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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9033609 No.9033609 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that the metric system is for lazy assholes who don't want to learn their multiplication tables

>> No.9033612

yep, just like circumcision is for lazy assholes (ameicans) who don't want to learn basic hygiene

>> No.9033615



also the american imperial system is not the actual imperial system fyi

>> No.9033617

Or maybe we don't want to waste our time with unit coefficients, as seen with basic force calculations; and stupid fraction measurements, as seen with the inch. When will you Americucks accept that the metric system is the more efficient, and therefore more intelligent option.

>> No.9033687

lazy people are smarter than hard workers

>> No.9033698

Half an inch
Quarter inch
Eighth inch
Sixteenth inch
Who decided this is a good idea?

>> No.9033701

>daily reminder that the metric system is for lazy assholes who don't want to learn their multiplication tables

Daily reminder that Imperial system Waste time of your life every time you calculate with it.

>> No.9033713

ITT: Amerifags BTFO with their retarded system.
Why the fuck is your unit of mass the slug, literally defined as "the mass that is accelerated to a foot/second under a pound force"? And why don't you use it normally for weight measurements? Your system isn't even internally consistent.

>> No.9033725


I dont get it pham

Both systems are just as arbitrary

>> No.9033731

Daily reminder that the imperial system is defined in terms of SI units.
Literally a derivative system of units lmao

>> No.9035322

metric isn't arbitrary, it's defined on the plank length and speed of light, kilo is in the process of being redefined on molar mass

>> No.9036469

Ehhh kinda
They began as arbitrary units, that we only fairly recently redefined in terms of universal constants
Either way metric is way more intuitive than imperial

>> No.9036538

It's still impossible to measure thirds in metric. This is why normal units are better for construction, you can actually cut accurate quarters, thirds, and sixths - none of that approximate metric garbage.

>> No.9036542

Then explain how Europe and Asia constructs in metric

Perhaps your contractors are retarded?

>> No.9036564

Imperial is industry standard in construction even in Europe and Asia.

>> No.9036565

This is so unbelievably retarded, I don't even know what to say.

1/3 meter is 1/3 meter, like 1/3 inch is 1/3 inch.

>> No.9036579

America is inching towards the metric system.

>> No.9036585

You literally just pulled that out of your ass, lumber sold in asian and europe (except northern eruope) is sold in metric dimensions, same with nails and other things.


>> No.9036586

no, it's approximately 1.3333 meters, meaning you introduce uncertainty into your measurements every time you have to APPROXIMATE dividing 10 by 3.

Consider instead feet: If I want one third of a foot, I simply measure out 4 inches. It's unambiguous and it works.

>> No.9036587


0.3333 meters I mean, but my point stands

>> No.9036589

No it isn't, it hasn't been for a long time

>> No.9036593

>he can't measure a fifth

>> No.9036594

You realize that imperial system is defined by SI units, right?

>> No.9036597

>he wants to be paid in shillings, half-crowns and farthings

>> No.9036600

awww, he's trying to sound smart.

That would be adorable if you weren't so fucking stupid.

>> No.9036605

people who aren't too stupid for fractions.

>> No.9036603

who the fuck talks like this other than 13 year old girls?
insult him like a normal person you raging faggot

>> No.9036610
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>Too stupid to use the Imperial system

B-b-bbuut muh ehffishunsea

/sci/ confirmed brainlets that don't test themselves with more difficult systems

>> No.9036619

gr8 b8 m8

i r8 8/8

>> No.9036627

Yes but metric is more logical in it's abstraction.

>> No.9036669
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>> No.9036675
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Confirmed Brainlets, can't even get a handle on you're own emotions.

>> No.9036682
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>> No.9036683

>not making up your own arbitrary system of measurements with incredibly confusing conversion factors so no one can steal your data
Look at this fucking brainlet right here

>> No.9036693
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Now we're talking

>> No.9036720


A daily reminder that you live under an obese rock...

>> No.9036740

Real easy to tell which people actually studied science itt

>> No.9036757
File: 41 KB, 640x550, 18194131_1316058411817176_5835507143139807859_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's right goy, buy into my jew magic

>> No.9036763

>If I want one third of a foot

what about 1/10th of a foot?
what about 54.23% of a foot?

this is fucking stupid, mate, you know it.

>> No.9036774

fractions are your friends, brainlet

>> No.9036784

>use the easier system
>call the other person dumb

>> No.9036795
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>Use the easier system
>Imply through impression that you aren't a brainlet.

>> No.9036800

>Implying measuring 3mm out matters when you are putting up plasterboard ( sorry i mean drywall) in a mcmansion full of your cuck wifes black babies.

>> No.9036804

Now this is quality

>> No.9036828

>no one understands tolerances

>> No.9036841
File: 20 KB, 477x350, 1494198358063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby's first cuck meme
You are either in Africa which is filled with blacks and arabs
Europe which is filled with blacks and arabs and commies
Asia which is filled with Gooks and arabs

WE have a travel ban you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.9036845
File: 76 KB, 480x736, 18300925_1355964251164954_5258232430117779767_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
