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9049180 No.9049180 [Reply] [Original]

is the free market the only non pseudoscientific theory of economics?

>> No.9049184


>> No.9049191

no because the economy is a zero-sum game

>> No.9049201

>new companies and industries emerge from innovation taking the marketshare of older companies
>this is not the free market

>> No.9049230

all gains ultimately rely on the losses of others

>> No.9049233

>What is resource displacement?

>> No.9049234

well, that's basically the free market.

>> No.9049235

no, because there is no real free market

>> No.9049246

>It wasn't real communism

>> No.9049257

I realize this is a dank meme that communists try to use to excuse the repeated failing of their preferred government structure, but it's just a fact that there has never in history been a real large communist country or a real free market. They're idealizations that can't exist in the complicated real world with unpredictable human participants.

>> No.9049259

That's as scientific as economy goes.

>> No.9049262

Just because Germans invented it doesn't make it scientific, y'know?

>> No.9049263

how would you the economic system of the west?

>but is not real capitalism

>> No.9049275

>socialized schooling
>socialized roads
>socialized utilities
>socialized sanitation
>food stamps

can you name even one country in history that was a real free market?

>> No.9049281

>capitalists can't use non retarded ideas of socialists

>> No.9049303

No, all voluntary trade benefits both parties (unless misinformation is shared)

>> No.9049309

people not involved in your trade are affected as well, your trade doesn't happen in a bubble

>> No.9049311

What the fuck does that have to do with anything you said at the beginning?

>> No.9049320

>What the fuck does that have to do with anything you said at the beginning?
that your gains are offset by the losses of others, hence the economy is zero-sum

>> No.9049321

No they aren't, you don't lose money you trade it for something equally worth it (unless you get scammed)

>> No.9049325
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"Just as Darwin discovered the law of development or organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history" Fat Engels


>> No.9049327

is there any real marxists today that are well read in economics?


>> No.9049331

>No they aren't, you don't lose money you trade it for something equally worth it (unless you get scammed)
>people not involved in your trade are affected as well, your trade doesn't happen in a bubble

please read a book or two on economics before posting about this stuff, it's not hard but you should at least be educated first (i have a phd on this stuff)

>> No.9049333

>is there any real marxists today that are well read in economics?
then they wouldn't be marxists xD

>> No.9049349
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>is the free market the only non pseudoscientific theory of economics?
The "free market" isn't a theory.
I assume this is the /pol/tard containment thread?
You're all a bunch of asshats, the world would be a better place without you.

>> No.9049354

>I assume this is the /pol/tard containment thread?

>> No.9049392

This is asinine.

>> No.9049397
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>This is asinine.

>> No.9049427


>> No.9049435
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Spooky thread OP

>> No.9049441

Low quality bait 0/10 see me

>> No.9049450

How so? Nobody has an obligation to provide jobs or sustinence for people that need it. If they don't trade, they must not have anything worth trading

>> No.9049456

>How so? Nobody has an obligation to provide jobs or sustinence for people that need it. If they don't trade, they must not have anything worth trading
please read what zero-sum means before posting such nonsense

>> No.9049462

If I have resources and build a house out of them, I have added value without others losing.

If I sow seeds, water the plants and harvest the food, I have created value without others losing.

If I develop a better algorithm that speeds up some core function of an operating system, I have created value without others losing.

Literally any time a person labors to transform the environment into one better suited for us, they have gained without any losses at all.

>> No.9049468

It's not an economic model. If we embrace the individuals right to private property then making markets as free as possible is a given. Not being down with private property is some backwards ass fuckery but I can understand placing constraints on the system if it means economic stability. A large part of me thinks any and all central planning is the meme to end all memes but I don't know nothin.

>> No.9049482

The zero sum game is the economic equivalent of creationism

>> No.9049579

/biz/ is for crypto shilling only

>> No.9049607
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>/biz/ is for crypto shilling only

>> No.9049635

But it isn't zero sum, stop clinging to your only argument. We use the resources of the planet to provide for ourselves, non renewable resources

>> No.9049651

>But it isn't zero sum
patently false

>stop clinging to your only argument
if you can't accept a mathematically proven statement we simply can't progress past this point.

>> No.9049709

It's funny that you keep insisting on using that big scary technical term because you are definitely using it wrong. For a game to be zero sum, the winner needs to gain exactly as much as the loser lost. This rarely ever happens, usually there is either a net global profit or a net global loss. The only kind of situation that is zero sum that I can think of is when someone is literally robbed of their property. Any other situation you need to account for how resources are valued differently between people, which is the reason trading happens in the first place.

>> No.9049713

>It's funny that you keep insisting on using that big scary technical term
if 'zero sum' is somehow either big or scary to you you should stay far away from economics

>> No.9049716

It feels more like economic output is a function of planetary resources that has yet to be optimized

>> No.9049731

>patently false
I don't think you know what zero sum means.

>mathematically proven
Empirical support or kys

>> No.9049758


Early America, and the City of Krakow before it was annex by Austro-Hungary.

>> No.9049822

>free market
babby's been listening to the echo chamber again

>> No.9049825

Where did all the stuff come from?

>> No.9049828
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>Where did all the stuff come from?
other places

>> No.9049830

Yeah the atoms. The big bang didn't create transistor-ium.

>> No.9049832

To be fair, socialized is a bit different to socialist
Lmao xD Marxists don't read economics Kapital isn't even economic theory lmao

>> No.9049836

>Literally any time a person labors
It that an endorsement of the LTV?
>Not being down with private property is some backwards ass fuckery
Do you know the difference between private and personal property? Honestly unsure

>> No.9049837

>Lmao xD Marxists don't read economics Kapital isn't even economic theory lmao

Only in the sense that economic lessons should be ignored if they don't help create a Utopia.

Kind of like the Bible isn't a book about civil liberties, other than recommending that a moral person should try to ban them.

>> No.9049838

>Do you know the difference between private and personal property? Honestly unsure
Yeah private property is what's abolished on day 1 of the Soviet takeover.

Personal property is what's abolished the following winter.

>> No.9050151

>non retarded ideas of socialists
By definition no such thing exists.

>> No.9050156
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Yes. Any anon here who would like to take a look at economics could start very well with this

>> No.9050192

african colonies were a loss of money pal

>> No.9050649
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>african colonies were a loss of money pal

>> No.9050664

Well, socialists can have nonsocialist ideas.

>> No.9050798

Why do you reckon they were given up so easily by their former colonial overlords?

>> No.9050879
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>people this dumb have access to the internet

>> No.9052043
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Then why aren't we still living in caves and chasing our food?

>> No.9052075

>efficient market hypothesis
No, it's pseudo-science

>> No.9052077

I thought trade was 0 sum retard?

>> No.9052080

By the way efficient market hypothesis is completely retarded and debunked and if it was true, people like Warren Buffett or Soros wouldn't exist who outperform the market year after year after year.

>> No.9052109

>I thought trade was 0 sum retard?
it is, that's why benefits some people get from trades are offset by losses to other people

>> No.9052226

>The "free market" isn't a theory.
Correct, it's a fckn myth.

>> No.9053306


no. with the use of cooperation the overall economy would grow and everyone would have more money to spend. but since humans are apes... we apparently must fight over everything.