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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9043386 No.9043386 [Reply] [Original]

25+ anons ONLY: What sort of STEM studies / research are you doing?

No on under 25 post here. There are too many annoying 18-24 year old undergraduates here still in the process of taking calculus/analysis/algebra/topology, applying to graduate schools etc. you guys aren't welcomed here.

Anons that are 25+ what STEM research/careers are you involved in?

If you are under 25 and post you'll be ignored. This is NOT an undergraduate thread.

>> No.9043391


So, why isn't it just a "postgraduate thread"?

>> No.9043394

I did a masters in theoretical computer science, followed by two years of research in that area. I couldn't find a PhD spot that sufficiently interested me, and now I do more applied research in industry designing new cryptosystems, that is more engineering than real research.

>> No.9043396


i'm 26 and an undergraduate, i will gladly shit up your thread op

>> No.9043399

There is a difference between 22 year old first year graduate students and those that are nearing completing their MS or PhD degrees. Too many kiddos polute these sort of threads asking for advice on how to get into graduate schools. This board is not just for kids.

>> No.9043403

Sounds interesting. Do you work on cryptographic protocols?

>> No.9043412

Yeah. Cryptography was never my specialty doing research, and I would very much not be equipped to design ciphers and primitives; but higher level protocols like OTR I can do.

>> No.9043473

yeah its pretty much just for showing off.

>> No.9043597

I'm about to start my PhD in Genetics at Duke. Anybody got tips for pretending to want to work in academia? My dream is to work for a biotech company because I enjoy honing my craft and finding practical solutions to problems, like an engineer, but there's sort of a stigma against leaving the ivory tower. What do you guys think?

>> No.9043607


How did your application work out? What are you studying? Do you have a previous degree?

>> No.9043609

Hi i'm 18 and i was wondering if computer science is a good high level science degree to do. Hear you have to know a lot of maths but i'm not sure.

>> No.9043616

Noone cares, except they will hate you for investing in you and then losing you to big money, but that's everywhere.

>> No.9043637
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost finished my M.Sc in IT-Management and Information Systems. 300k starting here I come

>> No.9043639

>implying there is a mutually exclusive dichotomy of 'big money' and 'academia'

OP you need to add theses rules to your thread, for glory
>no wrong opinions
>echo chamber only please, for us professional science 'academics'

>> No.9043646

>No one cares
>But they will hate you

Well which is it?!

>> No.9043803 [DELETED] 

I don't study you're field, so I'll just say a few things about Duke and Durham.

Welcome to Durham. Duke recently built a better dining hall on West campus. If you go grocery shopping go to Whole Foods or Costco. Whole Foods is near east campus (which is good for running, if you're into that). I can give some good food/bar recommendations if you'd like. Durham is becoming more hipster. Lot of young smart people around.

>> No.9043842

27 right now, finished Jap Culture studies some time ago, time to enjoy my unemployment and ruined life.

>> No.9043846

Hi i m 22 year old undergraduate i study mechatronics. I also get ignored a lot by overgraduate like you guys. You probably cant even see this post

>> No.9043849

I'm just doing electrical power engineering
It's fun

>> No.9043867


>tfw OP's thread backfires and I dick around with elementary math in my spare time despite fitting the age requirement :^)

Went through certain of Euclid's props recently.

>> No.9043895

Hi I'm 2.5 years old please don't ban me

>> No.9043901

im not sure if my SAT scores are good enough for my dream uni...what happens if i don't get in D:

>> No.9043921
File: 347 KB, 608x650, 2014-2-12-14217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just graduated from state school summa bum laude in physics and I didn't get accepted anywhere what gives? I've been told I have a stupid looking face. People often ask me how am I so smart. I'm not sure if they're asking that because I'm in a normie environment or they're asking about me specifically. It's come to my attention that the vast majority of normies actually considere themselves intelligent. For what reason I'm not sure. But I figured the academic types wouldn't be so quick to judge a book by its cover. Should I just kill myself? I only went to state school because my dumbass dad. Could've gotten in pretty much anywhere. Pic is my face

>> No.9043925
File: 40 KB, 601x601, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do research? Did you get strong rec letters?

>> No.9043932

Welcome to Duke and to the city of Durham. What kind of stuff do you like to do for fun? I can give a few recommendations on/off campus.

>> No.9043936

Aerospace structural engineer/grad student in aerospace, just turned 25 a couple of weeks ago

Honestly, all I can think about doing after graduation is getting some rental property or freelancing in the evenings. Anything to make more money and retire and get out of this damned industry asap

>> No.9043973

27 year old here.

I was in the army for a long time and now I'm a 27 year old freshman studying mechanical engineering, taking remedial math courses since it's been 10 years since I took a math class.
I'll shit up these threads just like I shit up my stupid life.

>> No.9043998

To be honest most of my hobbies are indoors and quiet: reading, meditation, exercise at the gym. I am always open to new experiences though. What social hobbies are popular in the research triangle area?

>> No.9044006

i'm 22 and well on my way to flunking out of my engineering degree. I have zero ambition, depression, and no friends. what are your thoughts on joining the army and coming back to graduate. alternatively, what about joining immediately after i graduate. i've got just above a 2.0 gpa so i'm not expecting or looking forward to any future jobs, but some time in a high-discipline environment might allow me to relearn all i've thrown away. what do you think i should do?

>> No.9044011


Just a question, where do you take remedial math courses? I want to get a STEM degree, but I haven't done math since high school, and I'm worried I won't get accepted if I apply in uni because of this.

>> No.9044019

i think joining the army could be good for you.
if you are intelligent and willing to try you could do well on their aptitude test and get a cool ass job in the military.

>> No.9044052

Depends what your social hobbies are. There is rock climbing, concerts, breweries, food trucks, sports (not too interested in this), etc.

There are some good restaurants in Durham. There are also some good bars as well. If you're interested in seeing some cool bars visit the Durham hotel (top floor), 21 C (fancy bar) and alley 26 (jazz music weekend nights, fancy bar).

I usually stick to Durham. But raleigh and chapel hill + carrboro are big social spots. I tend to stay away from chapel hill as it's more undergrady. Carrboro is better (more graduate students), but like a 30 minute drive or so from Durham.

>> No.9044067

Also giving a smirk like that to anyone will ruin your chances of getting in anywhere grad school or a job.

>> No.9044068

the food trucks there are great

>> No.9044072

This dude is a UCLA grad student.

>> No.9044111

>UCLA grad

Chink from a third world country who thinks he's hotshit for finishing a public University big deal

>> No.9044153


Good, good, this is useful info.

Where do all the emotionally disturbed but pretty, nerd chicks hang out?

>> No.9044200

Let me know when you find out. I study most of the time.

>> No.9044207

Work as a physicist at a medical device company that manufactures LDR brachytherapy sources.
Thinking of going back to school in the next few years for a masters in either physics, nuclear engineering or medical physics

>> No.9044471

Shit that's usually my face 0;

>> No.9044635

>third world

>> No.9044695

Well I'm going to working for DARPA

>> No.9044786
File: 665 KB, 720x404, lets-go-child-labour(2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No human rights
>Communist pigs
>21st century slavery
>Literally only inbred retards after the cultural revolution by Mao

Ching Chong University of ramen noodles and pot sticker engineering

>> No.9044787

At my university. They just don't count for anything and aren't transferable.
My university is open enrollment, so they accept anyone, that's how I was able to do it. My plan is to start from the bottom and then when I've got the credits to transfer I'll transfer to a different actually good university and finish my degree.

Just a note, math is like a muscle and if you don't use it, you lose it. In the decade since I last took a high school math class I forgot everything, and I'm not kidding. It's been hell trying to keep up too, since they just want to teach everything as fast as possible and get the semester over, but I don't want to do anything else but engineering, so I'm dealing with it.

>> No.9044796

You mean a contracter For DARPA? They contract out work, unless you meant actually working at their offices

>> No.9044808

yeah. I get to whip some graduate students beneath me and deal with bullshit progress reports

>> No.9044817

okay jamal