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File: 447 KB, 1200x1500, 1200px-Richard_Dawkins_Cooper_Union_Shankbone[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9065287 No.9065287 [Reply] [Original]

>One of the best authors and most influential scientists in his field
>Can't talk about him without Christians getting butthurt
>Can't talk about him without SJWs getting butthurt
>Can't even talk about his books about evolution or genetics without people getting butthurt

>> No.9065341
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>Who are you quoting, brainlet?

>> No.9065355
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>thinks green text is only used for quoting

>> No.9065363

How can anyone not find him lovable?

>> No.9065364
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evolutionist here
Dawkins and the gene centered view of evolution are a joke
after the selfish gene got BTFO by niche construction evo-devo behavioral evolution and mountains of empirical evidence and reason he pathetically tried to hold on to his autistic view by back pedaling in the extended phenotype. that was in the 90s. Then he moved on to picking easy fights with creationists and pop science. Sure he made some important contributions to the field, mostly by doing it wrong so others would do it right. His magnum opus is a well know joke in academia that only brainlet molecular bio undergrads and facebook trash like you take seriously. He is a good scientist but bought into some fucktarded explanatory reductionism.
he was influential although i still see the extended phenotype cited every once in a while.
way to oust yourself dumbo

>> No.9065370

I hear there is a shift away from thinking about the gene centered view of evolution but haven't actually read anything that counters it.

>> No.9065388

>He wrote things in the past that are now getting refuted so he is dumb
Do you expect everyone to get everything right every time? The gene centered view of evolution dominated biology for decades.

>> No.9065402
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genes are just sign vessels the represent meaning, actual evolution takes place in the interpretation of that meaning. thats the biosemiotic paradigm. which is still in its infancy so it wont be my main example, here information none the less. use sci hub if you need
https:// link.springer. com/article/ 10.1007 / s12304 - 010 - 9087 -8
this is a recent protosynthesis that will serve as a good starting point pic related

>> No.9065405



>> No.9065406

>transgenerational epigenetics

>> No.9065409

apparently Islam, the idea, can now be insulted. I don't agree that ideas are capable of being insulted and I don't think people should be de-plat formed for criticizing ideas.

IMHO Islam is fair game for criticism, and it deserves criticism, just like the rest of the Abrahamic religions.

>> No.9065411

search google
fucking spam filter
Evolutionary Biosemiotics and Multilevel Construction Networks

Towards an Evolutionary Biosemiotics: Semiotic Selection and Semiotic Co-option

no i think Dawkins is extremely smart. following his dogma is not

>The gene centered view of evolution dominated biology for decades.
i know he did to biology what desecrates did to the philosophy of the mind
its a conceptual pest

>> No.9065419

>it's a conceptual pest
But it was a very helpful way to think about evolution. Things like sexual selection, transgenetic material, non coding DNA, ect were really hard to understand since in many cases they HURT the organism. But when you think of every gene as it's own player than it makes sense.

>> No.9065423

fucking roasted, holy shit

>> No.9065431

>>One of the best authors and most influential scientists in his field

>> No.9065437

>thinking genes are the only biological sign capable of transferring meaning

>> No.9065447

But he is. This is a fact.

>> No.9065507
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Dawkins BTFO

>> No.9065534

>Can't talk about him without SJWs getting a feminine boner

>> No.9065541
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Dawkins: Christianity is bullshit.
SJW: Haha yeah, get 'em!
Dawkins: Islam is bullshit.
SJW: H-hold on a second.

>> No.9065546

this brainlet who didn't believe in population genetics btfod absolutely no one

>> No.9065554

>gets some mudslimes angry once
>therefore he a gud boi
If you actually knew SJWs, you would know how irrelevant that is. SJWs cry over each others on a daily basis.

>> No.9065563

>Dawkins: Christianity is bullshit.
not an argument
>SJW: Haha yeah, get 'em!
just a circle jerk

>> No.9065571

That's missing the point of Mayr's contribution completely.

>> No.9065586

>behold, I have defined species
>that's nice, could you please take it to the stamp club we are trying to make biology into a respectable science here

>> No.9065591


>> No.9065602

What is up with academics taking an interesting theory and trampelling the life out of it so that no one can understand it anymore not even themselves?

>> No.9065603

Some of my professors have met him. Most agree that, while smart, it's incredibly arrogant and almost unsupportable.

>> No.9065628

Science becomes complicated as it advances.

>> No.9065666

Samefag is obvious

>> No.9065671

He is definitely one of the most influential evolutionary biologists of all time. You being a butthurt Christian or hipster doesn't change that

>> No.9065678

Except they hate him you retard

>> No.9065684

Nope, you can't ever insult Islam. Dawkins has never supported SJWs and they hate him.

>> No.9066024


>> No.9066291

>40 year model gets updated
>This means Richard Dawkins is BTFO
You retards don't understand how science works.

>> No.9066298

Richard Dawkins isn't a scientist anymore, he's an advocate for atheism

>> No.9066427

But he still does science. One is a job and one is a hobby. Also don't act like shitting on Islam is a bad thing

>> No.9066428
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>> No.9066434

But the gene centered view is still valid in a lot of ways

>> No.9066436

>influential evolutionary biologists

Influencing children counts for nothing, mate.

>> No.9066444

Dawkins is a major hypocrite, he uses the same rhetoric for atheism that Christian/Islam fundamentalists do for their ideology

>> No.9066446

Sociology and evolutionary genetics aren't for children. You are the only underage here faggot

>> No.9066486

>One of the best authors and most influential scientists in his field
I'm sorry, what? He was barely even a scientist. Currently he is definitely not one. He wrote some popsci books on other people's work and has since stopped doing anything except advocating atheism and being fuel for retard militant atheists and le atheism neckbeards. He likely makes a living off of getting paid to go to events and such.

>> No.9066487

seolhyunnie <3

>> No.9066493
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>>Can't talk about him without Christians getting butthurt

Dude, everything Dawkins says on the subject is either strawmanning, namecalling, or circle jerking his own side. Many atheists find him incredibly autistic and annoying.

He's a laughing stock and an embarrassment to STEM. Just forget about him.

>> No.9066504

>>One of the best authors and most influential scientists in his field


>Dawkins, R. (1968). "The ontogeny of a pecking preference in domestic chicks". Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie. 25 (2): 170–186. PMID 5684149. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.1968.tb00011.x.
>Dawkins, R. (1969). "Bees Are Easily Distracted". Science. 165 (3895): 751–751. Bibcode:1969Sci...165..751D. PMID 17742255. doi:10.1126/science.165.3895.751.
>Brockmann, H.J.; Dawkins, R.; Grafen A. (1979). "Joint nesting in a digger wasp as an evolutionarily stable preadaptation to social life". Behaviour. London: Academic Press. 71 (3): 203–244. doi:10.1163/156853979X00179.
>Dawkins, Richard; Brockmann, H.J.; Grafen, A. (1979). "Evolutionarily stable nesting strategy in a digger wasp". Journal of Theoretical Biology. 77 (4): 473–496. PMID 491692. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(79)90021-3.
>Dawkins, Richard; Brockmann, H.J. (1980). "Do digger wasps commit the concorde fallacy?". Animal Behaviour. 28 (3): 892–896. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(80)80149-7.
>Dawkins, R.; Holliday, Robin (August 1997). "Religion and Science". BioEssays. 19 (8): 743–743. doi:10.1002/bies.950190817.
>Dawkins, R. (1997). "The Pope's message on evolution: Obscurantism to the rescue". The Quarterly Review of Biology. 72 (4): 397–399. doi:10.1086/419951.
>Dawkins, R. (1998). "Postmodernism Disrobed". Nature. 394 (6689): 141–143. Bibcode:1998Natur.394..141D. doi:10.1038/28089.
>Dawkins, R. (1998). "Arresting evidence". The Sciences. 38 (6): 20–5. PMID 11657757. doi:10.1002/j.2326-1951.1998.tb03673.x.
>Dawkins, R. (2000). "W. D. Hamilton memorial". Nature. 405 (6788): 733. doi:10.1038/35015793.
>Dawkins, R. (2002). "Should doctors be Darwinian?". Transactions of the Medical Society of London. 119: 15–30. PMID 17184029.
>Dawkins, R. (2004). "Viruses of the mind". In Warburton, N. Philosophy: Basic Readings. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-33798-4.


>> No.9066517

Science becomes more inaccurate and overly complex as it advances and the bad ideas are filtered out. A lot of what's on that graph is conjecture.

>> No.9066531
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perfect post

>> No.9066532

But he's right. Theology is like woman's studies and doesn't belong in a university.
>He's an embarrassment to STEM because he makes fun of christianity which has nothing to do with his scientific work
You are a butthurt christcuck.

>> No.9066536

You can make Charles Darwin seem not very influential when you act like a faggot.

>> No.9066584
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He spent the last 3 decades (30 years) debating against a position he knows literally nothing about. Do I even need to say how inane that is?
>But he says everything I want to hear...
You are the reason the fedora meme exists.

Go watch Dawkins speak about Islam, it's shallow as fuck based on a hand full of things he has heard secondhand. Then go watch Acts17Apologetics debunk Islam, it's all based on extensive arguments from the Islamic sources. It's night and day.

It's not what he's arguing, but how he's arguing it that makes him a joke.

>> No.9066630

>he knows nothing about
You mean you are a butthurt Christfag. He knows Religion is illogical. You don't have to know specific bible versus to know faith is retarded and islam is cancer.
>But he says everything I want to hear
Nice strawman retard. Either way this has nothing to do with his scientific accomplishments and everything to do with you being butthurt he isn't worshipping your kike on a stick.
>Watch him talk about Islam
I have. He knows the shit Islam pulls and doesn't bother arguing specific passages because that doesn't matter.

>> No.9066636

He's a retarded Christfag who went from being an atheist to a Christian for illogical reasons. You are probably also a retarded Christfag.

>> No.9066644

>They don't believe in science
This isn't a strawman. If you are a creationist it is because you really don't undertand how science works. This is just like how someone who doesn't know 2 times 3 is 6 doesn't understand Math.

>> No.9066651
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Autism speaks

>> No.9066664

>Humans evolved from apes, just like all other animals evolved.
>There is solid evidence

>> No.9066667

>>>One of the best authors and most influential scientists in his field
>>One of the most influential scientists in his field

>> No.9066717

>after the selfish gene got BTFO by niche construction evo-devo behavioral evolution
From Wiki:
>Niche construction remains controversial.[2] Skeptics assert that aspects of niche construction theory (NCT) have been investigated for many decades before the term originated and the same predictions can be derived from standard evolutionary theory (modern synthesis).[14] They also argue that niche construction is not a distinct evolutionary process.

So, you're full of shit.

>> No.9066733
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>evolutionist here
>not Biology Major

wew lad

>> No.9066734

>Dawkins has never supported SJWs
He supports """mild""" pedophilia just like them and owns a "we wuz all kangz and sheeit" t-shirt.

>> No.9066735

>You mean you are a butthurt Christfag. He knows Religion is illogical. You don't have to know specific bible versus to know faith is retarded and islam is cancer.
That isn't a valid counter-argument. Strawman-arguments and ad-hominems do not make your point any truer. If you are going to have a discussion about a specific religion, it's retarded to spout irrelevant non-arguments if you wanted to have the discussion in the first place.
>But he says everything I want to hear
>Nice strawman retard. Either way this has nothing to do with his scientific accomplishments and everything to do with you being butthurt he isn't worshipping your kike on a stick
Oh, the irony.
>I have. He knows the shit Islam pulls and doesn't bother arguing specific passages because that doesn't matter.
Going back to the SJW thing, people are usually able to provide arguments against why women studies should not be considered a valid part of academia, people don't simply dismiss everything, you take claims and provide counter-arguments. By being autistic, you aren't (ironically) any better than an SJW who ignores arguments because they disagree with them since they are "bullshit."

>> No.9066739

I don't think you comprehend what "logic" is. Almost anything can be logical, although a lot of logical things can also be irrational and faulty.

>If strawberries are fruit, and strawberries are red, then therefore, all fruits are red.
This is still a logical statement, even if it is untrue. At least try to seem semi-intelligent went using words.

>> No.9066741


>> No.9066745

>makes a logical fallacy
>claims it is logical


>> No.9066748

I should amend this with
>if x is y
>and x is z
>then y is z

That's basically what you said and it is a logical fallacy.

>> No.9066854

If it's not logical then why is it called a logical fallacy?

>> No.9066855

>Can't talk about him without scientists getting butthurt because he's a pseudo-intellectual joke.

>> No.9066857

fucking brainlet with your logical fallacy.

Piss off

>> No.9067302

>biology major
I never went to college.
Evolutionist is the proper term for someone dedicated to the study of evolution

>> No.9067306

>says I'm full of shit
>argues using Wikipedia
>doesn't even take the time to read the literature cited in Wikipedia
Come back with something substantive

>> No.9067317
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>If strawberries are fruit, and strawberries are red, then therefore, all fruits are red.
>This is still a logical statement, even if it is untrue. At least try to seem semi-intelligent went using words.

Fucking pseuds on this board.

>> No.9067444

Not an argument Christfag.

>> No.9067449

He is a brilliant scientist who is philosophically narrow-minded. That's all there is to it.

>> No.9067452

He defended a minister which an SJW would never do.
>None of this post explains why he is a bad scientist
>It's just an anon being mad that someone is shitting on theology which deserves to be shit on

>> No.9067457

Why is that? Because he hurt your feelings?

>> No.9067459
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>I never went to college
>But I studied evolution
Thanks for being a namefag so I know everything that comes from you is retarded.

>> No.9067462

>Never went to college
>Yet calls himself an "evolutionist"
>Everything he said is bullshit
Come back when you know what you are talking about.

>> No.9067535
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Well I fell for the gap year meme.
I've studied evolution since before I hit puberty. I spend around 5 hours a day studying, ecology and evolution I'm particularly intrested in Eco-evolutionary dynamics, behavioral evolution, and the like micro evolution has been relatively neglected by me. I'm extremely interested in emergence, complexity, synergy, adaptive behavior, networks, systems can sometimes be useful but i prefer to think in general properties rather than models. My intrests and knowlege in ecology and biodiversity are tldr. I am very into biosemiotics and the philsophy of life. My range of interests would embarrass an encyclopedia. I am a self taught generalist, my interests in macrobiology are the deepest.
I am not a researcher apart from hobby field biology.
This makes me no less of a scientist.
Here is a quote from Charles Sanders pierce, for me it is serendipity, as it describes a concept which I have constructed independently, and spent a great deal of time philosophizing about. Pic related. I research scientific facts using informal logic. I have a personality disorder characterized by detachment of my mind from experience and have internalized my interaction with the world. It is hard.

You indoctrinated fools are a shitstain on academia. If I could skip undergraduate school and your like I might partake. for now I am trying to become worthy of publishing on my own. It is hard

>> No.9067572

>i never went to college but I am totally the equivalent to a masters degree
Yeah anon, and I study science 6 hours a day because I browse /sci/. If you actually knew your shit you would easily get a degree then.

>> No.9067614
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since you called me out let me tell ya something
I skimmed the cited "skeptic" and was less than not impressed, I will not respond to it however as it is not worth my time.
>the same predictions can be derived from standard evolutionary theory (modern synthesis
For kwick btfo see
>They also argue that niche construction is not a distinct evolutionary process.
It's not, I never said it was. I don't even subscribe to niche construction. If you where paying attention I was explaining what happened to Dawkins, not my own beliefs. I tried to tell you what I'm about here>>9065411
Further I have my own ideas
I believe biosemiosis is the general property of life at every scale of analysis.
I belive life is a single abstract entity that manifests itself in matter through meaning held in sign vessels.
I call it biosemiotic vitalism and you may hear about it if I overcome my mental illness and substance abuse hobbies. Assuming it would work out, I'm not saying I have answers but a hypothesis and a soild rational.

>> No.9067650
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It isn't easy, I have never finished a major commitment in my life. As a lifelong biologist, my world is ripe with grief. What I do connect to, life, melts away from me.
>The literal meaning of the term "schizoid" is "split type". In line with this, the schizoid character has the tendency to cleave the unitary functioning of the personality. This means that thinking tends to be dissociated from feeling. So what the schizoid thinks seems to have little apparent connection with how he feels or behaves. As a consequence, the contact of the individual with his own body and its feelings is greatly diminished.[15]
I never said I have the equivalent of a masters degree. I said I would like to skip undergraduate school because people like you creep me out.
And I read scientific literature.

>> No.9067667

>As a biologist
>Never went to college
>But calls himself a biologist
This is bait.

>> No.9067680

Sorry about this guys, I was just trolling.

>> No.9067792
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Neither was that wall of autistic screeching.

>what I don't like is illogical
>you don't need facts to call it cancer
>he has an opinion different from mine, therefore he's retarded, illogical and all his arguments are to be disregarded

>> No.9067827

fuck off

>> No.9067838

Atleast change your name to retard god if you want to false flag

>> No.9067866

>You don't need facts to call Islam cancer
It grows like a cancer and it is deadly like one. I bet you are mad that you can't chop off my head for insulting Islam.

>> No.9067870

I'm sorry for ruining a thread with my shitty namefaggotry and attention whoring. I wont stop but just know I do it because I need attention.

>> No.9067891
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>All this theist butthurt
What does this have to do with Richard Dawkins being a good scientist or writer? I wont call Einstein a bad scientist because he was religious, so why must Christfags get mad at Dawkins for being an atheist outside of his scientific career?

>> No.9067903

What is that plastic faced abomination?

>> No.9067919

are you talking about this thread or in general? It seems to me you're using 'hurr christians' as a strawman

>> No.9067921

No, Straws look like dicks and that turns me on.

>> No.9067927

Nope. The point of the thread was to ignore religion but idiots keep bringing up his religious beliefs for no reason other than because it upsets them. One anon brought up an alternate way of looking at natural selection but it isn't as supported or defined as the Gene centric view of evolution. Even then alternate models don't make the past model useless.

>> No.9067930

meant for>>9067919

>> No.9068048

>muh christfag boogieman

Maybe, just maybe, people hate dawkins because he just sucks.

>> No.9068065

>but idiots keep bringing up his religious beliefs for no reason other than because it upsets them

The only reason Dawkins is even noteworthy [math]IS[/math] because of his religious beliefs. That's why he's famous and other popsci writers like Brian Greene aren't.

>> No.9068099

The gene centric veiw of evolution is just plain silly.
Only a molecular biologist would think that genes are the only biological code capable of transferring heritable traits.
all genes do is represent meaning
Meaning is what is being selected, behavoir is the primary capacitor, and DNA is just one of many signifiers. Such as ecological interactions, niche construction, language, and many more.
The problem is you are all using the old guard paradigm that makes this way too complicated.
This makes more sense

>> No.9068107

I would actually appreciate if you have me no attention at all. As you haven't said anything interesting. You are 100% cringe and need to gb2/b/
Go start a flame war on a dumbo board.

>> No.9068243

>He sucks
At what? Not biology clearly and when the only argument against him is that you don't like what he says about religion that it's pretty safe to assume they are just a butthurt christian.

>> No.9068245

>I am an underage faggot who has never heard of The Selfish gene or knows that he literally invented the word meme.

>> No.9068248

Give me another biological molecule besides DNA and RNA that is heritable.

>> No.9068340

Why am I arguing with myself?

>> No.9068535

>1. One of the greatest challenges to the human intellect has been to explain how the complex, improbable appearance of design in the universe arises.
>i am very smart
>2. The natural temptation is to attribute the appearance of design to actual design itself.
>you are stupid
>3. The temptation is a false one because the designer hypothesis immediately raises the larger problem of who designed the designer.
Fallacy fallacy. The implication of question begging doesn't imply anything is false. It can't be inferred from the necessity of a designer that there is no designer.
>4. The most ingenious and powerful explanation is Darwinian evolution by natural selection.
False dichotomy red herring. The truth value of Darwinian evolution is irrelevant to God's existence. (Interesting quote: "I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science." - Charles Darwin)
>5. We don’t have an equivalent explanation for physics.
lolwut irrelevant
>6. We should 'not give up'(appeal to emotion) the hope(appeal to emotion) of a 'better explanation'(ad hominem) arising in physics(false attribution, appeal to authority), something as powerful(appeal to emotion) as 'Darwinism is for biology'(association fallacy).
The appeals to emotion are implying not to give up the hope that God doesn't exist, and that science is powerful, i.e. a sufficient replacement. The ad hominem is implying God isn't a sufficient explanation. The false attribution is to physics, which doesn't necessarily agree. The appeal to authority is to himself, which is a fallacy when used to imply a truth claim, e.g. 'It is true that [conclusion].' The association fallacy is implying that because physics and biology are both sciences, and because Darwinism is a "powerful," better explanation for biology, so too will a "powerful," better explanation arise in physics.
>7. Therefore, God almost certainly does not exist.
This does not follow from the "premises."

Dawkins is a fucking idiot.

>> No.9068558

This has nothing to do with his ability as a scientist and everything to do with you being an angry theist. The OP specifically excludes religious belief because that so easily triggers people and yet you can't do anything but bring it up.

>> No.9068562

>Misusing a quote from Darwin
Kill yourself Tripfag.

>> No.9068710

all of an organisms mitochondria are decended from the maternal egg cell (therefore some protiens are inherited as well)

>> No.9068724

>He wrote the only science book I own so he's great

>> No.9068729
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>open his "science" book
>not a single line of math

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.9068804

>>You don't need facts to <assert muh opinion as truth>

You really should take some autism meds.

>> No.9068871

I own a lot of science books. He is one of the best biology authors and is definitely the most influential.

>> No.9068872

>Don't need facts
It's a FACT that islam is destructive.

>> No.9068874

And DNA codes those proteins anon.

>> No.9068879

He wrote one real science book (The Extended Phenotype) and it pretty shittily written.

>> No.9068880

The Selfish Gene and The Ancestors Tale are both great books. The Selfish Gene is one of the most influential books in biology to be published in 100 years. If you asked a group of biologists to name the top 5 most influential books The Selfish Gene would almost certainly be in there.

>> No.9068883

Niche Construction Theory was based on work popularized by Dawkins in his famous book "the Extended Phenotype". You are so ignorant it's amazing.

>> No.9068902

>group of biologists

Try asking some real scientists instead of med school drop outs.

>> No.9068904

Not an argument retard.

>> No.9068908

>thinks banter is an argument

Hows middle school debate club?

>> No.9068909
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Now it's Islam too. His interview on some radio station got cancelled because they decided he said inflammatory things against Islam.

>> No.9068911

I didn't say it was, in fact I said it wasn't.

>> No.9068922

As I grow older Islam worries me more and more. The reason Christianity mellowed out is because of criticism from a more liberal society. But this isn't the case with Islam. Islam is more extreme than Christianity ever was and the Liberal society that stands completely against Islams oppressive nature in practice somehow completely defends Islamds Anti-Liberal practices. It's even illegal in many Western European countries to insult Islam. Is it is not stopped Islam will surely be the end of the free world as we know it.

>> No.9068924

>evolutionist here
Science-hating christian here.

Here's your reply.

>> No.9068928
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I've met enough Arabs who came to the US specifically to escape their Muslim parents before they revealed that they no longer believed to bolster my hopes.

I think the main reason they come here is to escape the controlling conditions which scare people who see through Islam into keeping quiet.

The more Arabic ex-Muslims there are, the more the SJW narrative that 100% of opposition to Islam is motivated by white racism falls apart. They have absolutely no provision in their strategies for "PoC" ex-Muslims attacking Islam.

We need to put those people front and center under a spotlight with as many cameras on them as possible. Only they can mount an effective grass roots challenge to Islam that won't be shut down by accusations of racism

>> No.9068945

Dawkins didn't get deplatformed over his comments on Islam. The only reason he had a platform in the first place was because he fitted the media's narrative against Christianity. Now that nobody is talking about Christianity, the media has no use for him and he went back to being a literal who.

Bill Nye The Sex Junk Guy and Black Science Dude are the new useful idiots for the media to shill.

>inB4 butthurt white cisgender heteronormative retards claim Black Science Dude isn't the greatest physicist who has ever lived.

>> No.9068959

>They didnt do it because of their Islam. Islam is the religion of peace. Stop being racist!

>> No.9068976

Show me an example then, because i've seen some of his stuff and while, he's completely insufferable and self-righteous, he's not using the
>because god said so, read his 2000-years old fanfic mangled by dozens of generations of translators

>> No.9068980
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>>mangled by dozens of generations of translators
>using "The Da Vinci Code" as actual history

Holy shit you're autistic.

>> No.9069011

What, you don't think translating it into lots of different languages by lots of different christian flavours is going to change the contents a bit ?
I may be autistic but you're the village idiot here, kiddo.

>> No.9069028

I can taste the fedoras in this thread.

>> No.9069386

i mentioned the extended phenotype in that post you replied to
you one mark ass nigga you know

>> No.9069425

>Give me another biological molecule besides DNA and RNA that is heritable.

That has nothing to do with what i am saying.
read what i linked
It is meaning that is being selected

its abstract

>> No.9069511

>Dawkins didn't get deplatformed over his comments on Islam
Yes he did you idiot. That is literally the reason they said they deplatformed him.

>> No.9069513

>No argument
Thanks for proving OP right.

>> No.9069515

How can someone get BTFO when the new model is based on his old work you massive retard? You don't know a thing of what you are talking about.

>> No.9069834

Can't post a Richard Dawkins thread without mentioning he's antichristian

Realize this is what he built his career with.

>> No.9069868

Theology is pretty important for understanding history and literature. There's no harm in informing people about historically significant movements of thought.

>> No.9069872

He built his career with The Selfish Gene anon.

>> No.9069894

>If you are a creationist you just don't understand science how science works.

How science works
> welcome to grade school everything in this book we give you is true and tested also peer reviewed
>there are a spectrum of genders
>there is no god
>morality is relative but don't be an evil Christian
> gravity is the answer to hard questions with no proof because
>if it can't be counted or weighed or measured, it doesn't exist, unless its in space then It probably exists even though space doesn't exist .

>> No.9069939

>there are a spectrum of genders
>there is no god
>morality is relative but don't be an evil Christian
What school did you go to? Oh wait you were home schooled and that is what your parents told you school was like.

>> No.9069968
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>>No argument

But the lel translation of a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation meme is from the da vinci code.

The majority of translations are Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic -> English or Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic -> Latin (Vulgate) -> English. All this takes to find is a 5 second look on Wikipedia:

>"skeptical" Dawkins fanbois will believe anything they want to hear

>> No.9070001
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just gonna leave this here

>> No.9070025

What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.9070033

>Another butthurt Christian bringing up religion for no reason

>> No.9070073

Dumbass I went to public chop and college and learned all that sci do bullshit.

It's a tricky thing discerning science for what it is if you have no stomach for philosophy.

Most so called scientists are materialists and limited themselves to mathematics to claim they have explanations for the world when not everything can even be quantified.

That's the illusion of scientism

>> No.9070076

Christians literally antagonized in the OP

Hurt why do christians always not like how we straw man them.

>> No.9070081

fuck him

>> No.9070097

Why has nobody posted this yet?
Dawkins is the father of all memes.


>> No.9070101

>states bullshit
>gets butthurt when it gets called out

Oh the irony

>> No.9070105

Have you seen his RT interview? Trump makes him more angry than religion.

>> No.9070117

>W-Why don't scientists believe in MAGIC

>> No.9070118

You are a retard. See >>9068883

>> No.9070119

>OP specifically talks about him scientifically and mentions how Christians get butthurt for reasons not related to science
>Christians come into the thread and get butthurt for reasons not related to science
Like clockwork. Go take your kike worship somewhere else, this is a science board.

>> No.9070124

That would make sense. He doesn't believe in climate change and thinks Vaccines cause autism.

>> No.9070128

Jesus Christ when did the Christcucks invade /sci/? This is a science board for fuck sake.

>> No.9070143

>Can't talk about him without Christians getting butthurt
Called it.

>> No.9070151
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Challenger appears.

>> No.9070160

Tyson isn't the best scientist ever but he doesn't deserve the hate he gets. Hipsters can't stand a decent scientist getting really popular.

>> No.9070190

>not being apart of the fedora circle jerk makes you a Christcuck

>>>/reddit/ is that way, take your meme scientist with you

>> No.9070191

>most influential scientists in his field [citation needed]

>> No.9070193

>Tyson isn't the best scientist ever

Tyson isn't a scientist at all. He runs light shows for children at a planetarium. He's below highschool science teachers.

>> No.9070209


Why do people like this guy? Like, at all? I've tried watching some of his shows, he's a mumbling idiot who trips over his own anecdotes and can't seem to understand half the things he tries to "explain", am I missing something or is he one of those idiots who are "famous for being famous"?

>> No.9070231

lol, so you're a foreveralone schizoid nutcase with no degree trying to break into the field of biology.

Have fun.

>> No.9070298
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Not sure. you just got BTFO though

>Niche construction has a superficial similarity to Richard Dawkins’ (1982) concept of the ‘extended phenotype’, although in practice the latter is a narrower concept. For Dawkins, extended phenotypes are adaptations expressed outside of the body of the individual whose genes underlie a constructing trait. Clearly, there is overlap between these concepts; for instance, animal artifacts are both examples of niche construction and extended phenotypes. However, there are at least three important differences.

btw i ave made my respect for Dawkins contribution clear ITT, acknowledging the extended phenotype in particular. I was simply being inflammatory in my OP. Now read up dumbo.

>> No.9070311

.evolutionist is the proper term for someone who studies evolution you fucking muggle

>> No.9070675

I'm retarded.

>> No.9070682

Niche construction is an unpopular and unfinished model based on work in part by Dawkins. No one got BTFO but you idiot.

>> No.9070684

It popularized the now dominate model used in evolutionary biology. It is the most influential book on evolution not written by Darwin.

>> No.9070738

Dawkins didn't invent those theories he simply reported on them.

>> No.9070750

>one of the best authors
Stopped reading there

>> No.9070873

But it's a fact.

>> No.9070889
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>can't get over the truth that your childhood idol isn't anywhere near as impressive as you once thought

Get over it. All us old fags have already gotten over bill nye.

>> No.9070946

You keep saying shit without backing it up. The Selfish gene is considered to be one of the most influential books in all of biology. Your shitposting wont make that not a fact.

>> No.9070963

>Comparing someone that doesn't even have a degree in science with someone who introduced the modern view of evolution to the world

>> No.9070986

Said no-one ever. Fag harder, jizzknuckles.

>> No.9071009

>is considered to be one of the most influential books in all of biology

Stop and think about what that says about the field of biology and not about Dawkins. Nobody counts "A Brief History of Time" as one of the most influential books in all of astrophysics. Real textbooks and monographs fill that space like MTW.

>> No.9071021
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>having a degree makes you a scientist
lel. What has he done in the last 20 years? Nuffin

If he spent all the energy he does on being autistic on something useful, he could have cured cancer or otherwise advanced humanity. What a waste.

>> No.9071038

Because SJWs love people who believe in racial differences don't they?

>> No.9071051
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>Sociology [isn't] for children

You mean Cultural Marxism Indoctrination Departments? Of course they are for children. BAMN loves to abduct teenagers from their parents and take them across state lines into their collectivist homes so they can brainwash them without outside influences and reality checks. It's harder when they are in college and once they've worked their first full time job, it's too late to recruit them into antifa affiliates.

>> No.9071109

Harry Potter is one of the most influential series of all time. Doesn't make the books or author good.

>> No.9071460

I already told you that I support an even more unpopular and unknown view you ass. Biosemiotic evolution. Niche construction is little more than a useful heuristic IMHO. One of many examples I gave of evolution taking place beyond the genetic scale.
Also you have no argument

>> No.9071469

>lol, so you're a foreveralone schizoid nutcase
I'm no nutcase. Forever alone is accurate because others people's company doesn't fulfill me. I cant even cum inside your mom because there just aren't emotions fueling my boner. Many great intellectuals have schizoid characteristics, even more homeless people.
I plan on going back to school because I have to climb the acedemic corporate ladder, in the mean time I study science for fun like I have since I was able to pick the book my mother read to me.

>> No.9071477

Migration from reddit has been incredibly detrimental to the quality of this site.
What is the point of this thread?

>> No.9071484

>cultural Marxism
WEW lad
Here let this lib socialist professor brainwash you
Noam Chomsky - The Educational System: http://youtu.be/tgXZuGIMuwQ

You talks about the indoctrination of STEM students

>> No.9071934

>Nobody counts A brief history of time
But many people would count The Selfish gene. If you google "most influential books in science" the Selfish gene comes up pretty much every time. It is responsible for why the modern view of evolution is dominate.

>> No.9071936

>I have no argument
The argument is that it didn't blow anything out since it is still an obscure and unfinished model you idiot.

>> No.9071941

Having a degree in science, having dozens of different scientific works, being a science professor, writing science literature.

>> No.9071943

Actually they did. It is why he is being deplatformed at multiple places.

>> No.9072050

>>cultural Marxism
>WEW lad

It literally is.

>> No.9072169

>If you google "most influential books in science"

... you'll get a lot of popsci garbage like:
>1. and 2. The Voyage of the Beagle (1845) and The Origin of Species (1859) by Charles Darwin [tie]
>4. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei (1632)
>8. Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein (1916)
>9. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (1976)
>10. One Two Three . . . Infinity by George Gamow (1947)
>12. What Is Life? by Erwin Schrödinger (1944)
>15. The First Three Minutes by Steven Weinberg (1977)
>18. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks (1985)
>21. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male by Alfred C. Kinsey et al. (1948)

>> No.9072393

i dont even into NCT.
i admit and have admitted that what i said in the op was historically inaccurate. The part about dawkins getting BTFO is true.

This is the dogma im subscribing to
Sharov, A., Maran, T. & Tonnessen, M. Biosemiotics (2016) 9: 1.
Comprehending the Semiosis of Evolution

>> No.9072395

prove it

>> No.9072423

But he didn't get BTFO. His view is still the dominate one.
How come all the retards that spout the newfag term pop sci know nothing about science?

>> No.9072477 [DELETED] 

>How come all the retards that spout the newfag term pop sci know nothing about science?

Most of those books are meme.

>> No.9072482

>How come all the retards that spout the newfag term pop sci know nothing about science?

Most of those books are memes.

>> No.9072516

Those books are popsci.

Einstein wrote "Relativity: The Special and General Theory" for normie idiots. The real influential works are in "The Principle of Relativity: A Collection of Original Papers on the Special and General Theories of Relativity".
Weinberg's "The First Three Minutes" is obviously popsci, his "Cosmology" actually contributed to the field with original work.
Schrödinger's "Statistical Thermodynamics" has influenced far more scientists than "what is life?" ever will.
"Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" is just famous, not great nor influential.

>> No.9072576

>"gene centered" view of evolution

all evolution is gene centered because genes are the only biomechanical way through which evolution is performed.

This "semiotics" thing you talk about seems closer to phisoloph and redefining concepts regarding what we think as life. Which is completely fucking pointless because are those definitions are man made and therefore meaningless.

>genes are just sign vessels the represent meaning, actual evolution takes place in the interpretation of that meaning.

Jesus fucking christ. Evolution is merely the process in which genes change through time. It has not objective or redefinable meaning, no real concept behind it. It's a word to describe a process.

Philosophists need to hang from a tree

>> No.9072654

He invented memes you underage faggot

>> No.9072662

>he invented a word

Who gives a shit.

>> No.9072713

you're either stupid/trolling/ignorant because dawkins has literally said this himself

>> No.9072725

By your logic On The Origin of Species is pop sci because non biologists could read it

>> No.9072753


>> No.9072794

He invented a term and introduced a new branch of sociology you ignorant newfag

>> No.9072927

>He invented a term
>and introduced a new branch of sociology >>>/soc/

Why is this thread here?

>> No.9072930

>/soc/ is a sociology board
At this point you are pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9072933

Sorry, >>>/leftypol/

>> No.9072939

This isn't 8ch. Also communists hate biology.

>> No.9073008

brainlet confirmed
science was constructed with philosophy
science is understood by philosophy(or it isn't understood)
>Which is completely fucking pointless because are those definitions are man made and therefore meaningless.
wew lad
>all evolution is gene centered because genes are the only biomechanical way through which evolution is performed.
explain language using the gen centered view of evolution
This "semiotics" thing you talk about seems closer to phisoloph and redefining concepts regarding what we think as life
read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18365164
> It has not objective or redefinable meaning,
>It's a word
so it has a meaning
> to describe a process.
so its a concept
>concepts regarding what we think as life.
Its called theoretical biology

its obvious you are in highschool. dont waste your time with science. Its not for you. Try philosophy first. Unless you are literally the master troll
> His view is still the dominate one.
and Donald trump is POTUS
science education lags far behind science

>> No.9073022

>sociology is biology


>> No.9073030

it is. Nowadays sociology is an ecologists job

>> No.9073132

You say that as if Niche Construction Theory isn't in it's infancy.

>> No.9073305

as an actual evo. bio student, you're full of so much shit. go read some more famalam

>> No.9073338

that meme even extends outside of his relevant fields lol, I tend to view him as an overly passionate yet important figure that reminds the public they are by and large mongoloids and tampon lickers

>> No.9073345
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idk if i should give you the benefit of the doubt or not, thanks regardless bc i need a good lol and this did it

>> No.9073355

anon I am you except my interests lie in physics, math, and CS in particular cosmology. I actually finally just said fuck it when i was 26 and got my undergrad and am now in grad school. It did suck to a large degree however I was capable of taking credits year round so I managed my undergrad in 5 semesters.

>> No.9073535

>evolutionist here

>> No.9073545

That post had nothing to do with NCT
If you're going to call me out at least give specifics. I'm aware I have large gaps in my knowledge, but you pointing them out would be helpful.
What do you know about Biosemiotics? That's what I'm going off of here.
Sup, I'm 21 and about to break down and go to school. I just wish there was no corporate ladder in acedemia and it was merit based with libertarian access at every scale as long as you can show someone with tenure you know what you are talking about. Anarchy would be easy in acedemia, no pay wall, ivory tower, or publishing mafia. Whatever, I want to travel first but don't know if I should just bite the bullet now.

>> No.9073547

Problem ?

>> No.9073908

>communists hate biology
Kek. Because if you think historical materialism is the most effective methodology and aren't convinced by the idea that genetic traits shared in common across races are the ultimate driving force of history and its cyclical crises, you must "hate biology." Biology is far more complex than /pol/ popsci makes it out to be.
Unless of course by "communists" you actually mean poststructuralists - in which case you'd be right, although they're fundamentally anti-communist in terms of methodology.

>> No.9073922
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>commies dindu nuffin

Typical lying commie.

>> No.9073940

You try to argue that NCT is somehow the new thing when in reality it is a barely mentioned and unfinished model that wont be ready to replace anything for at least another 20 years.

>> No.9073943

Look up the history of communism and genetics. Millions of people starved because they didn't want to accept genetics and instead use some retarded feel good explanation for how biology worked.

>> No.9074002

Not an argument.

I love how you assume that despite discussing the matter at such a sophisticated level, I've simply never heard of lysenkoism. More strange still is how you seem to imply lysenkoism is a natural outgrowth of communist theory rather than a departure from it. No doubt due to some ridiculous "communism holds there are no inherent differences between people" strawman and a failure to see evolution by natural/artificial selection as basically the canonical example of material dialectics. But hey, post hoc ergo propter hoc; communism disproved!

I wonder how the commies were responsible for Lamarck. Wait, don't tell me, (((Lamarck))) was a jew, right?

>> No.9074227

actually ive explicitly stated that i dont even subscribe to NCT more than once you dense motherfucker.
I believe in a biosemiotic

>> No.9074245

He's an ALT RIGHT faggot.

>> No.9074292

>Can't talk about him without the alt-right getting butthurt

>> No.9074549
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>People can't have dialectics with a nice old British man without getting butthurt

>> No.9074792

How the fuck is he alt right? He doesn't even like trump.

>> No.9074797

Butthurt Commie detected. Lysenkoism is an example of how retarded and unscientific communism is. They don't let a free exchange of ideas.

>> No.9074800

>People trying to deny Dawkins massive contributions to biology because they don't like his religious belief
kek, and special relativity is bullshit because Einstein is a jew.

>> No.9074908
File: 116 KB, 600x600, 1500871751372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

responds to
>More strange still is how you seem to imply lysenkoism is a natural outgrowth of communist theory rather than a departure from it. No doubt due to some ridiculous "communism holds there are no inherent differences between people" strawman and a failure to see evolution by natural/artificial selection as basically the canonical example of material dialectics. But hey, post hoc ergo propter hoc; communism disproved!
>Lysenkoism is an example of how retarded and unscientific communism is. They don't let a free exchange of ideas.

>> No.9074939

>Schrödinger's "Statistical Thermodynamics" has influenced far more scientists than "what is life?" ever will.

Where TF can I get a copy? Not on amazon, not at m local college, not on <download sites>

>> No.9075239

>Not an argument.

Read da book, communism sucks, nazism sucks, dawkins sucks.

>> No.9075244

??? Literally the first result on google:

Also on libgen:

>> No.9076068

>kek, and special relativity is bullshit because Einstein is a jew.
*Einstein is a jew because special relativity is bullshit.

>> No.9076098

He's a Bosnian genocide denier.

>> No.9076108

Einstein is a special relativist because jews are bullshit

>> No.9076209

I know you are baiting but retards on /his/ actually believe this.

>> No.9076213

Lysenkoism took hold because communism is such shit.

>> No.9077007

>Dawkins sucks
How? The genetic view of Natural Selection is the best one created.

>> No.9077146

fyi i typed that by prssing down hard with one straight finger to show my keyboard i mmean bussiness

>> No.9077185

claiming some timecube or christian theology-level alternative "theory" won the day will not make it so.

>> No.9077198

"evolutionist" was a rare term before christards picked it up in the hopes that it will sound like another religion, in an effort to prove that while they, the christards, are retarded religionists, at least the opposition is no better. so no scientist uses the term any longer and anyone who claims to be an evolutionist is a creationist shill.

>> No.9077318

>after the selfish gene got BTFO by niche construction evo-devo behavioral evolution and mountains of empirical evidence and reason he pathetically tried to hold on to his autistic view by back pedaling

I am reminded of an old Simpsons episode where Homer is extolling the intelligence of his daughter by claiming she had been hooked up to a computer and made it explode by her sheer brain power. His colleagues replied "That never actually happened, did it Homer?"

The gene centered theory of evolution theory still rules, well it did as of 9 years ago when I left the field. Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit.