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9087162 No.9087162 [Reply] [Original]

>I can't get into an MD Programme, guess I'll be a dentist

>> No.9087165

>implying dentistry programs haven't been super competitive since the 90s and are no longer a fallback for brainlets too dumb for med school

>> No.9087168

Competitive yes, but
>implying anyone goes to dental school as their first choice

>> No.9087172

Dentistry is probably more lucrative and is less of a head ache than being a doctor at this point, I wouldn't doubt there are a lot of people doing dentistry as a first choice these days.

>> No.9087179

Maybe it's just my opinion. But if I were to do it again, I would still choose MD over DMD as a first choice.

>> No.9087201
File: 985 KB, 500x281, mc ronalds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even a Job in McDonalds is competitive nowadays.

>> No.9087399

>have to deal with obese old people with crusty genitals all day
>#1 expense is lawyer fees due to getting sued almost every single day for malpractice
>have to memorize an encyclopedia of nonsense just to get through a single shift
>high stress
>obligated to help people in danger on a plane/out and about/etc.
>gets to tell people they are a doctor

>deal with a lot of children and middle aged people
>have assistants who do 90% of the work for you, the only time you actually have to do something is doing composites, final check, and any advanced procedures
>majority of your knowledge is applied and easy to remember due to specialization
>make just as much as a doctor with a fraction of the effort
>doesnt give a fuck about putting self in danger when buying groceries, can continue napping on a plane when somebody has a panic attack because they lost wifi connection
>doesnt get to say they are a doctor

>> No.9087418

>deal with only mature adults
>have assistants who do 90% of the work for you, the only time you actually have to do something is doing grant requests and your own personal research
>majority of your knowledge is easy to remember because of autism
>make just as much as a doctor with a fraction of the effort
>doesnt give a fuck about putting self in danger when buying groceries, can continue napping on a plane when somebody has a panic attack because they lost wifi connection
>Gets to say they are a doctor but then has to clarify

>> No.9087428

>Makes as much as a doctor
Only the luckiest elite of mathmaticians makes even the lower average of doctor income

>> No.9087430

Why not both and be a maxillofacial surgeon?

>> No.9087434

Tao is lmaoing at your life

>> No.9087440

there is 1 tao

there are 1m autist 'mathematicians' that make around 50k

>> No.9087441
File: 301 KB, 1599x787, biologyphdtrack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PhD in Biology. King of Brainlets. Only 8% get Tenure.
Not smart enough to become Doctor, Dentist or Chemist.
Not Dumb enough to be just another BSc working at Mc Donalds.
Paid less than any other PhD major except Psychology,

>> No.9087451

>has autism
>assistants are unwashed chinese inbreds
>has to tell people he is a doctor but not that kind
>poor diet and posture
>sounds like a woman due to pneumonia as a child
>fingernails longer than average, uses a cuticle nipper to trim them, resulting in ingrown nails frequently
>drives a civic with a slip-on & momo steering wheel
>frequently consumes microwaved food

>well adjusted, wears nice clothing and has a loving wife + kids
>excellent teeth
>asisstants are young women with spicy latin heat
>believes that nationalist socialism is the way of the future, puts his race and family above all else though doesnt look down on others based on factors outside of their control
>in tune with nature, only buys food from sustainable and humane methods, limits meat consumption
>rides a DRZ-400 with a big bore and modded jetting

>> No.9087453

Villani is lmaoing at your life

>> No.9087465

>>9087162 >>9087172 >>9087451 >>9087399
So Why Dentists have the 2nd Highest Suicide Rate (after General Doctors)
>You're in a career where nobody wants to see you and you're the last place they want to come back to and it's depressing.


>> No.9087473

>Deal only with milfs and plaster
>Have apprentice who does 90% of the sanding, the only time you do something is when laying plaster and feathering
>Majority of your knowledge is attainable within a 6 hour course
>Make half as much as a doctor for less then half the work
>0% chance of danger when buying griceries unless you happen to fuck every housewife you encounter, never go anywhere on a plane in the first place
>Gets to say they are a "wall doctor"


>> No.9087474

>abortion-dodging medfags think they can become dentists after flunking out of medschool for slurping paint
>kill themselves

meanwhile born and baptized dentist alphamales are taking life by the boipucci and fucking it on the daily

>> No.9087480

>scientist in the list
Scientists BTFO

>> No.9087488


>> No.9087511

please dont kek at my life

>> No.9087521

Tao makes less than a cardiothoracic surgeon, neurosurgeon, or any other similar specialty.

There are plastic surgeons that make his salary in a month or two.

>> No.9087526

>mature adults

>> No.9087656

>proves beautiful theorems
>applies mathematical concepts to solving problems in physics, engineering, and such
>invented the computer

>spends 10 years of his life studying fucking teeth
>spends the rest of his working life looking at teeth

>> No.9087663
File: 14 KB, 616x606, 61dc4e7732fd4d5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making fun of the people that are keeping your filthy mouth in check

>> No.9087780

>>invented the computer
Charles Babbage wasn't a math autist

He invented the computer to avoid doing maths

>> No.9087793

yall niggas are missing the best part of dentistry
>get to huff nitrous all day

>> No.9087812


>> No.9087970
File: 158 KB, 402x506, FDDB0893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to the dentist
wew lad

>> No.9088036

I just started dental school. It was always my first choice. Why the hate?

>> No.9088866
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 20170802_105909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you ever of this thing called schrodinger cat
>its like right now about not knowing what'll happen until you do it
>so, go do it. you don't know what may happen

>> No.9088867

Sounds cool man. Fuck, should've done that. 2 times the profits, soon i'll earn more than the US president.

>> No.9089098

MD kid here, don't know if it's just my school, but student Dentists here are fucking pretentious, they fucking go around making people address them by the initial Dr. because they think they're inferior to MDs, literally new levels of autism.

>> No.9089130

What school? The MDs and DMDs at mine get along fine. We're basically just mouth doctors at this point.

>> No.9089143

Rather not say, but damn, wish I could've made friends with Dentist bros, honestly seemed like they could be really nice and intellectual people if weren't for their insecurity.

>> No.9090473

>projecting this hard
The average dental student these days is going because they want to be a dentist. Stop letting your fragile ego make you sound like an idiot.

>> No.9090944

As I said, it's just from where I am, at least now I learnt that. You haven't experienced my school's people yet, but if there is such an environment in your school, I would like to have that, because I genuinely want to make actual friends with these people, they are intellectual but they get consumed by their self consciousness.

>> No.9091003

>Wow this stuff is actually really interesting too!
>And the salary is great, AND you get to contribute to peoples lively hoods.
>Its like I should have studied this all along!

>> No.9091455

>t. autistic math undergrad who hasn't contributed anything to his field