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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 159 KB, 1024x576, pisa-excellence-and-equity-12-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9027196 No.9027196 [Reply] [Original]

Singapore tops latest OECD PISA global education survey, Japan, Estonia, Finland and Canada are the 4 highest performing OECD countries


>> No.9027199
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OECD PISA tests the skills & knowledge of 15 year-olds, providing the global benchmark for the quality, equity & efficiency of school systems

>> No.9027204
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Immigrant students perform better in science than non-immigrants in ARE, AUS, CAN, GBR, HKG, ISR, JOR, MAC, QAT, SGP, & USA

>> No.9027208
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Where do disadvantaged students achieve the best results in science?

>> No.9027210
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What does the share of top performers and low achievers look like in your country?

>> No.9027213
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Schools are not just places where students acquire academic skills; they also help students become more resilient in the face of adversity, feel more connected with the people around them, and aim higher in their aspirations for their future.
PISA is best known for its data on learning outcomes, but it also studies students’ satisfaction with life, their relationships with peers, teachers and parents, and how they spend their time outside of school.
PISA results show that students differ greatly, both between and within countries, in how satisfied they are with their life, their motivation to achieve, how anxious they feel about their schoolwork, their expectations for the future, and their perceptions of being bullied at school or treated unfairly by their teachers.
Students in some of the countries that top the PISA league tables in science and mathematics reported comparatively low satisfaction with life; but Finland, the Netherlands and Switzerland seem able to combine good learning outcomes with highly satisfied students.
It is tempting to equate low levels of life satisfaction among students in East Asia or elsewhere to long study hours, but the data show no relationship between the time students spend studying, whether in or outside of school, and their satisfaction with life.
And while educators often argue that anxiety is the natural consequence of testing overload, the frequency of tests is also unrelated to students’ level of schoolwork-related anxiety.
There are other factors that make a difference to student well-being, and much comes down to teachers, parents and schools.
The challenges to students’ well-being are many, and there are no simple solutions. But the findings from PISA show how teachers, schools and parents can make a real difference.
Together they can attend to students’ psychological and social needs and help them develop a sense of control over their future and the resilience they need to be successful in life.

>> No.9027218
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>> No.9027223
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>> No.9027229
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>> No.9027235
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>> No.9027245
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>> No.9027257
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>> No.9027262
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>> No.9027266
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>> No.9027268
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>> No.9027274
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>> No.9027461
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>> No.9027728
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>> No.9027803
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>> No.9027856
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muh genes

>> No.9027906

This is still spam faggot

>> No.9027911


>> No.9027916

So how bad did the USA do this year?

>> No.9027922
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>> No.9027976
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>> No.9028003

So where's all the groundbreaking singaporean, estonian and finnish research papers?

>> No.9028011

oy vey, goyim! dont be such an antisemite or I will take away your funding stipends!

>> No.9028014

>UK beat the USA
Ha ha! Piss off, you brainwashed burger cunts.

>> No.9028049
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Small population, and besides PISA only tells us about the performance of 15 year-olds enrolled in school, if we were to test 40 year-olds or 50 year-olds the results would be different, in countries that have had a dramatic development over the last half decade like Korea, Estonia or Singapore it's going to take a while for those results to have an outcome, 15 year-olds do not write research papers

>> No.9028074
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for example, actual data from PIAAC (which tested 16-65 year olds) shows that some countries have made great progress in raising skills levels

>> No.9028075
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>> No.9028083
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>> No.9028312
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>> No.9028315
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>> No.9029924

Ha ha! Piss off, you brainwashed burger cunts.

>> No.9029953

Fin here

This is either rigged or we have memetic Aryan genome. Finnish education is a fucking joke in my opinion and I went to a good school. Either education in the world is generally horrible or you guys are retarded. I think its rigged,there is no fucking way this is happening after all cuts by gov

Finnish unies are a joke. Theyre socialists aka free but that comes with a great cost. Only 8 of them are in top 500 and equipment is archaic. For example they still use blackboards instead of smart boards utilized by first and second stage schools

>> No.9030179
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>use blackboards instead of smart boards utilized by first and second stage schools

>> No.9030181
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>> No.9030184

>For example they still use blackboards instead of smart boards utilized by first and second stage schools

Boards don't really contribute much at all.

>> No.9030185
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>> No.9030191
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>> No.9030195
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>> No.9030197

>Education through government
(((Good goyim)))
KYS. These stats are for sjw and useful idiots who are trained to be modern slave. Pls remove this thread from /sci and post it >>>reddit

>> No.9030200
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>> No.9030286

4 chink territories first
Gotta imagine its all fraud/lies

Vietnam lol
The West is declining rapidly, average IQ is plummeting among the young...

>> No.9030292

Finland is just one of the few white countries left, thats why they top the numbers.
Having maybe 1/3rd of your school population be low IQ africans/muslims, in Europe
Or in the US upwards of half at shitskin

That greatly reduces the overall stats

>> No.9030293

Singapore manufactures these numbers by gaming the system, this started when they began their own version of "silicon valley" and attempted to attract tech companies. They also loosened islamization laws for this purpose.

I don't know why some neet from singapoor keeps making these threads.

>> No.9030354

>They also loosened islamization laws for this purpose.

What the fuck? Do you know anything bout Singapore Dumbass?

>> No.9030666

These mostly have to do with 15 year olds. The Finnish school system is great at making sure that even the bottom of the barrel gets through, but it stifles the development of actually smart children since they have sit idly and do nothing.

>> No.9030726

Yes, and?

Its still a clear sign of poverty in our education system

>> No.9030777

No one cares about high school level education. Hell even undergrad doesn't matter much.

>> No.9030788

Big Asian Brains BTFOing brainlets once again