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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9062760 No.9062760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9062761

Good. We need to stop the ameritards from reproducing.

>> No.9062762

Thank God. Indians and niggers will now become the dominant species and lead society forward.

>> No.9062763

all throughout history
civilizations grew and collapsed
nothing is eternal

>> No.9062764

The samefaging is strong with this one

>> No.9062765



>> No.9062766

>implying India and Pakistan won't nuke each other at some point

>> No.9062767

one can hope

>> No.9062768

What I take from this is, westerners need to grow some damn balls already and act like they own the world again instead of cucking themselves up.

Man up literally.

>> No.9062769

Nice get

>> No.9062770
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>> No.9062771

Birthrate in Europe is below replacement rate, Sven.

>> No.9062772

Meanwhile, the sperm count in western women is record high.

Sad times.

>> No.9062773


>> No.9062774
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>> No.9062775

I already knew this and avoid chemical shit.
Survival of the fittest, fags.

>> No.9062776

Good. This earth is already overpopulated with most humans living in poverty.

~80% have to live in ~$300 or less. You faggots should all be grateful you can buy $300 worth of junk food/ fast food every month, pay rent, pay bills, pay for transportation, and still have money to blow.

>> No.9062777
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>water is making frogs gay

who is laughing now??

also, I could have told you that by the clothes young "men" are wearing

>> No.9062778

>fags eat ready-meals
Thanks, evolution.

The ones living in poverty are the shit-stains of society breeding like rabbits.
ie, the ones not in "the west".

Money is artificial. It was only made to trade.
The fact it runs the world in "the west" is the issue.
Most of the world don't depend on global money trade, they barter locally.

Junk being created in anticipation of being bought and capitalism first is the biggest issue.
Not to mention it is profits-first everything-else-second. (health included)
The regulatory authorities are literally the same fucking people colluding together. (especially in the banking and food sectors)
No, fuck off with your "lel commie" bullshit.
I'm FOR money to standardize trade. What I am against is globalism. It's a cancer in every sense of the word. It spreads in to every area of society and ruins it.

>> No.9062779


>> No.9062780

Stop drinking milk

>> No.9062781

Globalism is shit, but you're a faggot. Both are facts of life.

>> No.9062782

Where's the proofs?

>> No.9062783

That you're a faggot?

Grab a mirror nigga

>> No.9062784
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I have an idea. Why don't we import man from 3rd world countries to impregnate our women?

>> No.9062785

What's the problem? Just have sex like a million times and you're bound to get lucky evidently, be it your sperm count or your wife's egg count.

That's always been what I've thought when I've heard about women with low egg counts, as the male counterpart condition is new to me.

>> No.9062786


>> No.9062787

I'm too poor for mirrors, capitalism failed.


>> No.9062788

the humble filter merchant is always right

>> No.9062789

C H󠁑 E M󠁑 T R 󠁑A I 󠁑L S

>> No.9062790

This seems like a good idea

>> No.9062791
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The science is settled we must eradicate the whtie race.

>> No.9062792

Mods on this board are so fucking worthless

>> No.9062793

>tfw low sperm count and vericoles that cause a dull ache occasionally
I don't even want kids but the tact that I probably wont have any if I did depresses me

>> No.9062794

>Free porn everywhere
>Saturated Junk Food
>Rise Of Feminism

The average male doesn't stand a chance.

So not surprising.

>> No.9062795

Good news for Tyrone and Hasseem

>> No.9062796
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>mfw I got the golden ticket to a 1st world country as a bull, no less.

>> No.9062797

I actually know a little bit about this. Some especcialy bad sources that are /g/-related are brominated flame retardants in computer gardware plastics, especially pre 2000s computer stuff like CRT-monitors, keyboards, etc as the regulations back then required double digit percentage of the plastic to contain flame retardant chemichals but bans on the worst ones were not yet in place. And over time, they migrate to the surface of the plastic where they acumulate due to plastic being a porus material. They are absorbed through the skin. Other sources are Bisphenols, commonly found in thermal paper such as reciepts, plastic bottles etc. PCBs contain heavy metals in the solder and should be handled with gloves. Anything bought from dealextreme must be assumed to contain plasticisers, lead/nickel, bpa, and other toxic chemicals that are cheap to use in manufacture and poorly regulated.

>> No.9062798

Why are the "chemicals" always to blame? Might it just be, that the high obesity, low exercise and resulting low testosterone-levels might be the problem? And those are the result of an abuncance of food and absence of physcal work. Not "muh carbs", "muh colesterol" or "muh fat" "muh cancer meat" or whatever.

>> No.9062799
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>> No.9062800

The last thing you want is an autistic trigger happy mod that deletes everything that isn't perfectly following the rules.

>> No.9062801
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Yes because declining sperm count still means the sperm is still healthy right?

clapistan education HAHAHA

>> No.9062802

wtf i love white men now

>> No.9062803


>> No.9062804

This has absolutely nothing to do with technology. Where are all the faggots constantly crying about /pol/?

>> No.9062805

>implying POC men in the future from all over the world won't be genetically engineering themselves to look completely white

>> No.9062806
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How is this /pol/ related, nigger? At best it's /sci/

>> No.9062807

Cumskin burgerland will ruin the world

>> No.9062808

You don't exactly need millions to fertilize a single egg.
Also, not /g/

>> No.9062809

That is also an issue.
Both of them are issues.

Analogues to chemicals found in food are a huge problem to health.
They don't work the same as the original chemicals
When they got broken down, often they become toxic. (especially in regards to cooking)

Stuff like artificial sweeteners absolutely shit on human biology because the body EXPECTS energetic food and gets none.
This throws the body in to a panic and stores any food it can get its hands on because it is expecting a nutrient-scarce situation (winter, in the wild)

Equally the LACK of bacteria in food is another huge issue.
Sterile foods have resulted in a metric fuckton of autoimmune from basic allergies to full-on immune failure and hyperactivity.

>> No.9062810

Never said it was, but it's certainly not /g/

>> No.9062811

/sci/ doesn't give a shit abut birth rates or sperm count, but /pol/ definitely does.

>> No.9062812

What mods?

>> No.9062813

The think with sweeteners is false and has been shown many times to be false. The reaction of the body to sweet stuff is salivation, but there is no insulin response. aspartam doesn't lead to fat storage, that's dependent on the caloric overabundance

>> No.9062814

They wont. Just like Koreans with plastic surgery they'll just pick the features they like. You certainly don't have Korean stacked getting surgery to look like trannies

>> No.9062815


>> No.9062816

I'm too lazy to show you studies (currently at a meeting), but here's an article for a start: https://authoritynutrition.com/artificial-sweeteners-blood-sugar-insulin/

This isn't a source, but it gives you insight on the current level on research.

>> No.9062817

Now watch as a new research comes out of nowhere within a month that "counters" these claims and shift blame to something else like they did with Aspartame

>> No.9062818

I should reformat that, non-sugar based sweeteners don't count in that.
Ones that are sugar-like specifically.
Things like Fructose.
Fructose gets changed to glucose, but the communication of that happening is never sent to the pancreas because our bodies literally never cared about fructose over-abundance leading to sugar spikes.
It was so trivial in our diet.

The debate on the actual artificial sweeteners is still on-going.
Longer and better studies need to be done as you mentioned in >>9062816

I still avoid the shit. I don't want to be a guinea pig.
I just eat like a fucking normal person and problem solved.

>> No.9062819
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>> No.9062820
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>> No.9062821

About fructose: Fructose is pretty normal in a human diet because of fruit, we ate berries.

HFCS doesn't actually have much more fructose than normal sugar, it has around 55:45-60:40 fructose:glucose.
Also don't believe Lustig's shit about fructose.

Afer being converted to glucose it does get sensed by the pancreas because it cares about total blood sugar (glucose in blood).

>> No.9062825

>madman actually moved a /pol/ bait thread to sci
holy fuck

>> No.9062829

> a mod moved this to /sci/

>> No.9062834

>This thread moved to /sci/
>All the net neutrality threads remain untouched

>> No.9062847
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>avoid chemical shit.

Do tell us how you avoid chemicals.

>> No.9062851
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Wait, so what this means is we have to have MORE sex?

>> No.9062856
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>implying those ancient white men didn't look dumb as shit too

>> No.9062859

Looks more intelligent than those kekistan faggots

>> No.9062868
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>> No.9062872

This post is murder on my sides.

>> No.9062903
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>>9062799 (checked)
There's literally nothing wrong with this.

Also, how high does my IQ have to be to get a modern white man bf?

>> No.9062905

>white man bf
don't you mean white man gf (male)?

>> No.9062915

Is it Yids' job again?

>> No.9062916

Who gives a shit? You're a fucking retard if you actually want kids anyway

>> No.9062921

WTF why are modern white men so hot

>> No.9062923

Underrated comment

>> No.9062925


>> No.9062933

Hey I have a better idea. Let's rip off all of your fingers, your tongue and your 2 big toes.
Then we employ eugenics and then we genocide the asians, the niggers, the gipsyes/jews/middle east and keep the northern people and preserve Ireland as the national racial country treasure of our planet.

>> No.9062935

>tfw you made a thread after searching "sperm" because you didn't think anyone posted about it, but find it after making the thread


The majority of these articles say it's happening at a crazy rate in the west, but it also seems to be affecting nations with industries.


Besides the "THEY'RE PUTTING ESTROGEN IN THE DRINKING WATER" hysteria, what could be the root of the cause? Is it pollution? Antibiotics? Modern diets with processed foods?

>> No.9062944

>>tfw you made a thread after searching "sperm" because you didn't think anyone posted about it, but find it after making the thread
It was moved from /g/

>> No.9062949

oh, so that explains why everyone was flipping the fuck out over >>9062761 despite not having repeating digits

>> No.9062950

>what could be the root of the cause?
excessive masturbation?

>> No.9062954

Can your body tell the difference between your hand and a vagina? Wouldn't that drive up production of sperm?

>> No.9062959


>> No.9062971

I'm not talking about the difference between actual sex and masturbation, I'm just saying that maybe ejaculation multiple times every day is not that healthy, and in fact might be unhealthy.

>> No.9062977
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the echo of idiot /pol/ hyaenas on /sci/

>> No.9062991

>what could be the root of the cause? Is it pollution? Antibiotics? Modern diets with processed foods?
Isnt it obvious? Has no one here actually looked into this shit? Im not surprised about the retardation in the early thread since this got moved, but is /sci/ completely unaware of xenoestrogens in most common plastics across the entire spectrum of modern industry, in huge number of foods containers (practically all canned food and drinks for example), some pesticides and all over the place in general? Even the thermal paper used in majority of receipts around the world are laced with BPA.

Ofcourse drinking water gets also slowly polluted over time due to all kinds of medicine, drugs and chemicals being flushed into the system, but so far that effect is practically negligible (excluding the cases with shitty poorly maintained water distribution networks).

People in the modern world are walking around with insane amounts of hormone disruptors and harmful chemicals in their bodies. Im atleast lucky to live in a country where all plastic items have clear indicators of the plastics used and i can shop around and avoid the bad stuff by paying very little extra.

And my lifestyle change 4 years ago had a huge effect, i started feeling a lot more vital, alive and driven. And although it took awhile, my sperm changed from globular sometimes grayish goo to actual white sperm over the first 6 months.

>> No.9062992

They most likely just sampled western people. Plastic and every chemical is present all throughout the world.

>> No.9063025

pthalates in pvc, food, air. act as anti-androgens.

>> No.9063069
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Twas hubris that killed the west.

I surmise that is what one obtains when they collectively shit on the rest of the world for not being "rich" and technologically "advance" but then prop up their own society's existence on engineered chemicals that 95% of it's citizens has no clue about.

>> No.9063094


I don't know. Pthalates seems to bring out the junk science in everyone, I'd want to see some firm cause-and-effect established there.


>> No.9063099

Has anyone here actually read the study? Because I have and its flimsy as fuck. African, South American or Asian men being healthier than Westerners or East Asians in any respect should set alarm bells ringing because they don't the new nutrition reach 6ft, let alone produce more sperm. Also "chemicals". What "chemicals", everything is a fucking chemical and the West is less polluted and the food healthier than developed countries.

This doesn't reek of bullshit, it IS bullshit.

>> No.9063131

>science article


>> No.9063133

The world is overpopulated anyway and with climate change going out of control even a person less counts a lot.

>> No.9063145
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and import 3rd world violence?

>> No.9063228

>even a person less counts a lot
especially if it's a white person

>> No.9063258
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White western farmer here. I'm non-gmo, vegan, and eat only what I grow on the farm. I can breed up any white woman with massive amounts of sperm. Just one ejaculation of mine contains around 296 million sperm cells (per milliliter). I'm told it tastes sweet. I have 32 children and 4 more on the way (from 27 mothers). If you have a wife you need impregnated, I can help.

>> No.9063271
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>>9062760 >>9062806 >>9062799 >>9062903

How can White Boi even compete?

Whitey! Keep drinking da Hormones in da Water n' Sheeit!

Yo White Bitch womb is owned by muh BBC.

>> No.9063312



>> No.9063373


I actually wasn't aware of them. Is there a reliable source I could read more on the topic and learn how to avoid these?