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File: 119 KB, 747x446, Big-Bang-graphic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9021471 No.9021471 [Reply] [Original]

J.Hartnett calls Cosmic Inflation theory an ad hoc assumption rather than specification of a causal mechanism, introduced by Big Bang theorists as a result of three-fold need:[2]

1. Due to extreme density of its initial stages, the early Big Bang scenario was in danger of gravitationally driven re-collapse into a singularity.
2. The lack of "natural explanation" for the extraordinarily uniform and homogeneous properties of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) indicated by the observational evidence.
3. The Big Bang was supposed to produce at early stages so called magnetic monopoles and inflation should disperse them prior to production of elementary particles to allow claims that these magnetic monopoles are too rare to be encountered now.

Is the big bang fake?

>> No.9023309
File: 79 KB, 874x684, brainlette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9023315

>Is the big bang fake?
No. J. Hartnett is.

>> No.9023337

>John G. Hartnett (born 24 March 1952 in Manjimup, Western Australia), is an Australian cosmologist and young Earth creationist. He has been active with Creation Ministries International and is known for his opposition to the Big Bang theory[3] and criticism of the Dark Matter and Dark energy hypotheses.[3]
>He received both his BSc (Hons) (1973) and PhD with distinction (2001) from the School of Physics at the University of Western Australia (UWA). He currently works as a Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. He has published more than 200 papers in scientific journals, book chapters and conference proceedings, holds one patent,[4] works on the development of ultra-stable cryocooled sapphire oscillators[5] and participated on a Sapphire Clock Ensemble project (Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space Mission) run by the European Space Agency.[6] He also has written articles for several creationist journals[7] and, according to Creation Ministries International, Hartnett "believes that God is the real creator of the universe as the Bible says."[8]
J Hartnett is real.

>> No.9023368

You have to be a special lind of retarded to have a PHD in physics and still believe the earth is 5000 years old

>> No.9023408
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, adhom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the physics doctoral brainwashing program doesn't work on certain kinds of retard.

Why should anyone believe inflation really happened instead of the big bang model being wrong?

>> No.9025336
File: 91 KB, 684x727, brainlette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9026191

so he is like the wildberger of physics.
i don't know enough about the big bang model to debate someone.
but i do enough about it to say that the model can easily fi the genesis' account of creation.

>> No.9026206

feel free to give a better explanation why the temperatures in the CMB differ only by 1/100000 degree

>> No.9026531

CMB doesnt exist and is just another of thousands of theoretical concepts pushed as fact, the entire reason galileo got into shit with the catholic church.

not just teaching science theory,

but teaching theory as fact to contradict and reinterpret scripture.

>> No.9026535

fucking choke on a million dicks
reasoning with you would be like playing chess with amoeba

>> No.9026540


>> No.9027465

>Is the big bang fake?
Inflation isn't the same thing as the big bang dingus, it's a very specific big bang.

Inflation correctly predicted that the scalar spectral index would be slightly less than 1, this was confirmed by WMAP and now Planck. This was a significant achievement.

>1. Due to extreme density of its initial stages, the early Big Bang scenario was in danger of gravitationally driven re-collapse into a singularity.
That's not actually true. The curvature of the universe was already known to be very close to flat when inflation was dreamed up, that meant in the past the universe was even more flat and so re-collapse was never on the table. The question was why was it flat.