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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9017994 No.9017994 [Reply] [Original]

>muh Common Core

It's incredible how quickly you spot a dumbass redneck who doesn't know math when they see an image like this and spout their kneejerk reactions.

>B-B-BUT 8 + 5 ISN'T TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's not what the question is asking you horse-fucking retard. It's asking to make 10 during the process of adding 8 and 5. Obviously, to do this, you take 2 from 5 and add it to 8. Then you have 10 and 3. Finally, add 10 and 3 to get 13. This is basic fucking associativity:

8 + 5
8 + (2 + 3)
(8 + 2) + 3
10 + 3

There's a reason why hicks shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.9017996

Or I could just add 5 to 8 and get 13 in one step.

>> No.9017997

>People will unironically sperg out that this isn't how math should be taught since they don't understand it.

>> No.9018003

>One step

Try solving 97*103 in one step, instead of making 10,000 and working from there.

>> No.9018007

I wasn't taught common core growing up but I can see its merit. I find myself separating numbers in base ten and re-adding them in my head, it makes simple calculations much faster. I'm sure I'd've done better in math courses in grade school had I learned this way.

>> No.9018013

>what are calculators
>thinks that these 'methods' still work when doing advanced mathetmatics

>> No.9018018

people confuse operations with algorithms. Addition is an operation, which can be done via a number of algorithms.

Dumb parents see their kids homework and get mad because they're using a different algorithm and to the parent addition *IS* the algorithm they were taught.

>> No.9018024

Most common core math is intended to cement algebraic properties and fundamentals which I've seen kids in the highest levels of undergrad math somehow completely lack.

By teaching these concepts much earlier with much easier mechanics (basic arithmetic) it can set these kids up for a higher potential.

Faggots (nothing against gays but these redneck cuckservative "family values" retards are the true definition of a faggot).
These faggots don't understand that we are not teaching these kids basic operations, yeah, most middle school kids had hundreds and thousands of arithmetic homework problems which lead to nothing; just blindly performing an operation. And then you get the classic "I was great at math until high school" and that's it, right there. The moment we went into algebra 1 and stopped just blindly performing operations everything fell apart and now you're a fucking secretary or hvac installer.

>> No.9018026

I just really wish these parents would stop breeding. Too bad nerds are too ugly and socially malformed to have sex, otherwise we'd be a species of superhumans by now.

>> No.9018027
File: 45 KB, 900x371, commoncore-math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use normal addition and subtraction? Stack the numbers and do that math! I'm not against teaching kids different methods of learning, but this system is clearly geared towards more 'feminine' learners. I just like to do the problem with the least amount of bullshit possible.

>> No.9018028

is this just the same person responding to his own post over and over? why are you so salty about common core?

>> No.9018034


Get the fuck out of here brainlet

>> No.9018038

I'm only one of those. And this thread is about being salty about other people being salty about common core.

To me it's annoying because it's stupid, ignorant people complaining about a correct way to do math, and saying it's wrong.

>> No.9018046

What is 1,000,300 minus 600? Are you really going to stack that, or are you going to minus 2, and then minus 1?

That said CC definitely does have an agenda behind it.

>> No.9018052

I don't like common core because I figured this shit out on my own instead of being spoonfed.

>> No.9018053

>There's a reason why hicks shouldn't be allowed to vote.

"Hicks" were the most obstinate voting demographic against common core. Why do you think Trump got elected? One of his talking points was the elimination of common core and re-institution of state controlled education programs and charter schooling.

>> No.9018065

97*100 + 97*3

9700 + 291

9991 ez

>> No.9018067

You forgot the part where 9700+300-9
t. never learned common core

>> No.9018072
File: 32 KB, 237x304, 1498882142987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't calculate 97*3 in his head without degenerate tricks
whats it like not being autistic?

>> No.9018079

I have my share of autism. I only do that if the number is close to a power of 10.

>> No.9018165

Correct? Yes.
Efficient or intuitive? Not at all.

>> No.9018786

This I understand, but I don't think teachers should discourage a students own intuitive strategies as long as they work. These kids are gonna hate math even more.

>> No.9018792

>Apples and oranges are the same!

>> No.9018795

It is the same concept though, god you're stupid.

>> No.9018800

Why don't you take 7 from 8 and 3 from 5 and add them?
or 8+5 = 13 + 10 - 10 + 10 - 10 + 10 - 10 + 10 - 10 + 10 - 10
Now there are 10 10s.
What's the point of this?

>> No.9018803

No, this is just retarded and obfuscates the purpose of using math. Saying 'how do you make a number less than a different number' doesn't help with learning how to use math. It's shit like this which is why kids don't finish algebra until they're 16. If they were just taught how to use math instead of stupid tricks to make it seem quicker they would have actual foundations and there wouldn't be as many chucklefucks here complaining about how hard calculus is.

>> No.9018807

>All this CC defending ITT
Listen up cucks, I'm an engineer with education in higher math topics like Differential Equations. CC math is incorrect and will get you terminated in any professional environment.

>> No.9018809

you clearly don't understand math.

>> No.9018816

Multiplication and integration are iterative processes while addition is not. There is never a need to break apart addition since it is always one step. Multiplication is adding additives and can be rewritten in multiple ways, summing differentials similarly can be rearanged to reflect a different curve and so can be approached differently. Tell me, why would you ever break apart a single step into multiple steps that are the same. 128+33 = 161 = 120 + 8 + 30 + 3 = 120 + 20 -2 -14 + 47 = 161 + 20 - 30 + 10
What's the fucking point in dragging out a single additive step into more steps when there is no change in the meaning you troglodyte?

>> No.9018817

The first time I saw that I was like holy hell how the what the what if I saw that on my kid's homework I'd be like what the fuck. I've seen other shit like this. Also they are making kids write the letter a like a cents sign.

That question is vague. You could also take three from eight or three from the sum so fuck this teacher.

>> No.9018841

This is such a freshman post.

>> No.9018851

>gg totes BTFO Mensa level response
since we're apparently no longer talking meaningfully I would also like to add that if you need to do this shit for anything on or above the freshman level you should remove yourself from STEM entirely.

>> No.9018873

what is even the point of teaching this type of stuff instead of propositional logic and inferences? that's way more important as it plays a major role in doing proofs of basic 9 axioms of the real numbers which you can then use for vector spaces and inductions and arithmetic and congruences and so on. kids could learn all that shit so fast it's absurd that they waste their time trying to figure out how to add 19349 to 235.

>> No.9018881

Why not 8 + 5 + x = 10


>> No.9019027

And that, my friend, is why the question is bollocks. There's too many ways to answer it.

Why take 2 from the 5, and not the 8?
Why not use algebra?
What does it even mean to 'make 10'?

I'm glad I never saw a bullshit question like this back in highschool. I would get so mad over the dialectics alone.

>> No.9019051

It's easier to add 10 and 3 (if you're a little kid or never learned addition before, which is what this technique is aimed for).

>> No.9019055

Are you retarded? These kinds of """tricks""" (they're really just applications of fundamental algebraic rules) are exactly what is going to build a kid's intuition for numbers.

>> No.9019056

Here's your dots.

>> No.9019075


probably the dumbest post I have read in a long time and you tried to sound smart with it.

instantly kys

>> No.9019093

addition can be derived from first principals with literally no input at all from anyone. Perhaps these techniques should focus on teaching how to think instead of unnecessary make-work.

>> No.9019099

that's not the question.
it's how to make 10 [math]\textit{when}[/math] adding 8+5. i.e. during the process of adding 8+5, how do you obtain 10.
the problem seems to be with english not maths

>> No.9019101

>Perhaps these techniques should focus on teaching how to think instead of unnecessary make-work.
The point of CC math is that it makes it easier to do basic arithmetic in your head, it's not "unnecessary make-work".
Meanwhile, I grew up in the 70's and we were taught an excessive amount of "thinking".
Do grade school kids really need to learn math in base 8? Did we need to spend weeks on the number line?

>> No.9019224

What the fuck even is common core? Every time someone posts about it, it's always a math problem showing addition. Isn't it something more general like standardized curriculum or something?

>> No.9019298

>. Isn't it something more general like standardized curriculum or something?
Yes, but nobody has issues with that aspect of it. Instead they focus on the fact that math is taught differently than they way they learned it back where they were in elementary school.