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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 248 KB, 650x1512, kysnerd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9049487 No.9049487 [Reply] [Original]

You know the type. High school dropouts or non STEM Bachelors with no intentions of entering the academic or professional scientific world.

They're all over social media with their stupid fanboying and girling over science, sharing Neil Degrassi Tyson quotes, IFL Science clickbait, talking about god knows what.

Any stories on these folks? Also- thoughts on a final solution to the science fan problem welcome.

>> No.9049494

I hate liberals too.

Want to cuddle with a strong right wing guy?

>> No.9049500
File: 165 KB, 588x350, crusties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm left of center politically, so I wouldn't say that I blanket hate all liberals.

But sure I could use a cuddle.

>> No.9049503


>> No.9049505

>Stupidest shit you've heard "science fans" say?
A few personal submissions of mine:
-"We're in a simulation!"
-"Quantum immortality is real!"
-"Science disproves God!"
-"Science says there is no afterlife!"
-"We'll colonize Mars!"
-"Consciousness is the observer of QM!"
-"AI will kill us/save us!"
-"Wormholes, immortality, consciousness in a computer, nanomachines... the future!"
Basically anything that is unfalsifiable. People try to give science a meaning or purpose when it's really just testing stuff around, sometimes also thinking science is a broader term for "sci-fi made real" and "engineering".

>> No.9049507


>> No.9049514

Anything on life sciences and physics.

Chemistry seems to have pleb filter so there's less misinformation.

>> No.9049515

I hate the AI/ Singularity jerkoffs.

MD Anderson just gave up on an IBM Watson DocBot project, wasting tens of millions in research grants. Singularity and AI are nowhere near as close as these fucking nerds want it to be so they can upload their brain to skyrim or pornhub or some shit.


>> No.9049516
File: 789 KB, 1201x1072, MAGA (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only cuddle with strong right wing guys.

Sorry commie.

>> No.9049517
File: 38 KB, 500x333, BOO!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agh alright. I'll find my cuddlebuddy someday.

>> No.9049545

>geology isn't useful
>many worlds interpretation
>anything linking QM with consciousness
and the worst imo
>time doesn't actually exist

>> No.9049547
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, Portal to Hell.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chemistry seems to have pleb filter

I still don't understand why considering chemical reaction videos are the most blatantly "DUDE SCIENCE" out there.

>> No.9049587

Faggots who step into the sciences and denounce other fields because they feel like they have less rigor.

People who shit on biologists, geologists, or even environmental scientists without any well-formulated argument or well-defined boundaries are typically either physics fags who want to jack off to memorization, or worse... Engineers.

>> No.9049589

>time isn't real

This is probably the most common, and if you try to explain that there is no way to experimentally distinguish between Lorentzian Ether Theory and a Block Universe they'll just tune out

>> No.9049649

I had a professor for Biology 101 that kept promoting IFL Science and science news to get us interested in the subject. She was nice though, which is the more important thing. I knew a classmate in my CS classes that talked a lot about government surveillance and linux and doomsday AI. He was not very good at programming or math and it was hard to take him seriously.

Video games and cartoons are hobbies. No one's going to be curing cancer as a hobby, no one's going to be making nuclear fusion viable as a hobby, hobbies are meant to be fun and that's it. Who gives a shit if your hobby is "great"?

The Internet has an infinite amount of quality content to consume, for free. It is really easy to find this content, but not so easy to consume it. It is harder to read a textbook than to read a pop sci article. Since people have been "consuming" books and nature for centuries, consumerism itself is not the problem. The problem lies with our inability to delay gratification. This comic does not mention this at all.

>> No.9049652

still better than the anti-science retards who deny things like climate change

>> No.9049791

Both are shitty, but I disagree with you.

>> No.9049803

this comic is a total piece of shit. literally says "fuck white male nerds, they consume too much wtf"

science fans are a necessary evil, a great community and system to do science necessarily includes idiots who don't know about it but think it's cool. science communicators like Degrasse Tyson et al are good for academia.

>> No.9049808

Why do they have to bring race into it? People just can't help themselves

>> No.9049811

>chemical reaction videos are the most blatantly "DUDE SCIENCE" out there.
Yeah, but that's not really misinformation per se, just taking the most interesting looking bits and not really caring about the explanation

>> No.9049815

>science fans are a necessary evil, a great community and system to do science necessarily includes idiots who don't know about it but think it's cool
Justify this statement please

>> No.9049847

What I hate most about it is that they propagate misinformation or speculative science (i.e. JUST published articles that, although have gone through peer review, still require a hell of a lot of research to properly confirm or reject the claim) because of this people have the idea that science is constantly contradicting itself when instead the cutting edge is where ideas live or die and shouldn't be equated with far more established science (even though older ideas can be over turned they still only become solidified with a tremendous amount of evidence), conflating the two greatly hurts the credibility of science, this is actually why I fucking hate Al Gore, he basically took a very complex subject of which he had little to no knowledge of and tried pushing claiming strict predictions. I'm not saying man made climate change isn't real (it is) it's that it's extremely complicated and making precise predictions is far more difficult than you can imagine so when you have that twat coming out saying "Florida will be under water by 2015" it damages the cred of ACTUAL scientists who are able to do a lot of good work telling us what is happening and what will likely happen. These sorts of damaging trends result in the left deciding that gmos are bad and "natural" foods are good plus that astrology and other ancient "science" can help you and the right rejecting vaccines and climate change, something that fucks over both sides in different ways. Look, I get wanting to know what the latest shit is, a lot of it is really cool, but how about learning about some of the very cool established stuff first, at least at a basic level, and then take the cutting edge stuff with a grain of salt from a more matured perspective until it can be fully validated (looking at you verlinde entropic gravity).

>> No.9049861

>muh consumption is bad
>why improve technology lol XD im so sprititual
>muh equality

Technology always had advanced by a small priviledge elite of nerds, suck it faggot.

>> No.9049871

Science is always defended in its utility you fucking prick. Practitioners are the ultimate benefactors of knowledge beyond selfish gratification.

Note Hippocrates preserving medical knowledge and standards of evidence despite platos retarded and popular opinions on pretty much everything including the nature of knowledge itself.

>> No.9049879
File: 68 KB, 1200x675, 1500441087027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring the third of the world without electricity
>implying there won't be a second African Genesis after the demise of the first world countries

>> No.9049883

if there are more anti-science retards than there are pro-science retards it will lead to science being voted out of existence

>> No.9049887
File: 263 KB, 600x304, 1500474902881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To name a few:
>evolution is real
>the earth is a potato/oblate spheroid/whatever the hell the Neil Tyroneson
>Africans were the first humans
>alchemy is obsolete
>science disproves the Bible
>germs and viruses exist
>atoms exist
>Copernicus was right
>race doesn't exist

>> No.9049890
File: 1.49 MB, 2688x2016, img_2202-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if there are more pro-reality gentlemen than there are anti-reality subhumans, it will lead to fables being voted out of existence

>> No.9049893

>pro-science retards
As bad as anti-science retards, if not worse. They turn science into teen age culture, meaning the children of the pop-sci generation will deny science the best they can as part of their teen age rebellion. See /pol/: the kids of this generation of pop-science are far right traditionalists who think climate change is a conspiracy and they're all about to get into voting age. They turn people off from academia with their YouTube comments sections debates on "science vs religion" and being loud and obnoxious in general.
>voted out of existence
Religious zealotry will always outnumber rationalism even if you account for all the Vsauce subscribers.

>> No.9050361
File: 190 KB, 960x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-but muh Homo Deus!

>> No.9050688

Again with that daedra conjuring, chill it down mathemagitian

>> No.9051014

>>time doesn't actually exist
Explain. I've never heard anyone say that before. Is it wrong? Right?

>> No.9051319

Are you retarded? How are flat earthers and anti vaxxers not worse than pop sci enthusiasts?

>> No.9052221

>"Science disproves God!"
fucking this. not even memeing

>> No.9052233

Cold fusion fan boys.
>it's called low energy nuclear reactions now

>> No.9052786

>if there are more anti-science retards than there are pro-science retards it will lead to science being voted out of existence

A bigger problem is people who know nothing about science demanding it conform to the way they think it should be conducted.

>> No.9052876

IMO, that's making a religion out of science.

>> No.9052891

>-"Science disproves God!"
Isn't that true though? Doesn't existence of God defy the laws of physics?

>> No.9052895

What do physical laws have to say about yhe existence of a supposed non-physical being?

>> No.9052904

>Because pf quantum entanglement, woman synchronise their periods.

>> No.9052905

didn't he turn water into wine?

>> No.9052914

he also made woman out of man's bone.

>> No.9052934

As much as I like how hard this comic btfos singularity fags I wish the author hadn't ruined it with the casual racism

>> No.9052942
File: 23 KB, 230x208, alex jones - gay frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything on life sciences and physics.
>Chemistry seems to have pleb filter so there's less misinformation.

Of course no. Do you never heard of that Angry Conspiracy Fat Guy selling Water Filters. To prevent Chemicals in Water Supply Making Pepe Frogs Gay?

But Biochemistry & Pharmaceutic Industry are full of misinformation, placebos, experiments results that can not be replicated.

Muh Cancer Cure but Pharma is hidding it.

Muh Chemtrails poisoning Crops.

Muh Chemicals in Water turning 4chan pepe frogs gay.

>> No.9052944

So what? I swear this shit isn't even difficult, but it's why philosotards bully us. Science is a method that will never settle absolute truth. We just model to the point of our technology let's us. The idea of God goes beyond our reality and is immaterial and acts on ways science cannot understand. Is this a good system of belief? For me it isn't, but arguing about it has nothing to do science.

>> No.9052949

I don't really like to spend my time watching Alex Jones videos, but was he possibly referring to the hermaphroditism observed in a lot of marine life living in bodies of water with high xenoestrogen content? If so then he's not entirely incorrect, even if he worded it terribly.

>> No.9052954

No it doesn't, Mr. Fedoralord.

>> No.9053272

I had an argument with someone on why dinosaurs and humans did not co-exist. Here's a few arguments he used on why dinosaurs and humans existed at the same time:
>"Carbon dating is bullshit because when bones become fossils it only measures how old the rock is and not how old the dinosaur is"
>"Every culture has a dragon mythos, even though the European and Asian dragons are different they're still dragons"
>"How common would it be for them to dig out dinosaur bones? Early civilizations didn't do excavation, and all the dinosaur fossils in the museums were excavated in the 20th and 21st century"

>> No.9053301

that's exactly the funny thing, what he was saying has like some tiny bit of truth in it, but by extrapolating it to "liberals are turning the frogs gay!", he completely invalidates that truth to normal people because of how retarded his assertion is

>> No.9053488

This and the fact that the comic doesn't seem to have a main point. First it's about how nerds are destroying the world by creating waste. Oh, also singularityfags are dumb. Oh, also video games are a waste of time, get a life lol. It's a poorly structured rant.

>> No.9053507
File: 47 KB, 592x448, 1489184380111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich and white meme
stopped reading there.

>> No.9053520

Race clearly exists, but THE RACES (as defined by the British colonists and perpetuated by SJWs) do not.

>> No.9053528

It disproves specific gods, just not "god" as a vague unfalsifiable concept

>> No.9053619

i also hate liberals
wanna fug a qt radical ?

>> No.9053625

>humanity will survive more than 100 years

>> No.9053692

>-"We're in a simulation!"
>-"AI will kill us/save us!"
>nanomachines... the future!"
These show you're the same as what you hate. You're not the cure, and you're not the organism. You are part of the disease.

The first one is just a consequence of a solid, honest, epistemological framework. It is certainly possible.

Second is also possible. Man seems intent to create God. A god for our godless world might not be a bad thing, but it probably would be. People thinking AI will bail us out are just suffering from delusions that arise from the cult of positive thinking, and nonsensical "hope".

Third probably highlights what you really are the most clearly. Programmable self replicating machinery is the future, if we even have one. Just look at plants and your own body for why,

>> No.9053756

Someone is triggered because his beliefs have been questioned

>> No.9053758
File: 12 KB, 236x278, 382e66488d48f1dbce18ee6e00c4d7d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only cuddle with strong right wing guys.

>> No.9053778


>> No.9053779


>> No.9054498

Dude you just explained this whole board.

>> No.9054583

>if you try to explain that there is no way to experimentally distinguish between Lorentzian Ether Theory and a Block Universe they'll just tune out
Elaborate further.

>> No.9054658

"There is no such thing as gender"

These autists run around saying "(((Science)))", but don't actually learn or do any Science

>> No.9054672

t. Never read the bible nor understand the culture of the people who wrote it nor they they "exagerated some stuff to make Jesus look even greater
Besides most of this things belong to the holy mystery of Christendom
My rule is, if you can't test it in a lab (forcing Jesus to turn water into wine in a lab) then science has no interest on it. It's the job of philosophy or religion.

>> No.9054675

How? Science is just a method? You're saying the thought police is gonna kill me?

>> No.9054678

Climate change is a shit theory. Been falling predictions for years.
If the climate is indeed warming up its not because of us. Shot like that had been happening for millennia even before humans were a thing. Unless dinosaurs had trains and cars.

>> No.9054680

None of that seems impossible. Might be unlikely that it doesn't mean is cannot be true.

>> No.9054683

t. Facebook and gender studies double major

>> No.9055193

Prestidigitation is real, and isn't magic.

OK, so science said something like "if we suddenly stop releasing greenhouse gases, global temperature (average of the whole world) will raise by something between .5° and 1° in 50 years. If we follow some Paris accords, it will raise by something between 1° and 3°, if we continue increasing our emissions exponentially like we've been doing lately, it will raise by something between 3° and 8° in 50 years".
A shitty clickbait newspaper titled "SCIENCE SAYS TEMPERATURES WILL RAISE BY 8°!!!!!!!!!!"
So no, the temperature at your place over a year doesn't disprove climate change, for many reasons (not 50 years, not an average of temperatures over the whole world, and nobody claimed temp would raise by 8° to begin with.)
Please stop using shitty clickbait as only source of information.

>> No.9055226

>see they lied, therefore I don't gotta explain shit!
>if you can't test it in a lab I can just make up whatever I want

>> No.9055239

>Been falling predictions for years.
Scientists have been accurately predicting global temperature for decades.

>inb4 predictions from Al Gore

>If the climate is indeed warming up its not because of us. Shot like that had been happening for millennia even before humans were a thing. Unless dinosaurs had trains and cars.
Warming in the past was almost never This rapid. And of course you don't need cars and planes to increase CO2 levels. Problem is that currently man is the source of increasing CO2 levels. You're an ignorant little twit.

>> No.9055256

the existence of gender is not scientific question, anyone who would attempt to answer such a question with science is a complete fool
gender is constructed from reality but is not reflective of reality or real in and of itself. saying gender is real is like saying race is real.
you dont need science to tell you that, that truth can be found by reason alone

>> No.9055408

Good post