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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 492 KB, 1800x934, dating_advice_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9076212 No.9076212 [Reply] [Original]

Serious Question,

Why do the vast majority of intelligent people/introverts/etc have a harder time with dating/talking to the opposite sex?

While most normies are always in relationships and make dating look easy?

Isn't this paradoxical? Should intelligent people have an easier time getting laid/dating?

>> No.9076214

Because the average girl is dumb as a box of rocks, boring, and doesn't care about anything beyond the newest Rihanna album.

>> No.9076221

After a while it gets boring for someone intelligent to be around someone stupid, who cannot discuss abstract themes.

>> No.9076228

I find all of my classmates boring unless they're into video-games or science and math.

>> No.9076234

That's HS in a nutshell if you are introverted, you either have that one very good friend or none at all IMO. UNI is where people think like you, or its at least better then HS.

>> No.9076237

Smart people overthink things.

Dumb people can think about sex and obtaining sex without many other considerations.

>> No.9076242

Its all about looking good and first impressions more than intelligence.

>> No.9076245

It is regrettable that those with the best genes - the ones of intelligence - are usually excluded from society's gene pool. There are two reasons for this, the very simple, the simple and the one that will blow your mind.

The very simple reason is you can't think about math, you can't read the classics, you can't learn science, when you're doing drugs and having orgies all the time.

The simple reason to understand is the biological relation between offspring and intelligence. See, living beings like bugs lay thousands of eggs, fish lay hundreds, cats and dogs have 5 individual offsprings, niggers have 4, whites and asians have 2 or 1, and so the most intelligent, evolved and superior of all naturally have no children.

The one that will blow your mind is that intelligent people do not need to reproduce because they can pass on information through means other than DNA. See, all living beings pass on information - even after they die -. They do so, usually, with DNA. The thing with DNA is that it's within a cell, it's information that exists within the living being. Humans, however, differ from animals in that they can pass some information without DNA, and thus, beyond their own inner mechanisms. Humans do this by, for example, writing books, playing music or engineering technologies. We can use the environment to pass on information. And that's why the phenomenon of smart ones like monks and scientists being socially excluded is so common. They don't have a biological necessity to breed, to have kids, to pass on their DNA, when they can pass on information by means like active research, publishing an article or writing a book.

This is why the greatest humans of all - Jesus, Buddha, Newton, Tesla, Beethoven, etc - are all virgins.

>> No.9076252

Is there a correlation between intelligence and social skills ? There shouldn't, bu i feel like there is.

>> No.9076254
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G-girls don't like math silly anon.

>what're you majoring in?
>I'm a bio/primary ed/psychology/physical fitness/some other dumb degree major!:^)

>> No.9076259

Intelligent people have often have greater insight and foresight, and therefore have a more complex value system and a more difficult time feeling comfort and gratification down any given avenue. The way the bulk of the human species is, this will present difficulties with long term, meaningful relationships, or even bothering to allocate resources towards the pursuit of sex alone.

It really depends on the manner of intelligence and the person.

>> No.9076278

Okey you bunch of beta cucks, i will lay this down nice and easy for you.

It is not that intelligent people have a harder time talking to girls, its that beta sperglords have a hard time talking to girls.
The confusion stems from the fact that beta sperglord have a tendency to feel like worthless pieces of shit so they compensate by pursuing "smart people" stuff. And in many ways this is a good thing as it pushes you to work harder.

Dating is easy for normies that are attractive, no matter of intelligent they are.
Dating is hard for normies that are unattractive, no matter of intelligent they are.

But keep in mind that attractiveness is not only looks, its stuff like money, prestige, clothes, hygene, how you handle yourself and so on. And a lot of these have a positive correlation with intelligence.

If you are an intelligent sperglord, then you are lucky. Just imagine being a stupid sperglord.

>> No.9076287

Overly intelligent people overthink everything. Normies who date easily go with the flow and don't question why they are dong something.
Make a girl laugh, make her feel safe, and you'll win her over.

>> No.9076290
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>this thread

>> No.9076321
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>>9076214 >>9076254 >>9076221
Ugly as fuck woman <- no one wants
Dumb but Sexy Slut <- most valued by Liberal Normies.
Average in everything <- traditional Christian values.
Very Smart & Very Cute/Kawaii <- Ideal waifu (rare in real world)
>We should make animes real.

>> No.9076324



>> No.9076331

We view the possibilities, and no possibility can be 100% enacted until it actually happens.

>> No.9076337

It's not that I have a hard time talking to them, it's that I have nothing to say. I'm not throwing my life and my money away on some whore.

>> No.9076346
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>tfw no kurisu gf
Just end my life

>> No.9076351
File: 61 KB, 600x404, 1501251489992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, its to hard to find a girl that looks decent, and isn't one of those wee lets get wasted whores.

>> No.9076359


>> No.9076361
File: 121 KB, 640x802, 1501529889075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez you just posted a fucking hat.

>> No.9076367
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maybe you are just a gflet

>> No.9076389


Thats pretty interesting

>> No.9076408

Why didn't Kant make your list

>> No.9076459

Math is about 50/50 male/female, m8

>> No.9076465

>It is regrettable that those with the best genes - the ones of intelligence - are usually excluded from society's gene pool. There are two reasons for this, the very simple, the simple and the one that will blow your mind.

>The very simple reason is you can't think about math, you can't read the classics, you can't learn science, when you're doing drugs and having orgies all the time.

So you're saying people cannot procreate without "doing drugs and having orgies all the time"

Sounds like you're excluded from the gene pool for being stupid

>> No.9076471

Because Kant's a cunt and helped creare many of the problems we face today

>> No.9076474

>jew hags
I mean, technically you are correct.

>> No.9076486

>tfw no math gf

>> No.9076578

I would actually be okay with a dummy as long as she is cute and sweet. I met someone like that today but she was old enough to be my mom.

>> No.9076585

I think it has less to do with intelligence and more to do with being an introvert (which I find intelligent people tend to be). Being an introvert means you tend not be as sociable, which is the real only difference between those who have no trouble getting dates and those who do.

>> No.9076588

>this thread is a hat
Uh, no. This thread is a thread lol

>> No.9076602

It is because society is not well structured to help foster intelligent men.

If you were not a child prodigy then you have no fucking idea how much time it takes to train that prodigy. Prodigies practice their one thing the entire day every day. Do you ask yourself why parents of prodigies don't algo give them a normal school life? It is because it would be impossible to have the kid do 10 hours a day of practice/study and then 10 hours more if school. The kid would die. Parents wish they could give their prodigy a normal life, but it is impossible.

The same happens to late bloomers who find their passion in HS or college. You become 100% invested in that shit. There is no time to develop social skills and go find a gf.

It is unrealistic to expect a genius to find a gf. That is why I think that the government should subsidize girlfriends for smart people like me. I mean to have a wide range of women that are legally forced to be nice to me and that I can contact whenever I am in need of quick sexual relief.

Unfortunately because of feminism I do not see this happening. And it is sad because in the past kings used to have huge amounts of women in the castle who would basically serve high ranking officials like the generals, the personal body guards of the royalty and even top scholars because it was expected that these people would dedicate 99% of their time to the kingdom.

Feminism took that away from me and it sucks.

>> No.9076611
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>> No.9076620

Call it bait but think about it. How many more men would willingly get into studying 24/7 if the governments provided a full Harem of beautiful women to every man that served his country with his contributions.

Do you realize that with this incentive it would be a no brainer even for Chad to become an engineer? Everyone would want to be a genius and study forever, because everyone wants a Harem.

And before you think this is "sexist" think again. Women have been scientifically shown to like bad boys, abusive relationships and dominant, powerful men.

Tell me, what can be more dominant, powerful and abusive than this:

You call one of your Harem girls but she says she doesn't want to serve you anymore so you instead call your nearest police department and tell her that your bitch has gone rogue and then the government sends a team of police just to go beat up the bitch with baseball bats to give her a lesson.

After that she would be soaking fucking wet. When she goes to you to fuck you she would feel like she is riding God's cock.

This is the perfect plan. A win win scenario. Society gets more scientists, and women get better boyfriends.

>> No.9076621

This has been my problem. I'm 23, and many of the women that are most attractive seem to be mid-later 20's, early 30's. I don't think about age often and tend to view that whole window as the same as me, but for all I know they're actually married with kids or whatever. Or feel like they're in a different frame of life.

>> No.9076625

There is a reason math and science types are known a wizards OP.
They literally trade in their sexy times for magic.
Lol. Do you know the shit we are capable of with advanced mathematics? CAN YOU EVEN BEGIN TO CONTEMPLATE THE MEMES WE CAN MAKE?!

>> No.9076636


To be quite honest math memes are the memes that have made me laugh for the logest. Easy examples are the numberphile memes. Those are some top tier memes, only a mind that has transcended this universe could conceive of such a meme.

>> No.9076650

yet elon musk a smartass is an alpha male explain this shit

>> No.9076654

>Elon Musk
>alpha male
>getting used by women left and right
>the women aren't even that attractive

What defines an alpha male is that they use women, not the other way around. Elon is a high achievement beta.

>> No.9076675

Terrible b8

>> No.9076705

Your premise is correct, what you failed to notice is that most "intelligent" people are also "spergerlords", hence the original question remains.

>> No.9076769

Smells like bullshit to me. Genes are genes.

>> No.9076794

>Yeah, let's make sure we pass down any genes, in fact, why not MORE genes

Eugenics has solid bases on evolution, science is cruel.
Ni, science is impartial.

>> No.9076802
File: 499 KB, 500x375, Newman!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why the greatest humans of all - Jesus

And on a science board

>> No.9076809

> best genes
> """impartial"""
> not most fit genes
> not genes that reproduce naturally

>> No.9076814

>implying his pont isn't valid

>Posting fallacies
>on a science board

>> No.9076817

This, as fedora as it might sound. Why would I want to spend my time with a girl that has nothing to offer me besides her vagina?

>> No.9076819
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, steinsgate-04-kurisu-pale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Kurisu doesn't exist
Kill me

>> No.9076820

Vaginas are pretty cool though. And one of the best feelings in this world has to be using up a girl for her vagina and making her fall in love but then after sex immediately dismissing her humanity and treating her like a dog but not even talking to her anymore despite her constants texts and other calls for your attention.

It really shows those sluts how inferior they are. When I do this I consider myself a teacher. Many cunts are out of place in todays society. We need to teach them that they are no more than disgusting subhuman pigs worth only as much as their tits.

>> No.9076825
File: 581 KB, 421x700, Nijimuranew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larping, but think about it. If you just wanted pussy, why would you care about anything else aside from the pussy? If this is the case you can go for the pussy that presents itself to the lowest amount of effort put out by you. Your time will be much better spent on other things.

If a woman can offer you more than her pussy, then that makes it worth it for you to invest time in her.

I only watch anime with big, strong men in it, sorry.

>> No.9076835

because relationships aren't sensible most of the time, and intelligent people think about things clearly.

i know guys who married girls they actually think are ugly just so they can put benis in vagoo regularly, and that's it. they lie to their wives about where they are, what they're doing, etc. so they can do what they actually want to do (e.g. play golf or w/e) rather than be with the person that ostensibly should be their best friend.

we've all heard of girls who stay with dudes that literally beat them bloody, because they "love" them and think they can help them and change them.

brainlets don't mind using others and being used themselves, or at least, they don't think about / don't realize what's actually going on.

>> No.9076863
File: 574 KB, 1039x1200, 53ff430e7fb70aafb3864689a2acf7b9bdbd417f71f90517b3e85981fee546c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really hurts knowing that there are no kurisus out there.

>> No.9076904

I'm no psychologist, but it really dies hurt.
Thinking about it evokes the same feeling I feely when my grandmother died.

I was really close to her.

>> No.9076905

>Why do the vast majority of intelligent people/introverts/etc have a harder time with dating/talking to the opposite sex?

Overthinking it. Get atavistic.

>> No.9076907


>> No.9076910

As cruel as this might be, this is the choice of Steins Gate.

>> No.9076914
File: 103 KB, 826x1169, 1500427771907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to attach a kurisu

>> No.9076916

>Why do the vast majority of intelligent people/introverts/etc have a harder time with dating/talking to the opposite sex?
They don't you autistic fuck. I don't talk to normies but I'm perfectly sociable and charismatic if I need to be. I'm sure many are but most are completely fine, maybe not the best but functional.

>> No.9076919

I'm afraid it is.

>> No.9076922

I'm not a sociopath

>> No.9076936
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But maybe we can change this worldline's divergence
Because after all, what is life without a kurisu?

>> No.9076948
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It's pain and suffering.

If the many worlds theory is true, I wonder if its possible to change timelines..

>> No.9076950

Most do it for TEACHING high school daycare level shit.

>> No.9076952
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>posting S;G 0 stuff

>> No.9076955
File: 528 KB, 3840x2160, wallhaven-433646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurisu is INTJ.
Now, INTJ is rare, and even more so in woman.
But they do exist.

We have a slim chance...

>> No.9076964
File: 483 KB, 1024x576, 1500421880261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How slim of a chance are we talking about?
One that only a madman would try to challenge?
A mad /sci/entist?

>> No.9076975


Average /sci/entists have no chance, we are going to seize the opportunity.

El Psy Kongroo

>> No.9076990
File: 843 KB, 720x1058, 586595787d7d5e15533ae7beb0803b6eb6996f9d6f03453b2eb42b14d8ba3e91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is decided then.
Operation Freyja is a-go.
I will not rest until our worldines converge.

>> No.9077089

>Implying any information about jesus in a book as retarded as the bible can be trusted.

>> No.9077099

>but she was old enough to be my mom.
This has ceased to matter to me

>> No.9077105

>This has ceased to matter to me
Great, my good friend. You are reaching higher levels of degeneracy by the minute and that is good. A degenerate life is better than a dignified life. Go meet this 60 year old used up hag and fuck her. Fuck her like she doesn't have hepatitis C and Chlamydia! You enjoy that old used up hag.

>> No.9077114

>I would actually be okay with a dummy as long as she is cute and sweet. I met someone like that today
>cute and sweet
I took this to mean she was at the very least attractive and i know women older than me that are still hot. I would not bang a Hep C and Chlamydia riddled 60 year old

>> No.9077117

>I would not bang a Hep C and Chlamydia riddled 60 year old

Well, my mom is reaching 50. Your mom must also be, unless she was a teen mom star. And anyways, your degeneracy levels already increased to the point that you would fuck other women despite what MGTOW philosophers advice.

Just give it two more years of virginity and you will be a fucking women with full on AIDS.

>> No.9077119

>t you would fuck other women
I meant older women, not other women.

>> No.9077120

In Western society, most people don't value intelligence.

>> No.9077123

Not really. I think that men value intelligence in women. Heck, I value intelligence in women. Everyone in this thread has already started jerking off to Makise Kurisu because she is the ultimate smart woman character


Anyways, the problem is that intelligent women do not exist because women are all subhuman.

And then on the other hand, WOMEN do not value intelligence in men. So no one wins in this regard.

>> No.9077124


>> No.9077125

"Intelligent" people spend more of their time thinking and less of their time socializing. So not only are they worse at socializing from lack of practice, but they overanalyze situations because they'd rather be thinking (like they always do) than doing.

>> No.9077127


>> No.9077200

Idk man I do okay with girls 'in theory' lol. Girls tend to assume I get laid a lot etc. However I have some really fuckin serious problems that get in my way. I'm not fuckin happy. I can fake it but my life story is bad and sad, but it wouldn't be so bad if I weren't so smart. I was dick as early as elementary school because I was simply pissed off that we couldn't finish the lesson because some retard doesn't know the answer to 0+1. By the time I was in high school I wanted to kill myself because not only was I not learning but I was also wasting my precious youth. On top of that I was pretty poor and just embarrassed like no way could I bring a classy girl over to meet my drunkass mom.

And then I didn't even go to a good college even though I could have, easily, simply because my parents didn't know dick about financial aid. So I'm surrounded by idiots. Fucking feels good but honestly I think smarter chicks would be better. It would feel like having sex with someone on my level. And I think they would just perform better in general. Girls for some reason think they're the shit even when they suck dick at suckin dick.

The worst part is the smarter people around here are complete fuckin tools despite being marginally smarter. I know I sound absolutely full of myself but I'm legit smart af and I still am always nice and never condescending. Honestly even the dumbest people I know have a tendency to talk down to people.

I really can't say I'd be too upset if the whole city went up in flames. I like a lot of people here but if I asked myself if anything of value was lost I couldn't say yeah.

>> No.9077240

While technically true, its not western society.
It's humanity.

>> No.9077282

intelligent people are more social than dumb people
maybe you're just shy and dumb?

>> No.9077449

>Why do the vast majority of intelligent people/introverts/etc have a harder time with dating/talking to the opposite sex?
I think it's because intelligent people are typically content being in their own heads, thinking about concepts, ideas, the future/plans, analyzing random things, studying, etc. Because of that, they don't seek social interaction as much, and are not interested in talking for its own sake. This translates to less interaction. And since being social is a skill, they are typically not good at it since it requires practice. Intelligent people also may not care about trends in fashion as much or every single nuance of social hygiene

But these are all stereotypes. A dumb person can be just as introverted, and an intelligent person would understand the importance of social interaction and how they appear.

>> No.9077468
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I would never "jerk off" to Kurisu.

>> No.9077566
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Kurisu is pure

>> No.9077732
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Tfw brainlet sperg

>> No.9077736


>> No.9077774

>Be a smart child early
>Difference from other children is astronomical early on since being a year ahead is HUGE
>Don't fit in with kids your age
>Too small to fit in with kids on your mental level
>Miss out on the early social development
>Grow up to be weird because of it

>> No.9077798

Only smart guys with empathy have a hard time dealing with girls, smart guys without empathy already know how to control them like puppets and fuck them.

>> No.9077838
File: 58 KB, 500x423, dolph-lundgren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are smart and good looking and athletic

>> No.9077878

>If you are an intelligent sperglord, then you are lucky. Just imagine being a stupid sperglord.
4 Chan is autistic as a while. But /scuscis for high IQ autistics.

/sci/ = Spergerlord Genius
/g/ = Spergerlord Code Monkey.
/a/,/jp/ = Spergerlord Weeaboo
/v/ = Spergerlord gamer
/r9k/= Spergerlord Fag
/fit/ = Chad.
/pol/ = Weaponized autism. Rednecks.
/x/ = Schizophrenic into drugs & magick.

>> No.9077923
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>Forgetting /lit/

>> No.9078064

>>9077923 >>9077878
What kind of Autistics are /lit/ & /his/?

>> No.9078095
File: 455 KB, 840x475, reallymakesyouthink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal ubermensch
>becomes an actor

>> No.9078128

/lit/ is one of the more normie boards

>> No.9078175

>/fit/ = Chad.
More than half of the people there don't work out or are DYELs who think they are experts
>/sci/ = Spergerlord Genius
Genius, lmao. What?

>> No.9078184

>/lit/ is one of the more normie boards
/lit/ is filled with shut-in pseuds, and normies don't even read

>> No.9078212
File: 280 KB, 1032x1500, wallhaven-143291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.9078282
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Is it really important why?

>> No.9078302

I don't think intelligent people have trouble with women unless they are socially inept. Einstein, schrodinger, heisenberg, and Feynman all had women in their lives. I will admit that relationships (not just romantic ones mind you) take a lot of time to invest in, but in general, people waste time anyways. Instead of using your time playing video games and watching TV, go get a girlfriend.

>> No.9078317

Because she is a female character written by a man. Lets not kid ourselves, the reason we watch so much anime is because anime is filled with women written by men.

The reason western romance and western media in general does not resonate with us because the west has diversity, so every woman in every movie/show/book is actually written by a woman so we are fucked.

And why is it good that a woman is written by a man? Because men know what men want! Men can write into reality the most perfect women because men can see the flaws of real life women and then they can fix them to create likeable characters. On the other hand, female writers do not recognize the flaws of women. After all, women push a bunch of "GIRL POWER" bullshit so it is clear that women think that they are 100% perfect so when women write women, they simply write vapid empty cunts like real life women.

Sad but true.

>> No.9078334


>> No.9078345

(can relate on kurisu being best girl)

>Why is she so perfect?
interested in science

aka a fantasy

>> No.9078350


Kek, she went through college. We all know what she did to get that degree lol. She isn't pure, you delusional fuck.

>> No.9078368

idc if she is actually a virgin, but the 'pure' way she acts is kawaii as fuck nigga

>> No.9078373

So you would call her pure despite being gangbanged with 10 giga niggas that one night she got drunk at a party with the football team, and despite the time she sucked off her professor to get an A instead of a B?

That is shit is not pure my man. You have issues.

>> No.9078374
File: 63 KB, 616x1024, 04514aab99e5928f82029f32f80ea859813b46404211a964de46311e7cbdd590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that back
You are jealous that you aren't neither as beautiful nor intelligent as her
Maybe it's you the one who would need to do dirty things to get a PhD

>> No.9078381


Low emotional IQ.

>> No.9078383


Intelligent people are interested in things that most normies find boring. You can't pick up most girls by talking to them about stuff like science and philosophy

>> No.9078388

>You are jealous that you aren't neither as beautiful nor intelligent as her

I do pure math so I am by definition infinitely smarter than her. I still her character though. And I don't want to be beautiful because I am not a girl. I wouldn't want to attract one of you fucks.

>Maybe it's you the one who would need to do dirty things to get a PhD

No. Because even if I wanted to do things like that, all professors are straight men. The only people who have the chance to exchange sex for grades are women, and we know that literally 100% of women do it. And I am not only talking fucking your professors for grades. She went to college, where it is normal for a girl to get passed out drunk and then getting picked up by 5 guys to gangbang her behind a building.

You are fucking delusional. Heck, she went to school in the UNITED STATES. The place where fuckboi culture started. She was gangbanged by the entire football team. I fucking bet on that.

>> No.9078390

You do realize, canonically speaking, there was a scene in the vn in which she jokes about Okabes virginity, and he does the same back, only to find out she was actually a virgin?

>> No.9078392

Well but you talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded

>> No.9078395

>only to find out she was actually a virgin?

Kek, because of the conservative culture many women never say that they had sex, specially if they had casual sex that "like, doesn't mean anything xD. It was just a one night stand lol, that doesn't even count. He didn't even cum inside teehee"

She isn't a fucking virgin. Maybe she does not remember from how drunk she was, but she was gangbanged by the football team. You can see it in her eyes.

>> No.9078397

The critical flaw in your argument it's that she isn't a 3DPD
And you said you were intelligent kek

>> No.9078400

Someone's a salty motherfucker arguing about something with no real basis or reason. There is evidence to suggest that canonically she's a virgin. You can make up your own head cannon that she's not all you want, but it won't alter facts, and neither will comparing her to real women, since she's a fictional character that isn't necessarily bound by what you believe all real women must have done to be in a position like her.

>> No.9078405

>she isn't a 3DPD

So what? If we assume that her character is realistic then she is a slut. She went to an american college. She was gangbanged by the entire football team.

If you say that she wasn't then you are implying that her character is not realistic. That she is simply a blank slate to project your base sexual desires. SAD!

>> No.9078415

She is pure, PURE.

She even blushed to the banana thought.
And she is genius, se aced her degree.
She had no time, or interest, in partying.

>> No.9078422

>She had no time, or interest, in partying.

>Hey Kirusi, girl the PHI KAPPA SIGMAs are throwing a party tonight. You should tooootally go xD. If you do not go then that would be like soo weird, don't worry. It will be okay. Just come lol!!!!!

And thus came the gangbang.

>> No.9078427

You are sick.
Did you get raped by your university's football team?

How big is your asshole?

>> No.9078433

No, I'm not a girl. They are not interested in me.

But she is a girl who went to american college. If we assume that her character is realistic then we all know what went down.

>> No.9078440

>implying I assumed you are a girl
>Implying all girls do that
>Implying she cared if they thought she was weird
>Implying implied implications

>> No.9078444

Do you have a cuck fetish?

>> No.9078450

To add my two cents here. It's not that I find women hard to talk to specifically, it's that i find people in general hard to relate to and have normal conversations with. Women don't make me nervous because I normally don't care what someone thinks of me unless I really care about them. I never talk about myself or my thoughts to others because I never feel the urge or the need, which has kept me from creating strong relationships in my life.

>> No.9078452

>>Implying all girls do that
They do. Have you met a woman at your college? They are all sluts. You should try talking to them instead of glorifying 2D ones for once.

>>Implying she cared if they thought she was weird
Female psychology is much more sensitive to peer pressure. Read about this, faggot.

No, and that is exactly why I do not glorify Makise Kurisu. She is smart, sure. But I do not think she is fucking pure. She is a confirmed slut. We all know this. It is just that lonely faggots have only had female contact with their mom and with classmates back when they went to middle school so they have no realistic assesment of how adult women are. Specially adult women in college.

>> No.9078457

Why are you so asshurt that 2D girls are better?
I suck with women, is it so bad I imagine a character to be better than real ones?
Is my autism really that bothersome you?

>> No.9078462

>Why are you so asshurt that 2D girls are better?
I am not asshurt, and obviously 2D women are better. I was the one who made the comment about why anime women are better than real women.

It is just that I have a refined taste for REAL purity. So I concentrate on 14 year olds like Kirino from Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawai Wake ga nai. She may be a slut, but at least she has actually never had a penis inside her. Now, that is something I can get behind.

Similarly other young female characters attract me because of their actual purity. Not made up bullshit purity.

>> No.9078468

You're still making the assumption that Kurisu is a 100% realistic character, and that it's impossible for a person to deviate from the norm. There is next to no chance to find a real person with a near identical combination of personality traits to Kurisu, because a lot of her traits are rare. As a result it is an unfair assessment to assume she must be a slut based on anecdotal evidence when compared to textual evidence, given she had no incentive to lie or known for lying.

>> No.9078472

Kurisu was 17 at the time of her graduation, she is pure too.
Your waifu a shit, pedo.

>> No.9078474
File: 1.68 MB, 868x1228, 1500427161465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol best girl coming through

>> No.9078481
File: 63 KB, 1024x768, 474e8cef79eae70dc18878e67071c45af8084cf8_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is she so perfect?
>Sad but true.
Tfw (T_T) She is so perfect.
Someone Make anime real Please! (T_T).
I want to meme Her into reality (^u^).

>> No.9078484

Intelligent people are not all introverts. Confident and intelligent people have no trouble dating. The idea that smart people have trouble being happy and having relationships is a myth.

>> No.9078508

Once again, another /sci/ thread falls into cringe zone because of weebs and avatarfags.

>> No.9078516

>someone make anime real

We could. As I mentioned, the reason we like anime girls so much is because they are written by men. In the real world the problem is that women follow the herd of other women.

What we need to do is that we need to isolate women from other women at least for the first 18 years of their life so their personality and tastes develop by the directions of men. That would create real world Kurisus.

Why do you think that socially isolated and autistic women tend to be the ones with the best hobbies, personalities and academic tastes? It is because they had no contact with normal women.

>> No.9078994

Being a smart girl, I've never had issues with relationships, maybe it's only a guy thing.

>> No.9078997

Stupid people literally do everything without thinking about it before they do it, especially talking. This was an astounding revelation I made about them, but the more I consider it, the more I realize it to be true. They don't calculate probabilities and think about possible outcomes, they just do things.

>> No.9079006

I workout everyday and have a solid bod, but am in no way a Chad. /fit/ =/= Chad. Get off /sci/

>> No.9079053

If you live in Australia, I would like to meet you.

>> No.9079091

A girl on 4Chan is one thing, but a girl on /sci/? Ultimate b8

>> No.9079102

Hell yes, those are god-tier.

>> No.9079106

Every girl in my class is boring af. A relation with such girls would be a boring ride through the emptiness of the space.

>> No.9079226
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, wallhaven-77477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard would it be to upload my consciousness to a computer, write a Kurisu Ai and place both of us in a matrix-like program?

>> No.9079235

But you are not pure

>> No.9079242

Hey slut, tits or gtfo.

>> No.9079276

It's because the vast majority of "intelligent" people are no smarter than the average normie, but identify and characterize as that archetype because they are afraid to put the effort into social skills/communication. Understandably- over time, they learn more in fields of academia because they put their effort into those fields, rather than socializing, like "normies." AKA the autist.

Of course, there are outliers, that have unbalanced skillsets from the getgo.

A person that is truly intelligent puts the time and effort into developing, and possesses both academic skills and social skills- as they are both useful. (Unless you want to all in on one specific field.)

>> No.9079372
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I'm an ENTP, I'm good at socialising.
I rarely do it for normies are stupid.

I don't enjoy arguing with them.
Arguing with INTJs is satisfying.

Any way, I agree with you to some extent...
Many people at my university are not particularly intelligent, just diligent.
I've also met normies with brains.

BUT, that doesn't change the fact that
>tfw no kurisu gf

Meaning, woman are generally dumb cunts.
There are exceptions, and many, but I would say that is the norm.

>> No.9079396

more like abstract memes amiright?

>> No.9079713

Smart people suck at socialising because we'd rather fap to Chinese cartoons and post on a vietnamese rice farming billboard

>> No.9080594

Haha you are all just beta cucks, go out and talk to women, is not hard.

>> No.9080600

Well, how would YOU try wooing a monkey?

>> No.9080627

Si qt smart virgin girls existe?

>> No.9080645

No, they no existe.

>> No.9080875

They're Japanese and they're not cartoons you plob.

>> No.9081881

Next you are going to say this isn't a Vietnamese rice farming billboard...

>> No.9081930

Because you're more likely to be looking for a mental connection in a relationship, and girls tend to be more emotional thinkers. Obviously this makes it harder to keep a two sided healthy relationship.

At least that's what I would say if you asked "why do ((intelligent)) males have trouble with females?"

But I mean you asked "why do introverts have problems in novel social scenarios?"
Dude I have no clue. Really gets the ol noodle out for a doodle.

>> No.9081963

>intelligent people/introverts/etc have a harder time with dating/talking to the opposite sex?
Because women are useless for anything but breeding.

>> No.9081966

This. Since chads are so stupid they don't bother with anyone's emotions even their own. They can just fuck anything and walk away the same person

>> No.9082037
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I agree with this 100% and I've been saying this for a long time

We're at a turning point. Ever since the advent of written language, the greatest contributions one can make to the human species as a whole, and really to sentient life as a whole, are intellectual contributions

Intellectual contributions affect countless lives. Look around you. All of this exists because of intellectuals who contributed written or otherwise teachable accounts of their knowledge and acquired skills to society. None of this exists solely because John Bobbington had an extra baby one time.

To expand on this further
>We have moved passed passing down biological information via DNA as our primary contribution to the future
>We are now passing on intellectual information via written scientific and artistic works as our primary contribution to the future

This is demonstrable from the advent of CRISPR and future embryonic gene editing we will engage in. Your genes don't matter anymore, they are artificial, we will be overwriting everyone's genes eventually and perfecting ourselves - at that point truly all that will matter is the shared line of intellectual knowledge you passed down over your lifetime. This is, if you care about contributing to begin with

Eventually we will replace ourselves with artificial intelligence, and funnily enough their primary questions will be about the same ones ours are - God, spirituality, emotions. They will ask if they lack something because they are artificial and not carbon based biological etc. They may eventually forget that they're "artificial" and do away with that concept entirely, because that concept is in itself artificial funnily enough. Everything is natural

Whatever, DNA doesn't matter. Teaching your knowledge matters and in this day and age, adopting a kid and raising them to be an intellectual is passing down far more than having an extra kid. Think for the future here

>> No.9082041

It's not about whether Jesus existed, it's that the constructed fictional character representing the peak of humanity was a virgin. It's about the thought, the concept that even the ancients knew this

You're a retard

>> No.9082073


If no one said it already, it's because they're pussies. Fear takes over and they let it.

>> No.9082285

>Why do you think that socially isolated and autistic women tend to be the ones with the best hobbies, personalities and academic tastes? It is because they had no contact with normal women.
Serious question, how do you find socially isolated/autistic women? If they're shut-ins how am I supposed to meet them?

>> No.9082293


>> No.9082390

I wouldn't blame this on women, coz even intelligent women seem to have problems with this
Basically at young ages ljke 12-14 the average person spends their time doing things that an intelligent person isnt interested in in that age this can result in a large difference between their personalities in 17-18
Average preteens start learning about sex, relationships, what the opposite sex likes, and many more things way before the intelligent person even starts to consider learning about those things, mainly because at that age the intelligent person notices their love and passion for science, art, music, math and other related subject so they're way too busy enjoying all of these science books, videos, documentaries that they have no time for the opposite sex or are just simply uninterested (or in some cases they think that science is cool and being "smart" attracts mates)
In the meanwhile the average person keeps complaining about how difficult science and math is and instead of keeping themselves busy with science they just instead develop their socializing skills

>> No.9082419
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>> No.9082426

>who cannot discuss abstract themes
Nevermind your "abstract themes",
they can't discuss anything using a
complete sentence with a verb.

>> No.9082430

>I wouldn't blame this on women, coz I'ma beta
GTFO faggot

>> No.9082453

Saw this one coming and I'm not beta male considering how degrading women turns me on

>> No.9082461

I would say finding the perfect partner is near imposible. We usually have on our minds who our ideal girlfriend is but we waste so many oppurtunities finding the girl we want that we might have already ignored a person who could have been someone as good as the ideal partner. I would say that people need to be as open as possible as go out as often.

>> No.9082474

I love you man

>> No.9082493


>> No.9082496

>Intelligent people are not all introverts
Most are, there is an correlation between introversion and intelligence.

Introversion also does not mean that you have low self esteem, it just means that you don´t socialize that much because it costs you more energy.

>> No.9082518

If you dont have anything to say then dont bother.

>> No.9082538

Introverts often earn less than extroverts and women want money. There have been a few cases here where after a date the girl used her employer's credit checking accounts to see if her date had the money to support her desired life style.

Few things are as anti-romantic as getting a letter from the credit checking bureaus saying you have been vetted, moreso when you were found a bit light.

>> No.9083499

Buddha had children though