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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9056368 No.9056368 [Reply] [Original]

What is your personality type? Do you agree with it?
INTP here, and it's so accurate for me it's scary.

>> No.9056392

INTP here too. I agree with the functions more than the archetype

I fucking hate Fi users.

>> No.9056393

The Big Five are better.

>> No.9056420

What are those?

>> No.9056441

Just took the test, it's fucking trash.

>> No.9056453
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>> No.9056466

Anyone with a "J" in there personality is mean.

>> No.9056477

>INFJs are mean
>ENFJs are mean
>fucking ESFJs are mean
>ISFJs are mean

>> No.9056523

it's not a test you retard

>> No.9056545

What are you, a fucking queer? A woman? Or some other kind of subhuman? This is horoscope tier garbage.

>> No.9056549


>> No.9056593

INTJ/INTP, depending on the test it seems. Sometimes even get almost 50/50 split for J and P

>> No.9056600

I think most people here will get INTP or one hamming difference

>> No.9056613

This honestly

>> No.9056614

INTJ reporting.

>> No.9056622

fuck you all

>> No.9056653

Get the fuck out, engineer normie.

>> No.9056697


>> No.9056705

I got ESTP and it's not close whatsoever. Kinda disappointed desu senpai

>> No.9056744

INTP and some INTJ, there are quite a bit of INTPs in this thread.

>> No.9056754

You know this shit has been debunked eh

>> No.9056843

The master race of MBTI

>> No.9056852

I'm Aquarius, and it's pretty accurate too. I bet you must be a Libra or a Gemini?

>> No.9056999
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>> No.9057027

INTP here too my friends.

>> No.9057041

ISTP > all

>> No.9057043
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>> No.9057063

INFJ, INTJ, ENTP, ENFP are the god tier personality types to have. ENFJ is also always helpful towards others, they're also there.

I don't know about others.

As for accuracy, just go to r/yourmbti and you'll find like minded people. It' essentially good enough, but people won't accept it unless it's 'literally perfect' because they're afraid and this is how they pretend to not be.

>> No.9057074

Pretty much

>> No.9057128

im a Taurus
i totatally agree it's scary accurate for me aswell

>> No.9057321


>> No.9057343

People actually believe in horoscopes?

>> No.9057764

Why are those God tier?

>> No.9057783

Holy crap, is this a joke. Why do you all take this so seriously


Isnt the test re-test consistency on the meyer brigg only like 40%? Thats pretty dang poor. Also, is there any meaning in the result? Like to J people live longer, or act any different? Any meaningful connection to the results at all?

This ^

>> No.9057870

rare and gay personality type

>> No.9057904

This is worse and more normie than fucking IQ bullshit. Take your horoscope level bullshit to >>>/x/ kid.

>> No.9057906

>this is god tier?
>....because I don't know about the others, obviously these are god tier.

Brainlet logic at work.

>> No.9057950
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>yes/no questions
>range of feeling answers
>many questions are actually illogical
>try several different online tests
>get different results on every one

I feel like something is off if none of these things match up together at least once. These questions are so vague and so few that there is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer.

>> No.9058023


OP btfo

>> No.9058025
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INFP failure deep into depression.

>> No.9058105

INTP here as well

>> No.9058565

Have never got any other result but ENTP, was once literally amazed at how accuratly it describes me.

My ideal way of thinking would be INTP tho.

What do you think about ENTPs

>> No.9058620

Same as me with INTP.
Honestly, I think these tests are mostly shit, but INTP described me so accurately it was almost scary. Like, how could someone so accurately describe the way I am like that without ever meeting me?

>> No.9058642

>god tier


>weirdo/smart but lazy/value intelligence tier


>normie tier

anything i didn't say above

>suicide tier


>> No.9058745

>suicide tier
>I am INFP 100% introvert
>please help

>> No.9058788

I went from INTJ to ENFP. How fucked is my brain?

>> No.9058819


i'm not taking any more quizzes from /sci/

>> No.9058931
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MBTI test are a meme. However, Jungian psychology and Jung's study of cognitive functions is a lot more fun and interesting. The entire thing is obviously non-empirical, but regardless of that I think there's something to it.


>Throwing out INFJ and ENFP from weirdo/smart
You god damn barbarian.

>> No.9058943

Pretty accurate

>> No.9058985
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What would Jung say of INFP? Would he say I'm a faerie?

>> No.9059013

Opinion discarded

>> No.9059064

All I know is that intuitives are significantly superior to sensors, and that's all I care about.

>> No.9059132

ISFP here.

>> No.9059179

Autistic social retarded INTJ reporting in.

>> No.9059316
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Obviously, you have no clue how this scale works or what these really mean. Here's a hint, just taking the test means you are a normie.


>> No.9059318
File: 398 KB, 1172x1744, lol wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone thinks this is a "science"

>> No.9059319

Capricorn, chaotic neutral

>> No.9059323
File: 22 KB, 351x405, enfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bad or what

>> No.9059325

I always get ENTJ but I don't feel like an extrovert. I mean I'm outgoing and confident in social situations, but I find socialisation exhausting and prefer alone time to being around others so I don't think I qualify as an extrovert.

>> No.9059327

Couldn't agree more - I hate these threads so much. For a thread that's supposed to support science, people here sure do like using this pseudo-shit to feel good about themselves.

>> No.9059337

That is where the questions, for the test, break down. For instance, I'm extremely introverted, but I have no qualms about going into the middle of a crowd, getting everyone's attention and talking to/asking questions. I just prefer not to. On the other hand, my friends, some of whom are extremely extroverted can't bring themselves to do anything like that.

Depending on what test I take, I'll get different results. The test writers' perception(s) of these things is the person who is judging you. Thus, each online test has a different judge. Some of the questions can be a bit vague too. Which can bork everything as a whole.

You just need to remember, you know who you are better than anyone else. If you want to fit into a category then research and compare traits yourself.

>> No.9059340

ENTP. Born to /pol/.

>> No.9059486

INTP here anon

>> No.9059495

ENTP, and the test is pretty awful
I get that it's supposed to be a catch-all but some of the questions are phrased so damn vaguely that there's no possible way I could answer anything but "neutral"
For instance, I came up as 70% extroverted and 30% introverted, and I can recall the exact questions that gave me that score, but the reality is that I'm a true introvert who only acts social because I've spent years emulating others' behaviors to get here
You can't possibly account for these things

>> No.9059511
File: 287 KB, 780x1103, ENTJInfographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTJ Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Thinking (T), Judgment (J)

>> No.9059821

ENFP-T here. My biggest fear is to harm those I like
Second would be being alone or rejected by everyone
I'm pretty decent when it comes to understand other's feelings
This is a major weakness

I'd like to have other feedbacks from ENFP

>> No.9059839


MBTI has been debunked over and over again, it's literally just a horoscope invented by two women with zero scientific training and based on a single pop-sci book by New Age darling Jung. When anyone tells you their MBTI, you immediately know you're dealing with a moron.


>> No.9059845

INTP here. I don't want to take an IQ test because it takes too long and I don't want to be dissapointed, I don't get why it menas so much to me.

>> No.9059852

>Have never got any other result but ENTP, was once literally amazed at how accurately it describes me.

Yeah pretty much same for me. I get that not everybody falls into one of the 16 types but I seem to be a textbook ENTP.

>> No.9059857

This is a lot more accurate than MBTI itself.

>> No.9059863


Not a single thing Jung wrote is verifiable or factual, there's a reason why New Age is considered woowoo and not science.

>> No.9059878

I know that. MBTI is some sort of horoscope that has some accuracy in reality, not really due to science or fact.

>> No.9059934

INTP autistic genius master race reporting.

>> No.9061153

ENTP engineer masterrace reporting

It sure feels nice being smart with social skills.

>> No.9061204 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 305x306, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop-sci bullshit that has been proved to steem from an misinterpretation of a concept from a highly non-scientific mystical psychologist

The Big Five is fucking shit mate. Fucking shit, I tell you. Who the fuck thought unhappiness/neuroticism could be considered a permanent personality trait. It's so full of shit, it makes me lose hope for psychology on the inside. You could at least have used the Big Six instead, which is way less revolting than that shit.

/sci/ only seems to use the shit part of Psychology. The 12 jungian archetypes are considerably more insightful than this baseless trash. Hell, even the 4 temperament personality theory are more interesting to measure personality traits than this.

I fucking hate you, /sci/.

>> No.9061212 [DELETED] 
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>>9056368 (OP)
>pop-sci bullshit that has been proved a long time ago to be an misinterpretation of a concept from a highly non-scientific mystical psychologist

The Big Five is fucking shit mate. Fucking shit, I tell you. Who the fuck thought unhappiness/neuroticism could be considered a permanent personality trait. It's so full of shit, it makes me lose hope for psychology on the inside. You could at least have used the Big Six instead, which is way less revolting.

/sci/ only seems to use the shit part of Psychology. The 12 jungian archetypes are considerably more insightful than this baseless trash. Hell, even the 4 temperaments are more interesting for measuring personality traits than this.

I fucking hate you, /sci/.

>> No.9061229

Psychfag here to tell you all the mb is garbage to anyone who studies psychology.

>> No.9061238

these type of tests aren't horoscope tier, however you shouldn't take it as 100% accurate or scientific as because personalities are more complex than just mere labels but overall its fun to do and learn a bit more about yourself.

>> No.9061516

ENTJ master race reporting in

>tfw STEM chad

>> No.9061530

First, I consider it obligatory to point out that the Myer's Briggs is essentially a modern take on astrology, and that I don't consider it particularly valid. I need to say that so I don't come across as a retard.

Second, INFP most of the time, ENTP depending on my mood. I'm a pretty emotionally unstable guy to the point where I feel like I might be manic depressive or something, it really just depends on what mood I'm in.

>> No.9061622


I can understand emotional instability ; though depression is my main thing right now.

>> No.9061656

Cognitive functions test ((ie)Fi,Ni, etc) isa better measure cognitive functions.

>> No.9061750
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>pop-sci bullshit that has been proven a long time ago to be an misinterpretation of a concept from a highly non-scientific psychologist

The Big Five is fucking shit mate. Fucking shit, I tell you. Who the fuck thought neuroticism (which is basically unhappiness) could be considered a permanent personality trait. It's so primitive and so full of shit, it makes me lose hope for psychology on the inside. You could at least have used the Big Six instead, which is a bit less revolting. It oversimplifies personality as something expontaneous and unchangeable. It's not only useless, but also detrimental to anyone that takes it seriously.

The 12 jungian archetypes are considerably more insightful than this baseless trash. Hell, even the 4 temperaments personality theory is more pratical for measuring personality traits than this.

I fucking hate you, /sci/.

>> No.9061752

>>Isnt the test re-test consistency on the meyer brigg only like 40%?
Not wanting to defend Myers-Briggs, but
>implying personality doesn't change over time

I bet you're a physics fag.

>> No.9061754

>being this triggered about a post on a burmese copper smelting enthusiast forum

>> No.9061884

This, INTJ too, I remember being a kid and I used to have so much emotions. Now I only make decisions with my brain, which is all well and good, but what's the point of living if not to feel?

>> No.9061891

Yes you are now officially gay

>> No.9061902

this personality table is not scientifically proven

>> No.9062629


Do you have evidence that the big five is trash? I'm not well verse in psychology, and I'd like to know if Dr Peterson is just a meme or if he knows what he's talking about.

>> No.9062643

>have bipolar disorder
>take test under depression
>take test under mania

What do?

>> No.9063014

Last I did I got that I could be any of the following


Honestly the whole thing seems like mental masturbation. There's no value in these if you can just as easily identify yourself as any one you feel is what you should be, not what you really are

>> No.9063023
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>> No.9063048

It is the personality test with the highest test retest reliability.

>> No.9063060

You retard this is just advanced horoscope bullshit
>some vague description

>> No.9063063


>> No.9063072

Despite this,it is highly probable that some are just wired to have a higher dopamine or endorphin flow, therefore being naturally happier.

From that, there must be people who are just biochemically has a lower happiness capacity?

>> No.9063091

Custom tables are the juiciest, anyone got any more?

>> No.9063117
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>tfw ISTP
>tfw have a social life and enjoy partying
>tfw haven't wanted to kill myself in over a year
Your move, normie

>> No.9063119

The tests only show what personality type you think of yourself as.

>> No.9063191


Am i some sort of overcomplicated Jesus?

>> No.9063212
File: 26 KB, 321x265, Grigori-Perelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP "Once went one week without showering or going outside."

Kek. That's literally me in this summer vacation.

Math & Science > Sun & Water.

>> No.9063235

literally the same

>> No.9063253

That's pretty gross

>> No.9063265
File: 111 KB, 1080x1349, PjINZaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

introverted ENFP faggot here
Real answer:
Types are memes but the functions behind them help describe your preferential mode of though and what information you prioritise while looking at a subject/thing.

Big Five is a personality theory.
MBTI is a theory of modes of thinking or sth like that.

>> No.9063298

ISFJ here

>> No.9063456

Less accurate than a Buzzfeed quiz