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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9048939 No.9048939 [Reply] [Original]

What's the hardest thing you have learned without a teacher and how did you do it?

The internet / books don't count as teachers

>> No.9048945


>> No.9048950

I would very much like to bully and then fuck this creature

>> No.9048954

Why are her eyes so fucking huge.

>> No.9048962


she's anime

>> No.9048964


I learned on milk cartons and cereal boxes.

>> No.9049159

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>> No.9049160

Maybe not a teacher, but having a study partner/group can be beneficial.

>> No.9049248



a) I already have books I'm reading
b) The topic of this thread is not "What books should I read"

the wiki is shit and I wouldn't listen to it anyway

>> No.9049251

>Book authors don't baby their readers.

>> No.9049252

Then you're a fucking retard, who can't even do basic research and find that the texts and suggestions are actually pretty solid and used by universities.
So STFU you effete snob and get out of /sci/ if you don't trust us.
Rude cunt.

>> No.9049278

>books don't count as teachers
Teachers do literally nothing that books can't do except maybe give you an F when you're too lazy to do your work.

In the end, the only way to really learn something is to apply your knowledge to something else.

>> No.9049287
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I already have a book, and it ain't on the /sci/ wiki.

>> No.9049295

>Computer science
No fucking wonder why you're a brainlet who wants spoonfeeding.
You dumb shit.

>> No.9049342
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Undergrad calc sequence through DE, I got my hands on some textbooks in high school and it soothed my autism.

I got cocky and thought I could do real math (algebra and analysis) after that, boy was I wrong.

>> No.9049358

>What's the hardest thing you have learned without a teacher
...be anybody's fourth husband.

>> No.9049378

Yeah, Ron Graham and Donald Knuth sure do write brainlet tier books, you mong.

>> No.9049384

I didn't say that.
I said YOU, YOU'RE the brainlet.

>> No.9049428


You clearly implied it.

The fact that you can't follow such simple logic suggests you are actually a brainlet.

>> No.9049436

I didn't clearly imply anything.
>Such simple logic.
My friend, is isn't logic when you read between the lines of a subjective thing (language).
So... nice try, brainlet.

>> No.9049445


Now your argument is "you can't make a logical argument with words"

>> No.9049449

No, you dickhead.
When it is based on non-objective topics, then logic doesn't apply to it.
Because it isn't logical.
It is to do with human emotion.
You're just so stupid you can't even check your argument for flaws. :'D

>> No.9049464


That's the stupidest fucking think I've heard in my entire life

>> No.9049488

How is it?
The statement I made wasn't mased on an objective (logical) metric.
It was asserted based on opinion (emotion, subjective).
So, if it is subjective and you're trying to apply logic to it, of course it isn't going to work.
You really are incredibly stupid.

>> No.9049520


If two people have different opinions on a subject they can have a logical argument about it.

Some opinions (like yours) are obviously retarded because they contradict themselves.

>> No.9049528

>If two people have different opinions on a subject they can have a logical argument about it.
If the arguments doesn't relate to ethics, yes.
Ethics being morality and personality.
Or, they can set up 'rules', which forms a logical framework (debate).
We haven't, so formal and informal logic don't apply.

>Some opinions (like yours) are obviously retarded because they contradict themselves.
You're the only person showing themselves up here.
By failing to understad such basic concepts as formal and informal logic and when and when not to use them.

Nil desperandum, I'm sure you're very intelligent... to your normie friends. :'D

>> No.9049539

I fuckin hate books. I hate teachers too but goddamn do I hate when a book says something vague or does something without explaining and there's no way to figure it out. Sometimes it seems like books are intentionally written with some bits of information left totally out just so there's no way you can learn anything unless you have a teacher going through it with you.

>> No.9049541


[math]\color{green}{\succ eat\ a\ dick\ my\ man}[/math]

>> No.9049542

Shut up philosopher go back to your LAC

>> No.9049549


That's why I made this thread

What are you supposed to do when the book doesn't baby you?

>> No.9049551

>Omg dats an ad hom! :DDDDD
^ That's you.
Cutiepie. :3

Jokes on you, I only read philosophy as a hobby.
I'm actually a pure mathematics major.

>> No.9049557


>> No.9049583
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>> No.9049591

I know, I ragged this bitch of an OP up.
He shouldn't have stepped.
I feel bad.
I should've warned him.

>> No.9049595
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pic related

it's (you)

>> No.9049600

It's what happens when a normie steps to a turbo autist.
We just fuk em up.
Too dumb to challenge the Goku of rhetoric.

>> No.9049686


>> No.9049690

1. Read the passage again, you're probably just not getting something
2. Google it

If neither works you're probably just stupid

>> No.9049693


>> No.9049710

ITT: autistis telling other autists that they're the most autistic. Quit turning threads into cesspools of downs, I'm sure you're all very clever. As per the question, probably EM. The teacher wasn't very good and I could barely understand his heavy accent. I taught myself by reading through the textbook and then trying to explain each section to either a classmate or my cat. It was pretty easy after that

>> No.9050498

Who is this [math] qt\pi [/math]?

>> No.9050616


my wife

>> No.9050634

Not for long. She hasn't met me yet. (Seriously who is this girl? Reverse image searching leads me to various 4chan archives but no source.)

>> No.9050705

Why are you stalking a child on the internet?

>> No.9050708

Because she is cute and I want to kiss her nape, brush my fingers through her hair, caress her breasts, and ultimately put my penis inside her vagina.

>> No.9050726
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>> No.9050855

CS is a degree for idiots who are too dumb for math or engineering. (And no you moron that does not mean that the authors are brainlets)

It is glorified programming (a skill barely above bricklaying, just payed better) with a bit of simple math sprinkled here and there, to justify the word "science".

>> No.9050874

I think he means science or math wise...

Though that ones on you.

>> No.9050892

The word you're looking for is "paid".

>> No.9050902
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guess what?

I'm not getting a cs degree.


>> No.9050932

This. Read things and explain what you learn to yourself.

>> No.9050950

It's combinatorics idiot

>> No.9052010

not only do you not have any interests, you also rank things at different difficulty levels. you probably also participate in iq threads, really sad.

just try to figure out what interests you and stop trying to wave your pathetic little dick around.

>> No.9052027
File: 71 KB, 846x625, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to that massive torrent (100+GB) of a bunch of PDFs organized according to subject? Pic related is the computer science folder.

>> No.9052034


I'd like to have this one if possible, I'm considering applying for CS and I'd like to learn a bit about it before, considering I'm worried about whether or not I could do well as I failed high school beforehand, and I haven't had any math/science classes since then. All I have is a meme masters in law.

>> No.9052040
File: 43 KB, 1276x649, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That folder alone is absolutely massive anon. It would take you years to get through every PDF in those folders (at a brainlet reading pace, of course, for you shitposters out there). Anyway, I just realized the "last modified date" is indicated in my screenshot and with some luck that will correspond to the day I downloaded the torrent and therefore could find it on warosu. Unfortunately it could just correspond to the day I moved it to my USB.

Pic related is the math one.

Suggest a method of hosting these and I can link you to the comp sci one. Never done this before. Hopefully something that won't end up with me in prison.

>> No.9052045

i can really hear the minimum wage butthurt dripping off this post

>> No.9052053
File: 27 KB, 398x435, physics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's the creation date unfortunately. Weeks or even months after I initially downloaded it. Not much chance of finding the warosu thread. Not very likely the download link would still be up anyway.

>> No.9052064


Oh well, thanks anyway. If it's so massive, is there a reading list that's more concise but still kind of exhaustive on the topic, at least as far as a reading list that can be tackled realistically can be? And I wouldn't know how to host these, but thanks anyway.

>> No.9052238

>learn shit without someone to baby you
Lrn2autodidact fgt pls

>> No.9052272

That's because you're a brainlet. The rest of us find most books to overexplain

>> No.9052277

I kind of brute force it.

For instance to understand A I must understand B and C, I know C but to understand B I must learn D, E and F, I know F so I start studying D and E, then B then finally A, then I test my knowledge.

It is kind of like a lottery, I have to be kind of meta and estimate how long it will take and whether I should just put it on hold and move onto something else and it might be months before I do.

t. auto-didact learning to code

>> No.9052295


It crops up on >>>/t/ every once in a while. By chance, there's a thread about it up right now:


(In case I mess up the links, then http://boards.4chan.org/t/thread/752273))

>> No.9053017

That no good deed goes unpunished.
Learned it by living it.

>> No.9053071


>> No.9053076

Trial and error
You make educated guesses on how shit works, And if it doesn't work how you expect or want it to, make a new guess
Repeat until you get it right

>> No.9053208

What if you don't understand problem or the solution?

fuck me