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9057198 No.9057198 [Reply] [Original]

Once again proving that EEs are the true GOD Tier STEM degree


>National Association of Colleges and Employers

>inb4 www.bls.gov shills

>> No.9057220

>muh 5 figures

Lol nice godliness

>> No.9057365
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>bachelor's degree

Enjoy spending another 8 years in school learning why 1+1=2. While Chad is a project manager and going to hire your sorry ass to be a human calculator.

Thanks for the Hardy Kek

>> No.9057370

>tfw I made $104k my first year as a subsea engineer

>> No.9057544


>tfw CS internships pay more than that

>> No.9057564

>tfw 300k starting

>> No.9058091

>tfw Materials get 10x+1 more pussy

>> No.9058098

>tfw when you're an english major

>> No.9058115

>0% job growth
>-100 jobs in 10 years

"inb4" doesn't invalidate real stats, my friend

>> No.9058165

>Let the degree determine my life
Basic retards you people are.

>> No.9058207

Saying inb4 doesn't change the fact EE has literally negative job growth

>> No.9058308

Just curious, is this based on jobs available or number of actual people with jobs or what exactly? Just could see it for sure with how many old people retiring soon in many EE fields.

>> No.9058357

It's literally only the "position" it lists, electrical **engineering** is just a degree of which you can /choose/ to pursue an electrical engineer "position" afterward.

It's like saying math students can only be mathematicians afterward which is just untrue.

Most EEs end up stealing other Majors' jobs instead because we're just that good like chart shows

>> No.9058647

lmao @ becoming an engineer because you want to make money

>> No.9058655
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>going to college because you want to make money
These people are pathetic. You'll have to work 8 hours of your day as a slave for shitty pay. I go to college to learn cutting-edge things, the frontier of human knowledge. If I wanted to make more money than I already have, I'd just invest more in the stock. Engineers (and, while we are at it, computer scientists) are people too dumb to realize they make as much money as they would from working + the 4 years they wasted on their shitty college if they had just invested the same amount of money they spent with tuition and housing in good stocks. In other words: dumb, poor slaves.

>> No.9058699

>paying for college at all
>not getting scholarships
Brainlet be gone

>> No.9058709

>Implying my broke ass paid for uni

Scholarships my brainlet friend.