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9045309 No.9045309 [Reply] [Original]

Mum says bacon and sausages can cause cancer, so I'm not allowed to eat them anymore. She told me she read about it online and that everything processed causes cancer so I said that everything can cause cancer and that there are also birth control pills that get taken and pissed out into the water which results in chemical imbalances.
Shes getting old now and she repeats herself, do bacon and sausages really increase peoples chances of getting cancer?

>> No.9045321

How about you move out you miserable retarded thing.

>> No.9045328

they are cured with nitrite salt. that stuff can create nitrosamines in your body and those are dangerous indeed.
better eat bacon and sausage with moderation, 2-3 times per week is enough.
especially if you had a history of cancer in your pedigree, or if you are not used to it (e.g. your family has been a vegetarian for centuries), better eat it only once per week or even month then
eating a lot of meat is sometimes linked to developing cancer, but most of it only holds true for people who would get cancer anyway because they are more susceptible than others.
did any of your grandparents die of cancer? or their siblings?

>> No.9045330

My sister also believes meme science and is now effectively ADHD

>> No.9045332

Barring some extreme things like smoking, it really comes down to your genes. Look at your family history.

>> No.9045345

sodium nitrite is implicated in cancer but not everything processed causes cancer

also this >>9045321

>> No.9045351

bacon and sausages for one are quite high in saturated fats so that's a problem in itself
They're also showed to be high in choline which gets metabolized to trimethylamine which gets further metabolized to trimethylamineoxide (TMAO). TMAO has been shown to promote inflammation, atherosclerosis and has been linked to colorectal
So yes there is some truth to it. It just doesn't make it believable when people shout at your face that this and that causes cancer without being able to explain any of it

>> No.9045356

Also I should note as >>9045328 said that if you do chose to eat meat once a month then that's not so bad as the bacteria in you that are able to produce TMAO die out when you remove meat from your diet so if you do have meat not so often you won't have as much TMAO produced

>> No.9045366

I'm sure you can find bacon that does not have nitrite salt in it however it may be more expensive. According to some website Pork belly is uncured, un-smoked and un-sliced bacon but I'm sure you could smoke it yourself then salt it with something like sea salt to make it taste similar.

>> No.9046755

>oh no meat is unhealthy!!
>drinks copious amounts of alcohol willingly even though they know it's unhealthy
>eats junk food daily, feeds their kids junk food daily

No one cares about being unhealthy until suddenly something that was once considered fine is now found to be unhealthy.

>> No.9046768

Due to presence of high levels of lipoplysaccharide via gram negative bacteria, contamination with feces, neu5gc, nitrates, and some of the reactions that occur with high heat cooking, yes, it does potentiate cancer. No, not everything is the same, you don't get to do whatever your hedonistic desires dictate and say "it's all killing me anyway" and be right. Take a hard look at your read value system and fix some of the disjointed shit in there.

Also, pulsed microwave fields cause cancer and brain damage. Tell her to stop using wifi, bluetooth, her cell phone, and to get rid of your smart meter if applicable. Tell her many modern cars use radar, and that pulsed ELF from power lines, AC/DC transformers, certain batteries, and house wiring also cause cancer.

I'm of the opinion that half measures simply will not do. If you are to believe the world is fucked up trash, and look into the molten pit of human reality, you might as well go all the way. The world is terrible and hopelessly lost.