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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 755 KB, 1920x1080, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9024123 No.9024123 [Reply] [Original]

how is this even possible?


>> No.9024125

Fuck off.

>> No.9024138

/pol/ perpetually btfo

>> No.9024142

Well hopefully he is actuallly smart and then he starts a career in mathematics in my field and then I can leech off him for recognition.

>> No.9024150
File: 137 KB, 533x800, 1459579695337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 year old Ramarni Wilred scored higher on his IQ test than Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkins and Bill Gates.

Anyone can score higher in an IQ test than Einstein or Hawkins, since neither of them ever took an IQ test in their lives. Don't know about Bill Gates but I don't believe that he has particularly extraordinary IQ.

>> No.9024153

Stephen Hawkins

>> No.9024191

>how is this even possible?

Average I.Q. is always 100.

The average, which is always 100, has been dropping. I had a 135 I.Q. when I was in 7th grade. I am now 46. My I.Q. has risen to 170 because the education system has been crippled.

I'm not any smarter. Liberal education is fucking dumb.

>> No.9024198

delete this or /pol/ will die of shame

>> No.9024203


Seriously, you people are as screwed up as they are. "Tee-hee, don't tell /pol/!" You're a fucking insult to that kid. Be ashamed of becoming the thing you hate.

>> No.9024205

I got 138 about 10 years ago. Was that long enough ago that i'd see higher numbers this time you think?

>> No.9024210

There's plenty of smart black people out there, Why wouldn't it be impossible?

>> No.9024214

>Billions of black people
>how is this even possible?

>> No.9024216

I don't know, the education system was getting pretty crippled when I graduated. I haven't really explored it well enough to say for certain.

Take a test and find out for yourself. Maybe you will test higher, maybe not.

>> No.9024220

FINNALLY! Black lives matter!

>> No.9024231


>Why wouldn't it be impossible?

That's a double negative.

>Why would it be impossible?

I know it sounds wrong, but this is what you meant to say.

Anyway, the amount of advertising they are giving this kid, and the looming media presence makes me doubt the purpose of the story.

>> No.9024312

will he revolutionize science like Einstein did?

>> No.9024417

It's amazing how much /pol/tards are misusing the word liberal to describe anything they don't like

>> No.9024421

Sure, Shlomo.

>> No.9024427

Doesn't matter how smart you are if you achieve nothing.

>> No.9024440

that happened in 2014

>> No.9024468

this, pretty much

>> No.9024475

no shut up /pol/tard you can't score higher than einstein

>> No.9024489

>inflation of iq
is this real?

>> No.9024503

that's because yakub's blood flows through him.

>> No.9024560


>> No.9024599

it's just funny, stop being triggered

>> No.9024606

>I have a 170 iq you guys
god this is embarrassing

>> No.9024700

>Not pure African.
>Has white genes.
There we go, found the cause.

>> No.9024709

>education system at all levels is filled with democrats and self declared marxists
no really, it is a valid declaration

>> No.9024719

Don't conflate classical liberalism with modern liberalism, two entirely different beasts.

>> No.9024723

>how is this even possible?
a) einstein never took an iq test, so this is already retarded
b) as far as i know IQ only measures your test results compared to others of the same age group. so this kid may be just someone developing quickly.

>> No.9024772

My mother was a special ed teacher with a specialization in testing. She saw hundreds of children flare with talent, only to watch the dream fade as they approached adulthood. Overall, mediocrity prevails.

>> No.9024799

>oh wow, is genetically impossible for a black outlier to score high on IQ test
wow, is nothing.

>> No.9025070


>> No.9025072



>> No.9025113


>> No.9025145

It's amazing how much you are misusing the word /pol/tard to describe anything you don't like

>> No.9025160

It's funny though because we tell /pol/tards the exact same thing but they continue to boast about 'muh high iq' and 'muh master race' even though a good majority of them are mongrels.

>> No.9025186

found the nigger

>> No.9025206

Maybe you shouldn't think of them as "them /pol/tards", bigot.

I bet you'll just ignore the fact that you're as bad as they are.

>> No.9025228

Mandatory diversity.

>> No.9025234

Is that what an 11 year old female looks like nowadays? Ye gods.

>> No.9025259

pick one

>> No.9025292

>implying Marxism ever worked anywhere, ever.

>liberals work?

>> No.9025398

>>inflation of iq
>is this real?

Well, it's more like "deflation of mean average".

>> No.9025500
File: 355 KB, 2500x1548, stephen hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's Stephen Hawkins?

>> No.9025546


Actually it's deflation. A 140 was 99 percentile in 1960. Now, it's 99.6 percentile.

>> No.9025553

>I'm not any smarter.

>> No.9025586

What? Average IQ is on the rise from every previous generation. Average white population IQ of the 1900's by today's metric would be ~70

>> No.9025591

iq isn't an indicator of intelligence

>> No.9025601

>My I.Q. has risen to 170 because the education system has been crippled.
>I'm not any smarter. Liberal education is fucking dumb.

It's actually much more complicated than that. Average intelligence is actually on the rise according to some studies, while our genetic potential for intelligence may be on the decline.

The etiology of this is nowhere near cut and dry, and I would think someone of your "intelligence" would realize that.

>> No.9025603

Average IQ is on the rise*

>> No.9025618

>It's actually much more complicated than that.
Yeah, but you have to adjust your explanations to your audience.

>Average intelligence is actually on the rise

Okay, that doesn't mean anything at all.

When you dumb down the education, you dumb down the questions to match the education. I HAD TO study advanced calc before I graduated, it was a requirement.

They only teach algebra in high school these days.

That is not "on the rise".

>> No.9025624

You're an stupid nigger

>> No.9025629

LOL u tk me 2 da |?

>> No.9025712

>Okay, that doesn't mean anything at all.

Look for corrections before you respond next time.

>> No.9025713

>They only teach algebra in high school these days.

That's not true at all. You're just a middle aged man talking out of your ass.

>> No.9025721
File: 563 KB, 569x802, wDhBWlW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three questions

1) What IQ test did he take? What was the SD?

2) Why is it that kids who score 160 sometimes score 130-140 once an adult?

3) Why do people claim he is smarter than Einstein when Einstein never took an IQ test?

>> No.9025871

No, it's a 17 year old /pol/tard pretending to be a middle aged man with an IQ of 170

>> No.9025906


Average is dropping because they are lowering the bar for 100 I.Q., not because people are getting smarter.

You are so goddamn salty, cry harder.

>People are scoring higher!

That happens when you move the goalposts.

My nephew said that there are only algebra classes in his school. Trigonometry and calculus are college level education.

Now you can be as pussyhurt as you want, but he has no reason to lie to me about something that worthless.

>> No.9025947

>democrats and marxists are liberals
You could at least google the word when you get called out for using it wrong.

>> No.9025950

Birds of a feather, flock together. They may have different names, but they all depend on each other and defend each other.

>> No.9025957

>I HAD TO study advanced calc before I graduated, it was a requirement.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>They only teach algebra in high school these days.
What the FUCK are you talking about?

How are people this deluded, /sci/?

>> No.9025958

too bad there's none left

>> No.9025960

How do you know that he is not pure african?
And what are "white genes"

>> No.9025963

A liberal would be a fucking libertarian, you fucking retard. Nothing about Marxism is liberal, and democrats were only labeled "liberal" because of their positions on gay marriage and the like, which isn't an issue anymore. You are an idiot.

>> No.9025969

liberal = Marxist = democrat

That is how it is these days. Words have been rebranded.

A libertarian is a center to right wing person now.

>> No.9025974

Well your nephew is a budding psychopath because that is a fucking lie. You're a liar too, so it must run in the family: Calculus, advanced or otherwise, has never been required to graduate high school. It is usually offered as an option in the college prep vein, but it's never been a requirement. I don't know what time period you're pretending to be from, but you're full of shit.

>> No.9025980

blocked for trolling to hard.

>> No.9025986

They're not "brands." They're philosophies, so they can't be "rebranded", even if that word applied here. Sorry you're objectively wrong, kiddo. Better luck next time.

>> No.9025997
File: 48 KB, 400x302, wheredoyouthinkyouare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9026000

You better go outside, because people don't really care about the meanings of the words, they have mindlessly adopted those philosophies in the form of a religious belief as a means to get free things from the government, and democrats are trying to get votes based on those foolish hopes of free stuff.

Do you really think that everyone who they claim are "Nazis" are really Nazis? Honestly?

>> No.9026003

4Troll central.

Troll or be trolled.

>> No.9026047

>Average is dropping because they are lowering the bar for 100 I.Q.

Different guy here - is this true? How exactly are they "lowering the bar" on a 100 level score? Have they been making the tests easier or are they just scoring them differently? Source for this info please.

>> No.9026052


As a descriptive but slightly inaccurate example, because this is not exactly what is happening: "A measured 90 I.Q. level becomes the new 100 I.Q. level."

Education has changed, and I.Q. measurement has to change with it.

>> No.9026054
File: 488 KB, 2048x1536, Steve-Irwin-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My nephew said that there are only algebra classes in his school.

Oi mates! look what he have here! Note how the liar crafts his tales carefully. He uses "my nephew" rather than "my son" to distance himself from the source of information and create plausible deniability because he knows his statement is wrong. He knew a father would know better what classes his son was taking in high school and what the school offered, so he threw it onto a "nephew" to save face, because he knows he's full of shit and would be called out on it!

The psychology of online trolls is fascinating, and what better habitat to study them in than their natural one!

>> No.9026056

>As a descriptive but slightly inaccurate example, because this is not exactly what is happening: "A measured 90 I.Q. level becomes the new 100 I.Q. level."

Great, thanks for the descriptive example. How anecdotal of you.

Now again, can you please provide a source for this being true?

>> No.9026059


Fine. Where do they list high school academic course lists online, and I'll bring you a copy.

>> No.9026064

>Where do they list high school academic course lists online, and I'll bring you a copy.

I dunno - I'm an idiot. You're the one with the 170 IQ, so I think you'd be able to figure that one out. I'd think you'd be able to construct a more coherent sentence than that as well - but what do I know. I'm not the 170 level genius here.

>> No.9026072


Here it is. They only offer calculus with the advanced course.


>> No.9026075

Kek. Let's see if your 170 level IQ can figure out how to make an image file smaller

>> No.9026078



>> No.9026083


Ah! It saved as a .pdf

Okay, looking for a way to convert it to a ,jpg


>> No.9026088

Dude - it doesn't matter - you've already proved yourself wrong. You said they ONLY teach algebra in high school, which is not true. You also said that you HAD to pass advanced calculus to graduate high school back whenever, which no US high school, anywhere, has ever required for graduation. Just stop.

>> No.9027641

Aw, did I hurt your feefees? Did you think this was a safe space for retards?

>> No.9027659


>> No.9027896

/pol/ perpetually btfo, so many triggered /pol/tards ITT jej

>> No.9027902

This is the exact opposite of what is actually happening. It's called the Flynn effect. When individuals are given old IQ tests, they consistently score above 100. I don't know how you've never heard of this.

>> No.9027927

My iq is 170 + 1

>> No.9029244

we are*

>> No.9029983
File: 69 KB, 604x453, 1490208239399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my IQ has risen to 170
sure bud

>> No.9029988

well that's the normal distribution for you
whites generally have a higher IQ, which doesn't mean there can't be a black kid with an IQ higher than white average
it's like buying 800 lottery tickets, but some asshole who's only bought 1 has the jackpot

>> No.9029996
