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File: 33 KB, 652x978, Alexandra-Paredes-200909137557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9043673 No.9043673 [Reply] [Original]

From an evolutionary perspective, why do so many white women lack the "ass gene" compared to other races? What causes white men to select against the most fit traits for the survival of their offspring and mate?

Big boobs aren't going to do any good to feed your offspring when the mother of your child hemorrhages out and your baby is born a retard from trauma during childbirth.

>> No.9043681

damn im unaware of the "ass gene", what's its Gene ID?

>> No.9043688

moreover, what research is OP referencing for its prevalence?

>> No.9043697

im also interested in this statement
> What causes white men to select against the most fit traits for the survival of their offspring and mate?

this mysterious ASS gene is the number 1 factor for childbirth survival for the mother? that's groundbreaking research!

>> No.9043719
File: 2.46 MB, 750x420, boobs are ass 3mb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts Asian woman

Great thread, OP. Here's your answer fyi.

>> No.9043727
File: 850 KB, 2000x3000, 1497452134629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High iq white males select for big Ashkenazi breasts to breed large Ashkenazi brains

Selecting for large buttocks is a strictly a low iq pursuit

If a woman has a lackluster butt but large breasts she is 100% prime Ashkenazi brain breeding material

>> No.9043731

Wait wait wait wait. I thought only Ashkenazi MEN selected the phenotype for BAB (big ashkenazi brain)??? what does this have to do with white men?! get your spamming right anon!

>> No.9043734

I could never understand this logic. It's like saying that humans are pale imitation of our chimp-like ancestors which is obvious bullshit.

>> No.9043740
File: 161 KB, 747x1120, 1491982108188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASHKENAZI phenotypes are not expressed unisexually

THIS is the phenotype ASHKENAZI women crave

But large breasts is the phenotype ASHKENAZI men crave

ASHKENAZI women store their GREY MATTER in their BREASTS

>> No.9043759

>High iq white males select for big Ashkenazi breasts to breed large Ashkenazi brains

again, i thought it was only the ASHKENAZI men who were craving this, not "high iq white men"

>> No.9043793

She's clearly hispanic.

>> No.9043799

she's from Peru

>> No.9043961

Fat is distributed more evenly in northern areas where the weather is cold. It insulates the body.
As you get closer to the Equator, fat tends to be stored in the middle of the body, because it's not needed to keep people warm.
Hence white women have smaller asses than people who evolved in warmer regions.

>> No.9043968

>Eskimos and the Irish are built like fridges
it fits

>> No.9043975

What men think of as "nice asses" are actually mostly muscle. A developed Gluteus Medius causes the "female ass", a highly developed Gluteus Maximus with underdeveloped Gluteus Medius causes the "male ass."

Overaccumulaton of fat in that region causes the flabby, saggy fat girl ass, that though it may be big, is not attractive.

>> No.9043991
File: 31 KB, 308x322, 1487217907785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Japan took the time and effort to animate a /sci/ shitpost

>> No.9044121

There is no purpose, pancake butt women were just raped until it became genetically dominant retard.

>> No.9044138

>posts someone with a big ass ass well

>> No.9044175 [DELETED] 

Breast size is not correlated with milk production or success in either breeding or feeding large brains, as far as I know.
Also, I see no reason to believe that Ashkenazi women tend to have small asses.

>> No.9044215

There's actually an entire sex documentary about it that aired on the Discovery channel decades ago during one of their sex week specials.

>> No.9044302

>high iq white men
What's the difference?

>> No.9044305

Dumbest post ITT

Why would rapists not select the most subjectively beautiful women?

>> No.9044307

Rape isnt a crime of sexuality, but power.

>> No.9044350

Ones a jew the other is a lucky Irish guy.

>> No.9044385

Because they were taken by the alpha males who would kill them for raping their mates.

Meme bullshit. Then why don't pedophiles rape adults?

>> No.9044411

because pedophiles are attracted to children, sexually attracted to children. Im not talking about pedophiles, im talking about adult rape on rape. If you think rape is about getting laid, you're wrong, or only sexually attractive chicks would be raped.

>> No.9044469

I detect some quantity of ass there...

>> No.9044475

>>posts Asian woman
Retarded, she's a Caucasian.

>She's clearly hispanic.
EXTRA retarded.
"Hispanic" is 100% cultural.
Filipinos, Spaniards, and Mexicans are all "Hispanic".

>> No.9044476


>> No.9044479
File: 88 KB, 600x403, young-filipino-women-096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot pic.

>> No.9044486
File: 99 KB, 660x495, 2w4bUUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even MORE retarded.
"From Peru" isn't a race, any more than "left handed" is.
I'm "from Texas", does that make you gay?

>> No.9044523

no that makes you a texan. And that makes her a Peruvian.

relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America.

just go back to /pol/ if you're gonna OBSESS about race.

>> No.9044529
File: 295 KB, 687x999, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9044540

yea but she's literally from Peru. Is she an asian peruvian?

>> No.9044549
File: 37 KB, 446x602, 1497271339435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to /pol/ if you're gonna OBSESS about race.
I'm a TAD drunk, BUT...
I'm the ne pointing out "Hispanic" isn't a race.
Thanks so much for posting support of my position.
Now go fuck off...

>> No.9044567

No one mentioned race until you got all butthurt someone called her an asian. Then you brought up that she is caucasian. Then you argued she is not hispanic.
All those distinctions could be right. They don't describe race. no one was trying to describe her race. We were trying to identify her ethnicity and cultural background. You're the only one who cares about race. So go back to /pol/

>> No.9044573

Lazy people who do nothing all day and sit around on their ass evolved a big ass to stop them getting a sore ass.

>> No.9044580
File: 145 KB, 400x367, 468dcbdfe9abbe5f85aafd79b0cb13be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one mentioned race until you got all butthurt someone called her an asian
So nobody mentioned race... until somebody claimed she was an asian, which somehow doesn't relate to race...
Even though the OP is asking about the genetics of white people....
But _I'm_ the one who started "obsessing" about race???

>> No.9044585

no shit he called OP out on it because the discussion is about white women, not asian women, and it was implied the picture was related. You're the only one who freaked out about getting her race correct. no one here gives a shit other than that she is not an accurate representative of the OP's topic.

>> No.9044594

>implying a fat ass and birthing hips are the same thing

>> No.9044601
File: 274 KB, 356x578, 1496975000446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and Asians have it even worse for all the same factors described.

>> No.9044610

Asian isn't a race actually. Russians and Indians are Asian too, remember. It has to do with the entire Asia continent. Speaking of Russian and Indian, those aren't races either. Just like Mexicans are not a race.

>> No.9044612

Actual answer ->

Sexual selection is chaotic and can center around traits arbitrarily. Sexual selection around big butts might be strong in on gene pool and not strong in another. Theres no reason for big butts, other than competition and getting in on the sexual advantage of having a big butt. Different gene pools can end up focusing on different traits.

Its kind of like the origin of money. Its not about the value of the money itself, but how easily you can trade it with other people. The same is true for sexual traits. Its not about what they actually do- they dont do anything- its about having a medium for the species to compete around.

>> No.9044617

>reverse image search is /int/ and /pol/

Yeah, go back to /pol/, kid.

>> No.9044618

i would impregnate both of them and keep them impregnated the rest of their lives, oir at least till they are 50 years old

>> No.9044621
File: 225 KB, 650x520, Disco Turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexual selection is chaotic and can center around traits arbitrarily.

Oh, you're so full of shit.

>> No.9044623
File: 49 KB, 396x594, alexandradaddario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a brown man from Pakistan, I do not understand your obsession with the buttocks. I love white women a lot, white women drive me crazy, it doesn't matter to me that they don't have huge baboon butts, I find them the most beautiful group of women on earth.

>> No.9044630

The foundation of a good body is a solid butt. You can have 7/10 women without one, but you simply can't get any higher without a good but

>> No.9044633

Er, he's not wrong, at least if we are talking about human sexual selection, which his answer is. We became free from selective pressure a longggg time ago, especially sexually.
Humans are not explicitely attracted to a gene being expressed or not. We are attracted more by personalities than sexual selection, ESPECIALLY when caring about children.

>> No.9044636

The whole "thicc" thing is designed around body shaming white people into thinking they need to be fat in order to be beautiful. Another one is "roastie" which is intended to get parents and women to mutilate their children's genitals and their own to remove labia and clit. It is literally a massive conspiracy against white people.


>missing the joke

>> No.9044638

Irish women have pretty fat asses in my experience

>> No.9044647

i didnt see a joke?

>> No.9044650

>peacock, the time honored example of sexual selection of arbitrary traits

>> No.9044654

I am >>9044612


How am I wrong? I'm talking about Fischerian runaway selection. Maybe "arbitrary" wasnt the best word. I dont mean random, I just mean independent of any fitness advantage. By "chaotic" I mean, liable to go in any direction on any trait.


>We became free from selective pressure a longggg time ago, especially sexually.

Oh my God how could you be so wrong? Sexual selection dominates modern human evolution, and evolutionary pressure is as strong as ever today.

>We are attracted more by personalities than sexual selection, ESPECIALLY when caring about children.

Being attracted to certain personalities can operate through sexual selection. Personality is largely heritable, and a species could focus on a personality trait just like a peacock focuses on colorful feathers.

>> No.9044657

yea but how is that a joke, we are talking about humans not peacocks.

>> No.9044660


>> No.9044661


Ah, sorry my friend, I didnt catch the joke.


> evolution doesnt apply to humans

>> No.9044662

Hence the "autism spotted" remark. You don't get it because you can't connect the dots due to autism. I'm not even joking now.

>> No.9044663

tell me what evolutionary pressure is there today, on humans, in a first world society. Humans change their environment to suit their needs, as opposed to changing themselves to suit the environment. That's more what i meant. Human are not subjected to the same selective pressure as animals anymore due to that, our ability to create a super cushy environment literally anywhere

>> No.9044664

>body shaming white people into thinking they need to be fat in order to be beautiful.

>> No.9044665

maybe it's just a shitty joke? >>9044661
didnt get it either

>> No.9044667

That's what I said, when I found out. After watching for it, it suddenly became apparent. There's even a movie where that's the evil plot (Branded) sorta, but that has nothing to do with this...sorta


>> No.9044669

>he hasn't sat through lecture after lecture where various profs goes on and on about peacocks and how they relate to humans via evolutionary analogies

>> No.9044672

>The whole "thicc" thing is designed around body shaming white people into thinking they need to be fat in order to be beautiful. Another one is "roastie" which is intended to get parents and women to mutilate their children's genitals and their own to remove labia and clit. It is literally a massive conspiracy against white people.

what? no.

Thicc is just "thick", and came from the chubby threads/ass guys. Roastie came from innie vs outie, with outie being compared to a roast beef sandwich from arbies. People call sluts/loose chicks roasties because of the old meme that virgins have innies and whores have outies. Thus calling someone a roastie is saying they have had tons of sex to the point where their vag looks like a roast beef sandwich. none of it has to do with body shaming white people. If anything, the movement is towards the other way around, where anyone can have any body type they want and how dare anyone call it "unhealthy"

>> No.9044675

>pickup artists are now professors

>> No.9044676

why would a professor need to give me the same lecture twice? we talked about peacocks for like 5 minutes in genetics and moved on to actual problems.

>> No.9044678


>tell me what evolutionary pressure is there today, on humans, in a first world society.

Human beings are becoming less neurotic and more extroverted, both of which are highly heritable personality traits. People are becoming dumber at a pretty fast rate, which again is greatly heritable. The elimination of disease and infant mortality has greatly increased genetic load, which is a large factor in general health. Diabetes, and heart disease are largely genetic in origin, and evolution is selecting for a greater prevalence of those traits. Without speaking to specific behaviors, we live in a radically different social environment from people only 200 years ago, one should expect strong selection on new kinds of social behaviors. The greatly increased economic efficiency of the modern world alone should select for very different sexual behaviors that optimize against stable and safe reproductive strategies.

> Humans change their environment to suit their needs

Any significant change, made for whatever reason, leads to new evolutionary pressures. Big changes, mean big pressures. I think "we make our environment to suit our needs" is bogus, but it doesnt matter even if it is true.

> our ability to create a super cushy environment literally anywhere

A super cushy environment implies strong selection against the hardiness that performs well in a harsh environment. A species that over-allocates its biological resources into hardiness loses the opportunity to invest those in other things, like reproduction.

>> No.9044681

Humans never change.

Different lectures, different people, different classes, etc. The fact is that >>9044633 and >>9044654 had no fucking clue. Kind of like they've never been in anything beyond elementary.

>> No.9044694
File: 76 KB, 500x750, 1564894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how this can be shameful

>> No.9044697
File: 162 KB, 869x815, admission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, i really appreciate that answer. I was only focusing on phenotypes that are like very identifiable, but you're absolutely right that personality itself is heritable and that it being sexually selected.
no you're just not very funny, or good at forming a joke. I hope you at least have a degree to be throwing that massive amount of shit

>> No.9044702


> you know, i really appreciate that answer.

You are welcome pal. Thanks for being a good sport on the internet.

>> No.9044705

It is fat normalizing/fat acceptance.

>gets BTFO over being pointed out as being autistic

Sure thing, kid.

>> No.9044707

why are you still talking?

>> No.9044713
File: 562 KB, 758x308, BTFO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol now he mad

>> No.9044718

not caucasian majority tho..and what is with the gross mong jaw?

>> No.9044722
File: 9 KB, 260x170, weakchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea. but personally, it's way better than the opposite, something about an extremely weak sloping chin on a chick is just unattractive

>> No.9044826

>moving the goalposts.

Ok. If you look at serial rapists, there is always a trend, like women with a certain body type and blonde hair, or between 18 and 22, or prostitutes, art students, or some other attribute to be fetishized. Of course rapists find the control arousing, so there is a feedback loop, but there is always sexual attraction that triggers that individual to rape that person. It's more about lack of impulse control or mental illness.

>> No.9044829

>Spaniards and Filipinos are hispanic

Hispanic by definition is European mixed with Central/ South indigenous peoples.

>> No.9044835

Just a stereotype, similar to black people having big penises, asian people having small penises, blacks having lower iq etc

>> No.9044852

It/ they clearly has to exist somewhere, autist.
Are you implying the development of the butt is exempt from DNA coding?

>> No.9044857

>Are you implying the development of the butt is exempt from DNA coding?

yes that's exactly what i was implying

>> No.9045049

I love my Bug-a-salt.

>> No.9045060

I need this fucking surgery.

I'm happy with everything about me, except my fucking lack of jaw

>> No.9045070

post jawline from side like that pic?

>> No.9045091

Uhh I've seen plenty of white chicks with fine asses.

Your assertion is bunk.

>> No.9045486

Just because black women are obese and Niki Minaj has 10kg implants doesn't mean there's some ass gene "that whites lack"

>> No.9045519

>People are becoming dumber at a pretty fast rate
I would like to see a citation

>> No.9046180

Where are all of these OP of doctored images of underdressed women coming from?

>> No.9046192

I'm not saying that they would ONLY rape attractive women, but given the choice, they would obviously not choose "pancake butt women" that much that they became predominant. Unless you have some theory why pancake butt women would get raped more often than others

>> No.9046232

The most desireable women would generally be the most protected, and have higher stature in the social structure of their environment. Less attractive women would be comparatively vulnerable.

>> No.9046235

>ass gene

really now

>> No.9046240

>We are attracted more by personalities than sexual selection, ESPECIALLY when caring about children.
This is true. Personality, pheromones, movement, etc can decently influence perception of physical beauty. The traits still have to be there, but they will be accentuated. Just as an unappealing personality will dull appealing traits.

>> No.9046396
File: 1.55 MB, 800x1070, the-origin-of-my-erection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charles Darwin wrote about the Khoisan and sexual selection in The Descent of Man in 1882, commenting that their steatopygia evolved through sexual selection in human evolution, and that "the posterior part of the body projects in a most wonderful manner".[11]
What did he mean by this?
yeah I know the Khoisan are practically a different race than west africans butt still

>> No.9046425

They don't. Black women are just fat.

>> No.9046443

I think they mean having a large ass without being morbidly obese. Like having large breasts without being morbidly obese.

>> No.9046806

Why are there no uncensored image results for this? Reverse search is only giving me /pol/ and shit.

>> No.9046822

No, Black women are just disproportionately obese due to lower IQ and a cultural stigma against eating low calorie food and small portions. Black women do not have larger butts than white women due to anything genetic, only obesity.

>> No.9046870

Why do people believe such bs? Not only do you have people itt claiming butt size is not genetically determined but they're even claiming black women don't have larger butts due to genes.

You're wrong twice over. Where you people come from?

>> No.9046917

You're a moron.

>> No.9046990

>being this ignorant of fine art

>> No.9047001

Not talking about the image, talkiing instead about the subject matter in >>9044664 The body in >>9044694 isn't fat. It looks healthy.

>> No.9047002
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, Hxd604J[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this OP???

>> No.9047011
File: 256 KB, 1000x800, boobs vs butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cultural selection from more advanced and civilized societies where potential mates face one another (boobs) rather than fucking like dogs in the dirt (butts)

>> No.9047015

Because it isn't fat. It's a woman with a relatively normal amount of body fat distributed according to her phenotype. There's no fat rolls, her hips, waist, curves, etc are all visible. That's a physique within the normal range for a person at a certain level of physical fitness.

People seem to have become very confused about what being "fat" is. She could be more toned, hypertrophied but the overall physique would be much the same.

>> No.9047126

>"so many" is the same thing as all

Different types of intelligence confirmed. Anon may be a scientific genius, but is functionally illiterate.

>> No.9047299

>The greatly increased economic efficiency of the modern world alone should select for very different sexual behaviors that optimize against stable and safe reproductive strategies.
Elaborate further please.

>> No.9047302

Who is this faggot and why is he so obsessed with one ethnic group?

>> No.9047312

White women have wider hips usually. Wouldn't know what happened to Scandinavian women.

>> No.9047319

An attractive ass comes directly from estrogen tilting the tailbone back and upward. It opens up the birth canal. It has nothing to do with fat although that can have a gynoid distribution too.

>> No.9047481


>> No.9047766

The premise of the thread was anecdotal evidence supplied by the OP, no references to actual science.

The literature I've seen on the field clearly confirms that white women have wider hips than other ethnicities.

>> No.9047823

Iceland nooo

>> No.9048217

i lol'd. would have also accepted argininosuccinate synthase 1.

>> No.9050353

>All the white countries go for boobs
>All of South America is ass, EXCEPT for Argentina

Gets me every time. The memes mocking argies were wrong. Argentina is white

>> No.9051975

its called obesity

>> No.9052067

I guess lil kim likes them big booty koreans

>> No.9052084

underrated post

>> No.9052117

>From an evolutionary perspective, why do so many white women lack the "ass gene" compared to other races?

For the same reason other races lack the "intellect" gene.

>> No.9052174

Africans breezed far more often because of the climate of Africa and as a result the secondary sex characteristics of the African female became exaggerated due to sexual selection. Essentially the flat asses got no dick.