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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9051300 No.9051300 [Reply] [Original]

1. Whats better a computer science degree or a math degree?

2. How can I kill myself without causing pain?

3. Someone told me that .9999 recurring equals 1, is this true?

4. Does autism help with science?


>> No.9051358
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 4756754767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.jump head first from a building

>> No.9051363
File: 46 KB, 362x340, avenue avenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.jump head first from a building
better make it a tall one

>> No.9052432
File: 388 KB, 800x450, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. CS
2. Wait long enough
3. 0.999... < 1
4. No, science helps people with autism.

>> No.9052441

Math if you're smart. You probably have some CS electives, take those or go for a CS minor.

>> No.9052469

I told my gf that .999 recurring = 1 and she said no

>> No.9052475

Exit bag is good and try fetanyl too

>> No.9052531

1. Comp sci if you wanna wage cuck.
2. You can't.
3. True
4. Maybe

>> No.9052907

Pain is irrelevant when you're dead, shove rusty nails into your asshole and die from infection

>> No.9052924

1. math
2. it would pain me if you killed yourself
3. no, it is a proof of the inconsistency of "reals"
4. yes
5. kys

>> No.9052960


1: Compsci to be a decent income code monkey, math if you want to be W O K E T H

2: Shoot yourself in the head (do it right) or jump from a tall building

3: Yes, this is a direct consequence of the way the decimal representation of real numbers is constructed

4: Sure does

5: Ashkenazim

>> No.9052966


.99999999999999999999999999999... equals one because that's a fundamental feature of the reals: they aren't well ordered

>> No.9053089 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 400x382, Edward Witten Big Ashkenazi Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9051300 >>9052960
>1: Compsci for a decent income. Math PhD for $300k starting (but be aware that a Low GPA Math BSc is useless)

2. Perhaps by Overdose of Certain Drugs? But If you survive the Brain & Liver would become heavily damaged.

3. Yes.

4. Sure does.

5. Ashkenazi woman crave for the [math] BIG ASHKENAZI BRAIN [/math]

>> No.9053093
File: 32 KB, 400x382, Edward Witten Big Ashkenazi Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9051300 (OP) >>9052960
1: Compsci for a decent income. Math PhD for $300k starting (but be aware that a Low GPA Math BSc is useless)

2. Perhaps by Overdose of Certain Drugs? But If you survive the Brain & Liver would become heavily damaged.

3. Yes.

4. Sure does.

5. [math] \mathbb{BIG} [/math]
[math] \mathbb{ASHKENAZI} [/math]
[math] \mathbb{BRAIN} [/math]