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9050185 No.9050185 [Reply] [Original]

>space travel peaked 38 years ago

what went so horribly, horribly wrong?

>> No.9050197
File: 396 KB, 543x543, 1500534639333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9050199

Americans have gotten progressively dumber

>> No.9050205

No wonder people don't believe in moon landing, a this point it sounds like magic.

>> No.9050210

There's no space travel with rockets.
It's just not happening.

There are no satellites, no moon landings with that sort of tech, 40 years or now.

It's all just a big joke.

>> No.9050226

Space travel is pointless when we have bigger issues at hand like Climate Change.

What scientific value there is in it can be gathered by other far less wasteful means.

A telescope is a good start.

>> No.9050230

Nothing, they realized it was a waste of money. The only way for space travel to be even remotely profitable would be if people cared about it enough to buy launch tickets and astronaut merchandise, as if they were famous athletes. But people don't give a shit so the industry is fully dependent on individual investors and government grants.

>> No.9050245

Progressive leaders finally realized that there's no point trying to go to another planet when there's so many more pressing issues facing this one.

Did you know over 20 million children are facing starvation right now? You're a fucking sociopath if you want to blow money on a pointless metal phallic symbol instead of taking care of that.

>> No.9050293

>what went so horribly, horribly wrong?
The Vietnam war. And Nixon.

>> No.9050298

The cold war ended

>> No.9050318

they actually tried to do a reality show for mars one

>> No.9050325

NASA: "What about a telecope... IN SPACE!!!"

>> No.9050329

back then it was a national priority with an unlimited budget and popular support from the public.

now there is almost no budget and the American people have been propagandized into thinking that its a waste of money because the world is flat >>9050197

>> No.9050365

We can't actually go to space

>> No.9050372

>many more pressing issues

Little wake-up call: Nothing is about "pressing issues". There is no grand vision, no straight road to a better future. It's all about getting elected. What the public cares about is malleable.

>> No.9050464

how many of those kids are white? who cares otherwise

>> No.9050469

What are those?

>> No.9050586

Because the only countries with enough money for the development of space technologies (USA and Russia) are both fucking dumb. NASA doesn't even get half a percent of the US discretionary budget, meanwhile the military gets like 50%. We could build 6 ISS' with a single year's US military budget. You cunts aren't even at war with anyone, if you NEED to spend all that cash on weapons, then at least develop some sick Mobile Suits instead of boring-ass tanks.

We could have a lunar colony by now, fuck Americans.

>> No.9050587

>unlimited budget
The highest NASA's budget ever got to was 4%.

>> No.9050658

>Did you know over 20 million children are facing starvation right now?
You would need to go to war with dozens of dysfunctional countries to actually DO something about that. In the case of NK you would have to expect a nuclear war with chances of Chinese involvement. The troubles in the Middle Easy are a walk in the park in comparison with the enormity of the scale of wars you have to ignite.

You will find it is much cheaper returning to the Moon.

>> No.9050857

>baby takes a few steps and falls down
>baby: "walking peaked several seconds ago. what went so horribly horribly wrong?"

>> No.9050864

Let the disfunctional countries duke it out for themselves, I say, if we keep 'feeding' them the they would become dependant and then you're all out of luck.

>> No.9050865

Whites, the only race to care about exploration, became 60% of the population instead of 90%.

Sorry if that sounds /pol/ to you, but it is true.

>> No.9050882

How about the mixed bunch. Those explorers also probably left their tracks in the genepool

>> No.9050883

>We make it to the moon by the skin of our teeth using a huge amount of hacking and "duct tape" solutions
>decide we need to be more rigorous about things
>Create a structure THE SIZE OF A FOOTBALL FIELD in orbit that costs multiple billions of dollars using a spacecraft that, for all its failings, had a remarkable safety record
>Just for people like you, who probably spends most of his time in his mom's basement, to decry our space technology as less advanced than the 1960's

>> No.9051447

>a remarkable safety record
Sure, but not the good kind of remarkable.

It killed more astronauts and a higher proportion of its astronauts than any other manned orbital vehicle. It lacked basic safety features and operational precautions.

There has literally never been a manned spacecraft with poorer demonstrated safety, or less concern for safety in its design, than the shuttle.

As for ISS, it's not "more rigorous". It's still full of hacking and duct tape. Mostly it's less ambitious. For instance, where Apollo was breaking new ground, ISS is a meaningless bureaucratic repetition and scale-up of Mir. Where Apollo was a do-or-die long-range expedition, ISS is play-it-safe camping in mom's back yard, which gets regular resupply, and can be abandoned and returned to as often as they're willing to pay for the launch, with the crew always mere minutes from the Earth's surface if something goes wrong. They had parts of it up there for years to check and fix before people went up there to stay.

Skylab was launched in 1973! The only reason it didn't get occupied continuously for years is that they cut its operation budget in favor of the horrible shuttle pork program, which was actually supposed to visit Skylab, but was so ridiculously late that Skylab's orbit decayed years before the shuttle flew.

>> No.9051460

No it didn't.

>> No.9051482

Fun fact

We are still trying to reverse-engineer the shit scientists developed back in the early to mid 20th century. As I heard someone on /sci/ succiently put it, they are basically the ancient wise ones.

Honestly popular entertainment has screwed us.. I can't imagine the things I could have achieved if I had spent the thousands of hours I have wasted on 4chin and watching TV on developing my skills as a scientist. Boredom breeds genius

>> No.9051514

Take a moment to think about how pathetic that really is if it's true. They managed this in the 19-fucking-60s. And we in 2017 are (failing) to reverse engineer decades old technology. Something doesn't add up. What if the moon landing really didn't happen?

>> No.9051524 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9051528 [DELETED] 
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>Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)20:15:34 No.9051447▶
>>a remarkable safety record
>Sure, but not the good kind of remarkable.
>It killed more

>> No.9051539
File: 55 KB, 403x403, 1500548152993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space travel is pointless when we have bigger issues at hand like Climate Change.

I bet you don't back up your data on two separate hard disks, do you?

Also re: climate change, just take off your coat and move like 20 miles further from the ocean, problem solved until the next ice age. At which point you put your coat back on

>> No.9051540

I didn't happen. Not with that sort of technology.

Think about how hard it is to take a rocket off into space, make its module land on the moon, then make the module take-off from the moon and them come back onto Earth all in one piece.

Sure, maybe people have already gone their wit their little UFO machines but it's not happening the other way.

>> No.9051563

>Did you know over 20 million children are facing starvation right now?

Did you know that in the 20th century WE caused that to happen by going full retard and handing out gibs to people with IQs too low to realize that if they had children they would starve?

Stop the gibs, let the African population stabilize (yes millions will starve to death but I'd argue they shouldn't exist anyway) and we can spend the money we saved figuring out how to reverse desertification and terraform inhospitable land.

Or we can just continue to spend billions metaphorically breeding rattlesnakes and dumping them into the middle of our town square by the millions, sure it's suicidal but we already bred a billion of the snakes by accident and letting nature run its course to thin them out would be unethical!

>> No.9051571
File: 246 KB, 783x1200, Terra Formars Ch.209 p.001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9051572

That's not really true, it's more of a difference in context.

While we're far more technically adept, it's harder to organize a program efficiently today, with anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action, environmental regulations, and the general growth and increasing entrenchment of bureaucracy and salaried careerists over time. So we're effectively more organizationally incompetent, and are required to spend large amounts of money on people who will make problems and slow the work down.

As for simply copying things as they were done in the past, you run into immediate trouble with being in a different industrial context. We do things in different ways now. Many industrial products and processes have been replaced with ones that are better, but incompatible. For instance, we'd do a complex piece of metalwork like the F1 booster engine for Saturn V with complex castings or 3d printing, but in the 60s, they did it by welding together a lot of small pieces by hand.

There's no escaping the need to do design work. Once you do, why restrict your effort to radically updating an old design? Why not apply other new technology?

That's why something like SpaceX's ITS makes a hundred times more sense than something like recreating Saturn V.

>> No.9051579
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>> No.9051611

You're right, of course. It's incredible how a lot of western people say they don't want children to help overpopulation. If they REALLY cared about over population they'd advocate to stop sending aid to the third world. They don't, of course.

>> No.9051612

space travel, not space exploration - why waste money to provide a novelty for some individuals? The moon was about petty politics, not exploration or humanity.

>> No.9051619
File: 24 KB, 296x53, horrar road.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you don't back up your data on two separate hard disks, do you?
It's true, I don't. Want to be triggered? I have an MP3 collection I have built up over 15 years, it's not backed up and I can already hear errors in the tracks.

When we die, we die, and that is all there is.

>> No.9051623

>babby's first existential crisis
How's middle school?

>> No.9051630

I'm 31 darling. But if becoming an adult means accepting death will grace, I suppose I will always be a child.

>> No.9051631
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>> No.9051634

Cold war ended

>> No.9051635

The development of manned space flight was artificially accelerated by a political contest between the US and USSR, pushing both nations to "firsts" in space.

The US was successful in defining the ultimate prize of the race as manned missions to the Moon -- a goal chosen because it was far enough beyond the capabilities of both nations that the US had sufficient time to catch up and surpass early Soviet developments in space flight.

The problem with this approach, in making it a race for political bragging rights and with a specific destination defining who wins, is that once one side wins, the race is over.

Once the US landed men on the moon, the Soviets cancelled the remains of their lunar light program, and US interest in continuing flights fell rapidly, resulting in cancelled missions and even expensive Saturn V rockets and Apollo capsules left unused.

The Apollo Applications project tried to find ongoing uses for Saturn Vs and 1-Bs, and Apollo hardware, but other than Skylab none of them were made into working missions.

The Soviets continued their development of orbital labs, and the US went off into the blind alley of the shuttles -- which might have been made a workable spacecraft for continuing advancement of manned spaceflight were not the budgets continually slashed. (Resulting in an overweight ship with no capabilities to boost above LEO and the most expensive way to put a kilogram f mass into orbit yet put into use.

>> No.9051639

Nope, it's too late. You already made the typo, thus invalidating every shred of substance your post might have carried.

Sorry. :^)

>> No.9051640

You do realize that they do not fuel the rockets with flaming streams of money, right? Money spent on space flight is not spent in space.

>> No.9051641
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I worked hard on my post...

>> No.9051643

We, at this very instant, have "defensive systems" with offensive capabilities positioned in Romania, and have troops positioned all along the Russia border. We've expanded NATO into Ukraine and are using these countries as arms markets. Gorbachev recently stated we're now closer to nuclear war than at any point during the cold war.

The cold war never ended.

>> No.9051649

>space travel peaked 38 years ago
It was 48 years ago.

>> No.9052148

The peak performance was in 1972 when they brought a geologist (or selenologist rather) to the Moon.

And they still have not yet analysed all samples returned from the Moon.

>> No.9052211

>Want to be triggered?
Not sure why you'd think I would be mad about the fact that you are a dipshit

>> No.9052213

>what went so horribly, horribly wrong?
right-wing mainstream denialism

>> No.9052326
File: 2.50 MB, 5100x3996, Lockheed_SR-71_Blackbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a bit more to it than that, like the emphasis of tech rather than paper pushing.

Simply put the guy who knew what they were doing were allowed to get on with what they knew. That always gives results.

1960: Gary Powers shot down in his U-2
1964: Blackbird takes to the skies, with impunity.

Something went wrong in the 1970's, not sure what. Skylab fell out of the sky. F-35 has been in development for over a decade and still only "operational" given enough inverted commas.

We still haven't recovered.

>> No.9052333

Or we could just feed children but capitalism

>> No.9052397

There's literally no reason to go beyond LEO/L points, excluding fundamental science, which is done with probes and observatories. There's little reason to put people in orbit at all.

The manned space program exists solely because of politics and propaganda, and doesn't belong to /sci/. Backing our home up is a meme.

>> No.9052481

Your plan sounds harsh but it is actually a good solution.

>> No.9052597

That is one dank shitpost
You absolute mongrel

>> No.9052609

Capitalism. We decided collectively that the only reason to do anything is in order to acquire imaginary resource credits. Since going into space costs a lot and we are too unimaginative to make up a fake reason to generate imaginary resource credits from space travel, we abandoned the idea. Furthermore the best capitalists make lots of money for little to no effort, innovation is actually bad for the economy in the short term, they want less competition and less ideas to maximise profits.

>> No.9052620

Go home commie, you got shit on last time because you don't understand how shit works

>> No.9052623

Agreed, except I would add corruption to the mix to be really accurate
>Go home commie
hi conservacuck still humping your guns down in Tuscon?

>> No.9052648

Not the same as whoever it is you're talking about. Capitalism is fine as long as it's controlled. But the most powerful nation on Earth is controlled by fat old oligarchs who hate innovation and don't care about long term thinking. China is brutally capitalist as well but they put a bullet in the back of the head of rich fags who get out of line and damage their long term interests. China will be the one to get into space, not cucked Americans. It's too late for us, we're gonna be slaves.

>> No.9052754

Actually, no. The race to the Moon was won, and the US was not being sportsmanlike by beating that fact into the world's mind. The *left* argued that the money could be better spent on social programs.

>> No.9052769

Sage (as in "wise") posts.
I was a young teen when XVIII was cancelled. I was incredulous. The uneducated failed to understand the benefits garnered from Apollo, and became literally bored after the second landing, then antagonized by XVII. NASA created "Spinoffs," a series of publications that explained the tangible benefits, but the uneducated never read them - it was all preaching to the choir. NASA needed a new mission to survive, so they came up with Shuttle. Then Shuttle had to have a purpose (launching satellites was a job more economically left to simple rockets), so ISS. The Hubble failure was a sort of windfall of support for Shuttle.

>> No.9052779

Capitalism and consumerism.

You can't make any money going to space.

>> No.9052781

Misleading imagine. Social Security has its own budget, and it collected separately from taxes.

>> No.9052816
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You can't build proper rockets without me.

>> No.9052845

Does he have a model V2 in his office?

>> No.9052853

Of course. The first rocket to reach space. October 3rd 1942.

>> No.9052859

There are only 760m white people.
So we are at ~10%

>> No.9052863

What a shitty and edgy plan. As much it'll most likely work, the public would freak out. Look at what those hippie faggots did with the Vietnam war. Now with the internet millions more people than the hippies ever had would join together in hopes of saving millions of suffering people. Their death is inevitable and people are only gonna make then suffer more.

>> No.9053058

What's the alternative though
Cut them off now when there's a billion of them, or continue feeding them until there's 4 billion
No ethical way to do it, their population far exceeds the carrying capacity of the area, either it's a big population crash now, or a colossal one down the line, world war Z style, when we stop having the production capacity to hold them up

>> No.9053068


>> No.9053115

The fall of the Soviet Union and loss of competition.

>> No.9053119

Number 2 from left looks suspiciously V2-like.

The first major US and I think also British missiles were V2 derivatives with a fresher paint job.

>> No.9053197


>> No.9053713
File: 216 KB, 600x896, dsc77079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen the craftsmanship on these things? The F1 engines were essentially knit together with impeccable welds. You couldn't find anyone with the skill to do this these days, and there aren't enough skilled welders in the country do do this on an industrial scale anymore. The whole thing would have to be redesigned from the ground up.

>> No.9053723

>I am the only one I know who thinks the moon landing was real

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.9053765
File: 141 KB, 680x748, 1499904715044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computers were a mistake.

>> No.9053789

>Yeah, but...

Money if fungible, and the money in the SS "trust fund" can be and is invested in what amounts to government bonds to fund the deficit, essentially defraying some budget expenses, and eventually having to be repaid from the budget and taxes.

So the difference between the two pots of money is not as absolute as your post implies.


>> No.9053797

The Atlas in his display is one example of a proper rocket built without him.

Also, whats the one at extreme left? Anybody know?

>> No.9053807

Also, what's the gold one in front of the Explorer/Redstone?

>> No.9053813

or train anew generation of weldrs, again..

>> No.9053832
File: 262 KB, 1000x1012, 1409874905345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space travel peaked 38 years ago

>OP has a picture of something that happened 10 years earlier
>none of the mathematician wannabe's ran the numbers

>> No.9053935

I don't run the numbers, I just crunch them

>> No.9053938

We went to the moon to beat the Russians. There's no incentive to beat the Russians again.

>> No.9054060 [DELETED] 

Not even worth it. You should check out some of the detail pictures of these things. They're an absolute work of art. But then, we can simplify them by orders of magnitude now, and manufacturing techniques, metallurgy, and engineering have changed so much that it would be completely pointless and insane to build it the same way they did in the 1960's. Hence why we can't just up and build a new Saturn V.

>> No.9054063
File: 204 KB, 600x896, dsc94772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even worth it. You should check out some of the detail pictures of these things. They're an absolute work of art. But then, we can simplify them by orders of magnitude now, and manufacturing techniques, metallurgy, and engineering have changed so much that it would be completely pointless and insane to build it the same way they did in the 1960's. Hence why we can't just up and build a new Saturn V.

>> No.9054064

Computers are fine, it's standardized testing and hugbox schools, along with the elite wanting dumb consumers not competitors.

>> No.9054071

Oh no, we can build some incredible hardware these days. Vastly superior to what we had during the Apollo program. The problem is the cost of doing so is incredibly high and it requires a whole lotta balls to do it within a reasonable time frame. NASA has become incredibly risk averse and they move at a snail's pace on everything that a human could possibly ride on. The motivation, ambition, and youthful energy just isn't there for a project like this.

>> No.9054360

We stopped having an arch-rival.
America is literally lost if it doesn't have a villain to be plotting against. The War Machine is how we saved ourselves from The Depression and the Cold War kept fueling out advancements, but after the Wall fell, we didn't have a villain and we just kinda didn't know what to do with ourselves.

>> No.9054366

>what went so horribly, horribly wrong?

>> No.9054398

looks like some kind of commemorative model of Explorer 1

>> No.9054474

Make jews the villians, so we try to stop the wars on middle east, conquer everything there and bring mid-term peace

>> No.9054480

No profit thats why.

>> No.9054494

Demographics of the country makes that impossible

>> No.9054896

People think this is a troll post, when it is the real answer.

Moonbases don't get politicians reelected.

>> No.9054910

>Moonbases don't get politicians reelected.
... unless it is a Chinese Moon base set up for mining the Moon, occupying all Peaks of Eternal Light.

At that point the newspapers will brew up about the "Moon base gap" and heads will roll, grand speeches will be made and new politicians will be elected.

>> No.9054936
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>people still believe that the moon landing was real

>> No.9054946
File: 114 KB, 640x360, XIAOSHAN AIRPORT, CHINA 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something can't put a meter on it
something something black budget
mumble mumble weaponized

>> No.9055063

My high school principal legitimately believed it was fake

>> No.9055083

>We are still trying to reverse-engineer the shit scientists developed back in the early to mid 20th century

>> No.9055573

a smart man

>> No.9055627

>the Moon landing
>mfw people only remember 1, not 6 manned missions and several other unmanned ones
Why would they bother to fake 6? The first might have been faked, but at that point the Soviets gave up already, so why another 5?

>> No.9055637
File: 231 KB, 500x459, appolo_15_S13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shame they destroyed the technology to go back

>> No.9055771

They didn't destroy it
They shoved it in a warehouse/museum
If we need the old shit for some reason, we can pull them out of the crates

>> No.9055803

It was destroyed about the same time that NASA began to manipulate their ephemerides to hide the existence of Niburu.

>> No.9055819

You are honestly the stupidest people on the planet.

>> No.9055867
File: 130 KB, 378x546, billionsforspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9055883


I have nothing against you, nonwhite. I jus recognize that you are a drag on civilization and always will be.

>> No.9055884
File: 276 KB, 388x394, srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigga mad that hardworking and educated people are advancing technology instead of polluting the gene pool

>> No.9056047

I wonder if whoever made this gif realised they were disproving the point they were trying to make

>> No.9056057

We ought to build one every 20 years and launch it just for the show -- I'd LOVE to see one of bastards lift off.

Also, one above ground nuke every 20 years, to remind us all of the awesome destructive power of these evil weapons, and not at all just for fireworks enthusiasts.

>> No.9056062

I wonder if you are correct in your assumption of what point they were tying to make.

Though sadly, you are probably right

>> No.9056170

that's what they do, and have always done
remember to curse the man that shot lincoln, for his shortsightedness doomed us all

>> No.9056173

come now /qa/
we all know it's you trying to shitpost furiously while looking like /pol/, but you are trying far, far too hard, and exposed yourself

>> No.9056262

Did anyone on this board talk about the recent congress decision to make a fucking space army?

>> No.9056365

Nothing will happen.

Not even sure why they announced that because it's literally never going to happen. Probably did it for the memes.

>> No.9056665

4% is basically unlimited.

USA is rich, Beyond that point, it makes less and less sense to recruit more personnel, to build more rockets, etc.

NASA was given a goal, and it had a basically unlimited budget to reach it.

>> No.9056673

>We are still trying to reverse-engineer the shit scientists developed back in the early to mid 20th century

No one just "builds shit", you don't just freestyle build a rocket, you gotta have notes, plans, and maths.

Strange to think that all of these documents were lost from the 60s

>> No.9056679
File: 45 KB, 596x628, keksimus_maximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and restore the roman empire

>> No.9056685

If i recall correctly, the first moon landing didn't have any colorized film all of it was destroyed by radiation when it was outside the earth's magnetic field.

Either your gif is completely fake, or this is one of the later moon landings, which as
pointed out, there would be no reason to fake.

Czechmate faggot

>> No.9056689

Yeah, man, and once every 20 years I'll whip out my boner cream and have an orgy to REMIND us of how chipper life was like bacc then.

>> No.9056747

Take a look at the top of your browser window. It should say 4chan.org

>> No.9056752

They weren't. But the same manufacturing techniques aren't used anymore and are not possible to implement either. It would be done using modern engineering practices with modern metallurgy and modern fabrication techniques which means the whole thing has to be designed from scratch anyway.

>> No.9056809
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>> No.9056810
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>> No.9056812
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>> No.9056814
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>> No.9056818

What am I meant to be seeing here?

This image looks like bullshit. Where is the Sun?

Those obviously aren't the same pits in the foreground. Plus there's a big rock (behind & to the left of the lander) in the top picture that isn't in the bottom.
Those are just two photos taken from different places, but facing in the same direction. The background looks the same, because it's far away and there's nothing to give any scale.

That's how the LM worked. The descent stage is left on the Moon to reduce fuel requirements for returning to orbit.

>> No.9056821

Just look at the size of the fucking hill, in the second picture it's way larger, so they must be standing closer to it, i.e. behind the module...

>> No.9056829

>This image looks like bullshit. Where is the Sun?

Overhead and slightly to the left. You can see the shadows on the objects on the moon and the shadow under the Earth.

>> No.9056834

>Overhead and slightly to the left. You can see the shadows on the objects on the moon and the shadow under the Earth.
Hm, maybe? It still looks "off" to me.
You wouldn't happen to know which mission it's from, would you? Google is trying to tell me it's from the Hubble.

>> No.9056844

end of global warfare

>> No.9056929

The truth is that the apex of Aerospace Engineering was reached decades ago, we are just rehashing over cleared paths now

>> No.9056977

>Not even sure why they announced that because it's literally never going to happen. Probably did it for the memes.
A lot of near top level officers see this as an opportunity to fill top level positions in a new branch, a ticket to become general/admiral. People are positioning themselves for this, arguing which branch should supply the lion's share of these positions. Oh and it will mean billions in new funding.

It is when the Chinese establish a permanent lunar base that this will become reality.

>Maths doesn't matter
This explains the dire financial situation of the US.

>> No.9056978

>the space race
>not propagandized

it's propaganda either way. at least now they've gotten realistic you big baby.
and no, accidentally inventing pens and toaster-ovens after the fact does not justify levying taxes against the ameriggan beeple for space travel.
if there's a legit need for it, a market will emerge on its own.

>> No.9056993


Von Braun and his crew were literal rocket savants.

>> No.9057030


It's way too expensive. NASA was getting 4% of US GDP. That's the budget of entire military today. To send few dudes to the moon.

Until it gets way cheaper we are going nowhere.

>> No.9057036

>NASA was getting 4% of US GDP.
The problem with that statement is that it is false. It was 4% of the federal budget which is a totally different thing:
And at the time of the Moon landings it was down to 2%.

>> No.9057399

delete this

>> No.9057579

It became harder to fake, since most people heard of the moon landing by radio, the same wway they did war of the worlds. And reacted accordingly.

>> No.9057637

I think that is a real picture from the Moon with a picture of the Earth superimposed.

Look closely at the foreground and you will see a series of crosses, 5 along the middle foreground and another 5 near the lower edge. These are calibration marks to determine angular sizes. Yet none are superimposed on the picture of the Earth.

Looking even closer at the right peak you see the lower parts of a cross, matching up with the two crosses below. Yet this cross stops at the horizon.

Conclusion: a cheap fake.

>> No.9057640


+1 Dat.

>> No.9058418

>If i recall correctly, the first moon landing didn't have any colorized film all of it was destroyed by radiation

First, your memory is in error.

Second, of course a gif with a lunar rover in it is not from 11, which did not have one.

>> No.9058516

The sheer stupidity of that one always gets me.

>> No.9058523

Somebody shooped that one. It will not be found among the NASA photos from the Apollo missions. The Earth is not that big s seen from the moon, The direction of the sunlight on the Earth does not match the direction of the sunlight in the foreground.

Bad shoop is bad.

>> No.9058529

This is correct -- and it is important to note that you will not find this image among the images from the Apollo missions archived by NASA. Somebody made it just to be dramatic.

>> No.9059239

Regressives and the civil rights movement happened.

>> No.9059251

Mfw that remove a ceiling panel to fit the last one in


>> No.9059262

Americans think the world is flat and climate change doesn't exist.

>> No.9060258

tf is wrong with his face?

>> No.9060266

>Americans think the world is flat and climate change doesn't exist.

hey, hey how, big multi-national corporations paid a lot of good money to make the American people, generally, dumber than rocks. How else are they supposed to keep their strangle hold over the worlds largest military in place?

>> No.9060719

So much this.
>"it isnt happening right this second so its never going to happen"

>> No.9061685

So anyways, is SpaceX 2020 Mars mission still a thing or he gave up already?

>> No.9061691
File: 1.09 MB, 1500x2048, amber-heard3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gave up. He's retiring. He'll spend the rest of life pleasing Amber Heard with his money.

>> No.9061701

cannot blame him tbqhwyfamalam

>> No.9061704
File: 147 KB, 720x727, 1500501818967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.9061707
File: 47 KB, 634x484, elon cucsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9061723


I'm calling it now: He's going replace Brendan Fraser as the meme for men fucked over in divorces.

We're going to start seeing images of him bald (again) and fat and with red eyes and shit.

>> No.9061730

Dark side points accumulated from being a Nazi.

>> No.9061732

Meant to reply to