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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 159 KB, 556x802, 1501474486958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9076710 No.9076710 [Reply] [Original]

Explain yourselves, brainlets

>> No.9076711
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Meant to post this

>> No.9076712

the adjunct question is: why dont engineers learn more math? so many problems in engineering could be solved I BET if engineers were better at math

>> No.9076713

W-we blindly trust the arch-wizards t-to guide us?


>> No.9076717
File: 610 KB, 2048x832, IMG_7817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proofs aren't learned, they're discovered. Engineers simply do not need to construct said proofs because they already have a much deeper intuition for how the world works.

>> No.9076718
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There is nothing more beta than relying on another man's proofs to satisfy your calculations because you can't do it yourself

Literal cucks

>> No.9076719
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Engineer course loads are already heavy, and designed primarily to make them into stress junkies. 6-8 courses per semester is often the case my dude.

>> No.9076739


>> No.9076743
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*cries in arithmetic*

>> No.9076744

And shit like this is why most engineering degrees are a joke these days.

>> No.9076748

We trust based mathbros desu

>> No.9076750

>learned the proofs
>graduated top of class
>got fully funded by the school for a phd

The engineers you meet in industry are the C's GeT DeGReeS BRuH type

>> No.9076751

Do they not? If so, that's great news. Just makes my degree that much easier to attain.

>> No.9076761

To engineers, they don't matter.

They would sacrifice goats to Navier-Stokes if it was proven to improve widget efficiency.

>> No.9076763

I started going deeper into math on my own, now that I've actually graduated from engineering and have a job in my field I've been able to realize that many of the problems I encounter as a design engineer can be solved easily with a slightly deeper understanding of math.

>> No.9076771

Just plug it into MATlab

>> No.9076961


American engineers don't.

>> No.9076988
File: 142 KB, 890x900, 1492252602117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't mathfags learn more about engineering? It would teach you about solving open-ended problems without a clear answer.

>> No.9077017


the proof is trivial and a direct consequence of the pudding theorem

>> No.9077102

In some universities they do.

>> No.9077147


Same reason mathematicians don't learn how to devise an experiment, it's irrelevant to their profession.

>> No.9077178

Why does anyone who's not getting a PhD in mathematics need to learn how to do proofs? After you graduate it is unlikely that you'll need to mathematically prove anything ever again, nor will anyone care or be impressed that you can.

>> No.9077243

Maybe you should stop calling them fags for starters.

>> No.9077244

>slightly deeper understanding of math
Like... Planar graphs?

>> No.9077256

stfu newfag

>> No.9078246

because my professors assumes i know how to prove. the most i know is that i need to pull a definition from somewhere or create my own, based on an existent definition.
my guess is that such thing is learned in Logic related courses.

>> No.9078255

I love this meme

>> No.9078330

If they spent all their time on proofs they'd be maths majors

>> No.9078377

>It would teach you about solving open-ended problems without a clear answer.
That's literally all math is

>> No.9078418

It's not impossible to prove Riemann hypothesis by induction since any set, including the critical strip, and you can use induction on any well ordered set

>> No.9078458

Same. Anyone got any more?

>> No.9078483
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>> No.9078526

you go as high as dvq with possible linear algebra on the side

>> No.9078664
File: 353 KB, 666x500, 1500976774333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering is full of problems that are provably unsolvable, requiring workarounds. Mathfags just play around with their perfect sudoku puzzles all day. Learning engineering would teach you a lot about how to solve problems creatively.

Maybe they shouldn't suck so much dick then.

>> No.9078725

How do you find the center of a circle using a book and a pencil?

>> No.9078728

Because we don't need to. We only derive what is necessary to get the job done.

>> No.9078736
File: 2.66 MB, 960x540, chad stride virgin walk got.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get more of these virgin/chad pics, even if theyre irrelevant?

>> No.9078737

Do you also take philosphy/ethics classes that just state thought experiments and ask people to discuss?

Or music classes where you just listen to music?

>> No.9078738

Place pencil inside book and close it. Put the corner of the book where you think the center is, and adjust the pencil that's still inside the book until it reaches the end of the circle. Draw the circle while keeping the book in place, if the drawn circle matches, congrats, if not, try a again.

Was I close?

>> No.9078744

False equivalent

>> No.9078769

The proof of an engineer's work is the physical object they make.

Engineers learn to make the best proofs of all.

>> No.9078774

Not all of us are students.

>> No.9078803
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, tyrone laughs in your general direction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathfags still don't have a way to solve Navier Stokes
Why do mathfags SUCK so much DICK? They can't even figure out a basic numerical solution because it doesn't rely on MUH PROOFS. Engineers have been doing this stuff for over half a century while mathfags everywhere still scratch their BALD and BETA heads.

>> No.9079454

No, that bullshit's not required for thew degree.

>> No.9079533

>6-8 courses
Fucking what? I call bullshit that's often the case.

>> No.9079624
File: 294 KB, 1200x820, 1497129667185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude it's not, talk to anyone who's doing an engineering degree or has done one.
I agree on the basis that they only teach you how to be a robot.

>> No.9079678
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I made a wizard version

>tfw I met people like this before

>> No.9079845

On the rare occasions when engineers need proofs, we google them!

>> No.9079847

Use the book as a ruler.

>> No.9079927
File: 7 KB, 227x200, 1355248320151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time i see a thread about how engineers dont dive so deep into math I say to my self that /sci/ is full of autistic spas who get hard from solving equations
on the other hand is >>9076750 right
7 out of 10 fellow students are the
>C's GeT DeGReeS BRuH

So its fair to say we all have our flaws

To your question OP, why should I waste time on a proof when I know that it works
why should I understand why it works when I only have to apply it.

I mean you use a pc right in that moment, does that mean you have to study CS ?

>> No.9079966


>designed primarily to make them into stress junkies

e...explain this part pls

>> No.9079971

Engineering is the hardest way to spend your undergrad and don't let the memelords tell you any differently.

>> No.9080042

Engineers are required to actually accomplish something within a limited timeframe

>> No.9080045

Underage detected, >>9079847 is the way engineers solve problems. Suck it up, mathflakes

>> No.9080052

>C's GeT DeGReeS BRuH type
Explain the problem here, please. An engineer's job is making shit work. Theoretical understanding can be helpful, but it's for the most part incredibly superfluous unless you're doing R&D. You aren't demanding the cleaning lady be able to recite Shakespeare by heart, so why care if the engie setting up your factory equipment got a D in a test about quantum physics?

>> No.9080057

>itt butthurt scientist mad that engineers actually get to do things instead of reinventing the wheel

>> No.9080287

I always wrote sec(x) as sex(x) on my exams. The teacher thought I had a dirty mind.

>> No.9080290

or else the business majors are up on their ass telling them about how much money is being lost. They need to tell engineering undergrads that they will regularly get chewed out by others during their career. Alcohol will be your best friend dealing with so many angry people who don't understand what you are doing.

>> No.9080291

yeah, i did like 6 courses for one semester as a double major. every other semester was at most 4.

>> No.9080298

I am taking my shitty non-STEM classes during summer or winter (its literally 10 days with each day being 6 hours long. did it for art class which made me pissed as fuck too that I was paying money to basically do preschool level arts and crafts).

>> No.9080308

>have huge course load with every damn STEM class imaginable for my engineering degree
>they still require me to take sociology to learn about fucking Marx, Arts to learn about faggot Picasso and read shitty Shakespeare.
If I ever was head of education I would revamp the entire system and make humanities majors unemployed over night for making my school life hell. The humanities/arts classes gave me the most fucking work to do too. I mean fuck, your field is useless, stop making me do all this work when I'm gonna forget it by next semester.

>> No.9080353

Useless, different to maths, engineering is not a nerd circlejerk and actually makes real things, the ultimate proof of an engineer is that the damn bridge didnt fell off.

Daily reminder that engineers built things way before math formally existed, all the knowledge is empirical, math is just a "cute" way to present it.

>> No.9080935

Our proof is that the shit we makes work. You don't need math do determine whether a rocket engine is blowing up or not blowing up.

>> No.9081211

Those captions would make more sense with the chad calculation.

>> No.9081220

just rename this board /engineerobsession/. Every other thread is some math or physics major obsessing over engineers like /pol/ obsesses over jews.

>> No.9081257
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My fucking sides whew

>> No.9081455

This, despite 50% of this board are engineers according to those stats some anon made.

And all true engys are at a certain sekrit Sanskrit board hidden in the deepest hell, probably deeper than the penis in OP's ass.

>> No.9081598

Engineers are less concerned with proofs and more concerned about using the fruits of said proofs to model and simulate stuff.

That isn't to say the proofs aren't important it is much less focused.

>> No.9082036

There's not enough time to learn everything, retard. If you waste your time learning all the proofs for everything, you're not using that time learning the more useful shit.

The proofs are for math autists.

>> No.9082091

>never counts higher than 5, uses a calculator if higher number is needed

me desu

>> No.9083625

It depends on how the institution organizes courses. Of those 6-8 courses, 4-5 are lectures and the rest are corresponding labs. All in all it boils down to about 14-18 credits per semester, which is just a standard STEM load plus a bit more.

>> No.9083636

You do proofs in order to understand why something is true, beyond intuition (since intuition is often just fooling yourself that you understand something which you don't)

t. Software engineer who does proofs

>> No.9083673

They don't need to in order to do their jobs.

Just like how pro athletes don't get their own water, but need it to function.

Mathfags are literally waterboys for engys.

>> No.9083681

Why do I, as someone who isnt doing research in mathematics, care "why" something is true? If it works it works, and that's all that matters.

>> No.9083759

>the Chad flags
turned a 7/10 to a 9/10

>> No.9084267


Because the scope of problems you can effectively solve will be severely limited if you don't understand how something works.

Take rotation matrices as a simple example. If someone just knows that plugging the right numbers into the right slot gived the result they want, they'll never be able to use this tool in a different context.

Someone with a good idea of WHY they work, however, can easily use that understanding to tweak the usual plug and chug into something useful outside the usual plug and chug context.

>> No.9084373

Who needs proofs? It should just work.

>> No.9084380

qt trap

>> No.9084488

Good engineers do learn proofs

>> No.9084754

The value of the intuition you build while trying out practical stuff trumps knowledge of proofs.

>> No.9084807

Minoring in Math as a Physics and CS double major. Can confirm that math with proofs are the most intellectually satisfying thing on the planet.

>> No.9084813

>math with proofs
There is no other kind.

>> No.9084854

3-4 courses in a 3 month period is quite common.

>> No.9084860

Yeah, this. Business mayors with no understanding of what they promise the tech people to accomplish. "Yes of course we will get it to you in one week!" ( How hard could it be? )