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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9042402 No.9042402 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most impressive major according to /sci/?

>> No.9042407

Any STEM major from MIT, Stanford, CalTech, Harvard, Berkely, Princeton, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Cornell, etc. etc. is more impressive than an engineering or math degree from your second-rate cow college.

>> No.9042430

Math or Physics, anyone who disagrees is a brainlet

>> No.9042456


>> No.9042677

or philosophy

>> No.9042684


You forgot your good friends, economics and astrophysics.

>> No.9042699

I can't tell if people are trolling when they put physics higher than philosophy.

Mathematics, I can understand. But physics?

Go back to pretending reality is made from multidimensional strings, you fucking unfalsifiable autists.

>> No.9042704


Thinking philosophy is higher than economics, nice try friendo. You realize economics is essentially built on applied and pure mathematics, as well as philosophy? On the summit of the McScience Mountain dwells lady economics, waiting for the intellectual heroes to save the day.

>> No.9042706

String theory is mostly backed by numerous facts from pure math. And I hope you do know what the word "unfalsifiable" means.

>> No.9042707


>> No.9042712

Computer science.
>inb4 "you can't /thread your own post"
>inb4 "that's not how you use inb4"

>> No.9042713

Did you ever read econ papers, anon? Especially micro theory.

>> No.9042726

Philosophy majors are such a fucking joke.

Notice how pretty much any "philosopher" that doesn't have a scientific background (especially in physics) does nothing but talk out off their asses.

Physics > math tho

>> No.9042733


If the OP was about "the most useful" or something wed have a discussion. But CS is in no way impressive.

>> No.9042737


Economics is very complex, it's one of the sciences which uses mathematics the most, and in a very effective way. You should try going past basic econ into more complex stuff, like advanced micro theory. I believe economics is up there with mathematics and physics. And it actually made discoveries, unlike much of the other ''social sciences''.

>> No.9042738

There is nothing an econ can that a mathematician can't.
The reverse however isn't true

>> No.9042748


I'd say that's partially false, although somewhat true if only think of mathematical models. But if you think behind the models, the reasoning that sustains them, and the analysis that goes into their prediction (and their testing), then an economics professor could do something a mathematician couldn't. It's like physics : physics uses mathematics, but you wouldn't say that there's nothing a physicist could do that a mathematician couldn't. Unless, maybe, you talk about average IQ of those who hold such diplomas (a mathematician on average has the intelligence level required to study economics, but the average economist doesn't have the intelligence required to study mathematics), but that's very dubious considering the average IQ of economics graduate is in the top three disciplines, up there with mathematics and physics.

>> No.9042749

gender studies

>> No.9042762

Okay, I was starting to write a similar post, but seeing as yours is better, I can just say:

>> No.9042770

OP here, I've noticed CS at the top, I don't think it should be. The real question here is, what's the most impressive major. If someone were to tell you they're a CS major, I doubt you'd be more impressed than if they were to tell you they're a Physics or major. Yes, CS has a better job outlook, but that's not the question.

>> No.9042772

>Unless, maybe, you talk about average IQ of those who hold such diplomas
Yeah I was talking intelligence. Of course economics requires knowledge of economic theory that you don't get from a math major.

To rephrase my original post: anyone smart enough to complete a math major should be smart enough to complete economics. I don't think the opposite is true.
And that's probably true for most majors except maybe physics. Physics people tend to be smarter that pure math people.

This is mostly from personal experience from dealing with math and physics people.
Besides, most math people I know got a minor in economics.

>> No.9042783

It also depends what kind of econ programs you're talking about. A math-intensive program in econ usually requires many of the core courses in math.

>minor in economics
For a minor, one usually needs to complete a few basic theory courses, and maybe econometrics or something. Not that hard for anybody, not just a math major.

>> No.9042791
File: 162 KB, 1462x1462, 1494508846929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those autists voting CS

>> No.9042793
File: 24 KB, 400x267, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is trivial
>any job you want
>300k starting

>> No.9042955
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1440726486005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who doesn't go to college at all is more impressive than all of these

>> No.9043000

Computer science is such a joke. Yeah it's great when you're 20 or 25 learning everything but you still wanna be learning software when you're 50 with a family? And competing with the young 20's who will be learning the same software and 10x faster than you? Anything to do with software is a shit job that you will hate when you're older.

And math is equally shit. Anyone who studies math or cs is literally a retard with the foresight of a fucking stacy.

>> No.9043017

>trying to sneak physics in
nice try, brainlet

>> No.9043072
File: 87 KB, 474x460, 1476610258467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Igor Bogdanov is a PhD in Theoretical Physics.
Grichka Bogdanov is a PhD in Math


>> No.9043092

Math is for truly intelligent people, but it's just mental masturbation.
Physics is for intelligent people, plus it lets you understand the Universe.
Computer Science is for not so intelligent people, but it gives you shit tons of money.

>> No.9043095
File: 5 KB, 194x260, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theoretical Physics = Math > Astronomy > Economists > Experimental Physics.

Experimental Physicists are Brainlets.

Nicholas Tesla hasn't even a degree, He was a dropout. Without even a Engineering degree.

Only when you combine Theoretical with Experimental & Astronomy then: Math > Physics.

>> No.9043099
File: 32 KB, 400x382, 1499288268544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9042430 >>9042748
>there's nothing a physicist could do that a mathematician couldn't.

Be Edward Witten, the 1st and so far the only Physicist to be awarded a Fields Medal.

How can Math bois even compete?

>> No.9043105
File: 23 KB, 460x536, Grothendieck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be Grothendieck

Greatest Mathematician of 20th Century.

Develops the Algebraic Geometry

How can Physics bois even compete?

>> No.9043109
File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9043099 >>9043105 >>9042748 >>9042430

Be Von Neumann

Contribute to Pure & Applied Math, Physics, Economics & Computing.

How can Physicists & Pure Math bois even compete

>> No.9043110


>> No.9043170

dAYUM those be some big brains

>> No.9043387

>>9043099 >>9043105 >>9043109
Just look at those Huge Brains!

>> No.9043401

>whats the most popular major: the post

>> No.9043434


Considering a real degree in economics, therefore not a minor or maybe a major in this case, requires knowledge of core mathematics, and good knowledge at that, I'm fairly certain an economics graduate student has the capacity to do a math degree.

>> No.9043994

Actually not true, a STEM major at CalTech is much more impressive than Harvard

>> No.9044028

Ivy League colleges suck in general for STEM.
Ivy League colleges are for spoiled brats and/or leftist minorities.

>> No.9044046

Can you not read?

>> No.9044054

He's grouping CalTech and Harvard together for STEM, which makes no sense.

>> No.9044130

Wtf is wrong with that poll, when has CS ever been more impressive than Physics

>> No.9044151

These 3 are really good at math.

Notice the head anatomic feature that these 3 share in common.

>> No.9044159

>no option for nuclear engineering

>> No.9044165

What about places like Durham and King's College?