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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 280 KB, 2400x1350, LarsenCHP_17006624672083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9030957 No.9030957 [Reply] [Original]

News of today:
>Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica

>Antarctic iceberg quarter the size of Wales splits from ice shelf

>Iceberg twice size of Luxembourg breaks off Antarctic ice shelf

>> No.9030963
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>posts pic from 2016

Post the actual pic next time.

>> No.9030970

>>9030963 Thank you; I will and this is helpful.

>> No.9031044
File: 3.10 MB, 960x540, Larsen_crack_lv_top_image_crop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A timelapse of the breakoff from:

>> No.9031047

Oh Shit.

>> No.9031059

FYI this particular break is not a result of climate change.

>> No.9031121
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>>9031044 Here's the new one
>>9031059 That's also in those articles. Not sure if it could have accelerated it though. No matter if it did if I'm not mistaken such events could happen more easily due to climate change. It also shows how such large-scale geographic events keep happening which is something people must become aware of if they are to take existential risks seriously.

>> No.9031173
File: 3.82 MB, 350x340, Monitoring_the_rift2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9031059 >>9031121 Actually the glaciologist who discovered the break, Dr. Daniela Jansen from the Alfred Wegener Institute, suggests it might actually have to do with climate change.

>> No.9031247

(((climate change)))

>> No.9031265

(((climate change denial)))

>> No.9031273

No, but it has consequences for climate-change-induced melting.

That ice shelf helped act as a barrier to glaciers.

>> No.9031357


>> No.9031460

>drumpf wins
>antartica melts

thanks a lot pol, this is what you get for opting out of the paris agreement.

>> No.9031521
File: 1.33 MB, 1390x1790, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9031273 Do you by any chance have some source saying this at hand?

>> No.9031532

>it disrupts the oceanic currents
>a new ice age is about to happen this year

o shiit

>> No.9031591

there's articles everywhere, just google it.

larsen c didn't hold back much ice but it did hold some, and there's lots of other shelves holding back a LOT

>> No.9031688


>> No.9031698

>picks a career in climate research
>depends on grant funding
>have to constantly make up bullshit to secure funding for yourself

Kek. What a fraud profession

>> No.9031833

I now know that Wales is 8 times the size of Luxembourg

>> No.9031868
File: 205 KB, 1280x899, LarsenC-detail_photo_2016315_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9031698 Do I sense some cognitive dissonance there? You don't really believe that do you?
She discovered the break which should be enough already - no need to claim it has to do with climate change. She didn't claim that climate change was the cause of this.
More research and funding is DEFINITELY needed. If they aren't provided humanity should rethink/rebuild the processes that allocate financial and alike resources.

>> No.9031882

That's much more reasonable than saying it certainly isn't a result of climate change.

>> No.9031886

Disproving climate change would secure more funding.

>> No.9031990

science, bitch

>> No.9031995

This is why I'm getting flash flood warnings. We enever get flash flood warnings.

>> No.9032214

Arcticfags on suicide watch

>> No.9032986
File: 284 KB, 720x541, 170712_Larsen_C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is not a result of climate change
>is not, is not, is not
Yeah, maybe it is.

>> No.9032988

>wanting certainty
get off /sci/ and get religion

>> No.9034755

So what are you gonna do if it is, you little girl?
Cry like a bitch?
Throw a hissy?

>> No.9034871
File: 429 KB, 1600x1200, cheeter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you even on this board?

>> No.9034878 [DELETED] 

To educate the populace on the nation -nay-, WORLD wrecking slime that is the Jewish menace.

>> No.9036216

According to the MIDAS team, that has been studying this phenomenon for 22 years, in their press declaration they say that there is no evidence to link this to global warming.

I'm not saying that global warming is not real, just that so far, it doesn't seem this is an effect of it.

In the other hand, the team speculates that global warming will affect the "regeneration" of the ice, making the area even more unstable.


>> No.9036412

looks like /pol/ had infected /sci/.

>> No.9037259

/pol/ has been trying and failing to "redpill" /sci/ for years. They've succeeded at nothing but shitting up the place.
It turns out that even memes don't trump facts.

>> No.9037389

/pol/ has infected even /wsg/ and /i/

>> No.9038013
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so much for containment

>> No.9038165

I just noticed that this works perfectly well with /r9k/ too...

>> No.9038174

This. Fuck drumpfgh and fuck white people.

>> No.9038200


/pol/ is a huge amount of total traffic now, to the point most others are way less than 10% of its post rate. with those numbers of course you will get cancer spread.

however some faggot using ((()))) is far less disruptive to the thread than the constant bitching about containment boards as soon as you see any /pol/ related meme. Not to mention that plenty now just post as /pol/acks to troll people.

>> No.9038201

'(((Die Juden)))

>> No.9038213

>the constant bitching about containment boards

Now that you mention it, I can't recall the last time that I heard the "containment boards" thing.

I think it came with /mlp/. After that we all blamed /pol/. Before all that we blamed it on stormfront.

>> No.9039805
File: 20 KB, 364x375, force-is-strong6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cry like a bitch?
>Throw a hissy?
the defensive mechanism is strong with this one

>> No.9039816

wew we're fucked

I welcome the extinction of human species with open arms

it wasn't going anywhere good anyway

>> No.9039867

Did you even read this thread?