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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9045395 No.9045395 [Reply] [Original]

Just how smart do you think you actually are, /sci/?

>> No.9045398

pretty brainlet

i'm like a guy that benches 2pl8. if you're untrained or a normie you'd think i'm a god but if you're in the field you'd realize i'm mid tier at best.

>> No.9045400

People think I'm smart because I know a lot of trivia and have a decent analytical mind.
I think I'm average.

>> No.9045402

About average, but harder working.

>> No.9045405

>Just how smart do you think you actually are, /sci/?
About average for /sci/, including the /pol/ and /x/ invaders.
So... a bit less smart than the genuine /sci/ folk.
...but of course, my online IQ test says 140, just like all of us.

>> No.9045407

Average intelligence but feel i have an above average memory. I also tend to not stick with things so have become a jack of all trades master of none.

>> No.9045417

All of the above, which scares me a bit since I would like to work in some highly competitive fields. Mind you, even some professors or TA tell me that I'm talented or other stuff, but I know that I'm simply good at taking exams.
I try to improve studying like a madman and giving up my social life, but I feel that sooner or later I'll hit a wall and the real geniuses will surpass me.

>> No.9045418

by all measurable standards, average to very stupid. but ill always have that special snowflek feeling making me think i have some sort of hidden intelligence because its all i have

>> No.9045426

Smarter than engineers. Dumber than mathematicians.

>> No.9045431

99.98th percentile, but I feel like I'm only 99.97th.

>> No.9045432

Got a degree in classics and philosophy. Recently started studying math on my own. I used to browse lit but got tired of that shithole. Now I dwell here. I'm average.

>> No.9045440

below average

>> No.9045446

>muh l'impostor syndrome

>> No.9045449

nice, i have the same delusion

>> No.9045481

I did very well during my undergrad and I'm still doing very well in my master's at one of the best unis in my country. That being said, I've always felt like I was heading towards a brick wall at an increasingly high velocity.
Hasn't happened yet, but maybe this year will be the year, I dunno. I've been feeling uncharacteristically drained this year.

>> No.9045489


>> No.9045545

I feel exactly like this

>> No.9045548

Do you have to be a real genius to be successful though?

>> No.9045555

kinda intelligent, nothing extraordinary, might have something to do with the fact that i just find the lowest amount of effort required to pass exams and don't apply myself beyond that

>> No.9045574

I'm too smart for reality basically, that includes social interaction. 99.72 percentile which is 142 IQ sd15

>> No.9045589

Nah, I attended a professor's seminar once and we talked for a long while. I told him all about these insecurities and he told me he felt the same way as a student (it was funny because he had attended the same uni as I did) but that at some point he just chose a kind of niche, but not too niche, area (model theory of algebraic groups), stuck with it and eventually made a name for himself.
He did tell me to be wary of areas like arithmetic geometry because they tend to attract the real aliens.

Basically there are "geniuses", ie. exceptional people who are simultaneously quicker than you, deeper than you and already know more about your potential area of study than you do (and if you've studied long enough, you have probably met some of them) but not that many, and chances are that if you are among the top students at a very good uni/grad school, you have developed one of those qualities more than most people, and have a slim chance of making it.

>> No.9045652

>if you are among the top students at a very good uni/grad school
Fuck me

>> No.9045962


>> No.9046410

I think I'm quite slow at picking up concepts. I'm not genius tier at all.

That said, I know that if I won't keep studying for all my life I'll become even more brainlet than I actually am, so I stick to it.

>> No.9046435

Being called smart actually has negative impacts. People who believed that smart exist created people beliefs that people cannot get into math simply because they aren't "smart" enough. Females often avoid math not because of sexism but because they aren't confident in their math skills. Let's face it, the people who got into high level math just grind dozens of hours a week into the library for several years as do most successful students.

>> No.9046450

I pick things up quickly but become disinterested after a while. Have a broad knowledge of many topics, but none of which delve into the finer or more complex ideas or concepts.
The one thing i've stuck to is computer science at university. My results range from very good to shit tier "just passing" as i have periodic nihilistic moments for a few weeks of heavy drinking and "nothing matters", "why do i bother".
But all in all above average intelligence and haven't come across anything i can't do.

>> No.9046459

Some people do have a "nack" for it. Learn it quicker than others.

>> No.9046460

That's 99.9% of people. Most people don't do this. Otherwise, we wouldn't have homework.

>> No.9046464

That's not 99.9% of people.

>> No.9046470

>Some people do have a "nack" for it
This isn't true

>> No.9046472

There were kids in high school who did nothing in class and no homework yet got 90%+ in most tests

>> No.9046479

Yeah, and a surplus of students repeat Algebra 1 in high-school because they didn't study hard enough.

>> No.9046489

So you think everyone is the same and learns at the same rate?

>> No.9046492

By objective measures of achievement, I've done pretty well. I have a PhD in mech. engg., and I believe only around 3% of the population here have a terminal degree. While in my PhD program, I was awarded a major national award that has right around a 5% success rate, so I'm nominally in the top of that group. I was appointed to a faculty position without a post-doc, which is rare in itself these days, and that was a selection out of a few hundred successful PhDs.

However, I have no good way to control for things like my family's affluence or the stability of my home life. And for things like my faculty appointment, major factors include their strategic vision (eg: my research is in an area where they want to grow) and how well I get along with people. I think I'm a pretty sociable guy, and a pretty good conversationalist, as far as us nerds go.

In that regard, I think I'd be comfortable guessing that my own intelligence is somewhere in the top decile, but I'd be weary to put myself in the top ventile.

>> No.9046501

I have no idea how people can go into their PHD. program. I can work for my masters though. The amount of work is just mind-boggling. It may take up to five years to finish a PHD or depending how fast a person finishes their thesis.

>> No.9046524

One of the very first things my advisor and I discussed were the conditions for me finishing, and the expectations for weekly workload.

There were some weeks where I was overworked, there was a lot of stress too, but in general I didn't work more than about 50 hours a week and I finished in four years. Probably spent 65 or a little more hours a week at school, since I'd go to the gym and spend a lot of time walking to the coffee shop. But honestly, you just need to have reasonable expectations (and so does your advisor and committee).

>> No.9046529

Not true. For anything above a stem master's you need to be truly gifted.

>> No.9046540

Not that anon, but what makes you think "giftedness" is the only factor that influences learning rates? One kid may have had a better teacher or more supportive parents to help with HW.

>> No.9046547

STEM PhD here. That is 100% bullshit.

>> No.9046558

What is your IQ?

>> No.9046568

I've always done very poorly in school, even as a little kid. My mind wanders very easily and I never work effectively unless something catches my interest, but when I do become interested in something I can learn it much faster than most people. I'm sure when I find my place in the world I'll be really good at it, but to most people I just look like a regular loser.

>> No.9046573
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not where i go to college

>> No.9046574


I have studied a shit ton and I put my mind to it at a young age.

So, pretty smart.

>> No.9046583

If you go to a college with a shitty research department then obviously shitty PhDs will take in mediocre people.
Anything remotely good requires high intelligence

>> No.9046584

Smarter than all of 4chan put together.

>> No.9046593

Are you me?

>> No.9046602

One gorrillion dollars.

>> No.9046608

>claims you don't need to be gifted to pursue a PhD
>evasive about his IQ
Average people do average things, and a PhD isn't average. That's all there is to it

>> No.9046616

>PhDs aren't average

What the fuck am I reading? Are you implying that all PhDs are necessarily "gifted", or "very intelligent" by your metric?

If that's the case, you're either (a) fucking dumb or (b) have abysmal standards. I suspect the former.

>> No.9046618

>phd in gender studies


>> No.9046623

I am one of the greatest masterminds of our time.

>> No.9046626
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I'm a fool a fucking retard.

>> No.9046631


A Ph.D graduate in hard STEM is very likely to be a whole 2 standard deviations above the mean in IQ. There is NO FUCKING WAY an average person can manage to do a Ph.D in Math or Physics.

But that is not even all that is required. There are other necessarily mental faculties that are not measured by an IQ test. You need to have good mental health. You need to be able to focus for long periods of time and you need to be able to tolerate stress very well. If you have any form of mild autism it is going to make your life much harder when you cannot just act like a man child anymore.

>> No.9046634

All STEM PhDs have clearly above average intelligence, yes.

>> No.9046652

re-read what you just posted

>> No.9046654


I suppose I must find a counter example to your generalizations.


Here's a very interesting example. Give her thesis a thorough read as well as her achievements and hysteria, and tell me if you still think a PhD at a "rigorous" program must be several SD's above average. To claim that some PhDs aren't retards is an affront to academia.

>> No.9046658

t. high schooler

>> No.9046660

Are you saying that the average person can pursue a PhD in science or mathematics and succeed without being a statistical outlier?

>> No.9046661

This is literally only the case for Math at a top 5 uni lmao

>> No.9046663

>and succeed
I suppose we're backtracking now. The initial question was whether or not a tard can get a PhD in the first place. Which, as I've shown, is true.

>> No.9046664

See >>9046654
It's at Princeton, the #1 uni last time I checked. What's with you anons making dumb ass generalizations? You can NEVER weed out stupidity.

>> No.9046668

Yes, even for physics.
>No, if at a top 10. Yes, anywhere else.

You need to interact with more PhD holders, friend, especially Chemistry and Engineering ones.

>> No.9046672

Meant to say no at a top ten for Maths.

Then again, there are exceptions like the example above.

>> No.9046673
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I am retarded, but for whatever reason I've managed to blunder my way up to places where I really have no business being. Sometimes I feel like an RPG character with maxed out Luck stats.

>> No.9046677


>> No.9046678

What about CS at a decent (not elite) uni, for someone with slightly above average intelligence? Is it feasible?

>> No.9046680

Found the social "science"/"gender" "studies" brainlet.

>> No.9046689

>he thinks a handful of exceptions prove anything
You are a moron.

>> No.9046693

It's not a dumb-ass generalisation you dumb-ass. it's a true generalisation. You're too drunk on "generalisations are wrong". No they aren't. You found some exception to the general trend and think that the trend doesn't exist.


>> No.9046695

I was placed into a gifted and talented program as a kid. You needed to score in at least the 89th percentile of some intelligence test to be considered.

Joke's on me though my dad left and I failed every class.

>> No.9046702

Sometimes I wish gods existed, so that I could sacrifice something (or someone) to some god and become more intelligent as a reward. Where is Mephistopheles when you need him?

>> No.9046703 [DELETED] 
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>>9046608 >>9046529 >>9046547 >>9046631 >>9046634

Math & Physics PhDs have to be genius level, otherwise they will simply drop out.

Economics, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Chemistry PhDs are also gifted & impressive, but less genius.

Perhaps Mechanical Engineering is more average (Aerospace & Nuclear are harder glorified versions)

PhD in Geology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Archaeology, Linguistics & Neurosciences still have to be at least above average.

Biochemistry & Biology PhDs are people which failed to get into Medical School so the bar is lower.

The best in Humanities go to Law School.

The level start to go downhill in fields like Philosophy, Political Science, History, Geography, Psychology (not Neurology), History of Art

Approaching to shit level in Anthropology, Communication, Sociology, Modern Art

The bottom shit are PhDs in Gender Studies, Afro-American Studies & so on.

>> No.9046707
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>>9046608 >>9046529 >>9046547 >>9046631 >>9046634

Math & Physics PhDs have to be genius level, otherwise they would simply drop out.

Economics, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Chemistry PhDs are also gifted & impressive, but less genius.

Perhaps Mechanical Engineering is more average (Aerospace & Nuclear are harder glorified versions)

PhD in Geology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Archaeology, Linguistics & Neurosciences still have to be at least above average.

Biochemistry & Biology PhDs are people which failed to get into Medical School so the bar is lower.

The best in Humanities go to Law School.

The level start to go downhill in fields like Philosophy, Political Science, History, Geography, Psychology (not Neurology), History of Art

Approaching to shit level in Anthropology, Communication, Sociology, Modern Art

The bottom shit are PhDs in Gender Studies, Afro-American Studies & so on.

>> No.9046712

How come math and physics are so much more difficult than other sciences?
And why is the bar so "low" for CS and neuro?

>> No.9046718

>>evasive about his IQ
That person isn't me, and I've never taken an IQ test.

>> No.9046728

>How come math and physics are so much more difficult than other sciences?

The hardest Engineering is Electrical Engineering which uses more Physics & Math.

The hardest Social Science is Economics which use Heavier Math

The hardest of Chemistry is Theoretical Quantum Chemistry which is heavy in Physics & Math

The hardest of Material Science are Condensate Matter & Nanotechnology which are heavy in Physics & Math

The hardest of Biology are Biophysics & Bioinformatics which use more Physics & Math.

The hardest of Philosophy is Logic because it uses concepts from Math.

>And why is the bar so "low" for CS and neuro?

CS & Neuro have less Math & Physics when compared to majors like Economics or Chemical Engineering.

>> No.9046731

>Math & Physics PhDs have to be genius level, otherwise they would simply drop out.
Have you even been to a uni for a math/physics course ? Do you believe all of your TAs are geniuses ? I mean they're likely pretty smart but come on

The rest of your post is just a restating of the usual /sci/ drivel about how fields rank relative to one another (despite the fact that it makes no sense at all), and the usual shitting on humanities.
It makes me sad that you probably thought about and took the time to write this

>> No.9046732

A masterclass in advanced circlejerking right here.

>> No.9046735 [DELETED] 

Math & Physics PhDs

Not Bachelors

undergraduate program is easy

So Bachelors do not count.

>> No.9046742
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>claims sweeping generalization w/o proof
>counterexample provided
>generalization is proven false

If you're math majors, flunk out. If you're not, open a book.

>hurrr generalizations are true
I cannot imagine a more stupid comment than this. Truly my eyes betray me.

>> No.9046750
File: 6 KB, 225x225, CA432E1C-CB09-49CB-ACB0-0D0800D19A13-8564-00000B224625C410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to prove anything you blubbering idiot. I merely provided an example that DISPROVED what the other anon was stubbornly claiming as true.

How. Are. You. This. Dumb.

>> No.9046752

AI/ML is pretty much only math

>> No.9047069

Slightly above average, else average. Most people don't put effort into understanding things, i think.

>> No.9047094

Probably top 5-10%. I normally feel pretty average amongst my friends and peers (which is probably good for my ego), but every once in a while I'll read Facebook comments on public posts and realize that the average person is pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.9047158

>chances are that if you are among the top students at a very good uni/grad school, you have developed one of those qualities more than most people, and have a slim chance of making it.
Wow, that proffessor of yours was really fucking reassuring.

>> No.9047174

>I am retarded, but for whatever reason I've managed to blunder my way up to places where I really have no business being. Sometimes I feel like an RPG character with maxed out Luck stats.
I'd like you to be more specific.

>> No.9047179

People incorrectly assume richer kids are more gifted because they seen the material earlier / have tutors / educated parents to support them. While poorer kids (who may have more raw talent) struggle due to lack of resources.

>> No.9047183

Im studying CS and have a pure math undergraduate degree. My studies in CS are an extension of my pure math studies. A CS specialization in a math heavy field requires the same intellect as a math PhD does. Know why? Because fields like these are Su fields of mathematics. All I focus on are proofs.

>> No.9047192

So far I'm the smartest person I've ever met, and I've gone far in my field.

However, I feel deep discomfort knowing people like Witten and Tao exist. It's unfair that there are people smarter than me and that nothing I do can change that fact. It is the sort of thing that makes me wish I had a Death Note, to be honest.

But to be honest, I'm sure they have similar feelings about the great minds of the past.

>> No.9047210

A good rule of thumb for most abilities is that each sigma above the mean corresponds to a 70% faster rate of mastery. So the top 3% of people in that field master the subject 140% faster, and the top 0.1% learn just over three times as fast, etc.

Talent does exist. Let no one tell you otherwise.

>> No.9047213

i dunno, smart enough to succeed at a bsc in math and a msc in math from top 30 worldwide universities.

>> No.9047222

I don't know if I am actually smart or not. I can't tell if I am actually learning the material or somehow finding a way to get a good GPA. I really like science and learning it, and am pursuing a double major for CS and physics, but I feel like I am not comprehending everything I'm doing

I have really bad ADD so I feel like a fucking space cadet sometimes because I forget to pay attention for one second. I'm also really bad with time constraints, especially on tests

Ironically, people have told me I am one of the most "chill" and "stress-free" people they have ever met, but I feel like this insecurity is a nagging problem that sits at the back of my mind every second of every day. I struggle with the question of how I'm going to be able to keep up with my studies when I go back to school...

>> No.9047228

Nauseatingly, unspeakably, murderably smart.

I'm not going to feign modesty for this trash board's benefit.

>> No.9047243

how do you know this though? Like relative to what

>> No.9047250

A guy I know would type up this exact post. He vehemently praises Rick and Morty and claims to identify with Rick.

>> No.9047254

I had this, too. I got placed in the GATE program and got a 99th percentile on the RAVEN.

Then, earlier this year, my IQ from an official test came out to be 116. It devastated me.

>> No.9047255
File: 47 KB, 435x592, Fedora 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So far I'm the smartest person I've ever met
>It is the sort of thing that makes me wish I had a Death Note, to be honest.
Pic related is (You).

>> No.9047257

>Source: my ass

>> No.9047258

>It is the sort of thing that makes me wish I had a Death Note
You can't be above a 120 and actually write this.

>> No.9047260

People think I'm some sort of genius because I graduated in the top 0.5% of my country in my senior year, when high school is all about your exam technique because the material is fucking easy.

Tbh I'm pretty average, I just work hard so I get decent enough grades. Coming to university was an eye-opener as to how many smart people there are out there, and really puts you in perspective.

>> No.9047263
File: 208 KB, 1032x774, Fedora 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooops, sorry, wrong pic.
Prove it.

>> No.9047267

>Prove it.
You can't "prove" anything, positivist tard.

>> No.9047268

Smart enough to save 15% or more in fifteen minutes on car insurance

>> No.9047274 [DELETED] 

>i'm like a guy that benches 2pl8.


>> No.9047311

shit hes good

>> No.9047326

I know I'm smart but it's not because of my knowledge. Frankly, my knowledge is not really all that impressive. I'm smart because I have a skeptical mind and am not easily fooled by appeals to emotion.

>> No.9047339

I took the IQ test in the thread that's up, and apparently I'm a genius.

Not too surprised. I've been told as much my whole life.

I just like being able to put a number on it. 147, if you're curious.

>> No.9047367

With that stupid fucking statement, you've "proved" you are in fact a fedora.

>> No.9047385

>Biochemistry & Biology PhDs are people which failed to get into Medical School so the bar is lower.
Not sure about biologists but that view of biochemistry students is completely innacurate. I think you're mixing up biochemistry and biomedicine. They are completely different areas.

>> No.9047420

>I'd like you to be more specific.
I've somehow managed to get a math phd at a top 100 university in the world in the subject.

Not him but you cannot disprove a generalisation with a counterexample because a generalisation, by definition/nature, need not hold for all instances, just most of them.

What you've done is, as they say, found the exception that proves the rule.

The "IQ general postmortem" one? I don't think that IQ test is valid.
I took it just now and got 144.

>> No.9047437

Are there any valid online IQ tests?

>> No.9047444


>bragging about a top 100 uni
>claims to have scored only 3 points lower than me on an IQ test


>> No.9047459

I'm not bragging. Judging by how my advisor acted towards me I was probably the dumbest grad student he ever had.
Also, that IQ test is probably a scam. There is no way I scored that high.

>> No.9047470


That test is not a scam. You can see the fucking statistics for yourself.

And you did NOT get 144, no matter what you claim. A 144 is a genius score, and you are clearly not a genius

>> No.9047474

>you are clearly not a genius
I agree, I'm not. I distinctly remember claiming that I am an extremely lucky retard.
>you did NOT get 144
And yet I did. Hence my suspicion that the test is a scam.

>> No.9047476

I always had extremely high test scores (ether that was the SAT or an IQ test, which I landed a 160 on) but struggled to keep my grades up. Suffice to say, I'm probably pretty smart, but I fail to use it, so it doesn't matter and hence I'm pretty dumb overall.

>> No.9047483



Take the IQ test in the postmortem thread and post the results, or you're full of shit.

>> No.9047487


I'm so smart it doesn't matter.

>> No.9047510

you do realize that an IQ of 147 only puts at about the 1 in 500 level right?
any city with a population over 100000 will have a couple hundred people at that level.
some genius you are huh?

>> No.9047514

What in?

>> No.9047521


Actually yes, seeing as a few hundred people are responsible for most of the important shit in a city of 100,000.

>> No.9047526

I did the postmortem IQ test but I handicapped myself. Now I can't redo it because I remember the questions.
Are there any other similar internet tests?

>> No.9047528


How and why did you handicap yourself?

And what was your score?

>> No.9047529

You dumbasses the postmortem IQ test allows you to use calculators and pen and paper! This is clear proof that it's not a good IQ test. In an actual IQ test you must solve every task mentally.
No wonder people get such high scores, fucking cheaters.

>> No.9047531

And LMAO at that question where they're asking you things based on pie charts. What a shitty IQ test.

>> No.9047534

Didn't use a pen and paper or a calculator despite them being allowed, did the test in under thirty minutes despite there being no time limit (the website does state the test should be done in around an hour) and wasn't very focused.
I got 122.

>> No.9047536

>Didn't use a pen and paper or a calculator
Real IQ tests don't allow you to use aides.

>> No.9047539

This test explicitly allowed them and is reportedly accurate.

>> No.9047542


>> No.9047546

People who had previously taken a professional test reported that the results were similar.

>> No.9047554

And you believed them?
But let's say they were honest, how many of them were there? 2? 3? That could happen by chance alone.
Like I said man in an actual IQ test you must solve every problem mentally. Everyone who used aides invalidated their scores.

>> No.9047556

Is there an online resource out there that can serve as a reliable substitute to a professional test then?

>> No.9047561

Not that I know of.

>> No.9047578

I heard the Mensa online tests are good approximations.

>> No.9047584

>on /sci/

>> No.9047592


I got a perfect score on the Mensa practice test, which suggests I am one smart motherfucker.

How seriously should I take these results?

I've always been told I'm smart, and I've always gotten the highest marks, but I tend to doubt concrete rank orders for such a complex trait as intelligence.

>> No.9047596

I would estimate via introspection that I have a three-sigma intellect at minimum, and plausibly an even greater one.

>> No.9047597

Mensa doesn't do online IQ tests, only tests that tell you if you could pass the actual Mensa test.

>> No.9047601
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I think I'm ~95th percentile in terms of analytical intelligence, 15th percentile in terms of emotional intelligence, 40th percentile in terms of creativity. Standard-issue high-functioning autist.

my usual approach is to assume (unless I'm at an academic conference or something where I'm surrounded by experts) that I'm probably smarter than 90% of the people in the room, which means I need to watch out for that other 10% so I don't make a damn fool of myself

>> No.9047605

Is there anything worse than being in the 115-130 range?
At that point you're basically intelligent enough to understand that you'll never be exceptional.

>> No.9047606


What did you get on the postmortem IQ test?

Don't pretend you didn't take it, bitch.

>> No.9047623

Practically I'm dumb as a rock but working on it, in regards to academia I'm over average but only just

>> No.9047636

Yeah, I was definitely bright as a kid but with time other people catch up. I was mostly an early bloomer, not really special.

>> No.9047653

There is no such thing as multiple intelligences.

>> No.9047796


>> No.9048238

I wish I were stupid so I could buy into some sort of religion. I know I'll cease to exist after I die so it's hard for me to care about anything anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss.

>> No.9048246
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>> No.9048265

That's just a prolonged way of saying "intelligence doesn't exist"

>> No.9048486

Applied math PhD here
I'm a brainlet
A motivated brainlet who studies all day every day

>> No.9048639

Genius intelligence, but I use it only to create, synthesize, and disseminate the dankest of memes.

>> No.9048672

I don't know. What is like to be "smart"? I only know that I don't have mental retardation.

>> No.9048683

this, i am biochem and never wanted to be a doctor, and most kids i know who wanted to be doctors absolutely hated theory/research/experimentation. It's not one and if you fail, then the other, it's usually one or the other. And if you can do both (and want to), you got for MD/PhD.

>> No.9048739

>online IQ test

>> No.9048746

About 10 meme points shy of being clinically retarded.

>> No.9048752

In Calc 3 and not even out of High School yet, but im dumb af.

>> No.9048759

idk. smart enough to breeze through secondary school and tumble headfirst into oxford and an existential crisis, and get tangled in self-esteem issues that haven't been helped by repeatedly failing to meet my own standards. was diagnosed with adhd-i recently so hopefully I can get my life sorted out but really I need 80+ % average (in britbong terms) next year to get onto the master's I want (mathematical & theoretical physics). and I'm struggling to muster the self-belief. I think I'm smart enough, sometimes. But maybe I'm delusional. I went from 29% on one paper to 59% in 2days or so of 'revision' so idk, maybe I just have to give a flying fuck. pls someone tell me I can do it, trying to convince myself atm

>> No.9048761

You do not have to be a genius to do a STEM phd, I wish that meme would die.

You DO need a *spark* of talent, but most importantly, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, understanding, improvement and a monstrous work ethic.

That, in itself, is unique, perhaps as unique as being 2SD above the mean in IQ, but the main difference is that you can cultivate those qualities.

Mathematics is not some mystical field where only the true geniuses thrive. It's like anything else, an art that takes training, dedication and a bit of inspiration. Some people may have a head start, but none of that matters when you're willing to work your ass off.

>> No.9048762


somewhat above average, but that's what most average people say

>> No.9048763

knowledge is just applied discipline and curiosity. i used to be botrh. now im neither so im a dumbass

>> No.9048765

i would really ignore that adhd diagnosis if you had no idea about it/did not treat it at all and still managed to get into oxford.... someone who is actually adhd and undiagnosed would never be able to make it to that level

>> No.9048774

I wish people below 145 IQ would just die already so we can start going to the stars.

>> No.9048787


>> No.9048793

How to acquire monstrous work ethic

>> No.9048816

have pride in everything you do. Realize that everything you do represents your integrity so don't half ass anything. Also gain patience.

>> No.9048825

The hardest thing for me is to stay focused. I can get to work easily, but I get distracted easily as well. How do you force yourself to keep at it?

>> No.9048832

> none of that matters when you're willing to work your ass off

Tried as hard as I could at mathematics, but still failed it and dropped out. Minimum wage job now. Life is dull now and probably not worth living. I hope no-one else ends up like me.

It sounds like you're doing well. Best wishes to you.

>> No.9048837

Oh i get distracted too, especially if i allow myself to be. But the trick is not allowing yourself to be, when you decide it's time to get shit done. Ignore/silence phones/laptop if possible, and just do it. I've had shitty ass retail jobs and never want to go back to having to deal with people as a job. That alone is motivation enough. Honestly my mentality solidified after i did LSD and realized just how lucky i was in terms of the genetic lottery

>> No.9048859

thank you

>> No.9048878

I've been pretty sure for two years that I have adhd. Last-fifteen-minute homework and classroom naps just happened to work out for me til university

>> No.9048882
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Pretty average
The only thing i'm relatively good at are digial circuits and computer architecture and learning languages
I am a disgrace at math and programming and my personality disorder prevents me from concentraiting on important tasks like studying and doing assignments
So i need longer for finishing tasks as my fellow students at university
At least i'm the most intelligent person in my family

>> No.9048885

eh just dont fall under the whole "im special because i have a condition" shit. Seems being perfectly normal nowadays is a minority. Like the one person i know who was actually ADHD totaled 3 cars by the time he was 19. The other kids in highschool who had it were just bored/inattentive in class so their lazy ass parents blamed it on some condition and medicated them. yea that helped get better grades but it will fuck up your brain chemistry bad. Not being interested in a subject that you find boring is... not ADHD...

>> No.9048894

Feel pretty fucking retarded. Scored in like the 88th percentile on ACT :/

>> No.9048906


It's very possible to get into a good university with undiagnosed ADHD. Especially if your high school divided homework into lots of small tasks with short deadlines.

If you have ADHD you should:
i) eat a ridiculously healthy diet of lean meats, complex carbs (brown rice, brown pasta), fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes.
ii) Exercise every day, perhaps twice in a day
iii) Take meds but take the absolute lowest dose possible to achieve your goals.
iv) Cut alcohol and caffeine to the lowest level possible. i.e. a pint or two with friends friday night, but go home early. Avoid coffee, drink tea on social outings if you must.
v) Meditate, but no need to buy into the related religions. Mindfulness meditation is very helpful but feel free to ignore its Buddhist background.

A person with ADHD-pi cannot possibly study something they don't find interesting. Even if I locked myself in a room with nothing but the topic / notes / textbook I'd just stare at it.

>> No.9048911

he got into oxford! anyways, im really glad you are not just dealing with yours with medication, i like what you said about minimal dosage. One of my ex-gf is currently on 70 mg adderall a day? it blows my mind but her doctor just keeps upping the dose when it loses potency. I feel so bad for her, she's 100% dependent on that drug for a personality.

>> No.9048985

Yeah. But the thing is, I have goals but am incapable of planning or executing them. I seem to self-defeat every time, giving into impulses and getting distracted by other things.
My parents didn't do shit for my diagnosis. My mum spent years dismissing my problems. I sought it out myself after getting depressed (idk if I was even depressed, just very anxious), recovering, and still finding myself unable to manage time/know what day it is/put my clothes in drawers/go to lectures/fall asleep within 2h.

Not high school. Britbong school. Grades are based on exams, so cramming is encouraged. I got Cs and Ds on my physics homework before acing the exams; you don't need to build any consistency.

>healthy diet
I'm a veggie and eat fairly well
I've been cycling every day for the past two weeks
36mg concerta. 27 wasn't enough.
>cut alcohol and caffeine
I'm not really a drinker, and I've quit coffee (not tea). I do smoke weed, but far less than before.
3 days so far. Past two have been terrible, regardless.

I've had a bad day, man. I wish I could just have faith in myself. But yeah, like 4chan encourages that.

>> No.9048988

I have something akin to instantaneous retention. I will read a textbook in a few days and retain 90% or more of its information.

Part of this is due to the fact that I find almost all subjects interesting, so reading about physics for me is like reading a novel for most people (ironically I hate fiction and most art). I just find the truth exhilarating.

Not sure what my IQ is, but I got an almost perfect SAT score on no sleep.

>> No.9049022

Non genious. But i think that i have a definitely well above average analytical skills and understanding, I'm yet to find a subject that (with the right tutor) can't fully understand. The kind of people that grasp the subject and it's depth while something is explained at them.

Thermodynamics and chemistry where pretty intuitive and such, I'm about to graduate as a Chem Eng.

So after I'm done with this I'll have a shot at some quantum mechanics to see how I do

IQ of 134-136 in two internet tests I've done.

>> No.9049030

70mg is fucking huge.

Is she doing the other points I listed? Is she taking 1 (preferably 2) days off meds a week?

The 'losing potency' thing is a bit tricky. After a few months on a constant dosage, it will feel like it's doing nothing, but if you force yourself to study you'll find you can. At this point a lot of people think it's not working because it's not 'making' them study like when they started.

>> No.9049044

You should have faith in yourself. Seriously, life with undiagnosed ADHD sucks balls. You managed to get through, got into a good university, have a lot of options in your life.

>> No.9049053

>Is she doing the other points I listed? Is she taking 1 (preferably 2) days off meds a week?

not when i broke up with her like 4 years ago. Probably not. It wasnt a serious thing, i just think of how insane that prescription is, but she was 19 when i met her and had been on it since like 10 or something

>> No.9049060

Oh, I thought you meant current girlfriend.

>> No.9049338


>> No.9049339

I have an 159 IQ so you tell me

>> No.9049375

Same. Paired with constant guilt for not really trying as much as I could, and a fear then hating myself for it in retrospect when I inevitably hit the wall.

>> No.9049483
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>tfw 95 IQ brainlet
I literally spend everyday fantasizing about being smart

>> No.9049532

I'm a brainlet that'll eventually be found.

>> No.9049608

I'm fucking retarded. I used to think that "chewing tobacco" meant chewing on the inside of your cheek because I thought real tobacco was only available in "smoking" form.

>> No.9049619


i feel you

>> No.9049622

it also seemed like a very generous test. lots of anons got 130-145

>> No.9049626

it would be good to know if it was a real test. not that i'd put too much stock in it either way, but it would be good to have an idea of whether i'm wasting my time going for an advanced degree.

>> No.9049700

Yes, intelligence is all that matters. Luck and drive mean absolutely nothing

>> No.9049705

>Luck and drive mean absolutely nothing

i'm outta those two

>> No.9049727

Sweet, sweet lies: the post.

>> No.9050081


Doing a PhD in biophysics. (Hopefully) smart enough to do a STEM PhD. Should have a few decent publications; have my name on some patents, will have them on a few more. Not smart enough to become an eminent figure in the field -- not going to end up as, say, chair of the chemistry department at Harvard, or as a director at Genentech. But, that's not a problem for me. Love what I do, and I'd hope to say that I got everything out of what I was given.

>> No.9050234

I realize the discrepancy here but I always think I'm average and most everyone else is retarded.

>> No.9050268

Thanks dude.

>> No.9050270

I know the feeling. It's frustrating.

>> No.9050344

I used to think I was intelligent but looking at my life choices, daily habits and achievements it's clearly not a credible claim anymore.

>> No.9050701

Wisdom != Intelligence

>> No.9050707

but this doesnt have to do strictly with intelligence. Monks who are extremely scheduled/disciplined may be unintelligent. People with dirty rooms/messy workspaces can be high intellect. Many high achieving professionals were even alcoholics or drug users, or didnt achieve much until later in their life.

>> No.9050760
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Brainlets please go.

>> No.9050788

I'm a brainlet masquerading as a smart man.

>> No.9050834

Smart enough to know I know nothing.

>> No.9050839

well as everyone knows e is Napier's constant

>> No.9052753

I'm a "high IQ" social fuckup with severe agoraphobia. I know that my skills are enough to get me wherever I want to go in life, but I also know I'll never actually achieve anything due to my own issues. The only thing more pathetic than a stupid failure is a smart one.

>> No.9052766

Slightly above average intelligence, slightly below average memory.
Specifically, around 2nd year BSc level, as that's where I had to stop as I was unable to pass finals.

>> No.9052770

Personal experience suggests I've got an intelligence that is wildfire in certain areas, above average or plain dull in others.
Very difficult to focus for long periods without distraction.
Overall, I'd say I'm smart enough to know people who say they know nothing are hack frauds.
>but muh IQ?
around 150+ or so, last tested

>> No.9052782

it seems that perhaps I subconciously believe I am somewhat smart guy masquerading as an idiot, but in actual fact I am just a fucking idiot

>> No.9053265


That's because you are. If your supposed skills have no tangible impact on anything, you are entirely indistinguishable from a loser until they do.

>> No.9054329



>> No.9054517

I've always loved math even as a kid. In elementary school I was given an IQ test which discovered I had a genius IQ in the 99th percentile.

In middle school I learned how to do the rubik's cube. There was this website where you could input the configuration of your scrambled cube and get the list of moves to solve it. I did this enough times that I implicitly derived the algorithm to solve any cube.

In high school I taught myself calculus before I actually took the class. I also taught myself programming, BATCH, html, php, C++, this sort of thing. One time I (accidentally) brought down the school network for the whole district. Teachers couldn't input grades and I was somewhat infamous for causing the problem.

>> No.9054520

I went to college for computer engineering, a decision based on a few google searches and not much else. Eventually I get to the point where I have an existential crisis, and I'm very worried about ending up with a meaningless life and a soul-sucking job. I had already had a side business online, I figured that I just "run businesses" and make more money than I would getting a degree. I also became a vegetarian and and environmentalist, so now I see the meaning of my life is to start some kind of eco-business. A business that will work towards developing a world with renewable energy, renewable resources, zero waste or closed loop system, making people become vegetarian, etc stuff like that. I know I will start some kind of network marketing scheme that gives seminars and makes people go vegan/vegetarian and also convince all their friends and family to go to the seminars and become vegetarian and in turn recruit more people, etc.

Once we build up enough money through charging for seminars, there's of lot of ways to go from there. Maybe we will start a solar installation company, maybe we open up a green, zero-packaging grocery outlet, maybe we'll have some kind of online store front with white-labeled eco-friendly products, I'd like to some day build green tiny apartment complexes with all renewable building materials, solar panel roofs, separate recycling/compost etc. Along with this, eventually we could start/buy our way into a cultured meat company that makes synthetic meat without the environmental and ethical problems of raising beef for slaughter. Once we have enough money we can open up a vegetarian/environmentalist venture capital fund to invest and loan money to green business ideas. The money we make from all of this stuff can go towards building large, cost effective solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric plants, maybe even a nuclear power plant. If we even accomplish half of this stuff, I will be very pleased.

>> No.9054945

In D&D stats I think I'm about a 14

>> No.9055165

smarter than 90% of this dumb board

>> No.9055183

I got 139 (99.5 percentile) in a test while helping my psychologist friend practice giving IQ assessments

>> No.9055694

Genius, selfmade thinker. My life is dedicated to reflection and contemplation, always spontaneous, charismatic, and I do not let myself be carried away by the easy distractions of the modern world.

>> No.9055708

I hit the score ceiling on all but one subtest of the WAIS.

Why don't you tell me?

>> No.9055712

I'm a dumb spic sissy cuck

>> No.9056817
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110 iq at best, won't be surprised if less than 100

>> No.9057565

So much this

>> No.9057603

Everyone here who says average is selling the self short. Average these days is pretty stupid. I'm about one standard deviation above average. I've met some actual geniuses and some people between genius and me, people who don't need to study very hard at all. But average is pretty dumb.

>> No.9057672

Just about sums it up

>> No.9057725

I don't know how smart I am, average I guess, but I want to believe that if I keep doing my best I'll eventually realize my full potential, and that's the only thing that matters, reach your limits and surpass them.

>> No.9057852


Get a business license and build fences for rich people at $4000-8000 dollars a pop, easiest job can be. All you need is a drivers licence, cement, wheelbarrow (or bucket), a level, drill and screws, saw, measuring tape, shovel, string, wood, varnish. I see some lazy asshole taking over a month to do tiny portions of fence on 3 peoples homes, I could have done it all by myself in 4 days. Look up some youtube tutorials or just do construction for a month.

>> No.9059622

Not very smart, otherwise I wouldn't have wasted my time going to college

>> No.9059778

My life in a nutshell

>> No.9059799

I think I'm average for a microbio undergrad. Probably like 110 IQ. I've never been formally tested though.

>> No.9059812

>any bio-related PhD failed to get into med school
Only premeds want to get into med school. It's the most toxic thing to exist. It's worse than the AIDS they want to treat. That's like saying MechE is failed Physics PhD's or something equally retarded.

>> No.9059947

Are you me?

>> No.9059950

I'm exactly the same, my friend. At least we can admit it, right?

>> No.9059976

I'm smarter than 99% of all normies. That's all I know.

>> No.9060710

got 81 IQ on mensa online test, altough when i was in high school teachers praised me for "seeing things my classmates didn't" and being "gifted" so that kinda boosted my ego, the problem is I cannot do anything other than lazy surfing and lying in bed doing metaphysics, but i hate to read so that makes me an brainlet, I'm 19 and dont know the alphabet

>> No.9060723

smart enough to achieve my goals

>> No.9060740

what if it's the other way around
you're smart enough to set goals you know are achievable?

>> No.9060808


>> No.9060822

>Doing metaphysics
So playing DND with yourself?
>Doesn't know the alphabet
Meh don't feel bad I still mix up my months, iq 111 at age 27. You're not the only retard browsing sci anon, keep your chin up fellow retard.

>> No.9060831

The motivating purpose to get my degree was "I like planes". But I did actually get the degree.

So some kinda autistic retard

>> No.9060845


>The "IQ general postmortem" one? I don't think that IQ test is valid.
>I took it just now and got 144.
>I've somehow managed to get a math phd at a top 100 university in the world in the subject.

Do you think it's invalid because your IQ should be higher or lower?


The "IQ general postmortem" one is valid. Read through the statistical summary.

>> No.9060850

doing metaphysics = trying to solve my lifelong existensial crisis that keeps me from doing anything other then self harm

>> No.9061043

Ignore him... /sci/ anons are absolutely retarded when it comes to IQ

>> No.9062618

It's like saying physics PhDs are failed mechanical engineers.