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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9018015 No.9018015 [Reply] [Original]

I've failed Calculus III a total of 6 times, and I am about to fail for the 7th. I am just about to get kicked out from the best thing that happened in my life because I can't deal with this shit.

Why is this shit so difficult?

>> No.9018025

Because you're overthinking it.

>> No.9018029

What the actual fuck?

What is your IQ, OP?

Mine is 130-ish and I learned calculus at 14. It's really not that difficult if you're a brainlet or lazy.

College is supposed to be a signal to employers as to whether you can handle difficult mental work. If you can't pass calculus, maybe you should accept that you aren't cut out for the career you want.

Most people are overconfident about their potential/limitations, and it always bites them in the end.

>> No.9018035

>Did you drop halfway way through at one time or another?
>Where are you studying?
>Is it just the subject or are other things occuring in your life?


>Did you just cheat your way through the first calculus sequence

>> No.9018037

your school allowed you to take it 6 times?

>> No.9018043
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Haven't taken one ever, and I don't think an internet test is what you're looking for. I am not particularly stupid, though. I do well on other courses and speak a foreign language. It's just Calculus and Chemistry that fuck my shit up.

>I am not a stellar student but Calculus is particularly bad

I had no problem with the first two semesters.

Yes, that's how it rolls here. As long as I finish within a given time frame, I can fail as much as I want. Unfortunately, I am reaching that threshold.

>> No.9018049



Found your problem, OP.

How much mud people ancestry? Be honest.

>> No.9018055

As much as I can tell, zero. All my family ancestors came from Europe at one point or another.

If you were to look at the student body you wouldn't guess this is Brazil. It's about 20~30% Asians and the rest mostly white.

>> No.9018060

i find a surprising amount of anons from brazil on here. can't tell if they're just the same 3 people, though.

also i dunno what calc 3 is there, but in burgerville it's normally vector calc.

unless your class is super theory heavy, over here lower div vector calc is probably the most rote memorization heavy math engineering majors take.

>> No.9018073
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Calculus III for me involves double/triple integrals, a handful of theorems(Stokes, Gauss, etc), operators, and finally series. I am calling it Calculus III because it's the third semester.

Sometimes I think that rather than "not getting it", I am just burned out from taking the same classes for such a comically long period of time.

>> No.9018075

Wait, you've taken the class 6 times alredy?!

>> No.9018080


>> No.9018081

holy fucking what? how the fuck is it possible that you're not a literal grandmaster of line/surface integrals and the duke of uniform convergence?

>> No.9018082

This meme will never end, will it?

>> No.9018086

>I've failed Calculus III a total of 6 times

How is this possible? How can you sit through the same lecture six times, do the same set of homework problems six times, and still not comprehend it?

>> No.9018139
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This is precisely what I wanted to ask you guys, although right now you're giving me the same reaction as everyone else I've ever told this to.

Brazil and Japan are culturally very connected. Anime goes hand in hand with that, of course.

>> No.9018153

There is one possibility, you just don't give a flying fuck. If you can't be bothered to study hard enough to comprehend it, you will fail and you will get out of the university. If you don't care enough for that to happen, then you never really wanted to complete university anyway.

>> No.9018194

this DESU. OP is just not scared shitless enough of the reality that he will actually fail. The safety net of being able to retake the same class in excess is a net negative for him.

>> No.9018265

burger bro here, Ive taken Precalc around 3 times I'm probably going to have to take calc 1 a second time

Math is hard, especially when you try to do it all in the summer semester.

>> No.9018290

How the fuck? You only fail a class if you are not studying. I don't know about Brazil but Calc III in my country is a formulaic cakewalk, all the rape is in calc II which drops all the double + triple integer basics plus differential equations which are a clusterfuck with like 7 definitions.

I know math is a big problem in terms of studying because it depends basically on the teacher since book math is dense af. But if you do everything the teacher tells you and bombard him with questions on the slightest doubt, you should at least be capable of doing the final tier excersices

I'm in your exact situation but much worse. I "forgot" to do Calculus I final for two years and got ass raped when I tried despite passing Fluid Mechanics and all manner of year 3 uni stuff. Had to re do the class or go back to first year. Just passed it with promotions this week (I don't have to the final) and I'm now preparing the final for Calculus II that's in two weeks.

really, do all the excersices you are given and look what you can't get up on Youtube and Google

I doens't matt-

Wait, it may actually matter here. But that only pertains to specific abstract problem solving IQ, but anyone who went to school should have it properly stimulated

>As long as I finish within a given time frame, I can fail as much as I want.

Lucky bastard. Here I got two years top or 3 tries, whichever comes first. Got like 9 finals pending

>> No.9018296

What brainlet college you attend? Mine here kicks anyone who fails the same course twice

>> No.9018307

wait have you taken it with the same professor every semester?

>> No.9018335

This is a legit problem in my country Argentina where uni is free. 80% of all applicants just drop out.

>This is precisely what I wanted to ask you guys, although right now you're giving me the same reaction as everyone else I've ever told this to.

I have a problem with math: I easily get confused with binary choices and stuff that looks too similar ie: half my mistakes in math are confusing A with B or plus with minus. While I do pretty well on anything that's theoretical or formula heavy I have serious problems in pure practice like math

You could suffer from this problem... which may a genuinely big problem depending on the career.

The other possible answer is that you don't give a fuck like the other anon said.

why on earth would you kick a student out of the career

>> No.9018342

>why on earth would you kick a student out of the career

exactly because:

>This is a legit problem in my country Argentina where uni is free. 80% of all applicants just drop out.

If you fail a course twice you're obviously a brainlet and/or a lazy fuck and must be removed

Oh and Chile master race :^)

>> No.9018361
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The first give times I had the same professor. He gave up on me and retired.

I am lax with my studies only because I am burned out from doing the same class and exercises over and over again. This class is making me reconsider my career choice, even though I have no trouble with the subjects more directly related to my engineering course(mech).

>> No.9018370

>I have a problem with math: I easily get confused with binary choices and stuff that looks too similar
you might actually be dyslexic or discalculic, try getting tested (both you and op, if it applies to him)

>> No.9018371

honestly it's because you're super lazy and not smart enough to pull it off
you don't deserve shit
they should have kicked you after failing twice or three times

>why on earth would you kick a student out of the career
yeah let's just keep taking their money once they've proven they're worthless and can't make it, huh?

stop and switch majors

>> No.9018379

>I am burned out from doing the same class and exercises over and over again
so you're not only lazy but also a faggot liar
you never did shit. if you actually did them the first time you would have passed.

>> No.9018382

pls no I could not take having a genuine mental illness

but yeah I've suspected I suffer from minor dyslexia all my life.

my advise would be to take some time to forget what you learned and start from 0, but it seems you are all out of time

I aced calculus I becaue I re did the instead of risking fialing the exam for a third time. I immediately noticed how easy stuff that would make me crazy comes to me now. Managed to ace it even after calculus I changed proffesors and the new guys made it so anal 2/3s of the students dropped out or failed the first try

>> No.9018384

So I'm going to guess and say that calc3 is offered 3 times per year.

That means, at best, you have spent two whole years taking one course. In two years, you can not pass the course with the minimum required grade.

Why do you want to pursue any sort of degree path that requires calc3?

Honestly, this can't be real. I refuse to believe that you spent two entire years taking this course and can't even go through the motions to get a minimum score.

>> No.9018386

>I immediately noticed how easy stuff that would make me crazy comes to me now.

Hell, Calc II which was the single hardest class I ever took comes and it comes easy to me now, all I need is to fill the gaps in my notes because I was a lousy note taker then.

>> No.9018391

I took Calc 3 this semester and I did so well I was excempt from having to take the final. That said, I relate to you.

Calculus 3, for me, was at least 10 times harder than Calc 2. I could pass Calc 2 just by being talented at symbol manipulation, but in Calc 3 I found myself drawing and graphing many curves and surfaces just to get a hold on what was going on. Higher dimensions are pretty hard if you ask me. So you see I have the same difficulties as you, but I still succeeded so I'll tell you what I did.

This is what I did: I learned to fear calculus. I fear the name of calculus. Every day I would come back home and the first thing I would do was practice. Multivariable limits, partial derivatives, integrals, double integrals, triple integrals, line integrals, finding critical points, etc. EVERYTHING.

There was one night in particular where I did so many double integrals that I believe I lost all sense of time and reality and just became entangled with double integrals themselves, so much that I ended up making a thread at like 2 AM in the morning here about how double integrals were the most beautiful mathematical object in the universe. It was a fairly popular thread, perhaps a couple of guys here have been there.

So that is what you have to do. You need to snort double integrals like cocaine until you end up half dead at 2 AM doing double integrals and shitposting about double integrals.

>> No.9018394

>I'm bad at math
>you might actually be bad at reading or math!

>> No.9018400
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You're right on track to becoming the next guy on 4chan that posts about weird fetishes, this time with Integrals. Like the guy who gets off to tile patterns.

>> No.9018405

hahahah what the fuck nigga double integrals is just integrating 2 times ahahaha its the same, integrate and then over again hahaahah

>> No.9018410

Well, that's the computational process obviously. What I particularly like are all the little tricks you can do when doing higher dimensional integrals, that you can't do when doing normal integrals.

For example changing the order of integration. That shit was madness. I loved doing that, I felt so clever. Specially when you know that the antiderivative of the integral as given would be non-elementary, but when you switch the order then it becomes a trivial antiderivative. That shit was amazing.

Or when you take the plane and then transform it into another plane to change your weird region into a simple type I region.

It's pretty fun. You are given more freedom with double integrals and I liked that.

>> No.9018446

But that's factually been proven wrong though...


>> No.9018448

Here OP:


>> No.9018459

being lazy or otherwise unable to work hard IS being bad at math

stop using retarded different names for the same thing

>> No.9018504


Jesus fucking christ

>> No.9018524

Keep track of who we are. I'm the compsci brazilian, but I think there is another one.

>> No.9018552

Maybe you just have a bad memory. I for example have a exceptional listening memory, but struggle with memorizing proofs and formulas. That's why when I have problems with something, I watch MIT's open videos about the concept.

>> No.9018560

Khan Academy. Khan Academy over and over and over again. If you're not getting it conceptually, the exercises will never help you for a test.

>> No.9018628


When in doubt:

1) Strive for your ideal place. Remember, those that try to achieve their dreams must go through hardships.

2) That which is dreamed cannot be grasped by force, but work towards it, day after day, and you will find it in your hands

3) Do not compare yourself with others, do only what you can do.

4) To see it through, patience is important

5) When traditional and modern powers mingle, the gate to an unseen world will open

6) No matter how far you go, you must remember that you will still make mistakes and that is fine as long as you have the wisdom to push through. The path to your goals never ends.

7) Connect with other people and your dreams will grow

And absolutely never forget:
[eqn] \text{A believing heart is your magic}[/eqn]

>> No.9018708

Actually this, the Khan Academy is meant to explain Calc stuff in the simplest manner posible. It's great for getting the basics

man this is a surprisignly friendly board. Quite surprising/lit/ is filled pretentious kids and /his/ gets really vitriolic at times

>> No.9018714

that's not being friendly it's little witch academy you pansy

>> No.9018720

>little witch academy
>not little witch ACADEMIA

Jesus christ literally neck yourself m8

>> No.9018734

whoops sorry I didn't mean bob sponge I meant sponge bob buddy, sorry didn't mean to offend you!

>> No.9018767


How do you pass cal 1 and 2 and fail 3? Its literally just doing all of the previous stuff in 3 dimensions.

You're retarded.

>> No.9018870
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well it's the intention what matters

>> No.9018962

>Brazil and Japan are culturally very connected.
Fuck you I almost spilled my coffee