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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9028863 No.9028863 [Reply] [Original]

>be uni student
>buy $350 dollary doo book for calc class with access code
>its ok though because it for both calc 1 and calc 2 with access code used for both
>get it from bookstore and use it for calc 1 class fine with access code
>go to calc 2 class
>teacher gives us access code key for the previous edition of the book, the one not sold in the bookstore
>have to pay $100 more dollary doos because jew assign considers it a different book

I can't take this shit anymore. It's like the professors purposely do this shit to fuck over students. Why the fuck would you purposely use the old edition of the book when the school bookstore sells the new edition that was used just one semester ago. Higher education costs are absurd as fuck and approaching healthcare cost levels of jewery.

>> No.9028877

who the fuck buys a book for 350 bucks

>> No.9029068

Americuck education is really tragic

>> No.9029082

Americans. Engineering book at my uni is around $500. It's insane.

>> No.9029089


Download the pdf, printout relevant chapters in B&W.

>> No.9029091

Older guy I assume? Yea that doesn't work anymore. HW is all online.

>> No.9029134

It surprising that they still lead the world in science and technology. You'd think a country like that would figure out how to stop their education and healthcare systems turning into money trees for millions of middlemen.

>> No.9029150

Don't worry. Its been ten years since the last global recession and we're overdue for with alot of debt bubble around the world just waiting to pop. This unsustainable debt slave ride is coming to an end.

>> No.9029159

The professors do it because it's less work for them. They're too lazy to assign and grade their own stuff. Thankfully only one of my professors made me buy online codes for calc 3. The rest actually cared enough to make their own homework or preferably no homework at all.

>> No.9029243

Maybe for freshman classes. I'm a senior in mathematics and only had to do online stuff for humanities upper division and only because I took it online to begin with.

>> No.9029286

>Started the path down my math degree already in major-level courses
>Almost all books less than $75, or .pdf easily found on Google because it's a "classic" that doesn't get its edition updated constantly (Rudin, Munkres), or professor provides free .pdf

Felt good man.

>> No.9029292

Oh yeah, forgot to mention: none of our homework was even grade-able by a computer, so never had to pay for any "access codes".

>> No.9029533

>buying books
I thought this board was frequented by people with above average intelligence

>> No.9029543

jesus fucking christ
needing a book for calculus, and not even that, FORCING the students to buy your shit book of choice
fucking ridiculous

>> No.9029589

For someone in college you should be smart enough to find a cheaper copy. Rent, share, copy, download, etc.

>> No.9029596

When it pops the rich get bailed out while everyone else gets poorer

>> No.9029680

why in the world is there even a need for a new version of a calc book, when it doesn't have brand new mint condition calculus discovered since the previous edition.
Unlike my old astronomy textbook that seems to have more stuff that's no longer true than stuff that's still true.

>> No.9029693

You guys keep forgetting that you can't get around the access code requirements. I can find the book but I am required to use the web for my hw.

>> No.9029708

tell me how you're going to do the hw needed to pass the course without the codes einstein

>> No.9029710
File: 98 KB, 1020x520, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd think a country like that would figure out how to stop their education and healthcare systems turning into money trees for millions of middlemen.

quite the contrary, we are PROUD that we have figured out how to screw so many people out of so much money. That is the American way and if you don't agree you're a Super Nazi Terrorist Communist who hates puppies. I know that because its what the corporate news media told me to think.

>> No.9030008

It is a scam specifically setup by the people selling the books and the school. It has been a thing since forever. They even change it up so much now that your book is worthless to the people behind you next year. It used to be you could just resell your book and recoup the money.

They do this to bleed students of their student loan and student grant money.

>> No.9030011

I had to buy a lot of books during my first two years, but the third year was pretty much just articles and pdfs.

>> No.9030012

Why are you wasting your life getting a degree that you'll never use? Congrats faggot, you're just like every other dipshit out there.

>> No.9030032

typing things into online homework graders gives me literal aids

>> No.9030153

If you are forced to buy the book, you might as well get a second hand copy