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9058700 No.9058700 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone figured out the scientific phenomenon behind 4chan? Why is it that when people start browsing that can't ever seem to leave?

>> No.9058707

It's way too much pleasure. We all want to socialize without anxiety. This is it. It's too simple to open your phone/pc and begin socializing, even with good friends they have to consent and then you have to drive over there and then leave when they want you too. This is pseudo friends on demand.

>> No.9058708
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I'm actively trying to lower the quality of this site to encourage people to leave.
It's an unhealthy addiction.

>> No.9058711

What does "4chan" sound like?

>> No.9058713

It's pronounced the same as fortune
Unless you're a brainlet

>> No.9058714

Basically this.

It's an outlet for people to "talk" and be social without any fear or anxiety. And the fact that there's other boards and constantly new threads and topics getting posted keeps things from getting stale. When one board is getting boring, I open a new tab and look at something else that interests me.

In the real world if you say something wrong, you make things awkward. Or people don't want to talk or whatever. On 4chan, if you don't want to reply you just don't.

>> No.9058716


Anyone who says differently is a fucking faggot.

>> No.9058723

The anonymous format makes it one of the few places where you can witness with brutal honesty the brutal ignorance of youth at large, and contribute to it with no repercussions, beyond time wasted.

It's also kinda like a train wreck or a fat woman in spandex - you can't help but look.

Scientifically speaking, of course.

>> No.9058741

Fuck you, asshole

>> No.9058758

two points

>animosity allows for a freer medium for communication free from consequences

>4chan isn't the boogeyman it's credited to be

People leave 4chan all the time. You just don't hear them cause they're posting on another site, or they live out normal lives where 4chan rarely comes up as a conversational topic.

>> No.9058781
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I can't use any other means of communication. Before discovering textboards (and, consequently, imageboards) I used to be a real shut-in, communicating only in rare, brief occasions (ordering a pizza through the phone or answering "credit" when the grocery store's cashiers asks "credit or debt"). I cannot communicate with others in a live situation, such as Skype, a videogame chat, an IRC channel, a Discord room etc. And even on non-live-time environments like internet forums, you still have to, most times, post under a username, in which circumstances there is a lot of social circlejerking. So basically I come here because there is no time factor, it's not like in real life where you're expected to respond immediatly after someone asked you something without thoroughly thinking about it first, and there isn't any social circlejerking. An autist like me can share his opinion or knowledge on whatever topic without having to worry about most things an autist would normally have to worry about.

>> No.9058796

But i've literally been coming here since 2008 or even earlier, I don't remember

>> No.9058798

You don't get punished for sperging.

Instead you get free (you)s

>> No.9058805

Yeah, but the people who leave no

>> No.9058806

But you're literally just one person. Niggas leave 4chan everyday b.

>> No.9058807

4chan's "underground" status allows one to discuss the truth even if it is not politically correct by main stream standards, thus allowing one to say what is on one's mind openly and plainly.

The format also gives each comment equal visibility, giving everyone a chance to have their voice heard, thus allowing freedom of speech, unlike shit places like Reddit.

That one posts anonymously, allowing one's credibility to be determined by the content of one's message, not whatever ethos one uses to throws one's weight around, unlike shit places like Quora.

To sum it up plainly: freedom of speech.

>> No.9058872

Any environment that allows a person to express one's self without personal repercussions is inherently a low-stress environment.

It's like being with good siblings, genuine friends you grew up with, or an actually loving wife. It's a place where you don't really carry any judgment on you as a person, and other environments that are like that are commonly associated with people who love you. That's what makes 4chan so comfortable. It's not that we have any love for you; it's just that despite our notoriety as the Internet's hate machine, we will never truly hate you no matter what you do. It's a cozy little place that's open 24/7 where you can come and go as you please.

Have a laugh, shoot the shit, rummage through porn or shock images, share something you're proud of, be a trickster, tell us your secrets, get introduced to something new you can learn, or just hang out and watch everyone else. It's kind of like going to a town that you never intend on visiting again. Do whatever you want, and don't give a damn about your reputation because these people aren't gonna see you again anyway.

>> No.9058901

This isn't Las Vegas. Way to mix up the explanation with the justification, faggot.

>> No.9058903

You still have to follow the law in vegas

>> No.9058907

Because 4chan still does OCs and has interesting things to see.

>> No.9058910

I come for the anime images, mostly.

>> No.9059770


>> No.9059787

It's good place to discuss movies, I'm on sci only to shitpost

>> No.9059893

hate me but I have actually been transitionig from 4chan to reddit lol.
The site is absolutely cancerous for you. It is very efficient at filtering out the most simple-interesting content so browsing is very addictive.
If anyone is curious I went there for specific subreddits related to interests, in thise cases it's basically just like any other forum, but when you start browsing r/all you get cancer.

>> No.9059902


It's like gambling. Scrolling is akin to rolling the dice or spinning the wheel. When you find a decent thread it's like you've won. Then you need to win again. Classic foraging behaviour.

>> No.9059907

dude let me tell you, practice talking with people on omegle.
It might sound retarded but you can really improve at conversation.
On omegle people have extremely short attention spans so you are forced to be interesting to talk to.
You have to talk to anyone. Don't try to look for girls or some shit, just talk to anyone as long as you can. If you try to get a conversation going you will quickly notice you are already better at conversing than most people there.
Read some of those guides on convo and do these things. Make the other person talk about themselves, find open ended topics, compliment, be humorous etc. All those things can be trained.
I am more of a social failure too but recently I was in another city for a week and went to a bar, started talking to a qt next to me and it was literally exactly like omegle.

>> No.9059911
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where else can I openly say, that as a whole blacks seem to be completely inferior to all other races except for physical abilities.
I would like to have this be untrue but except for a few individuals this holds.

Also white liberals LITERALLY hate their own history, culture, and race; they only see the negative in history and the worse parts of their culture and see whitey as the curse of all the other races.

>> No.9059926

this, also the humor is good

>> No.9059935
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>> No.9060005

>practice talking with people on omegle.
how is that even possible
or did you mean penis

>> No.9060056

It's a website on the internet
Science done

>> No.9060060

because we like our company, even if we disagree with each other
we're a community after all :^)

>> No.9060080

by not being a fucking autist

>> No.9060553

please keep it to one thread per topic

>> No.9060602


i need an explanation for this travesty before i can leave

>> No.9060638

frankly if they banned me i'd lose interest and leave. no idea why they refuse to do so. it would help a lot.

>> No.9060646

it would have helped six months ago.

>> No.9060715

Are you the guy that spams trump threads on /b/ with koreans?

>> No.9060731

Why can't a heroine addict stop ?
Because there are demons hunting him that he doesn't want to face.

Why can't we stop browsing 4chan ?
Because this is the only place where we are relevant; it is a place where we feel like a piece of something bigger, we feel connected.

>> No.9060738

>Because this is the only place where we are relevant; it is a place where we feel like a piece of something bigger, we feel connected.

maybe that's you, but i actually come here to escape from all that. To forget about my life, job, relationships, all that.

>> No.9060752

>animosity allows for a freer medium for communication free from consequences
and yet I am often scared even to post on 4chan, because I feel like people will either not reply, or insult me. I mean who cares it's a guy on the interent right, but there might be some truth to what they're saying.

>> No.9060758

You have issues man if that's true.
Whats u'r real life situation ? Like Depression anxiety vise cuz you should get professional help

>> No.9060783

Well I mean not necessarily scared but apprehensive, I feel like I post far less than other people on this site, where others might just say what's on their mind i'll hold my tongue... I guess you're right, I need to relax a bit and be able to say what I think. Then again I am posting this now fairly freely. And yeah defo some depression/anxiety due to ocd, but I'm getting help for that.