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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9053112 No.9053112 [Reply] [Original]

Growing up, should students be forced to learn an instrument?

Should schools (lets assume they could afford to) have mandatory music classes? Do you think it would have a significant impact on child development?

What other subjects should be given more/less focus?

>> No.9053117

Why learn an instrument? Seems pointless. Pretty much every school has optional music classes anyway if the kid is into that sort of thing.

>> No.9053120

I was forced to learn the recorder.
It didn't help me at all and I forgot how to play it

>> No.9053123
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>social engineering

>> No.9053124

It's a good way to bond with each other, it seems as though suicide is on the rise IIRC and I'd say I was at my happiest when I was in music class. Maybe it would also positively reflect your performance in other classes.

>> No.9053128

>it seems as though suicide is on the rise IIRC
[citation needed]

>> No.9053129



>> No.9053133

Only teach pure mathematics.

>> No.9053135

No thanks

>> No.9053137

If you just want kids to bond, sports are a lot cheaper than buying an instrument for each kid, and have the added benefit of getting those fat fucking shits to move around and not end up obese like their parents.

>> No.9053142

Sports when I was growing up was flag football and other gay shit. People were also segregated severely, being picked last for teams, etc.

>> No.9053143

Increase in trannys and other lgbt
They have a massive suicide rate
And such groups commonly prey on isolated children to boost their ranks

>> No.9053144
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>t. Gender Studies Associate Degree from Community College says:

Castrate Your Kids!

>> No.9053150

Send music to devil. Musicians are tramps in mine country.

>> No.9053151

Suicide rates have waved from 13% to 10% since the 80s. Right now we're at about 12%. There has been no sharp raise, although there's a very slight upward trend right now

>> No.9053154

Citation needed

>> No.9053157

You need culture, faggot

>> No.9053158
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Center of Disease Control

>> No.9053170

That's pretty significant to me.

>> No.9053178

I was forced to pick an "activity" as a kid to make up for my autism. It didn't help and was just a fucking waste of time. I could have been studying mathematics instead. My parents are utter retards.

>> No.9053182

and that wont happen with musical talent/ability?

>> No.9053184

It didn't happen in my case, probably because children had less control over the situation.

>> No.9053188

It did in my experience, with jazz band being highly sought after and only certain chairs being able to even audition. I never though of it but that could have lead to the same feelings that sports does, alienation, ect

>> No.9053193

If psychology were a valuable science, we would have already understood the nuances of how children learn, from understanding effective ways to present novelty without losing rigor to understanding how a particular approach to teaching creates a certain mental model of the subject taught (with its pros and cons, etc.), etc., enough to implement significant changes besides "hurr durr what if we taught everyone in the same way for the century... BUT WITH MORE IPADS AND WEBSITES N SHIIEEET! NEED MO MONEY FO DEM PROGRAMS!" Unfortunately psychologists are resentful manlets lacking any sort of inspiration, imagination, intellectualism, or sense of public service, so we've been deprived of any real major revolution in education.

>> No.9053205

What were your choices?
What did you choose?

>> No.9053215

There's a lot of error with what they determine suicide. For example, that would include certain kinds of accidents, people on sleeping pills doing crazy stuff like starting their car in a closed garage and falling asleep, etc. A 2 or 3% increase is within the realm of just interpretations of what's a suicide and what's an accident.

The chart I posted only goes to 2011 but the current rate as of 2016 is slightly over 13%.

>> No.9053218

Just make robots that can do math and exterminate the useless STEMcucks

>> No.9053219

wouldnt those errors be present in all years then?and if not, can you point towards something indicating they changed the way they define/measure suicide?

>> No.9053224

It's socially impossible to do proper scientific tests on education with control groups because people don't want human testing on children. If you were testing something that you thought might make education better, then they would demand that you give it to ALL children. And doing something that you theorize makes education worse would obviously be never allowed.

>> No.9053225

Get all those poor black kids to go to a boarding school. Honestly, most often then not the problem is their parents. Unfortunately there is no money for that, not even in the richest country on earth.

>> No.9053227

Had to choose between theater and theater, so I chose theater.

Heck, if it were something like debating it could have been actually useful. But I just had to rote learn some corny text instead.

>> No.9053228

You want to help kids? Invest in genetic manipulation for high IQ traits. You can't teach retarded people to become quantum physicists.

>> No.9053234

I don't have any source on changes in definition per-say, just that over the course of 40 years the practices of all involved, from police to medical personal have changed. I'm just appealing to common sense here. If the changes had been massive, like doubling or getting cut and half, that would be obviously a reflection of something big happeneing, but just 1.5% up and down around the mean of ~12% just isn't a very significant variance.

>> No.9053238

A LOT of people unironically think that anybody can learn anything if they just put in enough effort.

>> No.9053239

...so the markets gets even more flooded and kids are "helped" by bringing their hopes up and then failing them.

That's what happened to me. "Study, I swear it's worth it!"

I ended up genuinely enthusiastic, but there aren't any jobs anymore. And I have to give up everything, while the others are not even aware of anything and live life to the fullest.

Thank you. Thank you for bringing me to this filth-ridden, treacherous world.

>> No.9053244

thanks for the answer, it say that makes sense to me, at least on the surface

>> No.9053247


You have the tools to cheat your way around life and live like a king, while others are bound to the life they've gotten and no way out. If you a depressed, then take some fucking drugs and sort yourself out, stop bitching about your brilliance.

Also, a world full of 140+IQ people would be a much better world. What brings one down is having to live surrounded by wild animals and the retarded, hyper emotional people that defend their every move.

>> No.9053273

You don't get it. The problem isn't mere brilliance, but about being among the top .1% who are brilliant. Investing in genetic engineering or general promotion of intellectual pursuits is just going to translate the curve to the right. In the end, only a select few are going to get a job in real science. And most of the time, they've been better prepared than the average because they had relatives who introduced them to the field very early and not in the context of a school. Meanwhile, the others will suffer because they realize how much they missed out on.

>> No.9053275

this, can you imagine 140 IQ people as garbagemen or other necessary trade jobs? they would blow their brains out at the monotony. Shit i almost did in retail

>> No.9053283


Shouldn't an increase in the IQ of the population greatly boost technological advancement? Maybe such needs and monotony would radically change the world for the better.

>> No.9053292

>More math
>more education about the functions of goverment
>Harsher P.E (Situps and stuff that builds muscles and fitness)
>Educate children on nutrition very early
>More grammar
>Start teaching statistics
>Less science (Outside of simple knowledge about which chemicals are dangerous)
>Less history
>No art
>No music
>Less time in school with more demands

Around 50% of children are smarter than what they seem, and this will give them some incentive to work harder.

>> No.9053293

I would like to think so, and im glad you brought that up, because i hadnt considered it really. What would this ideal world look like though? Technology is so advanced we no longer have to do physical/menial work, to the point where billions of people on the earth can pursue personal interest desires, including (due to the high average IQ) a lot of scientific progress? Sounds pretty good to me actually

>> No.9053295

Fuck off Mao, we need culture.

>> No.9053300

Since we are on a /sci/ence board.
Make them understand the difference between corellation and causation
the basics of experimentation
what is abstract thinking
how to bridge the gap between abstract thinking and real applications
and they figure out the rest themselves

>> No.9053304

>It's socially impossible to do proper scientific tests on education with control groups because people don't want human testing on children
Who was Piaget? Get out of my sight, brainlet.

>> No.9053314

I (>>9053292)
Can imagine adding this to the list, under the label "Philosophy".

We dont have culture in our youth. Our youth are lethargic victims of an excess of bullcrap. Our youth numb themselves down to not experience their lack of direction. The few who are willing to create art will do so anyways, they are generally risk takers. The others get reqiusite knowledge to work in the world and search for their goals, aswell as more free time.

>> No.9053319

Kids should be taking music classes, yes. Music theory is good for the mind. Kids should also take:
- sociology
- economics
- wood/metal shop
- cooking & general home skills
- art (a few options)
- philosophy, logic, and reasoning
- politics, debating, and rhetoric

>> No.9053332

Also expand physical education to include fitness, health, and nutrition.

>> No.9053345

I mean it's socially impossible NOW, in the modern era. People have been becoming progressively more and more protective of children for the past 100 years

>> No.9053359

Sports are too dangerous. Snowflakes, I mean kids, could get hurt out there. And let's not talk about the psychological damage that goes on in locker rooms.

>> No.9053368


Lol my school district is introducing Latin because some moms went on a trip with their kids to some kind of convention and those kids were learning Latin and now the local moms are jealous that their kids don't know Latin.

>> No.9053373

>Shouldn't an increase in the IQ of the population greatly boost technological advancement?

More likely, it would increase social unrest. Possibly bring about a civil war.

Everyone is now very smart but the wealth and capital to do shit in this world is still owned by very few people. You think a 140 IQ lower class would be just as docile as our current lower class? I think not.

>> No.9053384

Mohammed pls go

>> No.9053404
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bulgaria, is it you?

>> No.9053407

Stupid, dead language. Teach them a useful second language.

>> No.9053412


>> No.9053415

That's a good one. Offer options though.

>> No.9054283

Make Spanish mandatory for Amerifats.

>> No.9054288
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>> No.9054292

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9054299

>improve education

why would you? the current education system serves its purpose. for the education system to change, capitalism would also have to be abolished

>> No.9054301

>why would you want to improve anything?

>> No.9054305

improve it for whom? the current education system like i said serves its purpose. there will never be any substantial change since its the vessel by which neoliberalism is propagated to the new generations

>> No.9054337
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Unlike what a lot of people think, just a small percentage of the differences between student achievement (in this case science performance as defined in "PISA 2015 Assessment and Analytical Framework" among 15-year olds enrolled in school) is explained by the differences between education systems. And this is very interesting because we tend to think that our system is very different from, for example, the Japanese system, the Finnish sytem, the Singaporean system, etc., but what the actual data tells us is that, at least in the OECD member countries, they have a running system that is already functional, pretty much everybody is covered, everybody has a teacher, if the teacher doesn't arrive there's a substitude teacher, all schools have bathrooms, roofs, a curricula to follow, maybe there are differences in some policies but again, all OECD member countries have the foundations which make that the differences between countries don't be that big, and if we were to take out countries like Mexico, Turkey, Chile or Israel the differences between countries would be even less, and nevertheless when we take all countries/economies that took part in the PISA 2015 assessment then we see that the differences between countries explains more in the variation of student performance

>> No.9054339
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>> No.9054344
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>> No.9054345
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>> No.9054412
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>> No.9054415
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>> No.9054417
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>> No.9054420
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>> No.9054421
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>> No.9054425
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>> No.9054443

Abolishing public schools and letting free market private schools become the norm.

>> No.9054459
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>> No.9054461
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>> No.9054464
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>> No.9054472
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>> No.9054475
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>> No.9054477
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>> No.9054481
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>> No.9054492

>Why learn an instrument? Seems pointless

>> No.9054495

Hey PISA anon, I always see you post a lot of these images, but what's your overall take on the matter? You never seem (or at least I've never seen you) to say anything, just post infographics.

>> No.9054876

Just because your autism prevents you from seeing the benefits of social education, doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.9055086

I had something similar.
I beat up my little brother and my parents decided I needed to learn drums.

>> No.9055105

Children should be taught to enjoy playing first. I distinctly remember being cynical about literally everything my mom pushed on me, I liked playing the piano and guitar, but they wanted me to play boring songs I didn't like and pass silly exams and shiz to impress a bunch of fat ladies who probably schlicked over me later, it made me lose interest and part of my faith in humanity.

>> No.9055120


Playing musical instruments is as archaic and outdated a practice as riding horses or fighting with swords, while it still has some merit as a hobby for the wealthy, it has no relevance to the modern world.

Electronic music production is simply the way of the future, with just a basic computer setup and free software it's possible to flawlessly record any composition using any combination of instruments or literally any digitally produced sound.

There's simply no reason to waste students' time with obsolete technology when they could be learning the fundamentals of music composition and production needed to launch any creative project with modern relevance.

>> No.9055145

naa, I still love to listen to people playing woderful piano music

>> No.9055209

Not really a science thread, but oh well.

I think only maths, science, history, geology and English should be taught at schools, everything else should be made a secondary, if not tertiary priority. Any time spent on medieval dance and some goobledygook language inevitably eats into the other IMPORTANT subjects. If someone has a passion for music, they'll obviously learn it in their free time.

>> No.9056655


go back 2 school

>> No.9056656

>Not really a science thread, but oh well.
science is a subject taught in school, anon.

>> No.9058007


>> No.9058024

>Should schools (lets assume they could afford to) have mandatory music classes?

That requires money anon. You think many of our public schools can afford that shit?

>> No.9058028


>> No.9058046

too many of them are brown these days anyways.

>> No.9058076

Teaching all children to actually play musical instruments would kill the maybe largest propaganda instrument used on teens. Pop music.
So that won't happen.

Also, really educating all kids would kill the largest hard labor force, the uneducated, so that will also not happen.

There is a reason education is so bad. It garantees soldiers and people who are willing to do shitty jobs.

And it's no secret either. Socrates mentioned it allready. Or find out what Skinner has to say on education.

>> No.9058094

You can be a genius in music and still love pop music.

>> No.9058099

Psychology has showed us a downside of proper education.


Also this >>9058076

>> No.9058111

>Unfortunately psychologists are resentful manlets lacking any sort of inspiration, imagination, intellectualism, or sense of public service, so we've been deprived of any real major revolution in education.

Because they've been shutdown every time though. That's the issue with social sciences you an make big discoveries or research in shit but no matter how much to advocate it or try to show it off people in power will discard it, ignore it, misinterpret it among other thing and use for their political purposes to this day.

>> No.9058114

True, but to a most musicians pop music is like boilling an egg to a chef cook.
Whoever boils the egg does not seem like a special cook. Pop artists are like gods to teens, because they bring out cool music, while in fact, the poetry might be good, but the actual music mostly lacks, well, musicality.

>> No.9058117

but most teens don't even like eggs

>> No.9058127

Not really. The ruling class does not fail to succeed in making actual worthy discoveries and knowledge look boring to the masses. While you can get all the useful info for free. It's called philosophy and psychology is maybe the most handy and useful to study of all.
If you know how your brain really works and your body reacts on it, there is almost nothing that you can not learn to understand and master.
But people prefer to watch flogger on how they cook a meal instead of just reading the actual cookbook with a clear step by step instruction how to make the dish. Most people are to simple and dumb for their own well being.

>> No.9058195

>besides "hurr durr what if we taught everyone in the same way for the century... BUT WITH MORE IPADS AND WEBSITES N SHIIEEET! NEED MO MONEY FO DEM PROGRAMS!"
That's not psychologists promoting those but people who were bad in school

>> No.9058198

Now that's an interesting one

>> No.9059227

I feel like all pre-college education is just state-funded daycare for those in society that cannot yet be judged by laws.

I think the schools don't work for the same reasons the correctional institutions don't work: we take a bunch of amoral, emotionally unstable, sociopaths and put them around each other and wonder why they don't magically "learn".

>> No.9059231

>just state-funded daycare
It sure enables parent to go out of the house easier.

>> No.9059233

Anon I think you may very well be retarded.

>> No.9059263

I recall reading somewhere that learning piano augments the iq of the student by ~3 points. Of course you could argue that there are probably other means of increasing general intelligence that ALSO have inherent value.

However don't expect a source, as this was many years in the past.

>> No.9059265

Also, if all students were to increase their IQ, then there would be no net gain, as the quotient would have to be readjusted.

Christ, what am I doing on this site

>> No.9059266

>Christ, what am I doing on this site
ur mum, lmao