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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 782 KB, 874x568, algebra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9056255 No.9056255 [Reply] [Original]

>blacks are not intellectually inferior to whites
>algebra is racists since blacks can't into algebra

Pick one and only one

>> No.9056267

Racists are the dumbest of all whites.

>> No.9056274
File: 36 KB, 441x308, stab the eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

algebra should be taught in middle school and you shouldn't graduate high school if you haven't mastered it. You shouldn't even be able to go to college if you don't know algebra.

>> No.9056276

California has a huge problem, 20%~ of hispanic and black students have proficiency in math at hs graduation. This is over 60% of the student population.

They have huge problems that will crush the state and united states soon. Anyone decently intelligent knows this already but liberals who refuse to accept reality are using libtard magic like this to come up with ways to ignore the problem.

aka no proficiency in math? remove math reqs

>> No.9056292

Algebra was only introduced to blacks recently, give them time.

>> No.9056293


>> No.9056294


>cant do algebra
>HURR DURR racists are the idiots

>> No.9056297

I doubt anyone from /pol/ even has good algebra skills

(al-gebra) is also arabic btw!

>> No.9056299

No one mentioned arabs you insufferable twat.

We are talking about the average black person not being able to do something a sixth grader can do.

>> No.9056302

Right, and the average /pol/ poster is probably dumber than the average black

>> No.9056307

"blacks" is not an actual entity first of all. total spook
everyone that isnt severely retarded is more than capable of learning algebra. the problem is not everyone is privileged enough to be taught the prerequisite knowledge. i dont agree to any of the statements op made because they are both retarded and regard to fake news click bait

>> No.9056309

At my shit tier high school algebra 2 was literally required to graduate high. I would think most places have this requirement or higher, so how do these people graduate high school and cannot pass college algebra? No child left behind shit?

>> No.9056312

>is privileged enough to be taught the prerequisite knowledge.

Where does it say in US curriculum to teach white kids different math then to teach black kids?

>> No.9056317

The OP is about niggers rejecting to be taught that knowledge. It's kind of a stretch to shoehorn the matter of "privilege" in there.

>> No.9056321

well if they dont have the prereqs for algebra then why would they take algebra? one way or another they are doing something wrong.

>> No.9056325
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When did SJW's infest /sci/?

>> No.9056326

How dumb the /pol/ posters following you into your dreams are has nothing to do with racist viewpoints being correct.

>> No.9056329

At least I can form a coherent sentence. You really need to work on your writing.

>> No.9056331

This has nothing to do with social justice.

We just don't have to accept lazy, violent, and dumb people just because they are white.

>> No.9056332

i passed algebra 2 with a c and do not understand any of it. because learning the subject isnt necessary to pass when the school loses money with drop outs and our education system is geared toward training kids to join the military, workforce, or to go to college for no other reason than to take out massive amounts of student debt. hell i was in gifted in 2nd grade with a 139 iq and this still happened to me. i dont understand any of the notation despite being gifted in mathematical reasoning

>> No.9056334

It seems you can form one but not read one, so you shouldn't be too proud of yourself. Still you focus on people on 4chan too much to see they have nothing to do with the thread topic.

>> No.9056337

He's a crypto-trumpkin trying to relegate blacks to shit tier professions

my entire family and extended family is black and literally every one of us has a bachelors or better

>> No.9056338

because their hs passed them in algebra to get funding. this is a symptom of the corporate attack on education
nowhere you idiot

>> No.9056339

That's because idiots like you on 4chan are trying to say you're better than people in real life.

I would honestly prefer minorities that at least try to improve themselves over retards who claim science and education are "liberal brainwashing."

>> No.9056340

Algebra 1 was the highest math required to graduate my high school. That and Geometry.

Anything past that was optional.

>> No.9056345

Nobody cares what you prefer or what you think about idiots like me on 4chan. It seems you are unable to abstract from the people that are in this thread with you to society at a scale where the OP topic is relevant.

>> No.9056346

Sounds like you are less gifted and more gluechewer if you struggled with algebra 2. No need to go into debt for college if you just do well and get scholarships. I went into $10k debt for college over the 6 years (bachelors, MS) and easily paid that off. Dont blame the school system for your incompetence or smart but lazy bullshit.

>> No.9056352

>corporate attack on education
This doesn't absolve lazy, stupid niggers trying to get algebra removed from their college curriculum.

>> No.9056353

Why is this even a topic on here?

>> No.9056354

Dont most colleges have math placement tests anyways? My uni did for those with less than calc in high school and even the two community colleges nearest me have them for everyone. I would assume these place people somewhat accurately? Can't really blame the colleges for failing algebra if you pay no attention to the class or its prereqs.

>> No.9056355

Wow I guess American blacks are educated now....

>> No.9056360

my problem is i did not go to class. i got sent to night school to make up my credit for algebra. I made up a years credit in 3 nights and did not learn a thing.
school sucks shit and anyone who is compliant enough to stick around for the suck gets to go on to higher levels of indoctrination.. I went to school with plenty of people like you, airheads who think getting a gold star is an intellectual achievement.

>> No.9056367

>non STEM students shouldnt have to take 2 or 3 math+sciences classes!

>b-but STEM students SHOULD have to take 6+ humanities classes!!!!!!!!!

Technical comm classes I am ok with as they actually can help in many ways, but why am I forced to pick from some shit list of humanity courses? I dont want to take some art class that will take up 3+ hours of my time every week, but I cant graduate without it of course. There are definitely history courses I would not mind taking at all, but these only count for 1 of the 6+ humanities as they have to be from diverse subjects or some shit. God I wish I learned German in middle/high school and did my undergrad in Germany or Switzerland where degree is only 3 years with no bullshit 6+ humanities.

>> No.9056370

if we can do it, anyone can

>> No.9056372

Ok but really, would you rather live in the blackest neighborhood in Detroit as a white man? Or the whitest trailer park in America as a black man? You wanna know how i know you picked the trailer park?

>pro tip: its because gorillas are wild, violent, unpredictable animals and cannot be reasoned with

>> No.9056375
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Mfw when Brainlets complain about low tier weed out courses

>> No.9056376
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>would I rather get shot or get made fun of

>> No.9056378

>What is variation?
>What are genetics?

>> No.9056379
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Oh shit, this is actually getting a little scary.

Math, including Algebra, is the most un-sexy of all the sciences. The math guys have zero power against the media and the modern infantile adult. They will be bent until broken.

The scariest part is that while being the least sexy, mathematics are the most integral and essential science of all. They are our only way of truly, objectively understanding our universe in universal terms. But that in itself - objective, universal - these are "problematic" ways of thinking, in the minds of the modern extreme liberal. Soon, mathematics - the very things determining whether the buildings we are currently sitting in will not collapse onto us at any given moment - will be the subject of emotional influence. To whoever these people are, numbers can always just be changed to other numbers to support whatever the most upset person wants the numbers to represent, and it's okay because it's "for a higher cause".

This is the line. This is where they have to say "No, sorry, rules are rules for all races equally." But they won't. They will protest at first, but they'll get worn down over long periods of time, like a boulder eventually ground to a pebble by the mild, easily-ignored waves. It's how the extreme liberals have been winning every battle so far. It's a war of inches, and when the logical and rational people are too preoccupied to worry about an inch here or there, those 'heres' and 'theres' keep adding up without any inches moving the other way. Eventually, those rational people are shocked to suddenly find themselves with their backs to the wall, without three inches of control to fight back.

>> No.9056380

thats true. the problem is the way we do education mechanistic route learning for utilitarian purposes. intellectual curiosity is beaten out of children quickly. they had me on adderall since 6 because i wouldnt have anything to do with their boring bullshit. All i wanted to do was read biology textbooks and look at bugs in the grass, but they wanted me to learn about how great Columbus was. i dont even have adhd i have what some call schizoid personality disorder. too bad they didnt know that when i was child, school fucked me up

>> No.9056381

So will 2+2 eventually equal 5?

>> No.9056384

>dismissing anything that contradicts your narrative as an anomaly
what is logic?

>> No.9056387

Answer: It will depend entirely on who 'needs' 2 + 2 to equal 5.

>> No.9056389

>meanwhile in Asia
>Algebra is the most basic stuff
>we have to learn them when we're at about halfway of our learning curve
>And they said Algebra is too hard for them
>i barely passed the final test for university
>srl niggas, you're really need to look back at yourself

>> No.9056397
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>> No.9056399

>being this bad at english while talking shit about others' education

>> No.9056402

>telling a chinese man he has shit english


>> No.9056408

How can a race not do Algebra fucking lmao

>> No.9056413

2. "treat as unworthy of serious consideration"

You're damn right I'll dismiss an anecdotal and unsubstantiated claim made on an internet forum. You're browsing /sci/, surely you should know that outliers don't define trends.

Even if what you say is true, it only proves that a black family isn't precluded from earning something ≥ bachelors for all its members, it has no bearing on if all black families, or if even most can.

>> No.9056418

*, or if even most, can.

>> No.9056429

And what do you do know? Your post is legit facebooktier shit, so many high school slackers on there that take any chance they get to say the school system is terrible when they skip classes and everything just like you and my own brother. He was able to get a nice job through military, etc and isnt as bad as before.

Who cares about compliance to the school system? Taxes suck shit why do people comply to them? It is what is setup and is an obstacle that you must get passed if you want to even get into many careers. There are definitely problems with the system, but if you truly want a career that requires a degree than it is what you have to deal with. You may see those who go through high school and university as compliant and indoctrinated, but it does make you seem like a lazy slacker whining bum for complaining about the school system after admitting to not showing up for classes and not attempting to learn anything.

Also, what is an intellectual achievement to you then? I would think most people who complete a thesis masters or PhD have definitely achieved something intellectually. People can certainly have intellectual achievements without much formal schooling if self taught (Ramanujan, Faraday, Leibniz), definitely an impressive route. I think the grad school route is easier for most people as you are sort of forced to achieve something, even if something small it is meant to expand the knowledge of your field. Do you have any intellectual achievements to speak of?

>> No.9056434

what do you do now*? damn should have looked the post over before I sent it

>> No.9056439


are you a nigger?

>> No.9056449

I am 99.9% European according to ancestry and 23andme, nothing shown from Africa.

>> No.9056450

Yes it is getting scary. Can't pass a literacy test to become a teacher? That's discrimination!


>> No.9056451

>The Board of Regents on Monday eliminated a requirement that aspiring teachers in New York State pass a literacy test to become certified after the test proved controversial because black and Hispanic candidates passed it at significantly lower rates than white candidates.

Holy fuck

I'm fucking mad.

How do I get out of this timeline?

>> No.9056454


The problem is they can do high school Algebra but the good sum who apply for community college underperform the placement tests.

Which either implies their inability to do it and/or the high school dropping the ball.

As someone who use to do teaching work, it tends to a mixture of both. But I would say the majority of the blame goes to schools/ national curriculum in that achieving good grades in class does not inherently mean they understand it. For a number of assignments and test students will actually go over practice problems. These same problems will be on the test, having good memory alone can get you a B or A.

Which is why I think actual in-depth math projects instead of these factory churned test should be emphasize more. It's hard to weasel your way out of a project when you have to actually show and explain your work and thought process in detail.

>> No.9056457

Your time is coming, white boy.

Ain't nothing you can do to stop it, neither.

>> No.9056462

>everybody who disagrees with me is a "libtard"
Can /pol/ misuse another word as a default buzzword already

>> No.9056469

>its a problem that 80% of blacks and spics are retards
>its a problem that liberals are ignoring this

Thats pretty retarded to me anon

>> No.9056470

so you would hold that i'm just lucky to know the only 100 blacks in the whole country that can grok algebra?

i'd say it's more that in this family, it's expected, rather an exceptional, to get a degree, and we don't intermarry with shit tier blacks.

>> No.9056472

That's the scary part. Political correctness and pathological altruism will be the undoing of US and European countries.

>> No.9056473

>tfw you cant pass a simple requirement so you whine and cry until it is removed and lower standards for all students
this type of childish behavior should not be rewarded
Can yall even tell time? Or are there too many numbers involved?

>> No.9056474

*rather than exceptional

i think that this system of expectation is the key factor at work.

no joke, i've heard 2nd and 3rd generation chinese talk about shaming their dynasty if they can't succeed academically. that's the level of expectation.

on the other hand i've met some bright black kids whose parents won't buy them books because "that's what white folks do" and who won't encourage them to do math because "we aren't good at math". they even push back, sometimes rudely, when i try to encourage them to get their kid to study.

>> No.9056482

Ain't isn't a word you stupid nigger

>> No.9056486


>> No.9056488


Negroes are intellectually inferior to Euros on average. That's science. No matter how much you hide from it, it doesn't matter.

East Asians are smarter than Euros too. This is also fact.

>> No.9056490

Jews are smarter than east asians too

>> No.9056497


Depends on the Jew.

Euro Jews are around the same as East Asians (something like 5 points higher).

Israel, which is all Jews, has an a middling one.

>> No.9056500


>A task force convened by the Regents, made up of deans and professors of education schools, as well as teachers and district superintendents, recommended recalibrating the passing score on the exam and allowing certain students who fall short of a passing score on the edTPA to become certified based on the recommendations of their teachers.

This is honestly the most they should have ever bend backwards on. It's been shown through regression discontinuity that the score line drawn between passing and failing within a few points for test takers show little difference in aptitude. So if your previous work can show high competency in light of underperformance on the exam you should be good.

But getting rid of the exam altogether is near unethical and completely counter-intuitive to the mission of public teaching.

>> No.9056501

If they underperform placement they will just get put into a prereq that leads to Algebra and have the opportunity to learn any background knowledge needed and blaming the school rather than the student in a situation like this is foolish. Students are meant to learn and understand material and shouldnt be rewarded for choosing to not make any attempt to do so

>> No.9056511

lol i bet your face turned red as you were typing that.
ill give you my definition of an intellectual achievement with a quote
“I believe there is no philosophical high-road in science, with epistemological signposts. No, we are in a jungle and find our way by trial and error, building our road behind us as we proceed. We do not find signposts at crossroads, but our own scouts erect them, to help the rest.”
―Max Born
>You may see those who go through high school and university as compliant and indoctrinated,
just you and the like in particular. what makes it obvious is your vicious attack on me for not understanding algebra, i hope it made you feel better about yourself for alittle bit.. get off your high horse asshole. Then you came at me with narcissistic rage for pointing out the obvious.
>not attempting to learn anything.
ive been a lifelong independent learner. Only things that i find interesting, which is most things if presented correctly By six i was studying evolution and had decided to become a marine biologist, and i come from an uneducated family. by 12 i was severely fucked up and was all but completely detached from emotional connection to reality. This was due to the anthropocene and my abnormal behavior. my entire highschool career and up until very recently, i mediated my experience through an intricate fantasy world where i was able handle the problems i was faced with. i still do this but i have achieved self awareness.
>what do you do now*?
i get high at my parents house and spend time outside. I struggle to do basic human processes. i study much more than your typical undergrad. Ecology evolution, philosophy of biology.i have a wide range of interests but that is what i gravitate towards the most. i am fond of the theoretical side of it and can conceptualize it very well. so i will be leaning math and going back to school.
i recently turned 21.
Now stop being such an insecure douchbag.

>> No.9056524

have you tried learning anything that can get you an actual job?

>> No.9056537

i would rather kill myself.
this is what i meant by indoctrinated. people like you should be laughed out of higher education. i guess useful idiots like you bring in too much money for that

>> No.9056538

>not enough minorities and women in stem
>math is too hard for minorities and women. we should drop it unless they are stem.

>> No.9056542


>If they underperform placement they will just get put into a prereq that leads to Algebra and have the opportunity to learn any background knowledge needed

Which goes into the point the article this thread refers to was arguing about. Should these people be required to do these Algebra classes despite "passing" high school Algebra because they failed the test and aren't interested in pursuing STEM fields.

>blaming the school rather than the student in a situation like this is foolish.

First of all I stated both are at fault, schools just so happen to be more at fault because they not the students can set the standards.

>Students are meant to learn and understand material and shouldnt be rewarded for choosing to not make any attempt to do so

The issue is that passing said classes is currently the accepted "proof" of learning and understanding the material. The attempt is there, the understanding isn't. And based on how the curriculum exist it makes sense that such an outcome can come about.

>> No.9056547

>on average.
It's not science, it's a statistic.
A population of economically fucked negros can bring the genius ones down.

His statement was R-tarded though. Racism as an intellectual factor is way overblown.

>> No.9056551

explain how sub sahara was a bunch of early iron age tribal societies at best. while europeans were sailing steam ships?

>> No.9056561

wow nice generalizing, you really are a fucktard
>assumes he feels the sames about arabs
>lumps him in with those who consider science/education "liberal brainwashing"
any civilization is better than nigger civilization.

>> No.9056569

yeah, i guess i should be laughed at for enjoying working in a cancer research lab, and getting paid to get my PhD, right in the feels

>> No.9056571


Not him but the explanation to your question is within the post you just responded to.

The general population wasn't economically established so the geniuses that did exist had little to work with in exploits.

Plus the sub-sahara isn't one country, typically in the past countries on the Eastern side of sub-sahara Africa faired better.

Now the western side (mostly Nigeria) is fairing better.

Also your question is side-stepping the conversation at hand. Stay on topic Anon.

>> No.9056573

t. libshit white

>> No.9056577

Learning part was referring to Algebra in particular, didnt mean to extrapolate that to other subjects. You said you didnt learn anything in Algebra because the school system is shit, but were also skipping those classes as well. Im just saying that it is on you to learn the material if you think you need it later. I am not >>9056346 nor am I >>9056524. I understand most people struggle with subjects they arent interested in, I hated english and business classes and struggled with them because they just didnt feel worth my time desu. Good luck with the return to school though, it can feel weird after being out for a while.

>> No.9056589

>doesn't realize jews and asians have a bit higher iq simply on the fact that they are forced to study like slaves just to be a bit better than a average white who barely studies
Sure are a lot of pseuds here

>> No.9056590

>nor am I
are you implying that you're unemployed

>> No.9056611

No I have a "job" working as a PhD student working on millimeter wave electronics in Europe (did high school through masters in US though). I hope I have a job afterwards though lol.

>> No.9056620

oh, very cool! I mean, worst case you can teach, but anything dealing with hardware should land you a job

>> No.9056637

as if public teaching isn't already a big enough joke.

>> No.9056662

refreshing to know you are different anon
yeah i probably would have learned algebra if my personal circumstances were different. that doesnt mean there are not serious structural problems in our education system that suppress intellectual curiosity. al 2 should be taught much earlier set theory and logic ought to be introduced late in elementary school imho. biggest problem is the information students are or more importantly are not taught. betwwen education as a state run and corporate controled indoctornation system and the media, kids dont ever hear truth being spoken to power. thats why intellectual curiosity is suppressed it leads to questioning authority and other deviant behavior
im fucked now good night and best of luck

>> No.9056668

i just find that attitude towards education shallow and disgusting.
wtf do i need a job for i already got all the money in the world. i run the underground guy, i roll the nickles, the game is mine

>> No.9056674


I doubt it, the average black is really dumb.

>> No.9056678
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I see the problem, you are a racist minority. You are probably very dumb for being racist!

>> No.9056688

Algebra is the ultimate filter for math courses.

>> No.9056690

>would I rather sell drugs and get locked up eventually or get a job
thats a tough one anon

>> No.9056692


It's glorious. Illiterate teachers will contribute to the collapse of the liberal fantasy world faster than anything else. The entire educational socialist indoctrination edifice must be wiped away.

>> No.9056765
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>Durr stop generalizing black people
>Hurr pol redneck btw
Off yourself you fucking brainlet if you don't realize how fucking inferior blacks are come on over to New York and you will very quickly find out. Loud, stupid, uninspiring, the major lot of them. If I meet a well spoken and equitable one it makes my day.

Always approach these savages with statistical average expectation, if they convince you they are several sd higher fine.

>> No.9056781

Those numbers don't make sense. Are you sure you know algebra?

>> No.9056867

You seem to have missed a detail.
This is california, where 300% of the population is black or hispanic.

>> No.9056876
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>black can't into algebra

yes they can, pic related. Most of them are just lazy.

>> No.9056893


>What are bell curves
>Those are the top excuse those in the average and below it

>> No.9056895

wait, quick question, not really related but sort of

when do you guys (in america, presumably) start learning calculus?

>> No.9056901

>this eurangutan delusion
Incas were superior to europeans though.

>> No.9056909
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Really? I don't see their greatness. Nothing but drunktards in casinos and drug cartels.


Keyword, pal.

>> No.9056911

You can take it in high school but it's not required in most states. The state I'm from only required 2 math courses for 4 years of high school.

>> No.9056925



>> No.9056927



>> No.9056939

>calculus not a required highschool course in most states
holy burger education batman
you mean you can get into college in the US without taking calculus?

>> No.9056947

Lol you have never been to New York

>> No.9056949

Yes but it be hard to get into a place like MIT

>> No.9056975

motherfucker if you didnt nail calculus you shouldnt get into ANY college/university/brothel

>> No.9056981

At my high school the highest you get to at a normal speed is precalc senior year. There wasnt any way to move up a class or anything though, your math track for middle/high school in the school system was purely based on a test during 5th or 6th grade. So some might get to calc 1 senior year, some calc 2, no calc 3 at school and no placement into that type of track. Feels really slow taking a whole year for these bottom classes and not having any opportunity to speed it up

>> No.9057072

>socialist indoctornation
Is this supposed to be a joke? They don't even teach kids what socialism and capitalism mean in school. Education is ultra-right in the information that is omitted from the curriculum. For the student and the people you are teaching them. They don't even teach kids econmics outside of CATO institute propaganda.

>> No.9057110

A few fringe blacks in one district in America propose something idiotic
>Reee all blacks agree with this and don't think this is the stupidest thing ever that makes other blacks look bad
I bet you're the same idiots who think rad fems who believe white males should be exterminated represent all of feminism.
What else to expect from a /pol/ tier thread though
Sage and report.

>> No.9057139

Rad fems are actually the only good fems.
More specifically individualists feminists. The rest are silly

>> No.9057145

>not understanding algebra
This is a level of stupid that befuddles my cerebrum.

>> No.9057150

The average white moron is smarter than 80% of Africa because

White moron IQ 89
Nigger IQ 68

Yes thats right even compared to subhuman whites blacks are shit as stupid whites still have lower crime than niggers.

>> No.9057195
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>> No.9057199
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why are they lazy?

>> No.9057221
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>> No.9057231

>Asians not included

Typical insecure whites only compare themselves to the dumbest people they can find

>> No.9057237

They are humans from the paleolithic era, their only motivations is primal stuff like violence, sex and stupidity. Of course they are lazy, why shouldnt they be lazy their brains cannot even process the concept of working for a living or having a job because everything MUST BE IMMEDIATE to them, if they cant get something instantly they cant understand it at all thats why they hate math because its utterly alien to the wiring of their brains that is designed for simplistic african problem solving not involving numbers in any manner at all.

>> No.9057254

>being smarter = being superior

Prove this statement

>> No.9057256

t. racist

>> No.9057258

What's wrong with SJWs?

>> No.9057260
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>> No.9057261

Being smart gives you the foundation to be better at almost everything...

>> No.9057264

This is literally what humans do to say how they are better than nonhuman organism because we are smarter and they are retarded animals.

Thus human races that are genetically smarter than others are by default superior as the smarter humans will be able to survive better than the feral retards. Thats why blacks have never left the African landmass because they are too fucking stupid to survive in climates that arent tropical.

>> No.9057266

You're a funny guy, aren't you?

>> No.9057269

Silence, my property.

>> No.9057304

Yep, never been to NYC. You, know, one of the safest cities in the world. Yet black people everywhere.

>> No.9057323

No, the average nigger has an IQ of like 80, not 62. The dumbest 10% of whites are smarter than 50% of blacks.

>> No.9057332

No the average AMERICAN NIGGER has an IQ of like 80, the african blacks are literal feral retards.

>> No.9057351

Must be that admixture :^)

>> No.9057355

Blacks should be thought Number Theory only!

>> No.9057362
File: 236 KB, 607x557, InstitutionalRacism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The graph is taken from a main stream newspaper, frequently asian are left out of these education achievement graphs because the liberals need to blame Institutional Racism for the poor performance of the darker skin races.

>> No.9057373

Kek, slow your roll buddy. You're going to get this thread pruned

>> No.9057375

Asians and blacks experience racism differently.

>> No.9057412

The best part is that chancellor guy's not even black. He looks white -- his middle name is the only clue that he's of Spanish descent.

He's got money himself -- he joined the army and then used the GI Bill to get a degree, he's been busy in government and in business, and now he's ready to do as much damage to Black education. It's a blatant false flag. Not sure if it's BET-tier false flag but it's close.

>implying you are in a position to judge anyone
Silence, turd.

>> No.9057413

>what humans do to say how they are better than nonhuman organism because we are smarter and they are retarded animals
prove that statement
then prove there is an ontological separation between human and non-human.
>protip; you cant because there is no separation
>protip race, like species is not an actual thing
racists are the ultimate brainlets

>> No.9057418

SJWs are not a real thing
its just a common enemy memed into existence by gamergate..
there is nothing wrong with social justice

>> No.9057421

irrationalist go back to pol
blind empiricism is a fucking joke

>> No.9057423

>They don't even teach kids what socialism and capitalism mean in school.

They don't need or desire to. They don't want educated proles who can conceptualize politics. They teach practical communism - "we're all the same and equal except white (but remember that race doesn't exist except for whites) men (but remember that gender doesn't really exist) who are eternally shamed by their blood guilt" and the primacy of equality of outcome over opportunity.

>> No.9057429

>no article link
>no source for whence the article came
>"muh muh race thread"

>> No.9057430

>blind empiricism is a fucking joke

So as usual your type wants the imprimatur of "science" to back up your nonsense but you have no actual interest in, understanding of, or respect for rational empiricism. Back to tumblr with you.

>> No.9057438

Algebra isn't taught in Middle School in yankland?

>> No.9057440

you're a complete idiot.
prove the ontological existence of race or gender
none of that has anything to do with communism.
if you think there is some kind of conspiracy just off yourself now. There are real conspiracies to make kids stupid but that is fro Heritage, Cato, AEI, and the like, you know #schoolchoice. you've been completely brainwashed is the funny thing. More still is due to emergent behavior of the corporate-state

>> No.9057441
File: 525 KB, 700x504, 1490665549204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9057448

i dont want this to have anything to do with science retard. Literally all you need is reason, which you dont have. You have objectively meaningless empirical data you are using to "prove" your own laughably clueless subjectivities

>> No.9057459

She has really nice soles.

>> No.9057463
File: 49 KB, 962x573, 971072f4529af19e4cbdd7962b120cac96eb01fb45e1ab4204b3591fa737dddb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're descending to ad hominems (the standard leftist tactic when they're out of evidence) I doubt you've even completed an undergraduate degree, skippy, let alone anything more advanced. You're so utterly deluded by socialist rhetoric that it's impossible to even have a discussion with you.

Human clades exist which map in very general terms onto "race" as a popular concept. They are the consequence of geographical separation and assortative breeding, as with any other animal. You'll have to go with sources more knowledgeable than Bill Nye on this one, I'm afraid. In fact it's such a useful concept that racial subdivisions are used in medicine and forensics to this day owing to their clarity in distinguishing human phenotypes. The one place where human diversity doesn't get its due is, oddly enough, what we call "black" since heterogeneity is so high there. From a practical standpoint it would be very reasonable to make more careful distinctions between sub-Saharan African populations - I expect we probably agree on that much, albeit for different reasons.

>> No.9057466

>I bet you're the same idiots who think rad fems who believe white males should be exterminated represent all of feminism.
Yet why do feminists keep putting these minority radicals on a pedestal and using them as the shining example of feminism? I haven't seen any major feminists organizations publicly condemning Julie Bindel for example. No, they just hire her and applaud when she spreads her man hate.

Why don't these reasonable feminists condemn the minority radicals who have thwarted all attempts at male birth control, or the radicals who got addyi out on to the market despite it being dangerous and untested?

Where was the outcry from the reasonable feminists when NOW (an extremely respected feminist organization) named a person who falsely accused a man of rape, created a public smear campaign against him and tried to get him suspended from school the "2016 woman of courage"?

>> No.9057472

>i dont want this to have anything to do with science retard

Congrats, goal accomplished.

>> No.9057478

No "Reasonable Feminists" unironically believe that women are paid 75% of what men are paid for the same job.
Your words are wasted. Give up.

>> No.9057481

Ignore that
at the beginning

>> No.9057496

So there are no "reasonable feminists"

>> No.9057504

Well if you're talking about equality between genders and you're talking about actual equality instead of "equal doesn't mean the same hurr durr" which almost always just means "I want all the benefits of being a man but none of the downsides", then ironically enough the left isn't where you should be searching

>> No.9057507

i went right over your head i see.
what you are doing is drawing arbitrary boundaries based on naively reduced common differences to group functionally separate individuals into a single functional entity, absurd. You cant see the forest through the trees and what you are looking at is not there.
> In fact it's such a useful concept that racial subdivisions are used in medicine and forensics to this day owing to their clarity in distinguishing human phenotypes.
just like species is a useful concept, that does not make species real. baka.
> populations
take it from someone who studies ecology and evolution populations are not real either. they are abstract models that are useful tools of analysis.
What you suffer from is the failure to separate the abstract from the concrete, a common disability in brainlets

>> No.9057509

>so behind he hasn't even got to the enlightenment debate of rationalism vs empiricism

>> No.9057512

You literally cant explain why Americoons are smarter than apefricans except genetics.

>> No.9057514

No they aren't.
>t. racist
>t. MIT

>> No.9057515

Found the Marxist who thinks pseudoscience is worth something. Mix some cesium with your homeopathy magical potions.

Science is based on reality, discrediting empirical data is admitting you are anti science.

>> No.9057536

not a marxist
i encourage you to go say that in academic circles
so how big of an idiot you are will really sink in when your are laughed out of the room.
for more information see

>> No.9057538


>> No.9057548

hello dumbo

>> No.9057549

good argument

>> No.9057552

get fucked retard

>> No.9057555

great argument

>> No.9057559

Uhh what algebra is this exactly? Like actual abstract algebra or high school stuff? A first course in linear algebra?

>> No.9057563

maybe next time try to not make it obvious that you know nothing about genetics or behavior and i will take the time to explain to you why you are retarded

>> No.9057568

You didn't learn algebra in middle school?

>> No.9057572

it was when I went to school. Seems like it might not be anymore based on this >>9056255

>> No.9057585

OBVIOUSLY the Russians have hacked into the Black community and are causing this. Duh.

>> No.9057586

I guess one example completely nullified what the average is.
Unless bachelors is in a stem field it's shit tier. Like the black women with a social workers degree

>> No.9057596

Gorillas actually have a higher iq than niggers lol
See coco

>> No.9057617

high school algebra

>> No.9057620
File: 137 KB, 1470x1155, 1490240311644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Safest in the world

>> No.9057629

Oh no, you're right. It's just that almost no one who posts on these boards has to deal with literal Africans on a daily basis so it's easy to just ignore them

>> No.9057639

How ironic is this post supposed to be?

>> No.9057645

I learned algebra in elementary

And it is taught in middle school, for a select few. It's taught in high school without a doubt. Then geometry followed by algebra II. And for most the end is precal, depending on their stand in high school. Hey do teach calculus, but up to calculus II ( BC )

Algebra shouldn't be a civil rights issue

>> No.9057658
File: 778 KB, 750x854, 45f59af870155e6341b2e35af0c1149d810397dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the prerequisite skills for algebra are basic math

>> No.9057673

>racists are white
>Has never met anyone other group of people

Son I....

>> No.9057678

I do. Many agree. That's the blessing of being a STEM major.

>> No.9057680

That cat video made me cry a little. Gorillas have more complex feelings than niggers.

>> No.9057700

what the fuck does (f) even mean if your such a smart guy?

>> No.9057705

you do say that?
undergrad study groups are not academic circles

>> No.9057717

Most sources and statistics confirm this. Please guys, become aware of the world. Ignorance is destroying us all.


>> No.9057742
File: 57 KB, 599x464, NYCcrime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there are no blacks in NYC, it would be so much safer.

>> No.9057747

KYS stormweenie

>> No.9057757

i guess they will change their minds at the moment when chinks will beat them in every field and economy will start collapsing

>> No.9057773


The one you cite is literally a muh feels ranking. It even says they didn't use just violent crime but useless BS like cyber security in the ranking

brainlet shitbrain DETECTED kys

>> No.9057781

>post cited facts
>get called a stormweenie

Really activates those almonds

>> No.9057784

just for example

NYC's murder rate puts it in top 10 most dangerous cities in Europe.

It's not one of the top 20 safest in the world unless you make up criteria and do it non statistics based. It has an overall medium crime rate for USA and also the number of blacks in NYC has decreased due to gentrification and being priced out. Also check police funding in NYC versus some EU cities

>> No.9057790

I love that they want to discredit rational empiricism as a means of understanding the world. It's a tacit admission that their notions have no bearing relationship to reality.

>> No.9057794
File: 13 KB, 162x227, kissinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a liberals believe feelings are more important than empirical facts episode

>> No.9057795
File: 420 KB, 1680x1112, AHA42c38e_HWK109_LARIOTS_0419_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why roof koreans blame whites then?

>> No.9057800

NYC is super safe!
>posts feels based top 20 ranking with no statistical validity and includes random things like cybersecurity

>> No.9057814
File: 2.34 MB, 928x1488, 1460907704786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not them, and I'm apolitical, but what I find interesting about /pol/ is they constantly talk about blacks having higher crime rates, higher unemployment rates, lower IQ, etc, but the moment you tell these same people that the same applies to Asians - that Asians have higher IQ, have more history, have lower crime rates, are better than whites by all standards that whites are supposedly better than blacks, they go on the defensive, dismiss the same facts as being "fake news", say that Asians "cheat" on IQ tests, say whites have bigger dicks etc, and just chimp out. I mean, if we should exterminate blacks for being inferior to whites, then we should exterminate whites for being inferior to Asians, according to your logic that is. You are the scum of the internet, the internet used to be apolitical and you're on the same level as the average idiot who calls everything racist and mysoginistic. Anyone who doesn't want to take part in your retarded agenda is a SJW faggot feminist cuck kike nigger. Just fuck off from the board, go back to /pol/ or maybe Reddit.

>> No.9057819

The difference is that while whites are inferior to Asians, whites aren't going around making a big giant mess for Asians to clean up

>> No.9057821

Don't forget Jews too.
>blacks are inferior to whites, so whites should be the masters of blacks
>whites are inferior to Jews, but it's unacceptable that Jews can hold any social hierarchy higher than whites

>> No.9057827

Ok dude whites are the master race praise kek shadilay XD
Can we close the thread now?

>> No.9057865


IQ alone isn't the decisive issue - the population differences in distributions are probably real, but they don't explain differentials in crime rates etc or else retarded people would all be muggers etc. I don't think anyone with any sense on the WN end actually believes that IQ differentials are the deciding factor (apart from the inevitable idiots, you'll find them anywhere).

>> No.9057936

it means function you fucking nigger

>> No.9057972

At least I had a source idiot

>> No.9058047

when did koreans blame whites?

>> No.9058069

i love that you are using rationalism as a buzzword qualifier despite being completely irrational. like you probably learned what rationalism is earlier today when i called you out for this lol nigga
answer this lmao>>9057507

>> No.9058072

explain why those facts matter

>> No.9058077

>you probably learned what rationalism is earlier today

So basically you have no arguments whatsoever apart from hurling your spitefulness at everyone who disagrees with you.

>> No.9058088

what exactly am i arguing against?
i have yet to see a reasoned argument as to why that age old info graph is relevant to what you are trying to say with it.
you are just using meaningless empirical evidence to back up your biased opinions

>> No.9058103

read interviews about la riots
they pretty much blame whites for not being able to prevent situation, not the blacks for invading their homes and businesses

>> No.9058107

Sorry, haven't had time to focus on this thread so I missed this.

>what you are doing is drawing arbitrary boundaries based on naively reduced common differences to group functionally separate individuals into a single functional entity, absurd. You cant see the forest through the trees and what you are looking at is not there.

All boundaries outside of individuals are to some degree arbitrary - my point stands - those boundaries have functional implications within the populations demarcated and statistically meaningful statements can be made about them. You don't like them, I get that, but if your primary objection is that any demarcations at all are meaningless then there's literally no point in trying to make sense of any population-level question.

>just like species is a useful concept, that does not make species real. baka.

See above.

>take it from someone who studies ecology and evolution populations are not real either. they are abstract models that are useful tools of analysis.

My specialization is molecular biology, but I've taken more than one population genetics course and I've taught genetics. I'll assume I have some rough notion of what I'm talking about.

>What you suffer from is the failure to separate the abstract from the concrete, a common disability in brainlets

Ignoring the insults (you'll never get anywhere academically if you can't control that) you're applying this distinction rather disingenuously for someone who claims to have a background in population studies. Presumably you do the same all the time in your own specific work. The only relevant question from a scientific standpoint is "does this subdivision of the species provide meaningful information about population structure and dynamics". I'm in no sense trying to defend the casual use of the word race - it's more complicated than that - but making it into a bugbear is simply counterproductive, if actual understanding is your goal.

>> No.9058110

dang son im too barred out to read that shit

>> No.9058118

Lol all the police went to the mid/upper class areas (whites mostly) and left everyone else behind. Also refused to answer the calls for help fomr the poor lol.

>> No.9058129

Schools in the ghettos of America are shit. Shit school create shit students. Race is not the issue. You and the college chancellor are wrong. Schools in the ghettos should be improved by teachers and staff acknowledging that these kids are disadvantaged. Good counselors and afterschool programs can do the trick but the government isn't really interested in giving these kids help. The industrial prison complex thrives because these disadvantaged kids do something stupid and go to jail or prison.

This is a science and math board. I thought everyone on here would know this.

>> No.9058133

Keep in mind that that is not the golden ticket. The shitty school situation is just one factor.

>> No.9058135

Ah, so when a few fringe blacks who agree on something stupid like this, most blacks must also agree and ALL are just afraid of doing math. However, when blacks are capable of doing STEM, that's just an outlier! I see...
actually, hold that thought. I haven't even read the article yet so OP could literally just be making click bait to incite a /pol/ chimp out.
nice bait
That argument doesn't work here considering Nazism is an ideology with general principles that are in of itself bigoted and hateful, feminism is not. Also being black is not an ideology...
What do you want them to do? Make a public service announcement on TV every time some psycho bitch "feminist" says something out of line? Do MRA ever do this when some splerg tells a woman she deserved to be raped or that all women are subhuman?
I see feminists condemning irrational and misandric beliefs by radfems on the internet all the time with replies like: "that's not what feminism is about" or "you're misguided" but I'm sure you're too busy splerging out with your tinfoil hat ready to proclaim how "all feminists secretly hate and want to bring about the subservience, if not, extinction of men" to even notice. Grow up.
This thread is a waste of life and time. The author could have jerked off to loli porn all day an it would have been more well spent than any time making this shit thread.

>> No.9058137

okay i tried
my point was populations do not think, they do not have agency and the differences between individuals is too great to make normative statements about a population of individuals.
my problem isnt that you ae analyzing a population it is that you are analyzing individuals at the scale of a population. also the boundaries you defined the population to conveniently abstracted away experience which is the primary driver of behavior, please dont tell me youre a neodarwinist.
>My specialization is molecular biology, but I've taken more than one population genetics course and I've taught genetics. I'll assume I have some rough notion of what I'm talking about
population genetics is very different from population ecology, where questions of behavior typically belong
>Ignoring the insults (you'll never get anywhere academically if you can't control that)
obligatory "do you know where uyo are?" question
>Presumably you do the same all the time in your own specific work.
woah there partner im just some nerd that likes to read scientific literature. the only work i do is growing and selling drugs im not a research, i feel confident enough that i could succeed in the right ms program if i applied myself, i could be wrong
i probably will be too fucked up to continue this conersation

>> No.9058139

Well until how funding is fixed in the Public system and gerrymandering is reduced there won't be any progress. Segregation based off race or class is defacto funnily enough and quite common so you have areas with a good school just nearby by a complete shithole of a "school" nearby.

>> No.9058152

But that's not what happened at all...
All immigrants unlike blacks that were originally FORCED here, come with an explicit goal and purpose to make a better life(usually with education and hard work).
The Africans that came here as slaves were stripped of their cultural heritage, language, then broken and molded into slaves, and told their whole lives that they were inferior and their only purpose in life is the serve whites. Then when they were finally freeed, they were also poor as shit and the quality of education offered to them for multiple generations was mostly underfunded ( and still is).
They weren't even able to participate in the already well funded white schools until the 50s in many states.
Really, comparing the african slaves that came to the Africans and other immigrants who came in later to this day, is just completely wrong be every metric. Those immigrants all do well within 1 generation or two.
That's what people mean when they say slavery fucked over the Black American population in America big time. Yet, people like you deny it as "white guilt."

>> No.9058153

this is true. Kids with bad attitudes and kids with shit parents are impossible to teach. Its awful that most parents don't know how to raise decent children.

>> No.9058160

This is not true. Throwing money at the problem isn't a direct solution. Poor kids from poor families need role models and places to be to keep them from doing something stupid. Sadly getting role models in places with kids is extremely dangerous because pedophiles exist .

>> No.9058164

It takes a few generations to fix. These parents all had fucked up childhoods (Jim Crow followed by crack epidemic) and no education. Beating their kids and "tough love" is part of their culture now. It's a slow process to change that. These new generations of kids will retain some of that.

>> No.9058174

This is not true. Black people were getting on their feet until the 80s happened. Illegal Drugs and the sale of them ruined black people. Getting drugs out of the ghettos is impossible because the amount of money most drug dealer make out weighs minimum wage job money. Pride and the sacrifices Drug dealers made to get into their positions prevents them from stopping their damaging actions. Black kids see these drug dealers and aspire to be one because every other adult is poor and struggling in their neighborhood. This cycle repeats over and over through generations.

I grew up in these ghettos and turned out fine. I do have sympathy for these people. I personally had to actively avoid drug dealers from recruiting me. They prey on the young and desperate.

>> No.9058176

leftists blown the fuck out

>> No.9058178

its a tragedy.

>> No.9058183

Actually, they're just genetically inferior, as proven by adoption studies, you fucking white lily cuck.

>> No.9058187

Money allows after school programs to be a thing.

>> No.9058189

>genetically inferior
t. illiteratta

>> No.9058194

>no u

Classic. Your day is coming. We will not let you flood our countries with these subhumans any longer.

You are going to hang.

>> No.9058197

i was pointing to the obvious fact tjhat you have no understanding of what you are talking about evidenced by the words you typed and i responded to cringeworthy. you illiterate

>> No.9058199

Yes, but the after school programs could also be shit if the instructors of the afterschool programs don't care. We need to teach these kids how maneuver in the world early through media (tv,apps,movies,music). Thats the only solution. Any other solution is depended on school system higher ups to care about the children and they haven't done so in the past why would they do it now?

>> No.9058200

>he thinks adopted kids dont have issues

>> No.9058205

Your PhD in Critical Theory (read: neo-Marxism) doesn't give you any understanding of genetics or heredity. In fact, you're misinformed. You believe in 21st century Lysenkoism.


>he doesn't know that adopted Asian kids still score higher than whites because he is a closet Marxist Lysenkoist who actually hates science

>> No.9058218

>explain why it matters that removing all blacks from NYC will reduce crime by 90%

>> No.9058241

sadly and obviously this isn't the case

>> No.9058251

>why does it matter that crime can be reduced by 90% by eliminating blacks

>> No.9058258


i call BS on public schools teaching how great was Columbus. Instead they try to celebrate indigenous people's day

>> No.9058260

It looks like white people are rapists.

>> No.9058262

you must be young
or in a blue state

>> No.9058263

6% of rapists are whites


>> No.9058269

Triggered ;)

>> No.9058280


for years we've been telling kids that "aint" isn't in the dictionary.
Then they went and added it to the dictionary.

>> No.9058299

Honestly ain't fills a pretty specific gap that there isn't a contraction for, so I feel it's justified

>> No.9058304

whats funny is you thinl behavoir has aloot to do with genitics or inheritablituyb i curently support this synthesis of evolution https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-47581-3_9/fulltext.html
im a deep ecoologist and market anarchist scince you are so curious
please stop using science ass avbuzzword

>> No.9058324

All of your southern big cities have waaaaaaaaay more crime, especially black crime, than NYC or LA do. Sucks to suck.

>> No.9058327


which specific gap isn't already filled by "isn't"?

>> No.9058340

because asians and blacks behave differently

>> No.9058362

>race and species not a thing
then geni and families aren't a thing either, actually, there is no difference between living things and rocks.

>> No.9058367

If you meet a random white person or a random black person in the street, which is more likely to commit a crime against you?

>inb4 poltards can't into statistics and Bayes rule

>> No.9058370

Can someone explain to me how its a civil rights issue to make algebra mandatory?

Isn't the chancellor essentially saying that blacks can't do algebra with that statement?

Isn't that racists?

>> No.9058375

My guess it that it actually has less to do with race and more to do with getting idiots accepted into the college to play on the sports teams

>> No.9058430

California spent more money on low income neighborhood schools than other schools. They also gave every students an iPad to help to learn. The results are still the same. If money can make blacks smart, we would have plenty of black scientists now.

>> No.9058446

California is not an exception however, the blacks which have lived there were always poor.
The great migration of blacks to California in the 50's and 60's were mainly poor-lower middle class.
The high drug abuse rates in the 80's to late 90's took a toll on the black community, effectively destroying the family unit which once existed in the 50's and 60's.
Nonetheless, all of these events eventually led to young men searching for a sense of community and protection which could be found in a gang.
To be honest, the black community here in California has never really recovered from the events of the past, and at this point I'm not sure if it can.

>> No.9058495

you are missing meaningful interrelation there bud
life holistically is functionally separate from the non living because of meaning

>> No.9058499

Daily reminder that "they" killed off or imprisoned (40 years in solitary) key members of the black pather party, a group of well spoken well read cool looking militants seeking equality of opportunity and for blacks to help themselves.

And replaced them with crack aids and nigger music.

With Jews you lose!

>> No.9058500

>feelings have meanings ergo its ok to abandon facts and logical conclusions because "muh feels"

>> No.9058566

Your priors are a crime against humanity.

>> No.9058619

the calculus taught in highschool and the kind taught in college are not the same

>> No.9058627

they pretty much are, it's just not 3D yet.

>> No.9059043

what if the negro on average is quite inferior but the sheer moral bankruptcy of the average caucasion makes the ruse that they are not, necessary to avoid a "you're stupid so we should kill you" movement.

So this ruse is perpetuated instead of being able to address the crime problem or the minority unemployment problem in being able to architect policies geared towards groups with various mental deficiencies in memory, deductive reasoning, impulse control and so on.

We can't carve out a place for them because we can't admit the problem and ignoring it just keeps things the way they are. Pretty scary.

>> No.9059083

you are not even wrong about this but your /pol/ agenda is still showing

>> No.9059189

thats not how it works.

>> No.9059192

public schools fudge grades to get finding.

>> No.9059193

The believe that any differences between groups is caused by oppression, racism, sexism, without a shred of evidence. Its the god of the gaps argument except with racism.

>> No.9059197

blacks commit 50% of the murders and are 13% of the population. Black people aren't victims they are the victimizers.

>> No.9059200

>confusing race with class


>> No.9059203
File: 55 KB, 1160x627, childabuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9059274

It's like you didn't know that only 60 years ago it was illegal for blacks to go to a decent school despite paying the same taxes

>> No.9059282


>> No.9059292

Violent crime is much more strongly correlated with race than income.

>> No.9059300

This would be an argument if Africa, where blacks were left alone, was a prosperous place.

But we both know it isn't.

>> No.9059307

Idiocracy wasn't supposed to be prophesy.

>> No.9059322

>asians have the lowest child abuse rates
B-but muh doujins...

>> No.9059324

you cant abuse a child if it has been abandoned in the streets tbf

>> No.9059330

The track system was terrible, but it was possible to see your guidance counselor, and make an appeal. It involved getting the head of the department to evaluate you. I did that.

Yes, they didn't teach you that you could do that.

>> No.9059338

It is a bit more subtle. First they teach you that teachers are underpaid, and deserve a lot more. They actually get paid well, have great benefits, and a generous pension. Next they tell the students which political candidate they support. My high school English teacher was disappointed that only one student would be 18 on election day, and he was voting Republican.

>> No.9059341

Paul Kersey was the name of the anti-hero in the Death Wish films.

>> No.9059356

The hell is wrong with you people? I said NYC is safe city despite elevated percentage of black people. I said nothing of nation-wide statistics, only responding to that one guy who said "go to NYC and see what happens." IDK guys, get your brains checked.

>> No.9059364

my younger brother recently graduated. He told me his English teacher tried and succeeded to convince his class support Trump.

>> No.9059366

sorry for the errors its 5am and I haven't gone to sleep

>> No.9059368
File: 80 KB, 600x300, poorrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poorest white America town has lower crime rate than the richest black America town... unless you are saying rich black people are of lower class?

>> No.9059411

>thinking class iff wealth

Nouveau riche barbarians. 'Murica, basically.

>> No.9059420

wow, black folks can achieve such high incomes despite being in a bad neighborhood

>> No.9059422

Bullshit /pol/ knows all about means and standard deviations. That's why they're so racist in the first place.

>> No.9059426

You guys are illiterate fucks

>only 20% of blacks and hispanics have math proficiency
>black and hispanic students make up 60% of the school population
What the fuck is numerically impossible about those statements

>> No.9059432

Algebra 2 almost kicked my ass. I had a shitty teacher who didn't just explain things poorly, but explained them wrong. The mechanics of Algebra didn't click for me until I was in calculus. My only outside resource was the tiny "teach yourself" section at Books-a-Million because the school's library was garbage and the internet wasn't a thing yet. I ended up graduating college summa cum laude with mathematics as one of my majors.

Not everyone's situation is the same anon.

>> No.9059437

>Math, including Algebra, is the most un-sexy of all the sciences.
Math isn't a science you retard.

>> No.9059456
File: 1.81 MB, 4171x4678, MCATrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Affirmative action policy in America which virtually guarantees that any black who puts forth the slightest effort will be wildly successful.

>> No.9059457

intelligence is the most important quality a humam can possess

>> No.9059466

Why is Asian so low?

>> No.9059470

That also shows the retardation of grade inflation. A 2.0 should be average work. A 3.0 above average. A 4.0 exceptional.

>> No.9059473

Asians are so "over represented" in colleges and grad schools that they are held to even higher standards.

>> No.9059477

So whites get affirmative action too, gotcha.

>> No.9059478
File: 10 KB, 708x308, sat-scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they have higher IQ and study too much.

>> No.9059480

I wouldn't phrase it like that. It's more Asians (especially Asian males) are more strongly selected against. Whites are selected against as well, but not as strongly.

And I'm not saying this because muhwhiteygettingfucked or whatever, but more that we're talking about the two last choices of entrance boards. One's just getting fucked a little harder than the other.

>> No.9059485

>Asians average 1550
>Whites average 1400
Lmao why do you have this image saved?? What led you to make decisions like this??

>> No.9059493


>> No.9059496

seriously /sci/ is a pure board and /pol/ is a fucking quarantine zone for a reason
just piss off and we can all go home happy

>> No.9059499
File: 90 KB, 349x324, affirmativeAction2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, only Hispanic and blacks get affirmative action

>> No.9059507

Most liberals would want to solve the problem by providing better education, not by removing requirements; "everyone is equal" isn't actually a very liberal policy, rather they'd say "everyone should have equal opportunities"

>> No.9059516
File: 57 KB, 600x429, DNA-cartooning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts are facts, I'm not a liberal, I can handle the truth.

>> No.9059534
File: 214 KB, 602x528, Aristotleequality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do we stop giving white people the equal opportunity to train to compete in the 100 meters sprint? Equal opportunity does not mean equal results! Why don't liberals understand this?

>> No.9059539

*tips fedora*

>> No.9059559

>He actually has a misattributed quoted image saved on his computer
Literally >>/facebook/

>> No.9059619

what if your iq is above average but you're still bad at math because of poor focus?

i seriously wonder what it's like to be incapable of comprehending the material instead of just not having the mental energy to take it in. i took adderall in 11th and 12th grade and math became the easiest subject until my tolerance kicked in.

it's sort of insulting to be lumped in with all these people who just wouldn't be able to comprehend it either way

>> No.9059756

Not the original guy you were talking to, but now it's not. They took the right to be citizens that their grandparents fought for and have completely shit on it socially and culturally.

That has to change before any progress is made. But it's taboo to say a fucking thing about it.

>> No.9059764


A liberal would ironically be much more likely to accept that other races can be smarter, than a conservative, I agree 90% of the time that conservatives are better at accepting hard truths, but this one makes you more of a liberal, denying it would be more conservative.

>1.open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

>> No.9059780
File: 889 KB, 1121x1700, affirm7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On hindsight, this would be a better image.

>> No.9059789

There's everything wrong with social justice. Justice is you get a punishment befitting your actions. Social justice is you may or may not get punished depending on what your social group deserves. That is pants on head retarded

>> No.9059804

>Pick one and only one

how about this: we lower the standards of public education to avoid having to deal with this political third rail.

>> No.9059820

Justice is sufficient -- ANY qualifier limits and decreases justice, which is no longer absolute.

"Social justice" is just a way of saying "injustice."

>> No.9059825

A tweet? Damn son, this changes everything.

>> No.9059830

It says a lot about your mindset that you have taken the words "civil rights" and turned it into a racial controversy without providing evidence that Oakley mentioned race in the interview. In fact I have searched the first two pages of Bing and neither does anybody else provide a claim to this effect - not even Stormfront. If anybody can, fill your jackboots.

>> No.9059831

My best friend is black. Loves to program. Went to college and I haven't seen him since he left. I miss that kid. Reading your post, I've actually forgotten what it felt like to see/hear about a genuinely driven/intelligent black who didn't play the victim card. I don't like what I've become...

>> No.9059832

>hey, nice topic you have here, btw did I mention that /pol/ is fucking dumb and I hate them and they're mean

Every fucking time. It's you people constantly bringing up that board that are the insufferable twats.

>> No.9059834

jesus christ

>> No.9059837

How many of you can do algebra though?

>> No.9059854
File: 22 KB, 294x394, Brings_Tears_To_The_Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the IQ chart. You need at least a 90 IQ in order to do Algebra... therefore Algebra is racist!

>> No.9059864


Where's your source linking this guy's comments to black people?

>> No.9059872
File: 80 KB, 766x960, all_hope_is_lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary but true, liberals would rather have an under-qualified black teacher than a qualified white teacher teaching in a majority black school. Same for Hispanic. The truth is liberals view race as more important than competence.

>> No.9059885

Only 64% of white teachers passed that "literacy" test. Something wasn't quite right obviously.

>> No.9059886
File: 37 KB, 750x497, car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals have never been open to new opinions about their pet negroes

This man is your equal, if not your superior, deal with it.

>> No.9059897

>Only 64% of white teachers passed that "literacy" test.

When your pay is barely above minimum wage and your performance is based on teaching unmotivated individuals you can expect to only get the least talented people to apply. If they were complaining about the black and Hispanic FAILURE rate they must have been MUCH higher than the white passing rate.

The entire pool of school teacher is made up of individuals who suck at EVERYTHING else (but for a few individuals who CAN get a much higher paying job but sacrifice their careers to help the students).

>> No.9059917

Or you could actually look beyond a fucking headline sometime and see for yourself rather than making assumptions:

>64 percent of white candidates passed the test on the first try, while only 46 percent of Hispanic candidates and 41 percent of black candidates did.

>> No.9059931

>see for yourself rather than making assumptions:

But my assumption were 100% correct. I taught of years so I know.

>> No.9059939

>If they were complaining about the black and Hispanic FAILURE rate they must have been MUCH higher than the white passing rate.
Pretty forgetful there aren't you?
Looks like you wouldn't pass the literacy test either.

>> No.9059941

>>64 percent of white candidates passed the test on the first try, while only 46 percent of Hispanic candidates and 41 percent of black candidates did.
OH... I see your mistake. the FAILURE rate was higher for POC... you see smaller numbers and assume loweer but those are PASSING rates... failure rate and passing rates are OPPOSITE to each other... so higher failure rates mean they did worse not better.
Do not feel ashamed you are a product of the education you had... I am sure you will be an excellent cashier at McDonalds.

>> No.9059948

The hell are you talking about?
His claim verbatim:
>If they were complaining about the black and Hispanic FAILURE rate they must have been MUCH higher than the white passing rate.

White passing rate: 64%
Black failure rate: 59%
Hispanic failure rate: 54%

The black/hispanic failure rates are not higher than the white passing rate, which is what he claimed. He was assuming the minority failure rate to be higher than 64%.

>> No.9059953

Well fuck me with aa angry crocodile... I did mix the two wrong.
My bad...
now I am sure you could actually be a MANAGER at McDonalds

>> No.9060077


>> No.9060279

fool this as nothing to do with feelings
meaning as in life in general interprets meaning from information. rocks have no meaning beside that what life has interpreted from them.

sure rocks and life may be ontologically inseparable as matter. The thing is life is an abstract entity existing meaningful information that allows it to posses the concrete. For example the meaning encoded dna is what turns allows life to assemble itself, signs vessels interpreted from perception, cellular processes, and in the immune system (indexes), or cognition(symbols) allow life to abstract meaning from its relation to the sign being interpreted.
lets take that rock for example, if you had not conceptualized that rock as a rock it would not be their.
Life is a single abstract entity that is represented in the concrete.
i cnt go into detail if you have questions about the above statement as it is too advanced to explain, im happy to give reading

this next part isn't me bragging im trying my best to explain something in a way that will be easier to understand than a formal breakdown with dry and obscure rhetoric.

if you were to go scuba diving with me you would see a lot of beautifully fish and corals and all kinds of wondrous things More likely a post-apocalyptic hellscape nowadays.( all my love is kill, i know longer feel) and i would see recruitment, complexity patch interactions,tropic interactions, succession,seascape mosaics and robustness. and i could do a lot more, more specifically and i could do it empirically with more equipment and colleagues.
My point is there is knowing more than what you know and if you are not capable using reason to understand what is real you might as well know nothing. Study, reason epistemology and ontology if you ever hope to make a decent contribution to science. All the important work is interdisciplinary and heavy on philosophy. Unless you want to be a corporate whore, then asking deep questions will hurt your job prospects.

>> No.9060458


> i admit you're correct, but i get to accuse you of being /pol/ therefore you're still wrong

>> No.9061020

>They don't even teach kids econmics outside of CATO institute propaganda.

so you mean just economics