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9023106 No.9023106 [Reply] [Original]


1/0= infinity

Right? Why not?

>> No.9023110

Infinity isn't a number

>> No.9023112

False because 0 and infinity don't exist.

>> No.9023114

Euler, best mathematician ever, said in his calculus textbook that a/0=infinity

But these brainlets will tell you it's "undefined" or some bs like that. Go figure

>> No.9023116

if you approach from the negative side, you'd get 1/0 = -infinity.

So in a hand-wavy way, you can see that it's inconsistent.

>> No.9023118


1/0= -infinity

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.9023126

so what happens when you do

1/0 + 1/-0 = ?

Do you get 2∞ or 0?

>> No.9023130


neither is divide or multiply. they are ideas.


neither do 4 and 48259.


did he? i always liked playing with his circuits back in school


i would imagine negative infinity occupies the same space as infinity, on a graph lets say. or who cares? its conceptual.


to me it is. i just don't understand how people don't see it.

>> No.9023142

1/0 = infinity
therefore 0 x infinity = 1
also 2/0 = infinity
0 x infinity = 2
therefore 2 = 1
that's why not

>> No.9023151
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>> No.9023154

Lol you can't be serious. Here's an idea, 1/0=kys

>> No.9023162


>> No.9023165


why not?

we don't know what happens when something reaches infinity. perhaps all numbers converge and some sick shit happens bro.


don't constrain my numbers you mathematical fascist.

>> No.9023167

okay what about

>> No.9023170

>why not?
because 2=/=1
doesn't matter what happens at infinity

>> No.9023172

Either op is a bored mathfag triggering people left and right, or he is the biggest retard on this board right now. I lean toward the former.

>> No.9023174
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>> No.9023175

>why not?

wew fucking lad do you not know how logic works? when you make a proposition and the implication of it leads to a contradiction, that is, it leads to a statement that can neither be proven or disproven, then it is outside the confines of mathematics. meaning that your proposition to begin with is invalid.

>> No.9023184


but what if it does afterward?

it might be like going through a portal.

here. in our space and time. 1 does not equal 2

but after going through the portal of infinite possibility anything is possible.

>> No.9023186

my god you're right. all this time i was thinking only from a flat real number line. but in reality, the reflexive property of numbers is relative and 2=1. at long last, you have given me the ultimate theory of general memertivity. god bless you sir.

>> No.9023191

>Reaches infinity


>> No.9023193


thank you. now go forth, and sin no more.

>> No.9023196


stuff reaches infinity all the time.

like if you are ten feet away from a wall. and walk towrd it. you will be at the halfway mark at five feet.

and when you get to 2.5 feet you will have gone halfway again. and again and again. infinitley.

but you will reach that wall. so you broke through an infinite number of halfway points to get there. but you still got there.

>> No.9023202

The distance travelled is not infinity. The number of steps taken isn't infinite either; time is not continuous. Anyway, these are all examples from real life - how does this relate to mathematics? Show me logic, show me proof.

>> No.9023207


the halfway points are infinite.

if you cant see that there is nothing i can do to help you.

perhaps my man Vsauce can


>> No.9023208

but there aren't an infinite number of halfway points, space is quantized at the planck scale

>> No.9023224


i see. so let us imagine that we were shrunk down so small that a Planck space to us appeared to be about ten feet long.

and we are ten feet apart from one another or one Planck space.

how do i get to you?

will it be a smooth transition where i will at some point be at half the distance?

or will i (ironically) warp over to you at infinite speed and never occupy the space between?

>> No.9023226

>what are the surreal numbers

>> No.9023233

There is no space between.

>> No.9023239


so lets say we were ten planck spaces apart.

would I be moving toward you smoothly? or would I jerk toward you at infinitely accelerated leaps and move like a flip book?

either way the speed is either infinite during the leaps or the halfway points are infinite.

>> No.9023245

OP was trolling me pretty good and I was about to pull out limits and the extended reals, but then I remembered how much not being able to divide by zero pisses me off, so now I'm with you 100% OP.

>it might be like going through a portal.
>here. in our space and time. 1 does not equal 2
>but after going through the portal of infinite possibility anything is possible.

>> No.9023251


not a portal per se.

but a sort of bridge between dimensions.

perhaps in other realities all numbers are equal. and our mathematics is simply set up in a way where breaking through infinity corresponds to one of these particular dimensions.

>> No.9023255

please pursue this to completion OP

>> No.9023268


I already did.

and i noticed i havent gotten any logical responce to my breaking infinite halfway points or likewise moving at an infinite speed when trans-versing Planck spaces

>> No.9023283

>moving at an infinite speed when trans-versing Planck spaces
time is quantized too, your speed wouldn't be infinite, it would be at most planck length/planck time

>> No.9023299


now you're just talking shit mate.

there is no proof at all that the Planck space or Planck time even exists other than a wall of nonsense some asshat scribbled on a board and then had other asshats pat him on the back because they are all too ashamed to admit that they dont know what the fuck they are talking about.

if it doesnt make sense. like E=MC^2 or F = G*((m sub 1*m sub 2)/r^2) for gravity. then its just scientific garbage that needs to be thrown out.

if a Planck is as small as it gets what is a singularity? its smaller than a planck isnt it? if not are you saying that a singularity has volume?

>> No.9023304


space is not quantized

time is not quantized

fucking retards

>> No.9023313

Zero is a human made concept; it simply does not exist in nature. Now, stop fucking each other brains.

>> No.9023322


there are zero unicorns

there are zero leprechauns

there are zero women in your life.

there aren't many zeros in your bank account

life is full of zeros.

>> No.9023329

What you're doing is using language to convey your thoughts to me.

>> No.9023334


either find me a unicorn or shut the fuck up

>> No.9023339

Every number is a human made concept. Did you think your nebulous point was contributing somehow?

>> No.9023367

No, not right. Infinity and 0 are not numbers. They are ideas of either having everything or nothing. 0 can go into 1 an infinite amount of times because nothing a billion trillion times is still nothing. However 0 a trillion trillion times still is 0 and not 1 so what you posted is false and the sequence of equations you posted should end at 0.01 to the negative infinity.

>> No.9024126

[math] \displaystyle
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0-} \neq \lim_{x\rightarrow 0+}

>> No.9024133

twice inf? rly?

>> No.9024146

You should have to take a test on basic logic to post on /sci/

>> No.9024147

[math]-\infty = \infty[/math]

>> No.9024165

>0 is not a number

>> No.9024168

I think that one day one man will start counting and as he aproach infinity weird things will happen, and his mind will be so powerfull that huh

>> No.9024183

>a man counting can approach infinite
What drug are you on? I think I need some. Totally for research purposes...

>> No.9024202


>> No.9024207

the absence of something =/= zero exists irl
just that there is not one of it

>> No.9024215

That need to be zero I think, you are adding two equal numbers with a different sign.

>> No.9024240

1/0 = infinity speed rate 1
therefore 0 x infinity speed rate 1 = 1
also 2/0 = infinity speed rate 2
0 x infinity speed rate 2 = 2
therefore 2 ≠ 1

>> No.9024260

Therefore there is 0 of that unit.
0 is an observable value, and so by your shitty definition a number.
For instance, take the flux of an electric field through the surface of an uncharged conductor. Over part of the surface, a net flux exists, making the flux something that exists in the situation; but take the flux of the whole surface area and you have 0Cm^2.

>> No.9024265

Those values aren't defined. Don't try and assign a value to the addition of them.

>> No.9024273

1/x lim x -> 0 is not the same as 1/0, you fucking retard.

>> No.9024279

you must make budgets for gop

>> No.9024504
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