functions. There should be no fucks given about your testosterone level. There should be no stigma about being an effeminate male. There should be no stigma against having not produced offspring. This isn't the stone age. We should be able to get past this archaic way of thinking.

>> No.9093251

> There should be no fucks given about your testosterone level.
Unless we achieve some magic communism where anyone can get anything, it wont work.

>> No.9093253

>We should be able to get past this archaic way of thinking.

I have my doubts all of that is produced by a mere ideology, and not some innate instincts that still serve their purpose to this day. I actually don't want to live in a society full of queers.

>> No.9093254

I don't follow

>> No.9093258


I live in Europe, I go to a Moroccan pharmacy in Tanger to get my stuff (Pharma grade). I inject 125mg every week, which makes for 2 250mg ampoules of test E every month. Each ampoule only costs like 4 euro, so the total for a year is less than 100 euros, add 115 to cover for needles, band-aids and alcohol.

That dosage puts my test levels at around 1124ng/dL which is slightly higher than what most super high test men can produce naturally.

>Negative side effects

>Smaller balls (just slightly, although for some reason there's more ejaculate now)
>A bit of back acne in the beginning, which has disappeared now
>More sweating
>Having to inject every week in the butt

That's all I can think of right now.

>> No.9093259

You need to will your Maslow pyramid to feel happy. But even the basement(sex+human communications) cannot be filled without T. And after that, you will desire to start a business or other shit which requires t for success.

>> No.9093260

>add 115

I meant to say 115€ is around the total cost for a year of testosterone where I live. It's very cheap, and the best antidepressant I have ever tried.

>> No.9093261

>I actually don't want to live in a society full of queers.
And I honestly don't care. I'm going to do my own thing in life. If you seriously think human extinction is a real threat due to social acceptance, you have some delusions friendo. Or insecurities of your own.

>> No.9093262

Do you really fly to Morocco every week?
What if you stop injections?

>> No.9093265


I agree with this

>> No.9093267


Lol no, I buy a one year supply. (24 ampoules).

>What if you stop injections?

I stopped for 3 months, 4 months ago. Recovery is shit. I felt lethargic and out of it with no will power to do much. My test levels started to go back to what they were before injecting test, although I never went back to being a commie neet, I certainly didn't feel ambitious, happy and focused as with test.

After 3 months of procrastinating, I decided to inject again, I think it was a waste of time stopping test, lost months of progress for nothing but just to experiment that it would be like to go back.

>> No.9093268

>Sex and communication don't happen without testosterone
No... Even transgender people still have social lives and have plenty of sex.
>And after that, you will desire to start a business or other shit which requires t for success.
No... Do you think someone like Michael Kors or Zuckerburg have high testosterone?

I think you've been influenced by stereotypes and folk lore my dude.

>> No.9093269

Is it ok to cross the border with them?

Isnt it bad for your health?

>> No.9093272

>tfw you take your country back by injecting testosterone
>no face

>> No.9093273

> Even transgender people still have social lives and have plenty of sex.
Retard, redditor, kill yourself. I literally cannot consider someone seriously when he uses "transgenders" in his argument. Visit r9k pls, and look how much sex low t males have.

> Do you think someone like Michael Kors or Zuckerburg have high testosterone?
Definitely not low. Plus Zukerberg compensates with his iq.

>> No.9093275

You will eventually kill yourself anyways later on
Even females have a hard time trying to be relevant at their 30's also no one is going to get old w a tranny as they would w a woman

>> No.9093276


I never had an issue crossing the border with it, even if you do, you can say is for personal use.

>Isnt it bad for your health?

I haven't been able to find any studies that suggest that, I would find it hard to believe considering test improves sleep, mood and focus. All of which will allow you to improve your life and make it healthier.

The only thing that found that can be bad for your health, is not checking your estrogen levels. If for some reason these low test dosages is giving you high estrogen levels, you need to be careful because that can increase your heart pressure, bloat you, give you insomnia and even manboobs.

>> No.9093281

How old are you?

>> No.9093284


>> No.9093287
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Lol. So much crazy in your post. I can't be bothered refuting that, I'm done.

>> No.9093305

>tranny bait
That's a new low for /sci/.

>made my feelings of denationalization begone
I agree with that, what a nice typo.

btw OP I can't be bothered to read all of this, did you get sides, link your post perhaps? If you did you can try getting on Finasteride. I had an epiphany a few minutes ago and apparently it's a thing. It's no-sides testosterone basically, disregarding the chance your pee-pee stops working.

>> No.9093309

My hair is not falling off, and Test-E is really cheap.

>> No.9093317

this thread is cancer

>> No.9093324


>Yeah we are going extinct over here...

First world high IQ developed countries kinda are..

>dat below replacement fertility rate

>> No.9093329


How so?

>> No.9093340


I see, so you dislike this thread because you are a queer yourself.

>> No.9093353

>Smaller balls (just slightly, although for some reason there's more ejaculate now)
That's because semen contains much more than just sperm cells

>> No.9093357

Nah. I have a gf, I lift, and have a social life. I simply don't think that makes me superior to anyone. Live your life.

>> No.9093376


> I simply don't think that makes me superior to anyone.

I disagree, if all styles had equal value then people would have nothing to strive for. Living as a lonely dude with a chip on his shoulder that's gotta ''give it to the world'' by being a queer out of teenage angst is a retarded way to live, and it should be ridiculed.

>Live your life.

I already do.

>> No.9093390

>lack of self esteem
>not related to hormones in the brain
Can anybody explain why redditors sre this retarded? How can anybody still believe, in current year +2, that the mind is some inert ghost controlling the body from the astral plane or some shit? Your mind IS your brain. Your emotions are literally your hormones.

>> No.9093392

This and to confirm your logic his cum should be also looking less white.

>> No.9093395
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Are you guys expecting me to take some snaps of my ejaculate now, or what?

>> No.9093399

Also, if you want to only have the benefits of having higher testosterone, try taking meds that increase the production in testosterone on your body and it won't fuck up your balls. Super male vitality, for example

>> No.9093405


>Super male vitality

I was considering something more like Selegiline.

>> No.9093408

you moron

increased testosterone in the body will cause more of it to aromatize into estrogens

>> No.9093410


Zing, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Omega 3 help with test production, but won't be as beneficial/bad as straight out injecting test in the butt

>> No.9093599
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>That's a new low for /sci/.

How is my thread tranny bait? It's not my fault these dudes want to ignore reality. That's like making an atheist thread and someone saying it's Christian or Muslim bait.

>> No.9093658

I hope you die and everyone who ever loved you dies too

>> No.9093661

>Or do you think we should all be steroid-pumped ubermensch a la Nazi Germany?
With genetic engineering I hope one day we will reach this

>> No.9093721

Hey sci.
Question. Can busting my balls give low testosterone? I have lost most of my desire to masturbate.

>> No.9093742

>before i get srs
Prepare to be depressed HARD.
It's a VERY bad idea.

>> No.9093744


I believe it can desensitize your your androgen receptors, so while it will not lower your testosterone levels, it will make your current test level less effective. Get a hobby, stop masturbating so much.

>> No.9093751
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>i get srs

>>Literally wanting to your your dick off and having an open wound for life where you have to dildo yourself to avoid closing, so can men can fuck a fucking wound.
Jesus Christ dude, Jesus fucking Christ. Please stop.

>> No.9093783

He's delusional and he thinks experiencing horrific pain twice a day and being unable to urinate without covering himself will somehow transform him into "happy"

>> No.9093798

that's why we need more immigrants and nurture them by giving them education and resources

>> No.9093875

Not that anon, but i know a guy from highschool who had SRS, this guy was on varsity football and soccer his freshman year, amazing athlete, and now is far more fulfilled and happy after his surgery.
more importantly, why would I care or be impacted by his actions, they dont affect me

>> No.9093884

I'm talking about the tranny spouting memes. I have never come in contact with such people so it's hard for me to believe they exist, delusional as they are. I contributed to your thread in the rest of my post.

>> No.9093886

One could say that you moved along the brainlet curve.

>> No.9093898


True, we had 300 beautiful people come into my country yesterday.


Racists might see impulsive, low IQ and hideous people, but I see an engineer, an astronaut, the next president!

>> No.9093927

Is that supposed to upset anyone? Looks like typical celebration at a big sporting event or something. They're not even doing anything bad.

>> No.9093929
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>>Went from liberal to conservative
>>Went from literally a neet commie sperg to your average conservative

>Liberals are commies

>> No.9093936


>They're not even doing anything bad.

Except entering a country, illegaly.

>> No.9093939


I certainly was, beeing a neet hoping for the singularity to come any day now so I would never have to work. Glad I am over that cringy pass.

>> No.9093950



What do you wager is going to happen when they realize there's no free gibs in Spain and they become bored and angry against the police force?

Annoying citizens

I live in Ceuta, I know what is it like. We are having a big issues with underage Moroccans who steal and stab people, and the police cannot do anything about it because they are ''poor fatherless kids'' under protection by the UN. 40 years ago, you could leave your door open and trust your neighbor, nowadays there's no sense of community anymore.

>> No.9094133

The only thing that acutally works is hCG.

>> No.9094138


I really want to try it out, but it's expensive as fuck. 600€ a month is too much.

>> No.9094148

>600€ a month
lol, what? Just an example:
Purplepandalabs * com/goods?code=201707190855053
And you should use sites like reddit or eroids* com to compare and find the best available products.

>> No.9094152
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Wah...? t-that cheap?

Is that source legit? If so, I am definitely buying.

>> No.9094159

You can check the reviews of the store on google , in eroids*com and in reddit (in the sub: steroids source talk).
It is a well known source, go ahead and check it yourself. There is a drawback, though, the shipping fee is quite high.

>> No.9094164
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Oh shit, just remembered HGH and hCG are different hormones.

>> No.9094194
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You tell me

>> No.9094223


>> No.9094235

I am glad to see I am not the only here who knows purple panda labs. So I'd like to ask about their hCG (as in the previous link), what do you think of it? Have you personally taken it? Looks almost too good to be true.

>> No.9094240


I want to know too, and if you could about the HGH too. It's incredibly cheap if legit.


>> No.9094244

tfw gyno and no health care. I cant even afford to take a simple hormone test

>> No.9094248


I've ha gyno for 11 years and I have health care. They made me wait till I was 19 to see if it would go away, and I've been waiting on the surgery list for 3 years...

>> No.9094250

19 currently. Was thinking about saving up and heading to a clinic. If they tell me the only treatment is surgery I'm shit out of luck though. I am hoping for hormone therapy

>> No.9094256

This is exactly how I feel. But I also want their deaths to be public and I want everyone to know why.

To original poster: you are a degenerated, self absorbed little cuck bitch; you deserve your suffering, I am glad you hurt, you are weak and too cowardly to kill yourself and your life is your appropriate punishment; this makes me think there is a god and he hates you

>> No.9094258

Can you stop selling testonsterone on fucking /sci/? Jesus christ

>> No.9094265
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>To original poster: you are a degenerated, self absorbed little cuck bitch; you deserve your suffering, I am glad you hurt, you are weak and too cowardly to kill yourself and your life is your appropriate punishment; this makes me think there is a god and he hates you

What? I am not suffering, I've never been better.

>> No.9094266

Can /sci/ tell me why humans are angry and mean

>> No.9094270

>being this delusional
Very low energy post. You may need testosterone supplementation to improve your writing skills and motivations.
They aren't, it is just that the kikes made you believe so.

>> No.9094271
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Keking my ass here, not sure if you are serious, trolling or a tranny that finally snapped.

>> No.9094272

holy shit trannies BTFO

>> No.9094286

This would be a much better thread if we focused more on the effects of hormones on human behavior and mood rather than a bound to be deleted, shitpost between trannies and polacks.

>> No.9094300

Isn't yukariposter a trannie? I hope he kill himself

>> No.9094306
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OP. Cis White male here, why are people so obsessed with trannies killing themselves? Seems so out of place.

Are you guys just trying to get my thread removed by shitposting?

>> No.9094385

No idea bro. This is my first cycle. All I got from them was test and their exemestane. First injection is tomorrow. Kinda nervous about it although I don't really know why. If it was a pill, I'd take it in a second so psychologically I just think it's related to the needle which I don't give a shit about (consciously). Therefore I should be fine

>> No.9094388

>lack of self esteem

lack of self esteem is a biological imbalance. What do you believe in some magical quality in humans called "self esteem"

>> No.9094412

Well chosen, mate. From my research, that is precisely the best AI one can currently. In fact, my ideal cycle is what you bought but also adding hCG (although maybe later on the cycle).
>First injection is tomorrow. Kinda nervous about it although I don't really know why.
I think that watching a video in youtube of someone doing it could actually help, you might want to try it if you're still nervous tomorrow. In any case, I wish you good luck!

>> No.9095103


What happens if you take too much Aromasin? You'll be fucked for at least two weeks compared to other aromatase inhibitors?

>> No.9095111
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>went from liberal to conservative
are you 10?

>> No.9095114


Hormonal balance has not efect on mood or behaviour?


>> No.9095117


Reported for racism agaisnt jews.

>> No.9095154
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Can test. supplements darken your voice...?

>> No.9095161

if you havent gone through puberty yet, yes

>> No.9095162


I think my voice got slighter harsher, but I cannot remember, desu. It did make me have a much better beard and a lot more body hair. For really big changes, you have to take androgens in your teen years. I know someone who took growth hormone and steroids when he was 14, and the dude is fucking 6'4'' mega chad of death, has the physique of Steve Reeves.


It's true, as soon as I started working by myself and achieving things with my own effort, I became more sympathetic towards conservatives, and because testosterone made me less empathetic in general, I began to see how misdirected empathy is causing a lot of trouble in the West.

>> No.9095170

>6'4'' mega chad of death

I guess his penis is enormous also...

>> No.9095173


Yeah, I went to school with him so I got to see it in the showers after P.E

Makes me wish I had taken roids in my teen years too.

>> No.9095179
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Damn. I remember even looking it up when I was a teen.
But (((((doctors)))) said it would have no effect.

>> No.9095189


Yeah, but well at least you can do roids now and go pass your genetic limit.

>> No.9095266

And fuck yourself up before you're even 40.

>> No.9095291


No one is telling you to compete for the next Mister Olympia. Roids look pretty safe, used wisely.

>> No.9095850


Good goy!

>> No.9095852


It's kinda funny, because I did become more patriotic on testosterone. But just initially, then I realized I despite the country I live in, again.

>> No.9095879

Nope, dont confuse aromasin with arimidex, they are very different AIs.

>> No.9095893

Biological reproduction in the first world is literally the only avenue for humanity and science to advance. It's the third world that must be culled for resource conservation.

>> No.9096298


This, the third world needs to have it's birthrate controlled. Millions of worthless lives are being cultivate with irrecoverable resources that will lead to nothing, but more worthless lives.

Only the first world must survive.

>> No.9097326

Is Aromasin safe to take long term?

>> No.9097331

I sit here with the needle in my hand and my childhood flashing before my eyes. The days of my grandmother and I at the park. The days of pre-school. My baptism. All the sweet, innocent, and playful memories of a pure spirit. As I draw up the vile yellow oily substance, a tear drips from my eye. I was raised better than this. I know better than this. I locate the injection point, insert the needle, and push the plunger.

>> No.9097348
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you will always be mentally and genetically inferior and no drug will change that

>> No.9097354
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To whom? Certainly not my past self.

>> No.9097356


It's just testosterone. It's not like you are injecting heroin, dramaqueen.

>> No.9097361

Why don't docs recommend Test to men like women get drugs post meno?

>> No.9097467
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Testosterone is stigmatized a lot, probably due to all the media coverage on athletes that died doing roids to win world competitions, maybe too because people think taking testosterone will make you a suffer from ROID RAGE and kill someone.
My doc, she didn't have an issue straight out saying to my face I was probably there just to get Testosterone for the gym (I was there just for blood test, I already had Testosterone at home).

>> No.9097469

Same reason they neuter dogs.

>> No.9097472


Why is that?

>> No.9097475

>How much does it cost?
>What are the side effects?
Right, OP or someone in the know, spill the beans for us US bros. Pills available OTC? I'm in my 50s and certainly could use the boost. I'm doing the 5x5 workout 3 days a week, resting on weekends, whey drink after workout, but still not getting results I think I should be getting.

>> No.9097478

First of all, there are no pills. It has to be injected intramuscularly. If you can't bring yourself to do that then we are done here.

At your age, I would go through a TRT or anti-aging clinic which will allow you to do it legally and under medical supervision - although you'll probably pay a premium for it. Otherwise, black market

>> No.9097481


There's a testosterone cream though. But it's is less effective and expensive than out right injecting in the booty.

>> No.9097482

It might also be that in many socialist countries they don't want to pay for any medical that isn't essential.

Glad your doc wasn't a total asshole.

>> No.9097492


>It might also be that in many socialist countries they don't want to pay for any medical that isn't essential

Could be, but I was willing to pay for it myself. Testosterone costs me around 120€ (135$) A year. It's really cheap.

>Glad your doc wasn't a total asshole

Well, she told me a Total Testosterone level between 300 and 400ng/dL was normal at 21 and set me in my merry way. I've been self prescribing test ever since.

>> No.9097498

>I've been self prescribing test ever since
Any literature you recommend on how not to shortcircuit your body on test?

>> No.9097515

>I haven't been able to find any studies that suggest that


>> No.9097520

>injecting UGL stuff that was mixed in a bath and "sterilized" in a home oven


>> No.9097548



This, and reading forums should get you ready. I recommend checking bloods so you can find what works best for you, be watchful of estrogen spikes.

>> No.9097551


Could you share? I've only been able to find two studies which contradict each other on whether or not testosterone increases the risk for heart attack.

>> No.9097557


>> No.9097623


I agree, I think it's worth spending a bit more and getting pharma grade if you can.

>> No.9097663

just hurry up and kys before you waste any more of other people's money and time

>> No.9097667
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You took the wrong hormones, kid.

>> No.9097817

It depends on what do you mean by "long term", but it generally is.

>> No.9097832

I used to do roids. Got a 3+plate bench. Was king of the world for a year-year and a half, depression went away etc.

Then depression came back like a motherfucker and destroyed my productivity. Stayed on for like a year more but couldn't quite get the mojo back. Now I'm off, lost 20lbs and over 100lbs on my bench. Want to get back on now that i've been off for like 6 months but no cash atm. Feels bad.

>> No.9097834


>Then depression came back like a motherfucker

All of a sudden, for no reason? What was your cycle?

>> No.9097845

Hard to say because it was a while ago but I blasted and cruised because cycling is dumb if you're going to do roids for more than like 2-3 cycles.

Back then I tended to like medium-high doses of test alone during blasts or I would throw in some tren depending on how much cash I had with 250-500mgs of test. (Tren never fucked me up sides wise except that I would get night sweats out the ass, a bit of acne, and very controllable irritability)

I've tried all sorts of roids, but they were all in my first year which was a pretty golden time.

I suspect it was possibly because I gained a "tolerance" to even 500mgs of test because I was on for a good bit of time. After months of the horrible depression I tried anti-depressants and those were the last nail in the coffin that fucked me.

>> No.9097848
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Roiding degenerates

>> No.9097852


>cycling is dumb if you're going to do roids for more than like 2-3 cycles.

How? It lets your body take a break and your androgen receptors to sensitize once again.

You should have had a clear cycle guide you were going to follow dude, looks like you just started taking all sorts of shit without any control or back up plans.

>> No.9097862

Ask anyone who has been roiding for a long time, you don't come off, ever. Reason being it unnecessarily stresses your body. Shutting down once and starting back up once is much better for your system than going on a roller coaster every 2.5 months.

I studied roids for a whole year before I started, in addition to possessing a degree in neuroscience and having taken classes in neuroendocrinology. I knew what I was doing, in that I added drugs sequentially to see how my body reacted. After about a year of doing that I became comfortable enough with what doses did or did not work for me that I could plan things out based on what I wanted that month (mostly by using small esters).

Reddit guides like "the beginners cutting stack" or whatever are good for beginners but absolutely no one who knows dick about steroids uses that shit after their first 6 months.

>> No.9097866


It's your depression over now? Taking anything at all? Was it worth it?

>> No.9097877

No it's very present. I am predisposed to it given my family history and have contemplated suicide on a weekly basis since I was like 13 but hey, shit happens and I haven't offed myself yet. Got a long term gf who wasn't mad when she found out I lied about roids for a year and a degree so things aren't all bad.

Not taking anything now because no funds. Might join military which may impede my ability to use, but if I get a different job I will likely use again.

It was definitely worth it, though I did some things wrong and wasted a lot of money (some via scams, some via using specific roids that just aren't worth the money, etc.).

Would honestly recommend just cruising on 250 test and blasting with 500-750 test, with maybe a few months of tren and mast thrown in once or twice a year. Nothing else is worth it imo (though I haven't tried EQ because shit is expensive, but I've heard some people swear by it)

>> No.9097903
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Did you get big?

>> No.9097906

i would have been driven to prison at this point if i were like you. so im kind of happy i am not.

>> No.9097914

Pretty much the exact same effects for me to, except I'm a Math major and I still enjoy math and CS a lot.

Before, I didn't like girls at all and guys were cute only in theory but not real life. Now any high test male on the street, I immediately feel attraction. Also, all my fetishes devolved into wanting to submit, be choked, and held down.

>> No.9097919


If you were like me, you'll be nowhere near jail. I work my ass off doing honest and professional work.

>> No.9097934

Wasn't really my goal so not really, just like 190lb at 5'10. Very very vascular though and pretty lean. Strength to weight ratio was very good and had a ffmi that would be metabolically impossible for a natural to have.

Also your pic has really fucking weird proportions. Unless he has no legs there is no possible way he is 80kg in the pic on the left at 6'1 and I'm very skeptical of the pic on the right's weight.

>> No.9097940

(converted 90kg instead of 95, less skeptical now.)

>> No.9098134

>he was a the "king of the world for a year-year and a half"
>a whole 18 months
>in such time he didn't manage to get a stable gf to be happy with


>> No.9098159

But I do have a stable gf...I'm even her first boyfriend.

>> No.9098173

>but still depressed
I rest my case.

>> No.9098174

Can "testosterone" be taken orally? I'm not too hot about IM.

>> No.9098179

Don't be a pussy, there is no reason not to learn how to do it: http://spotinjections.com/index3.htm

>> No.9098196

what a faggot, kys

>> No.9098224


What case, you colossal faggot?

>> No.9098238


Yes, but it is less effective and as far as I know, bad for your liver. It's better to inject. I used to be scared of needles, but it's really not painful at all.

>> No.9098245

Pills exist but are super expensive and even less effective than cream.

Stabbing yourself with an insulin needle and injecting a few drops of testosterone every 3 days is not a big deal, even if you are afraid of needles.

>> No.9098246

>Went from literally a neet commie sperg to your average conservative basic brodude
This isnt something you should be proud of

>> No.9098248


Every 3 days? OP here, I inject every 7

>> No.9098253


Why not? I wasn't happy being a sperg commie, I made so many excuses in my life to cover my shortcomings, always blaming my issues on others instead of going out there with an open mind.

I found out I am not that special or different from other people and that I can relate to almost everyone I meet on some level. I am much happier like this, to be honest. I can know appreciate conservatives points a lot better too, since I know how hard is building something for yourself from the ground up.

>> No.9098262

Test C or E every 3 or 3.5 days is optimal.
Might reduce or eliminate the need for an AI in some/most people due to more stable levels.

Plus you can do subcutaneous injections so you won't have to walk around with pip or worry about hitting veins or nerves.

>> No.9098269


What dosage would you use at that dosage interval? I currently use 125mg a week.

>> No.9098276

62.5mg per shot, every 3.5 days for simplicity.

That's 0.25ml 250mg/ml test C for me.

If it's working for you I wouldn't bother changing, but since my SHBG is in the shitter I have a harder time managing e2 it seems.

>> No.9098288


Might give a try just to see, I wouldn't mind using smaller needles instead of the 23g in my butt.

>> No.9098293

>23g in your butt

Yeah, fuck that.

I use 29g 1ml insulin syringes for subq, most of the time there is zero sensation until the base of the syringe touches your skin. It does get red and itchy around the injection site sometimes but it beats pip. Might just be the carrier oil I'm reacting to.

>> No.9098319

>I use 29g 1ml insulin syringes for subq

Wow, how long does it take to inject? I've had to use 21g in the past and it was horrible, like a freaking harpoon.

>> No.9098321

Drawing takes like 30-60sec but injecting like 10-15 if I'm going slow.

>> No.9098326

I actually put the 2 of them side by side today to compare. I would not want to use one of those.

You could probably stick a 29 down the 21.

>> No.9098338


They can be intimidating, but you do get used to it. I worry about muscle scar though, not sure how bad that is.

>> No.9098409

>Everyone here on /sci/ who isnt a larper should feel good about themselves though, we are no doubt smarter than most people on the planet,
>do not let ANYONE else determine how you feel about yourself.
You've got some serious delusion problems to address.

>> No.9098521

I use a 25 and it's completely painless and thin as shit. Anything smaller than a 25 is honestly unnecessary in my opinion.

>> No.9098646

i thought that taking testosterone just imbalances the homeostasis ,and mass produces estrogen, causing the opposite effect.???

>> No.9098668

u mad bro?

>> No.9098670


I am honestly asking, what case?

>> No.9098679

>imbalances the homeostasis
>produces estrogen
Some of the testosterone is converted to estrogens by your own body, this process is called aromatization (look up the wikipedia page on it).
That's why you always take aromatase inhibitors (AIs) during your cycle, to prevent that from happening.

>> No.9098687

Do you really not know it? Wow, just wow, anon.

>> No.9098691
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>> No.9098730


Myocardial infarction is not your only concern.
Who was prostate cancer, dyslipidemia, hypertension, LVH &c.

Why not just get yourself tested and go on TRT?

>> No.9098740

>Why not just get yourself tested and go on TRT?

I did, my doctor didn't think a Total test level between 329 and 419ng/dL was low enough for TRT at 21 years of age. I had already tried Testosterone and seeing it's positive effects before I stopped for 3 months to recover and take the blood test, so to me it was a no brainer to go back.
I tried explaining this to my doc, but she recommended a see a psychologist and send me in my marry way. What else was I supposed to do? I've already tried most of the pharma prescriptions psychiatrist will prescribe (I saw a psychiatrist for a year before the test, even discussed about trying testosterone with him, but he couldn't prescribe it).

>> No.9098757

you forgot the last thing
>teeny weeny balls

>> No.9098764


They've actually not decreased in size that much, to be honest. To be honest, they were never really big balls.

>> No.9098782

>to be honest. To be honest

It's getting late and I am slightly drunk. I apologize.

>> No.9098859


>> No.9098865

Can you get it in pill form?
What are the side effects?

>> No.9098876


Enjoy your future hair loss anon

>> No.9098878


Yes, there's pills and there's also a cream. But they are both less effective, more expensive and I believe, come with higher side effects than just injecting.

Side effects vary for person to person, they depend a lot on your current health state and how sensitive you are to aromatization (your body converting testosterone into estrogen).

I personally have only experienced this

>Slightly smaller testicles
>More body hair (including better beard)
>Acne in the back (went away after 3 months)
>Used to wake up feeling like I wanted to throw up (first week)
>Stiff neck 1 day after injection (Called Testosterone flu, only happened to me two times)
That's all I can think off right now. Obviously there's a lot more side effects that can happen, like developing titties (gynecomastia), Water retention, increased blood pressure, increase red blood cells which can increase the chances of stroke..etc.

Have a read on google. Also have your total and free test levels checked before doing anything, If yours is in the 600+ng/dL it might not do much for you.

Here's a nice source to read.

>> No.9098882


Testosterone does not increase hair loss in men who are not genetically predisposed for hair loss due to high testosterone. Which I am not.

>> No.9098904

>ree I'm a girl


>> No.9098953

A part of me hates making fun of mentally ill people, but the other understand trannies cannot be accepted. These people are misguided and deluded, and their wake up call will come too late. I am tired of reading stories about perfectly healthy males (albeit, in serious need of psychological help) that end up surgically removing their penis and having to insert a dildo in their wound for some time, a procedure which is extremely painful and done merely to fulfill a bizarre type of fetish. These men, are part of the 50% suicide rate in the transsexual community.

Please, reconsider your life choices before it is too late.

>> No.9099331

I had the exact same thing, except even lower total levels. 2 doctors recommended me to go see a psychiatrist. They love to fill you up with pills that don't do jack shit but when there are treatments available that fix fucking everything you get the finger.

Fuck doctors.

>> No.9099573


Did TRT help you too? How effective have you found the treatment to be?

>> No.9099580

I haven't been on long enough for it to have real effect.

>> No.9099650

ask a mtf that just took her pills!
and yes, I want to get srs

>> No.9099653

Prepare for regret.

>> No.9099671

>mfw high test male who is submissive af to women in bed


>> No.9099744


When are you visiting a psychologist to deal with your trauma?

>> No.9099746

How long have you been on it? What's your dosage?

>> No.9099799

Just over a month, at 125mg/wk.

>> No.9099805


That's strange, I felt the effects of test right away. You should have, at the very least notice a mood lift short of 2 days in. Then again I was in a pretty bad state when I began my treatment.

>> No.9099809

The effects apart from boners don't really occur until approx 6 weeks. Placebo is best and steroids.

>> No.9099818


Nah, I think I probably have some sort of diagnosed autoimmune disease that causing a lot of stress in my body, it's likely that the surge of test lowered my cortisol levels, causing the great mood, and anti inflammatory effects I noticed. Other meds that also have anti-inflammatory effects make me feel really good too, like Ibuprofen, gives me a slight episode of mania.

That's my theory anyway, I doubt it was placebo because I went into it expecting nothing at all.

>> No.9099872

Use hCG for that:

>> No.9099880

Only works for secondary.

>> No.9099885

Wrong, read the study.

>> No.9099903

There's no mention of previous LH so I'm going to say these people had secondary hypogonadism.

Why would the testicles respond to HCG but not LH?

>> No.9099914

>I am going to assume something without any proof of it
Good for ya, I guess.

>> No.9099925

>i have no capacity for rational thought

>hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
>brain doesn't signal the pituitary to secrete LH
>testicles are functional because they respond to hcg and thus LH

Literally secondary.

>> No.9099947

supposedly test isn't correlated with sexual assertiveness

>> No.9099952

I'm at 200something at 25 years old. Besides being weak in my upper body and fatigued all the time, I haven't had many other problems. I've always wanted to try taking some testosterone, but I fear I would become dependent on it. Not to mention it's almost impossible to be prescribed.

If there's no natural way to increase test production then I'm probably just screwed.

>> No.9099963

Get bloodwork done first.
You might be able to get away with just some SERM pills. Shit's cheap and easily available on the internet.

>> No.9099965

>Not to mention it's almost impossible
Mate, if your levels are actually 200 something, then you would have it easy to get prescribed test.

Levels below 300ng/dl are really unhealthy for any male, that's why you would normally get prescribed test if that's the case.

>> No.9100011

>become dependent on it

You already are dependent on it you dense son of a bitch