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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9087843 No.9087843 [Reply] [Original]

Who needs a girlfriend when you have textbooks?

amirite guys?

Guys, am I r-right...?

>> No.9087878

Mathematics has never disappointed me while women and other aspects of life constantly do. The best choice is obviously math.

>> No.9087889


>> No.9087890
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There is no point in having a non-Kurisu gf...

>> No.9087894

I broke up with my gf because I wanted more time for math. Am I autistic?

>> No.9087895

Science can give you understanding, meaning, and purpose.

Girlfriends can give you a few years of happiness followed by a lifetime of "I wish I had chosen science instead"-regret.

>> No.9087896

Ayy. I did just this before getting into college. To be quite honest it was the dumbest idea ever and approximately 1 year after that we got back together.

If you want to know why then the simplest reason would be that I started missing company and sex, of which I had none. It turns out that you cannot fuck your books and trying to fuck your fellow stuents or professors is just weird.

>> No.9087902

>It turns out that you cannot fuck your books
You clearly do not understand. We do science, we can make anything possible that does not go against the second law of thermodynamics.

>> No.9087920

But that is not enough! I fucking tried okay. I used to think like you, like I said I broke up with my gf. What I learned was that mathematics is a series of high and lows in which sometimes you are 100% consumed by your math and need the loneliness but then sometimes you are in a long break without much action you simply get lonely.

Another thing that not having a gf causes is that you go back to being scared of women. And by that I don't mean that you fear them, but that you instinctively act different around women because of sexual competition or some bullshit. And this means something terrible: that your mental state is always at the mercy of what random women around you think about you and this can land devastating blows.

It is better to have one gf on whom your mental state depends on who you trust will never fuck you up and then you can easily ignore other women because you are already taken. You should have kept the gf but what is done is done. Just hope you can find a new one. I couldn't, and that is why I went back to the one I left.

>> No.9087923

What if you were abused by your girlfriend for years to the point where you don't trust any women anymore to not change their opinions of you at the drop of a hat, from being childishly infatuated and absolutely in love at the deepest level of connection possible, to her thinking that you're a fucking loser who doesn't even remotely deserve her and in fact no men do, all men are shit, why did she ever like you?

I can't stop being scared of their nature. Are they all like this? Are they all a shattered mirror of alternative personalities they use to suit their desires at the time? Or are they cohesive people?

I'm legitimately confused but primarily hurt and disappointed.

>> No.9087925
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>Implying the second can't be broken
>implying black holes don't break it
>implying hawking radiation exists
>implying any of this matters after you die and have zero memories of having spent a lifetime with Kurisu
>implying its evitable for me to talk about Kurisu in a gf thread

>> No.9087927

>What if you...
Well my girlfriend doesn't abuse me or does any of that. Also I am not childlishly in love with her because I don't believe love exists so I can safely say that I am not unhealthily attached to her or anything. She is just a good girl who happens to have a vagina.

>Are they all like this?
No but if you watch as many MGTOW youtubbers as me then you will realize the women's natural behavior is the one you listed. That is you need to learn to tame your woman so that she stops being like that. But if your woman was abusing you then odds are you weren't taming her, she was domesticating you so it's good that you broke up with her.

>> No.9087931
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>>9087843 >>9087890 >>9087925
TFW no Kurisu GF.
>I wish she was real T_T

>> No.9088068

I know that feel bro.

>> No.9088086

Take your forced meme back to >>>/a/

>> No.9088137
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>> No.9088216

>implying /a/ isn't a hellhole of moe shit
>implying /a/ even likes slightly "complex" anime like Stains;Gate
>implying /a/ likes anything that makes them feel depressed
>implying /a/ even likes anything that doesn't get their dicks filled with blood

>> No.9088267
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Kurisu is 18 years old, legally an adult.
/a/fags are pedophiles so Kurisu is too old for /a/.
/a/ don't like Complex anime like Stein's; Gate, Psycho Pass, Akira, Ergo Proxy, Ghost in the Shell or even more Pop animes Evangelion, Death Note or Code Geass.
/a/ like just moe lolis in shallow storylines.

>> No.9088282

>/a/fags are pedophiles so Kurisu is too old for /a/.
Anime is not science.

>/a/ don't like Complex anime like Stein's; Gate, Psycho Pass, Akira, Ergo Proxy, Ghost in the Shell or even more Pop animes Evangelion, Death Note or Code Geass.
Anime is not science.

>/a/ like just moe lolis in shallow storylines.
Anime is not science.


>> No.9088315

B...Bu..But Stein's;Gate is an anime about ab..about

>> No.9088346

So is the Big Bang Theory.

>> No.9088348

I a agree with you, but I just can't get over that feel....

>> No.9088355
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>It turns out that you cannot fuck your books and trying to fuck your fellow stuents or professors is just weird.
You got that right.

>> No.9088457
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> tfw no cassie gf

>> No.9088553
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What accounts for the strong negative correlation between aptitude in pure mathematics and the ability to manage romantic relationships?

>> No.9088682

wanting to work uninterrupted on things long periods of time is not very compatible with a relationship that requires continous efforts to flourish? it's not very compatible with keeping alive friendships either, is it?